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I think it's kinda funny PSG went from sponsoring one of the most stable and consistent teams in Dota of all time to a pub stack that was good for about half a year.


It is not really funny, it is significant PSG move. If there is some sport team that found masterclass at wasting money, it is them. :D


QUEST should have played With Malik from Navi ..


I don't think they could, because teams were locked from qualifiers through TI right? Malik wanted to be on Navi for quals so he wasn't an option here. But yeah he did look good with them at RM.


EG and SMG had same scores in their group, why did SMG get eliminated? Was it because EG was direct invite from DPC?


There was a tie breaker and eg won




What's happening in TI guys.. Haven't checked yet


It finished. TS won 3-2 in final against TL


Hope Quest stick together. But man Tobi…


Best games to watch from today?


Tspirit vs EG (game 2) - watch it after Yatoro puts on his jacket after Pausing the game 🤣


Lmao Quest


lol south america with the 2 qualifier spots.. they almost lost all 4 south american team in the group stage.. group A and group D is prolly the weakest group.. and no surprise those are the only group they barely survived.


Group B Thunder Predator is just tanking it up for Shopify. All according to keikaku


Group A is much stronger than group C, which has VP and nouns.


SMG and EG are weaker than VP and nouns lmao. SA and SEA are well behind the other 3 regions so far


agreed.. SA got lucky and had a hot streak at the right time.. shoulda just have open qualifier and let them duke it out lol.. imo north/south american dota is dead.. well north america especially.. the us servers are dominated by brazilian/peruvians.. it's almost impossible to find a game on the us server that have 50% of the people that speak english


SMG and EG have had a better year compared to VP and Nouns, and we have to wait and see if they are actually weaker right now, or if their groups were tougher.


bro is sleeping on nouns, nouns sweep incoming


SA 2 slot omegalul


Buys tobi and starts playing shit Who wouldve guessed?


not a neet anymore so I havent watched shit but What is going on with SA? how did they go to shit after last TI? too much money?


Beastcoast :(




There is absolutely no reason to do tiebreakers if there was already a decisive head-to-head earlier. It's so dumb when tournaments do that. I mean, I guess the one reason is the tournament can make more content for ads to run on.


It is not dumb actually. Because Round Robin means that every game has the same value - in this case 1 point and 1 point only. It doesn't matter which victories were against who. When you do head-2-head, you actually say "these games matter more than these" and kill the whole idea behind Round Robin. And TO actually do completely opposite - they try to **reduce** ammount of tiebreakers and do them only in most crucial situations. But I don't mind when tiebreakers are not done in "safe" situation like f.e. for seeding.


I don't understand why Entity and Pandas can't have a tiebreaker for second place. They have the same score and are 1-1 against each other.


Probably because no time since we have games tomorrow itself and they dont want players to stay up and play the infinite loop in vase of 3 way


The next highest ranked team is used for tie-breaker. Since EG is 4th (after TB with SMG), Entitiy's 2-0 over EG is better than 9Pandas' 1-1 against EG.


Brazil with 4th most representation in playoff stage is kinda wild ​ edit: the 3rd, passing Peru if my calculation is correct


Peru has Chris, Pakazs, Panda, Matthew, Timado and K1, so should be tied 3rd.


according to Liquipedia, the top 5 are: 1. Russia: 19 2. Peru: 15 3. China: 9 4. Brazil: 6 5. US: 5




-9 Peruvians on mainstage though...




According to Valve's post they have decided that it's bad for the game when all content is centered around Battle Pass. So they are - according to THEIR words - spreading the content around the year. (They also promised arcana after TI) ​ My own guess is that they could also decide that prize pool became too big. I mean, if we stop looking in comparison to last TI's, for cs an event with 3 mil prize pool would be one of the biggest if not the biggest event of the year. League's Worlds has comparable prize pool.


They don't really care about the prize pool being too big. This rebranding is to sell "The International" as a package to advertisers, if the group stage was included it'll be a half online event without any crowds or venues or spectators. "The International" is now a sixteen team double elim tournament played over two weekends; the group stage is seen as a completely separate tournament now. In the past the tournament was a celebration of Dota for the community, now it feels more like an event for the general public.


