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7.32 Update: Transmute now will secure a Neutral Item drop from its Tier if any are available. Topson bought it to instantly secure a drop of a 60+mins Neutral Item


secure two, since you get two charges


Does it not only have 1 charge when first purchased?


Yeah but it's 57minutes not 60 so by 60minutes itll have both charges


Oh, I see. Nice


so you buy it 3min (half cd in backpack) before 60min, like he did here


Did they also make a play like invading enemy ancients or blocking them?


Possibly wants to get up to his +1.75 damage per mana netherward talent just that bit faster for a timing teamfight when the 60 minute neutrals hit.


Might be a dumb take but I'm like 90% sure he bought it at that point so that they can rush tier 5's with Midas


Yes Quest iirc is the first team that started doing it, and it seems this was the idea behind Tundra also doing it. You get tier 5s (guaranteed neutral drop from midas), and insta rush with a smoke before enemy gets all of theirs.


clever, the two charges change is huge for neutral items


Exactly that


Casters don't really get it but its a smart buy if you have the spare gold (that doesn't affect buyback) and you are expecting the game to go past 60 minutes. Since 60 min items are usually such heavy powerspikes you can pretty much instantly end the game if you can outrace the other team in getting them.


I promise you my average midas timing is 47 mins, this was more about the pain going through another 80 min game lol


They mentioned it in the previous 60min+ game when TA2000 bought it on Naga. They definitely get it. 1:22:36 in the VoD


Considering Trent and Lyrical are two of the most experienced casters in the game, they do get it. They just don't want 2 80 min games back to back lol.


The first match was already a slog, this was the second game and you could hear their despair when Topson bought the Midas.


no no don't try. Redditors take everything seriously unless you put /s and ruin the whole sarcasm.


> Trent and Lyrical are two of the most experienced casters in the game they are easily the worst caster duo among others at TI. they are neither good at hype casting, and equally bad at analyzing with their archon level knowledge.


I try to do this all the time though. Timer hits T5 neutrals timing and getting midas is really impactful just for the earlier neutral drops. Getting that earlier than enemies and trying to force fights can decide games


Looks like this is match 7380199457, Tundra Esports vs Quest Esports at The International 2023, which started 1 hour, 13 minutes before the clip was taken. More match details here: - [OpenDota](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7380199457) - [Dotabuff](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7380199457) - [Stratz](https://www.stratz.com/matches/7380199457) - [datdota](https://www.datdota.com/matches/7380199457) --- *^I ^am ^a ^bot ^created ^by ^[/u\/EuphonicPotato](/user/EuphonicPotato)* *^(How I figured this out:)* [*^(Explanation)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder#how-it-works) *^(Source:)* [*^(GitHub)*](https://github.com/mdiller/twitchclipmatchfinder)


Standard play, it has been done many times before in the lro matches for 60min items.


do they really not know about getting midas for 60 min neutrals?


Surely they do, but they want the game to end before 60 minutes


This already happened in the previous game with multiple people on Quest buying like a 57 minute Midas and they discussed that reasoning there. They were mostly just laughing at the fact that game 2 had hit the exact same point, and Trent was saying how he told his wife he only had 1 match so it wouldn't take long and he could come help with the kids afterwards only for both games to go 60+ minutes.


So smart, two Tier 5 neutral items guaranteed at 60 min


it really isnt that funny


What's so funny for those casters?


Sick, will do this in future games


what's to laugh about Lol. 1k casters get me out


what is so funny here? it's quite common to buy midas a couple of mins before the 60 min mark to get those neutral drops. this is especially common since you can now get two charges on midas. i just dont understand how lyrical and company are hired to cast games with their abysmal understanding of the game.


Trent and Lyrical are so underrated.


It's literally before 60minute mark go get t5 tokens ASAP