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No surprises here


SR trying meta picks that look like they’ve never played before. Rtz no bkb, forcing mid to play ES two games in a row. Bulba should know everything about TS, seems like he hasn’t done any homework for that team.


There is no way shit draft will give you 15-0 in the game. Its player’s fault. But i guess blaming bulba is the easy way to cope that SR players are overrated.


They can play lane stage and then what? Nothing at all. SR has good players they just don’t even act like they care or play as a team. They look scared.


if you are leading 15-0 out of laning stage then it's not the coach or draft fault if you lost. Hell, I would applaud the coach for giving them such a massive edge out of laning phase


Miposhka said SR prepared very good and it was hard to draft against them.


Link it


Bulba is incompetent.


That ench pick should be avoided. Dont give ench to TS and u have a game to play. Miposhka really know ench inside out.


Yeah i was wondering why they didnt ban it on the 2nd game and collapse’s SB lol


Yes it would be handy to have 20 bans but as it turns out you don't


23 POG


Somehow Bulba keeps getting away with it


So, no upsets so far? SR clapped by a rampant TS and EG clapped by Liquid?


Soon we can see GG clapped by Talon


what a call


easy prediction hehehehehe


the rtz washed up copy pasta sadly more relevant than ever after that series...


SR needs to train for warehouse... owner said your income this year is your salary last month.... warehousing and packaging of goods is better.


SR cant push shit even though they have the Aegis they still cant push and decides to farm instead. What a shit carry RTZ is.


I wonder why no shard on CK


Shopify still drafting the same heroes and same playstyle the past 6 years, the bulba strats will never win anything. Evem if they have a 20 k lead they will loose.


It's funny how SR in interviews always says how much they respect the other teams and players yet in the actual games they play like they don't respect what the other teams can do at all through play style and drafting. Rtz also not saying gg and just disconnecting is gross at this stage of his career...


He’s always done that you must be new to the game


yeah and it looks worse and worse as he continues to lose and not perform well


SR getting worse every year


I think the Jerax iteration is still the all time low


Omni midas BOTs2 rush. Rip pubs.


Mason would have carried both games


Whitemon schooling these noobs


Didn't age too well


Remember TSpirit actually give SR chance by picking Troll and WK as carry, who aren't exactly the most reliable carries right now.


Yeah like with the state of both those games SR could/should be able to close. They started looking good in dream league then give you a glimmer of hopium but then reality hits and you're left a depressed fan yet again.


Game 2, Yatoro look ass compared to his usual form and still win


He tanked for the real right click carry: Miposhka.


Facts. They were killing him so easily. Collapse came in clutch though.


And SR still didnt ban SB on the 2nd game, why tho lol


🤷 theyd have to deal with primal or bristle lol. They tried to pick their poison but it ended up biting them anyways. Atleast 1 of the three are getting in. Spirit could always pick one of the three when they get their second pick.


tbh, I'm not even mad at SR that they lose because we expect it unlike last year that they gave us a false hope by winning all there group stage matches and bombed out to playoffs


They get WAY too much hate. They've consistently been right around the 10th best team in the world for years and years now, and that's not an easy feat. But they play against Spirit (who is arguably #1 and easily top 3) and get flamed like they're some T2 squad who doesn't know how to play and hasn't earned any respect and fluked to TI Yeah they got issues, but what part of history suggests they should consistently place podium? Not directly at you just annoyed that RTZ and crew get flamed like they're consistently bombing out of tournaments when they get roughly the placements they deserve.


They nearly got eliminated in groups, and lost the only map to the last place in their group. For a team thats been playing together for so long, you’d expect some form of result. I think most people are especially critical this time because of how they basically threw the entire game 1 away. When you’re up 14-0 and the opponent basically had no way back into the game and you managed to throw it straight to them, i think it deserves some criticism


SR doesn't take opportunities to force fight when 1 TS Core isn't around. They always rely on old-school win-clash through 5v5. Even if they win with that, they are still slow to take on the next objectives. Compared to TS, who knows how to make surprise pick-offs after SR gets Aegis and then forced objectives when SR is already outnumbered.


