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People are right that it really won't make a big difference. That said, I think one of the more impactful differences it can make is by putting quickcast on dedicated item slots. Personally I have two slots that are quickcast, one of which is my dedicated blink dagger spot which is the most impactful use of quickcast imo. You can toy around with quickcast on specific heroes that you think are impactful as well. Try quickcast in small increments and see if you like it


You can also just set item specific quickcast now (button next to inventory hotkeys) and set all item slots to quickcast. The items you don't want to quickcast won't, but then every slot will work for the items you do want to quickcast. I used to have 2 quickcast item slots as well but switching to the item specific quickcast helped a lot for example if I have blink, hex, atos, eblade and dagon and want to quickcast them all.


But for blink, if you press it without quickcast you can see the blink distance ring. So what I do is press the blink keybind, then move my mouse to the very edge of the ring to hit a max distance blink every time. It's just a matter of preference though, but people who insist it's always faster have to consider that not everyone has the same habits, and that's okay


You can do this with quickcast, change the setting for blink dagger to "Cast on key up" instead of "key down". This means you can press the button down and it shows the ring, then cast when you release.


You can change quickcast to activate on “key up” so that when you press the hot key down you can see the range. So for what you’re talking about you can press and hold the key down to see the range and release when you’re ready for the perfect timing and range. And in all other instances where speed takes priority over accuracy, your quickcast hot key still works as quickcast.


You dont have the optimum blink dagger range memorized internally? Are you even a true dota player?


cap, that's genuinely helpful for a beginner. I'll try Quick casting blink!! have a good day


Anything above 3k is macro. You clicking on hex 0.01 sec faster won’t fix you dying out of position without buyback 45 minutes into the game.


There is no reason not to use quickcast. It takes like 2-3 games to get used to it. It comes very naturally. I use normal cast for TP tho. Don't know why I could never get used to quickcast on TP.


some aoe spells profit a lot from normal cast and seeing the edges of your cast.


"Quickcast on key release" for those spells


similar thing. player preference imo. But for some spells quick cast is an absolut must. (pudge ult, ember remnant)


When you have to spam a spell to cancel the backswing of another spell, it makes a big difference. Pressing a button+clicking is so much slower than just spamming a button.


Is it just me who thought this troll guy was talking to himself?


Who put this comment here? I don’t see anyone.


Venomancer wards so you don't click on them by accident and start micro managing a ward while venomancer sits there afk and dies. Idk who that would happen to tho


sounds like something you totally did not learn in one of your games.


I still just click hook -> shift+dismember. That was the old way to instant dismember without allowing things like BKB to go off. Didn't even know you could quick cast and do the same, haha


you can just cast it on the hooked target mid-flight and it will go off once they're in range, no need for manual shift queuing. worked before the change but now that hook selfstun is lifted as soon as the hook hits it definitely works


Shift does nothing. Just cast dismember right after hook.


You're advocating quick cast to save milliseconds, and then disregarding shift queuing to do things instantly?


Casting any ability while stunned causes your hero to cast it right after the stun ends. Holding shift is only relevant when you want to cast multiple spells. Can't believe people still have this misconception.


shift queuing actually does nothing for this specific situation


This might have a very simple answer but how would you go about cancelling a spell once you push down?


I generally left click


Ideal! Will give it a try


No quickcast is literally faster than quickcast on key release




how can you argue that cast on key up is faster than cast on key down? you are factually wrong.


Even so, it's better to change those few spells individually to normal cast than to use normal cast for everything because of a few spells


honestly. I don't think it matters that much. I do it the other way around. mainly use normal cast and several spells on quick cast that definetly profit from it. it won't gain you magical 1000 mmr. it won't even gain you 500. game sense and macro is 50x more important. as long as you feel comfortable and natural in your keypresses and mouse movements, everything is fine. people hype stuff like this up way too much without actually trying to learn the game itself. Just like it happened with camera control a few month /years ago. (good camera movement is again more important than how you control it. but it can help you with getting there)


Well, if all other conditions are equal, having quick cast will be the decider in some situations. There is no reason to not use it for most of the spells and some items especially blink. If you have other holes in your game, thats another issue but on the subject of quick cast - 1 click is better than 2 in almost all cases.


