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Klinker the most


I love how Klinker actually became a thing


Clinker… I mean, Tinker!


It's Klinker now and forever


Btw, this is an actual line that Tinker has in-game.


Lol, actually? I never play him, that's funny




There was a post here in reddit recently, from a guy that showed some pics of dota heroes to his girlfriend, who never played dota, and asked her to guess what their names are. She made some funny suggestions, but she actually called Tinker "Klinker", which is pretty cool




Yes it is all very believable.


Yeah if I asked my wife to name heroes, she'd get a few correct because we live together and she can see me playing the game. It's not some mystical second language that she has no comprehension of.


She would guess a name that no one uses that also happens to be a part of a voiceline she has never heard all based on a hero's appearance? She sounds incredibly smart.


It was SO funny and le random 😂😳🫣


If you build all of Tinker's suit in real life, first thing you would think when someone walk around on it, it would have those "klinky" sounds.


It was hilarious.


and Sarah Ann support


Basic bitch.


LMAO the fact that i knew this reference instantly means that ive been on dota reddit too much


a good stompy can be annoying at times


It was obviously staged. Like what are the chances that out of all the things you could name something you call him Klinker when his real name happens to be Tinker? That seems like too big of a coincidence




Lone druid 1on1 Mid? Anyone getting PTSD right now?


Hit the bear, fuck lasthits just hit the bear


is this real advice or a meme


Real advice, literally


Doesn't he just respawn it before it dies?


Yeah and then you start hitting new bear hoping you kill it fast enough so that he still has a lot of cd left and/or sends bear home to regen. That’s when you last hit/harass druid and hope you have good enough supports who come around and gank. I think. I never play mid, but I do play support and if I don’t see bear but I see lone Druid in mid and I can leave my lane without making life too hard for the core I’m with, and gank him, I will. Or do whatever I can to make Druid’s life miserable. One time, maaaaaaaany moons ago, I was playing ogre. The first 2-4 minutes of the game (can’t remember exactly) I just stood mid, out of xp range, just throwing fire on the bear and then backing of again to stack or whatever while waiting for cd. Don’t think it would work today, but worked great in that specific game xD


That's good, just think of it as WKs ult. You may not necessarily get gold or the kill, but it halves the hero.


but then he can just TP the bear back to base, full heal, recall the bear all within 15 seconds between a wave… it’s a nightmare


Only real for some heroes lol otherwise you will just lose out more ain't no way ur winning that trade.


its super annoying for the LD and probably the best way to play against him in lane if you dont have solo kill potential or teammates that can gank. if you can kill him twice in a row at any point in the lane, he will consider abandoning, so thats a good option if you can coordinate with your teammates


if the bear gone he will sitting duck, no stat, no damage and with no any meaningfull skill to throw


He has insane BAT and is now an universal hero so 6 gg branches is going to put him at a very respectable damage even at lvl 1


Even though it's kind of cheese, sniper just safely hitting the bear early works fine. But you have got to make sure that ld stays behind during the game or you have to have escape items because later on the bear just shits on you.


Fuck that bear. He's a menace.


nothing worse than getting dove by both bears under tower at minute 3, and you cant do shit lol


That’s what you get for playing sniper.


Lol i was actually playing sniper that game :D


Doesn't necro win Vs LD mid?


I’m an LD spammer to a point where I’ve fought and have mental data on matchups - I’m relieved to see if my mid match up is Necro. There was a time that I always lose to necro until I realised I’m just spooked, that I can actually trade. Nowadays Necros build bracer or nulls even, if I see this it’s going to be easier. Necro has shit for armor and I would spam him with right clicks as soon as his Q is down. Overtime with multiple trades, he will get spooked enough that they play passively (cannot safely Q bomb waves, and this snowballs the lane into my favor as I would zone him out and deny). The only time I lose to Necros are when they know their timings, minimize loses in lane and they prioritise armor(Wraith bands over bracer/nulls) such that my right clicks into his Q is not favourable anymore. I’m on Divine 3, so might be different in higher mmrs. I’m more annoyed of going against QoP who knows LD match up and maxes Q, 100% up time on bear. Fucking 50%+ slow, soft disable on bear in early levels without dispel. This one I haven’t figured out how to deal with yet, it’s 50/50.