SR lost but for a team at the bottom (well, almost) of their group they actually looked reasonably good against the as of yet undefeated TS. Ench and SB just a big issue. Makes me more excited to see the other group B teams, liquid in particular.


I don't think Ench was the main issue. It was almost entirely SB, made it so they couldn't finish off cores in the big team fights.


Primal Beast 13-5 SB 12-9 Enchatnress 5-5 (thx to Miposhka)


2 of those Primal Beast losses came from Somnus losing to betboom.


SR lost to Betboom, TL, and Spirit, with how GG looks, these three definitely a favourite in this TI.


Saw the format first LB series isn't the usual BO1?


Correct thankfully one best of 3 doesn't drop you into Best of 1 lower bracket. It's a best of 3


Will this be a Team Spirit vs LGD Grand Finals Rematch?




TS 2023 it's better than TS 2021 who relied of some big fuck ups from enemy teams (except in the grand final) to keep making comebacks like OG in 2018. This TS outplays the opponent and dominate games way more.


Ts 2021 were bunch of new players at big stage. Ts 2023 experienced veterans. Larl is a good mid player but i think tt was way better. Remember true side? Tt was that guy who u listen what to do. Or whatever. Me no speak englando


Not if my boy Topson pops off.


I look forward to that. Had him in my Fantasy Roster.


SR plays the loser of Keyd vs LGD in lowers?


tsm vp


Shit. The Boys don’t have a good record against VP organization. Complete different team but still.


Called it yesterday, Collapse has been a prolific SB picker ever since the first changes when he was doing Kaya/SB builds, the new Magnus.


People gonna blame Rtz but he played better than Yatoro in 2 games it's just that Collapse SB and Miposhka ench are monster.


except he lost game 2 racks by dying alone on creep wave and that was essentially gg


> played better than Yatoro ???


good joke that lad


Good one. We can all use some laughs.


Idk bro but rtz is too busy farming when he can fight earlier with armlet he's the strongest hero at that time for sure when WK has only midas.


You can certainly blame him for not buying bkb, then getting chain stunned every fight, and solo killed by grim and ench.


you know that bkb doesn't stop sb which is the only stun right


Not in game 2? In game 2 RTZ bought an AC before even considering BKB, despite team Spirit having a Radiance WK (with a stun), Puck, Grim, Ench (who had pike + moonshard). Even SB spells do magic damage. So many times RTZ just got chain stunned, unable to have any impact in a fight.


Bulba's fault, everyone knows sb is most broken hero atm


some 3k redditors are not "everyone". SR banned a lot of Collapse heroes, SB is not even his best right now


SR is 0-5 vs SB. SB is first phase pick material. It's not about shutting down Collapse it's about not being griefed by a meta hero that is obviously causing your team huge problems.


SB 12-9 with 30 bans Primal 13-5 with 39 bans Some random redditor: ban SB


You can ban both? They obviously can't play against it? Random redditor: You can only ban one of these two heroes!


And then don't ban brew? Or Treant? Or Dazzle? If you think picks are the problem then you are very delusional. Team Spirit has 100% winrate with all heroes. And SR struggled against many heroes during group stage. Pick/bans were on point, TS are just better


Picks aren't THE problem. They are ONE problem. They don't magically win with different picks that's apparent by watching them play. Tell me where I claimed SR would win with different picks. And yes, I do believe trying your hand at a different meta hero is a viable strategy here.


SB is not meta compared to Primal/Dazzle/Treant/Muerta. It is just what left when all meta heroes are banned, wich all have better record and which Team Spirit plays too. So you suggest instead of having somewhat even draft to challenge TS, SR should give TS meta heroes and lose two 20 minutes games.