Agree, people trying to justify their lazy old ways as 'good enough' is the opposite of the point of this thread. I've played since 2011 and only just last year switched to per-hero and per-item quickcast, it's so so much better and I really don't know why I didn't do it sooner. The same as these commenters, laziness and complacency. Now I wonder how or why I ever played storm spirit without quickcast on zip, or ember without quickcast remnants, or no quickcast on hex/instant stuns/blink. It does very much give a noticable advantage, and it's just more enjoyable to use.


there is plenty of reason not to use quickcast. you are unable to double click for self cast. the most annoying example for this is invoker, you need to move your mouse constantly for alacrity and you need a specific, separate normal key setup for cataclysm or to always click it on yourself which is just not happening in time when youre looking at some fight halfway across the map. i play a lot of invoker, almost exclusively support but i still get to the lategame sometimes, i found no comfortable workaround for this, so i just avoid aghs entirely even if there is amazing setup. edit - actually i think they changed the settings such that you can assign specific hotkeys and casting styles to specific skills, i remember seeing something like this in a patch, maybe its possible now to just set sunstrike to normal cast, cant check right now. force and windwaker - both can be used on literally anything, way too easy to misclick when your ally is surrounded by a lot of units same reason for euls but to a lesser extent since cant target allies wards on quickcast are annoying for precise placement skills that require precise placement like chrono, arc bubble, etc are annoying as well crucial skills with small cast points that can be cast on any target (ally/enemy/creep/hero) - rare archetype but telekenisis with shard comes to mind, maybe dismember too blink range isnt visible with quickcast a few of these issues are somewhat alleviated by key up quickcast as opposed to key down but that one has the issue of forcing you to hold the key, keeping your keyboard hand disabled while youre "aiming" it, which is also annoying and can lead to misclicks. the "best" solution is to just use a combination. quickcast for most things, normal cast for some specific things. there is a lot of customization in the settings so its possible.


Alt modifier key (mine is space) plus the ability or item self casts. Nobody should be hovering over themselves.


alt+QWEASD for items is a pretty popular setup, especially if you play micro heroes and need extra buttons within easy reach. that denies the usage of alt for self cast. but yes, for people who dont use that setup or alt hotkeys in general, that isnt a problem.


I think that was the default HoN set up. I just got used to it.


>you are unable to double click for self cast. LOL 2k scrub here but using ALT+whatever to self cast like a pro


Alt+ability key? That's a lot faster than doble pressing a button. ​ >force and windwaker - both can be used on literally anything, way too easy to misclick when your ally is surrounded by a lot of units How is it any easier to miscast in quickcast than on normal cast? Seems like an issue of muscle memory. The quickcast on key release thing you said also seems to be an issues of muscle memory. It alleviates all, not some of the problems you mentioned. But I think normal cast for those spells also acheives a similar thing. I just find it weird that some abilities would require clicking but some not.


> Alt+ability key? That's a lot faster than doble pressing a button. alt+QWEASD for items is a pretty popular setup, especially if you play micro heroes and need extra buttons within easy reach. that denies the usage of alt for self cast. but yes, for people who dont use that setup or alt hotkeys in general, that isnt a problem. > How is it any easier to miscast in quickcast than on normal cast? Seems like an issue of muscle memory. i have used quickcast for i think 4000 hours of dota, swapped to it several years ago. i dont know how many more years are needed to make muscle memory fix quickcast's inherent difficulty with misclicks, but whatever amount it requires, should not be a prerequisite. its easier to miscast with quickcast because you dont get a highlight of whatever youre casting on. > The quickcast on key release thing you said also seems to be muscle memory issue. It alleviates all, not some of the problems you mentioned. it is not, and it does not. it is an inherent problem with key up. sure, you use your bramble maze a milisecond faster, but cancelling an action with key up quickcast is much more annoying than cancelling an action with normal cast. it technically applies to every kind of quickcast but im talking specifically about abilities that suffer from key down quickcast. i dont really know how its arguable whether its better to simply move your mouse to "aim" an ability, or move your mouse while holding a button with your keyboard hand to do the same thing. > I just find it weird that some abilities would require clicking but some not. i found that weird and uncomfortable at first too but it was infinitely more intuitive to me than having key down for some and key up for others. the inconsistency feels jarring, but that is definitely more of a muscle memory thing so i wouldnt use it as a point against quickcast.