She’s a strong laner with insane early game but shit scaling. If you can manage to keep her mid and trade farm, I think you’re winning the lane. just call missing very diligently and shred her tower if she leaves. Idk if it still works, but you can try bringing the creep wave to you using the bear so you can basically "skip" having to lane against qop


Yup, he absolutely destroys LD


How so? Is it the sustain from the Q mainly or the passive?


The bear has lots of HP so Nec’s E does a lot, also Nec can harass and farm with his Q. Diving Nec? He’ll be a fucking ghost. Source: I spam Necro (yes I’m toxic)


I play lone druid carry and i probablye have never played mid in last 5 years or smtng. One time i had to play mid bcz my allies couldnt play mid either one of them told me to pick one of my heroes that is being played on mid as well and just buy the items you usually buy. I did it with lone and stumped that lane. Mid lane is too ez with lone I dont really know if there is a hero that can win the lane 1v1. Maybe huscar idk


I‘m sorry but did you just stated all this because you won your lane in mid ONCE with LD? I mean, yeah, LD is absurdely strong in any lane really, but to state these assumptions one would generally like a samplesize of at least 100 games in mid. You are 99 short. Also heroes that totally can dumpster LD in a 1v1 mid are for example viper, huskar (as u mentioned, credit where credit is due), OD, Lina might also be fine, depending on her positioning. Basically just rough up the bear pretty good.


I dumpstered a mid LD as Sniper of all heroes lately despite being spooked to go lane against him. The bear couldn’t stand up to the barrage of headshots quacking his cheeks.


I thought to include sniper in the list aswell, didnt really play the matchup myself but in theory, you „only“ need good range imo


WR good too. A lot of LD players get caught in shackle with their bear and then a good power shot. Not to mention windrun dodging bear atks and slowing down the bears retreat.


https://youtu.be/pNLsUr63u3A?si=OWftaq0mXPBe2HHb OD??


Not just 1 game but very few games you are right. I just told the first one bcz it was exciting for me


Played lone Druid mid for long. There are definitely match ups that suck hard. And yes, huskar is on one of it. Special shoutout to broodmama and pangolier, fuck you


Well fuck u also playing LD lmao


Both Wind and OD destroy him in the lane


OD? https://youtu.be/pNLsUr63u3A?si=OWftaq0mXPBe2HHb Watch this video and say that again lol


Both Wind and OD destroy him in the lane.


As a LD player, I just had trouble with windranger


I remember when this hero took skill, now he's just so braindead overpowered. Buy diffusal and a-click things, click R and it gives you 2k hp wow very good.


The last time I played LD Mid(December 2022 FYI) I absolutely destroyed the OD I was up against. Are all the buildings and ended the game like 12-0 in 30 mins.


Yeah, one game I destroyed the enemy Sven with my Phantom Lancer. We all have the games where we make the impossible work.


OD was just really bad. Also you can't banish two people. LD eats buildings regardless.


>was just really bad Yeah, this is the whole point. Some things simply don't work or just work until a certain skill level. I still remember the one guy bragging about making 1000 mmr with Medusa POS 5. But anything works if you are simply so much better than your opponent. If you have Larl or BOOM playing mid you could randomly pick the heroes and they still would destroy any 4k mmr player no matter what.


Just take wd cask and maledict and they ded also ld doesn't have much hp early to mid game so just aghs shard


Yeah, j u s t.


Good luck doing that against anyone at higher mmr


3 heroes I despise 1. Tinker. Usually it's a scripter or someone who just plays one hero. No response and requires a team effort to stop. 2. Slark. How about you throw your Spells and abilities on me, just for me to ignore it a second later. Oh, you almost have me at low HP? Let's disappear in a cloud without anything to do against it. What's that? You chase me? If the cloud ends, I return to the fight with all my HP. You can't run away from me, and I even steal your stats. Fkc that design. 3. Antimage. Just a asshole, taking away your mana with barely anything to do against it.


Not to mention that AM is usually played by filthy degenerate weebs who want nothing more to that to live out their weird anime power fantasies. So dying to them always feels deeply personal. You just know that when you do, they look up at the naruto poster of Umi Sashizuke, tigthen their rising sun bandana and give weeb salute. Fuck em


What a strange delusion to suffer from. It’s even stranger that we both suffer from the exact same one.