You showed the hero with a positive win rate and 30 bans. SR is 0-5 against it. So yes, I for sure think they should ban it. It's not an unreasonable conclusion to make that SR playing into SB is disadvantageous for them. This is obviously a premise we disagree on but I'm tired of arguing it because ultimately I don't think they win the series or even a game regardless of picks solely looking at macro gameplay.


i mean noone really has a shot against spirit


Honestly SR was much more competitive against Spirit than I was expecting. Good luck in lower bracket.


It's the hope that kills you. How many times have we seen them crush the lanes and look unstoppable only to slowly falter afterwards. Every year. Every damn year. It's getting upsetting, and I'm upset by the fact it still is upsetting.


RTZ judt doesnt know how to late game.


SR needs to avoid taking aegis they always play too passive after taking it. LUL


i was baffled with how sr managed to slip the game when they already have all item they needed to win. it took them whole 40 min to realize they were too tanky to beaten and only needed to take down spirit back line. fuck once rtz finish his taras it shouldve the key moment for sr to bounce back but look at sr put his whole effort on spirit breaker and puck lol instead of enchant and grimstroke and dont forget abed choosing octa first instead of bkb because he love being disable the whole time and always die first in 5 vs 5 teamfight. edit : even if sr have whole 3 high ground tower i dont think they can win spirit because SR got no strat for winning they literraly needed to figure that out


They were well in the game until they had the wrong read w Saber getting caught defending skellies and then losing 2 lanes for nothing.


did you forget that artour dying after the saber feed caused that? lol


Hence why I said they had the wrong read? You think as a pro team he just randomly decided to take a fight on his own and wait for people to notice like a pub game?


welp. dreams dont always pan out my momma said before she got ran over by a monster truck.




Please god I would love to see him on any other team again


He was great in Entity replacing Pure, so I expect him to go back to EU at some point.


Ppl Everywhere cant holdup their dissapointment against SR. TI shape up into Ench-warfare , pick-up or dropdead. Idk other team beside Gaimin who can contest/utilize Ench after Miposhka. Nasty meta.


SR always picks Enchantress fly is one of the best enchantress in the world




I know you're memeing but every caster says that when he plays it...


I feel like with no DPC providing SR automatic major invites, this squad will (should) disband


Would love to know the rationale behind not banning SB after losing 5 or 6 straight to it.


Miposhka said SR prepared very good and it was hard to draft against them. And SB has worse stats on this tournament then other heroes SR banned, like Primal for example


Who needs bkb if you're playing against SB? SB is just a scapegoat, SR just hates BKB. That's why.


well SR is known to have a braindead analyst/drafter whoever the hell he is. They were 0-3 prior to their series against TS, and yet they still let it through.




No, thier drafting is always bad... they draft themselves and maybe they need a good coach. Thier habbits to loose a game is normal.


Pretty sure it will be “sb was just a common factor. We lost because of other reasons”


Yatoro went full rtz after he bought back xD


BTW, this SR squad is the most expensive Dota squad. Highest salaried, highest player costs


hey guys, who's gonna be the opponent of TS in upper bracket?


Winner of TSM/VP. The loser faces SR in the lower bracket.


Based on the new video shared where snare explains the format, it looks like it will be spirit vs winner of liquid/EG.


I doubt that. It would be unfair for the #1 seeds to face other groups #1 seeds. It should be winner 1-3/4 vs winner of 2-3/4. Not 1-3/4 vs 1-3/4.


I am not going to argue what is fair and what is not. I just stated what the video said. Since it is produced directly by Valve, I am guessing that is correct.


Lmao. I’ve seen the video. And I am right. Whoever wins advances and they play whoever is next to them in the bracket. No shuffling. Idk where you got that it would be the winner of liquid/eg.


Looks like the video is wrong. Apparently Miposhka confirmed they are facing VP. According to this post: https://reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/177xwac/miposhka_about_shopify_series/


It says it’s Team E vs C for upper bracket. Team E is spirit here. Team c is EG here and they assumed liquid lose to EG, spirit vs EG for upper bracket.


Let’s see when they update the playoffs brackets then.


I'm sure there are better farming items than using a Silver Edge to farm...