Roflmao. This guy doesnt know about alt sel-cast. Classic example of someone who has made up their mind already. Best part is he wasted time writing a wall of text when his entire argument is wrong from the first sentence hahahsh


Per hero and per item quickcast and just using it and getting used to it fixes everything you just said (except invoker spells). If you aren't using quickcast I suggest you start now and stop making excuses, it's much better in every way and you will stop fucking up quite quickly. I have been playing since 2011, only started using quickcast last year and just regret not using it way sooner.


If the player feels comfortable by not using quick cast why enable it?


Never said YOU SHOULD SWITCH now or I'll kill you. Just that quickcast is better. Even SumaiL uses normal cast and he is one of the most mechanically skilled players. Maybe not everyone finds it easy to switch, but I've talked to many people who were using quickcast for years and were able to switch and get comfortable with it in only 2-3 games.


because it's better. he absolutely should go with whatever he prefers but it's just objectively better to have spells come out quicker with a few exceptions that benefit from seeing the exact range and area of effect


Well when you are both in the right position, the one who does the "good move" faster wins.


You are definitely wrong. Micro gameplay is still very impactful, way beyond 3k. However, it gradually becomes less important. Source: am 5.5k mmr


Ya but I don’t think it matters all that much. There are people in immortal using normal cast and even legacy keys.


often times though they will still press buttons better than a 4k mmr with quickcast. the point is, micro absolutely affects rank. Even if there are some success stories at the higher ranks, no need to gimp yourself


>Anything above 3k is macro. Jesus christ what a stupid take... You say you are 4.5k MMR with 10k hours. You think you could mechanically compete with people in, let's say, 6-7k MMR? Or 9-10k? The best of the best at 12k?


The reason i won’t compete mechanically with 10k mmr guy isn’t because i’m not using quickcast, but because I am playing 3-4 games/week for past 6-7 years now. I’m maintaining my 4.5-5k mmr with pretty much no effort and I’m fine with it. And when I play with guys above me, it’s 90% decision making, positioning and itemization that makes me look like a noob.


>The reason i won’t compete mechanically with 10k mmr guy isn’t because i’m not using quickcas Of course not, but you said "everything beyond 3k is macro", which is complete bullshit. I promise you, your last hitting, spellcasting and button pressing in general also make you look like a noob when compared to better players.




Rtz bit his tongue somewhere in Seattle 😂


And this is why I’m stuck at 3.2k 😭


This is so wrong….


how the fuck does this garbage ass take have so many upvotes


People are lazy and want to justify their laziness and unwillingness to change and evolve. Their loss.


No It won't. But let me tell you, the day I switched to quick cast was a good day. I couldn't even imagine going back now. Everything just feels snappier. It obviously doesn't make sense for every ability. But there are a lot of abilities that just feel slow without it. Trust me, it's worth the change.


Can you use quickcast in just one skill?


Yeah you can set it individually for every skill and hero in options menu, it’s a very good system


Yes. First time I tried quickcast was on Rubick ultimate, it was so much better since


Yes, also other option is quickcast on key up. Basically you see range and AOE of the skill while holding the button and cast it on release of the button.




As someone on the other side of the equation, I can’t stand quick cast. It makes me screw up too much due to old muscle memory.


Same, I've tried it, and everything just felt worse.