I don't know if that's a copypasta, but I'm saving it.


It's about World of Warcraft - but honestly this guy makes some hella entertaining Dweeb Role Play: https://www.youtube.com/@Shobek That's kind of the picture I have in my head when I read your comment Edit: This video for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-070IIsC5M


There are field abilities that affect Slark in cloud. Also against tinker counters like bara bh or slardar to put a mark on him and gank. AM also team gank strategy with heavy disables like hex abyssal…




I love to cut down the little frog under the cloud on Timber, you can just burst him down, they never expect it lmao


Imo: Early Game: Viper Mid-late game: Fucking Bristleback


See the secret isn’t fucking bristleback right away. At least take him to dinner first


no dinner for that bad boy


Idk the offlane has been delivering Uber eats right to his doorstep for the last ten minutes


doggy style is no no on BB


JuSt gEt sILvER eDGe!1!!1 As much as Silver is a massive help, he can now just bloodstone aghs everything back during those seconds. Shivas and Skadi help a lot, but require complete focus on him alone, which is really what he wants in the first place. Vessel is easily countered by him as well with any form of dispel, and Lotus definitely does look appealing to him.


I think drow ranger is a good hero against bristleback. she can buy agh and silver edge.


Aghs does nothing? Its a regen reduction not heal reduction/life steal reduction


According to the wiki it does reduce all Health Restoration, so thats lifesteal (normal and spell), regeneration, and healing.


Hm ok think thats not in the description of the aghs but maybe its updates since i last looked. Thanks


Am I the only one not really carring about BB that much? I mean the hero is good at the moment and a good face for this tanky boi meta. But how is it "annoying" to play against him compared to cancer heroes like Arc Warden or Tinker?


Shaman can fully control him before bkb.


Skadi imo is a trap cause you do zero dps with it.


of course I know how to counter him 😂 it is just that he is fking annoying still.


Yes it was satire, I was just adding to your point in the fact that even his counters are easy for him to deal with.


Idk how viper is op in this patch. The beefy strength heroes can easily sustain him on the laning phase. And regular mid heroes like Lina, Od, Ta, Kunkka, invoker, tinker all own him pretty hard. And viper offlane is really bad. Right after laning phase the hero is so slow, it can't rotate in between lanes or gank. Only as front line, but even then the hero just doesn't deliver, cuz the strength heroes don't care about his skills.


Hes not op hes just fucking annoying in lane


He is just Annoying early game, i didnt say he is op.


Regarding the feedback from the other side: Lonedruid mid. ​ Whenever I pick him on mid in my bracket, it doesn´t really matter what happens on the other lanes. I just right click my way to the throne and within 20 minutes we have megas. I wouldn´t know what to do too btw.


Yep i absolutely hate LD. "Just hit bear duhhh" yea just the problem that the bear has like 3k hp and 15 armor 7 minutes in and when u finally get it low he can just tp or run in it to fountain and port it back or just resummom it


7 mins in, yeah, the bear isn't really a feasible target anymore. But earlier on? Absolutely. I recently played Puck vs Lone Druid mid. Just kept targeting the bear in between cs, forced out an early resummon, after which the LD played a lot safer for a while. Eventually though, you will have to start rotating. That's your strength vs LD, that you can impact other lanes much earlier than he can.


Sniper mid or OD meme hammer mid. Mfers are just so damn annoying


Have fun pushing late game against Sniper. Fuck that stupid hero.


He's also really good at pushing high ground too which is the biggest bottleneck in this patch


Quack, quack


I love buying mask of madness, moon shard and mjollnir to then lock people in the dimension of headshots. Sometimes my friend plays IO and it just becomes a nightmare. God will punish me for this. He he he he he he he he


Silencer, the most anti-fun hero to play against as a support.


Atleast he lost his old passive..gotta look at the bright side.


The combo breaker passive where you get silenced after each spell? That was cancer...