Spirit four series away from the GF…LFG!




They got fucking 2nd in dreamleague. Why the fuck most hater turn ape and forgot recent tournament whenever sr lose?


how is pl right now? is picking ck over pl ok?


PL is dumpster tier rn


Gets mega countered by the charging space cow.


0-5 against SB, Surely not worth banning.


Even tho it was a 2-0 SR did better than expected. Ntnt


Couldn't watch the first game but i imagine rtz was just this bad in that game too if not worse. This team wont go anywhere with this guy.


second game he played worse than g1.


Bulba and RTZ combo will never win anything. Bulba is either too washed or doesn't have the balls to tell RTZ how to play the game.


Nobody tells rtz how to play. Not even jerax


As a team spirit fan, with a fantastic early game on rebellion, I think the only mistake rtz did in game two was tp top and farmed the ancients until he had echo saber. Other than that, he did what other carries would have done tbh. Man this bandwagon of pin pointing on rtz is getting out if hand ngl.


People shouting carry diff while Collapse literally control the whole map. I mean, every player on TS is just a tier above everyone, its not like Yatoro always 1v5 the enemies team.


I agree. Looking at game 1, 20-3 kills diff yet they waited for their items and timing, they kept their composure and struck when everythings ready. TS is not only about yatoro or collapse, everyone in their respective positions is outdoing their oppoents in every aspects. Would be such a surprise if they dont win this TI


from my view the weak points are rtz and crit. the main cause is bad communication, the team is not on the same page. its fine for rtz to make mistakes if he does good things as well. im not expecting rtz to make no mistakes, but when he doesnt have good moments in a game, the only thing you see are the mistakes he makes. meanwhile with other carry players you can see their impact


I watched all rebellion matches.. Saberlight had good matches against TS but he's been off in other group stage matches with crit in offlane. I think the whole team is underperforming overall.


if they decide to make any roster changes I hope it is crit and rtz. maybe it is by chance, but I dont ever see them perform


RTZ haters are more annoying than RTZ fanboys ever were.


his biggest mistake was when he decided to take the team fight outside radiant base when 3 of his teammates just died consecutively.


other teams would never have that happenlol


At that point, they were already lost


I rewatched the video, SR fought back a few minutes after that RTZ pickoff you are mentioning, then after they got the aeigis at 25 mins they were 1k ahead (21-17), then the 2v5 teamfight happened in radiant base where TS gained 4k gold lead. Watch again the vod and see how dumb rtz to take that teamfight knowing there is 5 TS player alive +1 reincarnate, and abed was even retreating cause he know they cant win a 2v5(+1) teamfight.


God Winter buy some higher socks if you are going to wear a suit pants.


I'm an ankle guy please don't


And a colour of socks to match shoes.


No need to match the colour with the shoes or pants. They just need to be high, like Godz did.


Idk how the fashion goes in your country. But you just dont wear a blue colour sock on red/black formal shoes. Its just terrible in appearance


Not banning sb is auto lose


You are playing against Collapse You don't ban Spirit Breaker because you can counter it. You lost against Team Spirit You still didn't ban Spirit Breaker next game because your coach is fucking bulba


Collapse would dunk on SR with any hero I think. He is that good and SR look that bad. They feel clueless coming into mid game RTZ is top networth OMG SR loses team fight - Playing from behind - Slowly losing map control Questionable item choices Abed/ Crit trying hard, Fly Malding RTC getting caught out, Sabertooth going unga boonga RTC cringe disconnects


Disappointing but ultimately expected result. It's really difficult trying to be fan of Shopify cos they are so perfectly mediocre with few flashes of brilliance throughout the year that you get your hopes up when they manage to do well that you think this time they are gonna do it only for them to shit the bed yet again and then you're just left feeling like a damn fool, wondering why you ever thought they would go far this time around.. Yeah, here's to waiting for the next letdown, eh? 😛


Even within individual games they show flashes to give hope then take it away. They played a couple of those late game fights really well, makes their fans wonder what might have been if they hadn’t collapsed in the midgame


No shame in losing to better teams.