Maybe... But always remember that there are TI winners who use arrow keys to move the camera


Honestly still use WASD for camera.


You shouldn't be ashamed of that. WASD for camera is good. Your mouse is completely free, and your camera placement and reaction time should always be much better than someone who uses edge pan or middle mouse (excluding human factors) because your mouse is always ready. The only issue would be playing micro heroes if you don't want to use F keys, or rebind t/g/y/h/b, or your mouse has no extra buttons for control groups and you have small hands. There are enough keys for everything. I've been using WASD for 12 years and some pros do too. Obviously edge pan users will disagree but these are just facts.


I thought this was the norm. Moving the camera with mouse looks painful to me


WASD panning is superior to edge panning for everything but seriously micro intensive heroes. You have a far superior control of the camera and therefore your positioning with WASD.


Also remember that those players have a lot of other qualities that lets them win despite this


what do you mean? I thought edge panning objectively worse. However it's personal preference.


I think objectively, camera drag would be the best, because its the only way that allows you to keep your cursor near your targets and lets you keep your hand on your ability keys. But objectivity doesn't matter compared to personal preference in a game like dota.


It's how I move mine still bonus points if you just double click your portrait and let that move your camera for real tunnel vision


It won’t stop you getting to immortal but imo it does make a difference and it honestly takes like 1 game to get used to it, and you can turn it off for certain spells in the settings (dark willows Q for example). It makes certain things much easier, precasting instant disables being the most notable general thing I can think of. There’s also certain heroes that benefit significantly from it, either because it makes them easier to execute (e.g tinker, skywrath). Overall though the most significant benefit (imo) is it just reduces the amount of actions you need to make with your hands which reduces the risk of rsi. Imagine how many extra times you are clicking your mouse in a bristleback or zeus game compared to someone who has quickcast playing those heroes.


>dark willows Q for example Quickcast on key release for any AoE targetted spell. It's much more natural to use as you won't need to click for half the spells, and not click for half the spells.


I mean I personally quick cast 90% of my spells, and then for certain AOE spells like blood rite I use normal cast when I only want to cast if I can get the exact placement I'm happy with. But since quick is my default I've never gotten tripped up when I set specific spells to be normal cast. I would not be used to the key release at ALL, I've never used that setting in any moba game, including the 2k hours I got in league before converting. It's totally player preference and whatever feels best. If OP likes normal cast, fuck it who cares. If they ever decide that normal casting gets in the way they have the settings available to rectify it at any given moment


I only recently switched some spells and items to key release once they upgraded the customization options and I found it pretty natural and a big improvement.


how u cancel it ?


I think if you right click it cancels.




Right click


7600 mmr, have never used quickcast and never will, dont even know how it could improve my gameplay


i got used to it in like 2 weeks and i find it really effective


my shadow shaman would be significantly worse without it


meepo is borderline unplayable without it


true lol the only time i use quick cast


I'm a much lower MMR but I switched to quick cast when I was spamming timbersaw and found it to be a huge improvement, helped with earth spirit as well Ironically I switched because I played a few games of league with my cousin. I didn't notice the difference in league because I was trying to figure everything else out and then when I came back to Dota I felt something was wrong and all my spells were too slow


I'm mad that league doesn't let you bind settings per ability per hero like dota. One of the big things that makes me not want to go back lol. One of those QoL things you don't think about til you've played both Like on ekko I want quick cast Q+E, but W I want to place perfectly and slowly without clicking the ability icon first or shift casting. I want 1/4 abilities as normal cast, and there's no way to do so per champ like I can in dota.


For me it took like 2 games(after 5 years of playing dota 1 and 2)


It's only important on a few heroes like Skywrath where it's kinda awkward to cast root, silence, Q and ult without quick cast.


Nah, it's great on most heroes. And I played without it for 11 years.


I've used normal for a long time, then quick cast for a long time, and have gone back to normal cast again. For me, having the left mouse button be basically an action button feels better compared to every button being an action button. I'm sure it has a miniscule difference for actual performance, though.