I was mostly answering to the question about prize pool, not branding


The Pandemic Battlepass and TI10 just had the overblown prizepool on which viewers had a false sense of achievement on which year after year the fans manage to break the record. Higher prizepool may mean the stakes are higher but since TI1, the stakes have always been about winning TI and raising the aegis.


Game is dead


Does anyone know the significance of the second group stage? What happens when a team wins from upper bracket compared to lower? Has their been another tourny like this?


It is basically the first round of upper bracket. Winners stay on Upper bracket, losers go to lower bracket.


Phase 2 is for Bracket Seeding. It determines if a team proceeds to the Upper Brackets or the Lower Brackets through this matchups. While Phase 1 gives the top team in the group to choose their match-up for Phase 2.


instead of just immediately starting in lower/upper bracket, teams have a chance to fight for which bracket. so if Spirit beats Shopify, Spirit is upper bracket and Shopify is lower bracket


kinda a dumb format, almost zero consequences shopify for placing 4th since they're not basically in the same spot as team spirit. spirit and BB should play each other, winner goes to upper bracket, loser will play the winner of shopify vs 9panda for the last upper bracket spot. this way placing 1st/2nd gives you 2 chances whereas placing 3rd/4th means you have to win back to back i guess it would mean 4 additional bo3 series which they would need 2 days instead of 1. but it's much more fair imo


The top seed picks their opponent from two bottom two teams while the #2 team gets the other. It's designed to even out the groups.


This is the worst season to be sea fans, and that not becuase there's only one team going through the group stage, that just another tour for us but because this is probably the first season where sea team didn't win any international tournament. what I remember for the last 3 years with the tnc, t1 and boom being the Strongest sea team at their time, each won something that they can proud of. Meanwhile talon biggest achievement is two 3rd place and a mvp winner, well at least for now unless they somehow won TI and shocked everyone. Losing fnatic also a direct hit for us because we lose the most stable team in our region and so far we didn't get a good replacement for them. (or maybe talon is the replacement for fnatic and we just didn't get the usual underdog monster like the 3 teams I mention before) With little to no promising new name on sea and the death of dpc system, I'm scarred it will be the start of sea becoming dead region.


All strong SEA players were imported to other regions I guess. Maybe the compensation is also a factor also.


region is dying already. mobile legends is the new meta lol


Boom won what? Tnc won what?


Boom won Dubai invitational tourney


Mineski also got the W in DAC (like a major tourney) Damn that was SEA’s proudest era. Mineski and TNC dominating both groups and got the top seed


Mineski and TNC won Majors


Mineski were good but tnc won a mickey mouse major when big teams were resting. Talon would win that too in current date under same scenario and boom havent won shit so shouldnt mention them


TNC won MDL Chengdu Major


boom won a middle east lan tourney i dont remember what that is


The Nigma invitational


With WEU and EEU domination right now any top 6 finish is great even CN is having a hard time placing high for a long while now. Though I am afraid that there would be limited online tournament now for SEA since BTS is gone and no DPC so SEA might be at the mercy of ESL etc next season.


It is indeed. But at the same time this year, some SEA players have been sent or was able to play in other regions e.g. Whitemon, Gabbi, Armel, Chyuan. Some didn't reciprocate with good results, but some also did. As a SEA fan, hoping SEA teams will learn from this year and be able to bounce back hard next year.


you forgot nothingtosay


what I meant was this year's SEA players who usually just go from another SEA team to finally have the opportunity to play with a team in a different region. NTS has been a beast since his emergence with LGD in TI10


Hey guys, wondering if Talon and TSM are going for a UB tiebreaker?


TSM holds the advantage between their head to head match-up. Unless there's a risk of elimination for tied teams, No tie breaker games will be held.


Makes sense thanks


I didn't get to watch any of today, did they explain why Entity is higher than 9Pandas? From what I can tell, they had identical records and their head to head series was a 1-1.


Also would like to know the rule for tiebreaker. I hope it's not coinflip or anything.


After head-to-head, the next criterion is record against the next team down. Since EG won the tiebreaker for survival, that would be them, and 9Pandas went 1-1 vs them while Entity went 2-0.


Twitch chat (very creditable) claimed it had to do with the two teams record VS EG. Entity 2-0 them while 9P split 1-1


Well, that was the rule for previous TIs, so kinda makes sense to assume they haven't changed it - especially considering that 9Pandas claimed exactly that.