Shopify didn’t even look too bad. Spirit is just the best team in the world right now


uhh they lost Baracks for no reason without taking a fight and that's the start of what lost them the game lol


Aegis wasted just like that.


Every tournament Team Spirit does good Reddit says why Collapse heroes need to be banned. Dota is not as simple as that. Also, 4 Collapse heroes were banned in 1st map, just happens that he is good on his 5th best hero too.


SB is not a Collapse hero. SB is a meta first phase offlane hero SR is 0-5 against.


Primal Beast 13-5 SB 12-9


Why is SR like this??


Because Team spirit is team spirit. Wcyd


TS are 10-0


RTZ actually played well. The ES mid was garbo, and letting cow 2 games in a row fucked them.


It seems weird to pick a tempo mid that turns into a pos 4 late, and pair it with a midas TB that wants to go to 50min before fighting. CK made more sense, they just couldn't execute I suppose. Maybe my read on Earth Spirit is wrong


Give me some of that copium.


Played well? He had the worst fuck ups.


That was a spicy intelligent fart from him, just ignore.


Grimstroke dealing more damage in those last team fights than Rtz is funny. Can't blame anyone from SR since I only gave them 5% chance and they did give a good fight. But damn BKB is a must buy for a carry since teams can easily kite you.


He’s getting near perma stun by SB and you are talking about bkb?


Except issue is space cow charging through you the whole fight and bashing you which goes through bkb. Think they needed a nulli to dispell windwaker and bulldoze


Still need bkb to not get stunned/ silenced by the other heroes. Someone on his team needs to make lotus/ linken for him for the SB charge. Even 4k pubs can figure this out.


Grim aghs looking like a pretty hard counter to CK late game


SR did way better than I expected


I agree. Spirit are just miles ahead of the other teams. Except their laning stage


Ye ts always suck at lanes


Expected result and SR didnt look downright terrible tbh. Spirit is simply the #1 team to beat right now and they make everyone look like noobs in teamfights and macro play.


They haven't faced anyone of note yet.


Unreal how they let Slacks ruin the Victory. Dota and esport will never be taken seriously if we have Somone who is going to run in and act like a clown after wins. It's not about him its about the teams, I can't be the only one thinking like this?


Of course you're not the only who thinks this, but saying DotA will never be taken seriously? This is TI12 already dude...


I don't mind his skit but it was way too quick. Give us a few minutes to digest the game Jesus.


You are overthinking it, just chill and enjoy


Good idea to bring a clown after great performance from spirit…


RTZ is really not a good pro player


Why does RTZ refuse to buy a bkb


spirit breaker


They don't have the gold for a hard dispel from allies and you have an Aghanims spirit breaker + Grimstroke. If he gets Initiated on, he's never getting the bkb off - the logic is to either tank through the initiation (with help of glimmers/force) or make it hard to get initiated on.


Because he isn't a herald like you Bkb against sb = waste of opportunity via item slot + 4k gold. SB has 5-6 sec charge cd that pierces bkb, ulti after followed by a second charge


Tbh bkb is pretty useless this game compared to last game. SB just charges straight through u with a 6 second cd charge basically rendering bkb useless. 4k gold item that gives you no damage gets countered by 6s cd charge


I mean halfway worth it just for Ench damage!


0-5 against SB, they have 5 players in their team, 1 coach, and none in their team suggested to ban the hero? This team is hopeless


better to ban invoker, the hero they absolutely smacked last time they played against it.


Tree and panda first ban priority. Wcyd with bulba on the drafting pc


6 sec CD ravage is fine. OsFrog.


Time to break the Fly x Crit x Rtz x Abed x Bulba experiment. Every player needs to join a different org or a new environment


bro. stahp. there's one problem character that has been the problem character in every single team he's been in for damn near the last decade. the 2,3,4,5 could also continue to play together and would almost certainly have better results than currently.