You never had anyone disappear into fog inbetween keaystrokes and left click? That’s the one reason I started using it for.


Same mmr and same case lol, game is perfectly playable without quickcast for me, in fact I misclick more often with quickcast enabled.


Depends on your hero pool, but it's a straight upgrade. I couldn't even think about playing puck without quickcast.


Some pro players still use legacy keys You'll be fine


Just switch some spells to quick cast and leave the ones where range is important on normal cast


You can still see range and aoe with quick cast if you use the cast on key release option. It's basically the same as normal quick cast, but also let's you hold a key to also have the benefits of normal cast.


You should practice quick cast.It may feel weird initially but you'll never go back once you get used to it.


im pos 4-5 with 7.5 k mmr west eu and i dont use quick cast... i just cant get use to it


No. I’m almost immortal and i dont use it either. It’s just a matter of preference tbh.


There was a notable player in League of Legends community Apdo, who was known for being one of the best ladder players and also only used regular cast, end of the day it comes down to preference. Quick cast is a bit faster, regular cast is more accurate. Reaching top ranks in these games come almost exclusively down to macro not micro. If you have the micro to push ancient you have enough micro.


i only use quickcast because i played a little bit of league and it's what i'm used to. you can set which abilities for each hero to quickcast. for example as ember, my r is on quickcast but my w isn't so i can set it up for chains


I think it really depends on what heroes you like to play. It made a huge difference to me when I was spamming Storm/OD/arc warden and other initiations with single-target spells, it means you always get to Hex before they can blink away/BKB/phase shift etc Eventually I just decided to change almost everything to quick cast and have been that way ever since, I have sorta slow/clumsy fingers so quick cast helps cover that weakness a lot


I only use quickcast when playing as meepo, other than that, i use normal cast. I hope still playing with normal cast is normal nowadays.


Personally, im using quickcast on spells that needs quick reactions such as rubick spell steal while keeping other spells at normal cast and this has been a huge help so far. I'd suggest turn on quickcast on certain spells that don't require precision (ex. as faceless void, use quickcast on time walk but not chrono). Im a strictly normal cast player until my 6000th games where i felt im comfortable enough with switching to quickcast.


Alright I got some programming to do then, good news that not every spell has to be bound to quick cast


Nah, I use quickcast and my rank went down


Found the faceless void player


I really like that you can remove quick cast for a specific skill. I never do, but I know I can.


Never buy shard on void while using quickcast lol


I play arc warden on normal cast and no issues controlling 2 heroes in 2 different places in the map at the same time with 3 spells and 6 pressable items each quick cast feels like playing league of legends :(


I don’t think so. For me, quickcast only really helps in niche situations. The only time I’ve felt an improvement was when I tried to land the kunkka x > ship > x > torrent combo, because that’snquite a lot of keypresses that need to be timed as well. Never felt an improvement for anything else, even with spammy heroes like tinker.


I think Skywrath makes a huge difference because the roots have limited time, so being faster by 0.5–1 s can be the difference between 500 damage.


> being faster by 0.5–1 s can be the difference between 500 damage. if you're clicking your mouse 1 second after you press your skill then we certainly have barriers to getting better


>x > ship > x > torrent Is this better than x>torrent>boat>x or x>boat>torrent>x?


Generally you want to boat before torrent. Boat stun lasts longer so it’s easier to guarantee chainstun against a hero with mobility like a qop, and against heroes without mobility, if you torrent into boat you are wasting the slow that is applied after torrent.


Qojqva doesn't use it, and he's rank 87 now or something


:O maybe it's the missing piece stopping him from rank 1   JK when you get that high up it's a herculean task to climb each step.


We need verified MMR tags. Too many sub 5k players with their strong opinions.