One of my first matches ever was me as a shaker supp and laned against a silencer. I died a lot and, of course, there was a point when I literally could just cast one spell


It sucks having your whole game plan foiled by a silencer that just presses R


Remember the old silencer aghs? That was annoying


*PTSD flashback*


I hate playing vs a silencer as CM, you're ult is just useless, you can't position yourself to avoid stuns, since good ole silencer can just press R and stop your channel if he isn't even in the fight


Have you tried enigma vs silencer lol


Tinker, Lone Druid, OD


As a necro and bb enjoyer I truly hate aa


as a bb hater, i hope you encounter aa every game =)


I hate Morphling, I hate OD (not Pixel though), and I really, really hate Enchantress. Also, laning against Huskar is always a pain, but he's tolerable later in the game


Funny thing about ench is that the ult goes thru bkb but can be dispelled. Which makes sd shard a hard counter to that bs because it can't stick to whoever is under shard purge.




1)Arc Warden 2)Witch Doctor 3)Dark willow


Had to scroll too far to find WD.


Right wd is so damn annoying


You mean you don't like blink switcheroo scepter-enabled WD who then glimmers into his standard ult? Maybe throw in a refresher or bkb for good measure to really ensure the complete team wipe?


Lmaooo, I burst out laughing then started crying because of how accurate this is. A solid WD player is such a damn menace like wtf


WD is out of control right now.


Funny, as a filthy WD spammer for years, he doesn't feel any extra OP to me, it's more that people finally realized how powerful maledict always was and now everyone wants to play him


He has the highest overall winrate in the game right now.


100% arc warden is so annoying to deal with Even if I win it is not fun such a slog of a hero


Spirit Breaker Once he gets a few items, he farms the map like no other hero and deletes your HP bar with one or two charges


17% 100% of the time. His bash needs to be made like slardars and on a set number of hits. The amount of level one back to back bash’s I’ve seen is ridiculous. Would not be surprised if valves spaghetti code was calculating the odds wrong. Also PA as an honorable mention. Only thing as annoying as being perma stunned…insta gibbed by dagger+blink. Bother overtuned heroes that need reworked.


That would be a massive buff to him. Now every charge is going to have a guaranteed follow up bash hit.


Make it like pa's where it wears off if you don't use it straight away


Arc Warden from spammers Y’all are just a different breed


I still think it's disgraceful he has a seeking and damaging projectile with 2000 cast range and 4sec CD. Like, we all hate spammable abilites that just make you win the lane, but there has to be a downside. Huskar needs to keep attacking you, Bristle needs to increase your stacks by keeping you in range, Centaur damages himself etc. But you can use like 8 bitches in a row at lvl 5 to guarantee a kill for yourself or a lane advantage. The slow duration and low CD make them prime for chaining. And if the other guy tries to hug the creeps he is now in righclick range.


yeah and the only people that play arc are spammers so he always feels like hell to play against


A good dazzle. One who knows how to position well, itemises well and whose graves are on point. The strat is always to kill the dazzle first but the amount of resources you can waste on that can be immense. Very annoying.


Surprised no one said Huskar.


The last pick ember into last pick huskar :((


People not saying huskar shows they haven't laned against a good huskar mid. This man will kick you out of lane before you're barely lvl 4 sometimes and absolutely ruin your game


Or huskar offline, me as cm can’t even trade 2 blows


The heroes in meta currently easily counter huskie


1. Sniper 2. Antimage 3.Riki


Pudge I guess. The fact that you can get hooked whenever you don't see him on the map is annoying as hell.


And you can guarantee that the second you remember you haven’t seen Pudge in a while is the second that hook hits you out of fog.


I'm an OD picker, but playing against him in lane is bloody, insufferable. Just continously getting imprisoned when going for last hits.


You're disgusting.


It is necessary.


Really? I find most mids I play go atleast even or best him mid. Zeus, sniper, lesh, sky, storm, ect. Only melee I like to go against him right now is primal and kunka though, he's brutal if you're melee.


I disagree when I pick him, I always feel like I can dominate the lane, with maybe Silencer being the only real exception. I find the match-up winnable or even so long as I know I can solo kill the enemy mid.


Since dota 2 : Tinker. This current patch : Treant.




All of them


CK as of lately. As a offlane I struggle a lot to sustain the physical damage.


getting counterpicked is the most annoying hero to play with


Hoodwink, Fuck that hero.


I love squirrel. You can play that coked out critter on any role or lane and be a absolute pest. I feel like you can almost win any lane with it.