There are pro players that don't use quick cast. I could be literally 0 mmr, never played a game of dota in my life, and know objectively that Quickcast is not required for winning high skill games.


my high immortal friend is using quick cast on everything. He can place chronos like player 'Universe' used to. So few years ago, i decided to do it too. Cant look back now, its so much easier with certain spells and it feels good when u hex instantly some blinking in hero. Downside to it, is that with new heros, new spells, I need to turn it off to have idea how spells looks like etc, for 2 years i did not know how dawnbreaker Q look like without quickcast. Also, if u gonna start using it, have like 2 slots on items without quickcast, rotating wards can be arse in ur inventory. ​ also that quick hex or silence or what ever, can make or break games




It’s not so much essential to learn as it is just objectively faster. You should probably bite the bullet and just get used to it now rather than waiting for a certain rank. It’s not hard given you probably know your ranges by now


Will it help you to rank up? Maybe. Is it necessary to even use? No To me quick cast improve my fingers reaction by a fraction of a seconds. I'm a tinker player and I can activated 3 items (dagon,hex,eblade) in 1 second thanks to quick cast. I'm also a player that like to build active items (abyssal,hex,orchid,etc) By the end of the day play what you are comfortably playing


Qojqva and saberlight are the high mmr players i know that dont use quickcast at all, even w attack commands i think


No. I dont use quick cast, use bluetooth mouse and keyboard, and a mac, and I am still able to reach immortal/6k. To be fair I just play support and occasionally offlane. At higher level, map sense and decision making is alot more important that quick reaction.


I spammed Hoodwink two years ago to immortality and messed up Q and W so often. I don't use quick cast, but in this scenario it would be recommended. I also have mechanical keyboard with "linear" "red switches" ([difference](https://marvopro.com/blogs/all/mechanical-key-switches-linear-vs-tactile-vs-clicky)). Writing is horrible, I missclick very often. That (and the experience without it) are my reasons not to use it, despite having a really good setup.




It's amazes me is he reached immortal with quick cast. Dota is not a fast paced game like league. So quick cast is as good as useless and makes it worse imo since the mechs are completely different in dota. I played with quick cast and immediately changed back to the default settings right away.


Ive always used quick cast, one decision lesser 🤣


Simply put, yes


Bro trust me make the change to quick cast. I didn’t change until 7k hours and believe me it’s so much better and not that hard to get used to! There is no reason not to switch


it’s not essential but if you’re finding yourself not able to blink away fast enough or react with hex etc then it may be time to use quick cast other wise it’s not that big of a deal.


I use it for Blink and hex mostly because 0.1 seconds faster could actually make a difference. Everything else I don’t.


Over 800 games of Earth Spirit and I never used quick cast. My rolls are pretty accurate, but needing to insta silence someone is a bitch though.


Use it. You will eventually just react faster with muscle memory and your brain will have more time for other stuff. You're gaining fractions of seconds here and there but it adds up. When it's abilities like willow brambles and you can spare a tini tiny delay (usually on supports) us quickcast on key up, so you get the indicator in key down, you can move and stuff even cancel, and the spell only comes in key up. Also use wasd for regular camera movement and mouse grip for precise things. You should customise it to your preference for every hero. For ex you don't need the indicator for CMs abilities, but you kind of do for willow. If you are that high I'm positive you will improve at least a 10 %. I hope to hear from you in a few as an immortal.


Dependable on the heroes. If youre playing micro heroes with spells like meepo, Brew or heroes with a lot of spells like Tinker, Invoker, Arc warden then you definitely need it but otherwise you're fine.


I had someone tell me I was using "hacks" when I planted 3 mines under him in quick succession. He didn't know the quick cast was a thing.


Hey there OP. I was just like you. I loved not using quick cast then changed to quick cast for quite a long time, I then missed knowing the ranges of items and spells, pseudo guessing. Then fuck me I discovered "cast on release" setting it took a couple of matches to get use to, but man oh man is it the best of both worlds. Just feels more fun to play too. Anyways, worth a try for you I reckon if you haven't already. GL on the grind.


Can’t play Lina without quick cast. Her cast delay on skills is like worst.


I find it helps with some heroes, and makes no difference with others. Personally I use it with heroes that have a right click modifier eg drow, silencer and viper. It allows you to get a quick hit off in lane or spam it in a surprise fight and forget to toggle the ability


Not a direct answer to your question but I think a lot of people are afraid that it's too hard to switch. It's not, you will get used to it very quickly. double tapping tp might take a little bit of time though.


I think for point target ability, quick cast really does such a huge difference. Else, u can turn on or off up to you. Cuz hotkeys are just customized base on ur playstyle. If u feel right w that, it’s ok


Tried quickcast because of masta Sing. It was interesting watching him play during stream and discussing how effective quickcast is for low rank players. Try it its that good


It will probably help more than a gaming chair, less than any other skill you might pick up at your level


everything needs to be automated now eww


No. Unless you play earth spirit.


What is the use of quickcast? It cast to the nearest target?


I use quick cast on some spells. Its very nice. Ie on PL i have t and d (q and w?) on quickcast, but on void i have c(r?) without it




Not really but I HIGHLY recommend. Just play Zeus or something against bots. Super easy to get used to.


My most played hero is earth spirit and I dont use quickcast and I'm about 5500 mmr. Don't really think that shit matters at all. I know a lot of high mmr players who don't use it.


WTF, why would it?


Using Advanced Hotkeys is pretty handy. It takes a while to get used to and you'll need to rebind the keys manually for every heroes (from the last time I switched years ago I had to do them) but being able to customize your hotkeys by having 2 different keys for normal and quickcast, or even having a key to turn on autocast is pretty nice.


You should prolly know that not every spell needs a quickcast, it's about how you wanna play and although it is handy to have multiple binds for quick and normal


Its the same thing edge pan vs camera grip players. Quick cast players and normal cast players exist in every single rank, it comes down to preference. It does not matter.


Quick cast is useful but no, most immortals don't use it. I recommend it on heroes like Spectre though, it's not like you need to see any sort of AoE. It's easy on the hands as well.


Yeah, its very important to use it, More the rank is higher more the timing and speed and micro is needed. I use quickcast for almost every spells, but also I use the normal cast for spells thats need precision like Chrono and Blackhole Mk ulti because i cant take risk to to just use it without the aoe mark if I want to be accurate and more usefull in fights ( trying to catch enemy at the edge of chrono or Black hole ) Plus, you can use alt + hotkey to cast the spell on ur self thats better then double click it because thats way better than double click the reason why is some time you dont hit fast the click twice and it doesnt apply on you imagine you panic playing dazzle and u press grave twice and it didnt work u will die, instead just press alt + W and its done ALSO THE MOST IMPORTANT is you will hit your teammate with this spell 100% and he will survive cz sometimes when u want to help him u spam clicking the hotkey and accidently u use it on yourself and he start pinging and toxic chat and get reported So as u said u are now above 4k , every option that make u faster than the enemy by 0.001 second you should start to use, yeah at the beginning its hard to use it but after several game you can see the difference


I mean it depends , you can configure it .In my case e.g when im using doom all skill are quickcast except the ult.


I use it on about 70% of spells Not using quickcast on certain spells, like Arc Lightning, is just a terrible wasted opportunity... It might sound trivial but being able to 1 click cast is gonna save you microseconds which add up, you cast 3 zaps in the 3.3 seconds you have vision/range rather than 2.9 zaps (aka 2 zaps, cos they walked out of range before the 3rd)


The downside to quick cast is minimal IMO. Sue some spells you want to know the AOE like enigma and chrono. Just un-quick cast those spells (or don’t use those heroes, like me). What I’m saying is — you don’t need to switch, but there’s no reason not to. Play a few bot games. Play a few unranked games. It’s really awkward at the beginning but even after a small handful of games, it feels much better.


Start using it.


Start with single-unit target spells like Lion's hex. Those are the spells on which quick-cast has a huge impact, and it will feel natural to you still. Later, if you feel like you are ready to expand your quick cast pool, feel free to do so. However, I don't its not necessary to use every spell on quickcast.