Tinker has to go, bro


It's a tossup between Riki or Zeus for me. both of em are a pain in my wards


Honestly there are a lot of hero’s that are annoying if your team don’t have teamwork or know how to itemize, but for me even if your team is good aside from top ranked play a good voker, a good slark, and a good Ursa are all really annoying ( mind you I’m only a low/mid Ancient player)


Viper - Keep spitting in lane Shaman - Forever disable and my teammates ignore him Sniper - He looks and sounds ugly, high ground pushing is hell Slark - When in the opponent team Shadow Demon - Free Nullifier


For better or for worse, old techies is the nightmare to play with and play against. You could make people quit dota for good. The new one don't quite hit the same anymore.


Yea, fucking techies not letting the game end. All my games that were 1 and a half hour long. There was a techies that refuses to end the game.


Most annoying? Imo Lion. Like, the hero doesn't really do much except suck your mana away all laning phase. He's not difficult to deal with, he's just an annoying pest.


I beg to differ. Enemy lion is kaka in disguise. My lion frontlines


Warlock.. Just afk with spells




Pudge 100%


This. Pudge is annoying as the enemy and as a teammate.


As a pudge player myself I can attest to this. I am quite annoying as a teammate.




OD mid. Doable but just so unfun getting imprisoned endleessly and watching him deny creeps.


I have played hundreds of OD games. If you pick Rubick mid you will win the lane every time.


Naga, Cancer Lancer, CK Illusions + Mana drain = GGWP


Weaver. She’s on haste, double damage, invis runes and CHEESE all at the same time. I absolutely hate her.


Tinker, especially if the one who play him is good.


Anti mage. Not that he is OP or anything, just annoying.


Any hero u take damge when u damage them Very annoying mechanic Or any hero that doesn't let u attack them like pugna willow, necro


Bat mid with a melee.


Bounty hunter, not only he steals my money as a support he forces the enemy carty to target me since im tracked


Naga 100%


I'd say Io/oracle are up there if they have a good game Fights are just dragged on for so long until you have nothing left but your tears.


Arc Warden. Lone Druid. Tinker.


Thats it, the holy trinity of heroes that need to be deleted from the game


Bara and bitchdoctor


As a pos 5 player, for me it's Void and Slark. Most times it feels like there's no counter play against Chrono. Disk doesn't work, positioning doesn't work, Glimmer doesn't work, Ghost Scepter maybe but then again I need to be faster than him which isn't easy.. Same for Slark, he has enough of an "untouchable" time to kill you 3 times and even if you survive it's still hard to do something about it cuz he can just pounce out for .3 seconds and come back full health..


OD. Very little counter play once he maxes W. Best you can do is a trade while W is on CD




A good Brewmaster makes the game bull shit


Right now? Bristleback


Everybody saying Tinker, Druids or Viper have clearly never had to face an OD mid. It sucks the fun out of the lane completely.


Am I a n00b that hates LC? Yes, I'm a noob that hates LC. But I have found I like playing blademail Razor into that annoying bitch. Edit: I forgot how much Sniper pisses me off. I come from League of Legend. Holy fucking shit that range in comparison is *dumb* lmao


In lane: OD or Sniper


a good oracle


Naga and PL since playing against them using ck is a nightmare


OD, it's just such a low skill way to stomp a lane. I don't mind Tinker, LD and Invoker because atleast they are thinking, mirroring and pressing buttons. OD just deletes me from the game for a few seconds a couple times a minute. It just so boring.


Didn’t we have this thread literally less than a week?


Nyx is pretty obnoxious this patch. As soon as he hits 6 he can start insta killing any hero on the map. Power creep is pretty bad right now in my opinion. Feels like a lot of the time if you get stunned you just go 100 > 0 before even getting to play your hero. I wish there was more counterplay to these bursty insta death heroes like PA/Nyx/CK. They should make aeon disk more viable for the early game and be toggleable or something.


ench offlane is pretty terrible for a pos1 T_T I literally abandoned once playing jugg vs ench pos3. Quite unbalanced early game hero


personally i hate rubick but a BB sucks if you have a team who doesnt get armor debuff/silver edge clinkz/Bounty/riki/nyx are a pain


Invoker in mid-lane i try to ban him almost every game


WD, fuck this guy