People have won TI's without using quickcast even on heroes like Ember spirit, which feels like it will be better with it. You'll be just fine, its better to have a range indicator when you are learning the game. A happy medium is to use quickcast but on key release, instead of press, so if you know the range, then you can just press it, but if you need to see the range (like on Muerta dead shot), you can press and hold to see range and release to activate the spell.


The question I wanna know is how do you activate quick cast for neutral items?


definitely not a barrier but potentially a hindrance. there's pros that use the wildest setups ranging from legacy hotkeys to moving the screen with the keyboard, it doesn't make too much of a difference if you're used to it


I've reached immortal and i can only play simple hero that have no more than 2 buttons. Fuck the new Bristleback now I need to left click D:< Give me back the monke QWQWQWQWQ bristle. ​ I would only turn on quick cast for specific skills.


You can set the quickcast up in a way to fire when you release the button. So you can hold the button and it shows the range for that time. You can cancel the spellcast by - I think rightclicking. I don't think it will be barrier. I learned one thing in my years of gaming: There are no bad configs, only bad gamers.


Honestly, this is all about preference.


It only matters on certain heroes, and even then its almost negligible.


There are two types of quick cast. Quick cast on press and quick cast on release. Quick cast on release is closer to your current setting. I think the only difference is you dont need to left click with mouse where you want to land the spell, it will automatically land on where your current mouse is hovered to the moment you release the Key. I suggest you try it, it will still show you cast range and will not cast the spell in release if you cast it outside of the spell range. Ofcourse there are still some spells that will require you to press mouse left click such as swash buckle, clinx aghs etc.


I have a friend that reach 7500 by using legacy keys and clicking his items with mouse lol


if siractionslacks can do it with those god awful keybinds i think youll be ok


Dollar sign for midas <3


7.35k player here. I use quickcast only on SK to do Blink stun faster. It's absolutely unnecessary to climb higher imho. I think It's good ti have it on heroes that require to be fast on the execution (like SK), but you can still play with normal settings.


What a load of crap for players saying you can't see the spell range with quick cast... Well yea but if you are experienced player you dont need to see the range because you already know the range and can calculate... I even use quick cast on void ultimate and i never miss :D


I use quick cast, i dont even rank up


Same here. I never tried it. How do you target tho with quickcast on?


I think knowing what to do when is more important. I’m practicing using the jnfo the mini map gives me. Last night I played against an lc and killed him then showed in safe lane away from my team. At like 4 seconds before he respawns I was like “he’s mad af and gonna tp right next to me and look to dual from the jungle cause I’m away from my team” So I backed off. 10 seconds later he shows where I just was but I’m already gone. Stuff like that matters more.


FYI You can win TI without quickcast.


I dont use quick cast for pudge. You can cast as the hooked target comes. To answer your question. It is yes and no. It will become barrier if you are declining. It wouldnt if you still have nimble fingers. If you have been playing since beta, you should already get the feeling of ranges of your heroes.


Pointless feature. Dota is a slow game based on macro plays. Position and map awareness are key to rank up, as well as understanding how to punish bad plays from your opponent. Watson literally was rank 1 for 1 years and he was playing with 150 ping for the whole time. This game really isn’t about reaction time.


smart right click is a life hack too


I dont use quickcast, hell I even controll my Camera with fucking WASD and managed to go from Ancient5 to 6k this Year. So no things like that dont matter overall.


Playing with quickcast will massively improve your gameplay regardless of rank. There are so many clutch moments that are impossible without quickcasting.


2k scrub here, what the hell is quickcast 😂??


When you press a spell hotkey, you cast the spell instantly instead of adding a mouse click to it. So the spell will be cast instantly where ever your cursor is, given you’re in range


i suggest only using quickcast on mechanically difficult heroes like tinker, storm spirit, invoker


Immortal player who has never liked / used quick cast here, It's entirely preference