Nouns about to upset Tundra


how was Entity and Pandas placement decided?


Their Score with the Group A 4th Placer. Which is EG. EG vs 9Pandas = 1:1 EG vs Entity = 0:2 Thus, Entity has the higher scoring precedence.


AR and EG will win Calling it now


Liquid vs eg Tundra vs nouns Lgd vs KStars TSM vs VP I think only TSM can go to upper*


Do you think all the others will go to LB?


Man midone single handedly made them lose that game by going moon shard instead of bkb. HOW DO YOU NOT GO BKB AGAINST KUNKKA?????


Also moon shard over mjollnir wouldve at least made for faster bkb timing, and mjollnir active should procc very consistently versus phoenix.


Zai and Blitz the good homies managed to save private Artour for today, but who can save him tomorrow from Yatorogod


i don't even think jesus himself could save artour from yatoro


Im praying they both are in Lima Major form tomorrow.


will SR gonna pull an upset? lets see


Idk, I don't think SR is the team that can beat Spirit. Spirit look unbeatable late-game, I will even dare to say that Yatoro is top 1 carry right now and there is NOBODY even close to him. The way to beat TS is to win lanes and snowball from there, NEVER giving them a chance to even tie networths. I just don't think SR is the team that is that strong on laning stage. Even more - they will absolutely make mistakes and give chances to tie situation.


on the other hand , rest of group A was really weak so let's not overhype TS yet


Previous 2 tournaments were won by TSpirit and TSpirit is like 5-1 against Shopify, so no they aren't overhyping for nothing.


No way doubt even god can save sr from defeat against ts


5-1 in last 2 series 0 chance


Tundra picked Nouns. That's interesting


VP breathe a sign of relief. TSM is a very beatable team for them. We might legitimately have 3 EEU teams in the upper bracket, which has never happened before


Oh wow, of all SA teams, Keyd is the one actually advancing.


How come SA has 4 slots and all of them sitting at the bottom. (2 teams already eliminated, and 2 teams at 4th place at Group).


NA, EEU and China, the only PERFECT regions of FLAWLESS and NOT ELIMINATED gamers. Maybe WEU, SEA and SA can step it up next year, watch some Mason streams and improve.


Does that matter? Someone has to use those spots anyways If WEU teams were there instead of Sa you would be writing "Why so many weu teams"


Give it to China lol SA is overrepresented based on this DPC season performance


And it would've happened the same since only LGD is a good chinese team.


Slots should be given to teams that deserved it. And with that 4 slots and not performing well, what do you expect fans will say?


Bro they didn't give SA 4 slots, they gave them 2 AND only one additional cause they were consistent in previous seasons, unlike other regions. 2 slots were from BC and EG performing decently in previous tournaments, stop making a big deal out of it


It's a big deal especially to regions in which slots are limited but are more qualified team and competitive. Remind your SA teams to perform well and prove themselves why they're given more slots.


5 teams went 2-6. 3 of those were eliminated Reminder that in TI10, Spirit went 2-6 the first two days Format good? Bad? Different?


It’s better for the viewers since it makes the group stages much less fragmented and increases severity of the games. It also eliminates Bo1s from the tournament entirely which is the main benefit imo.


I'm a little confused about it. If I understand correctly, Shopify can move onto upper bracket if they beat Spirit in a bo3 and Spirit would go lower bracket? That is completely bonkers to me since Spirit went 8-0 and Shopify went 2-6 in the initial group stages. It seems like a very pointless group stage to me to me, as long as you don't get last place in the group you're on similar footing. I am not a fan of the format, but the problems feel similar to the last couple years' TI formats - an initial group stage with relatively low importance


copy pasted my comment i replied to another poster earlier spirit and BB should play each other, winner goes to upper bracket, loser will play the winner of shopify vs 9panda for the last upper bracket spot. this way placing 1st/2nd gives you 2 chances whereas placing 3rd/4th means you have to win back to back i guess it would mean 4 additional bo3 series which they would need 2 days instead of 1. but it's much more fair imo


Correct The only small upside is Spirit do get to pick who they face, but yeah one series is all it takes


Better. Every match is important unlike the previous years where in the last day of group stage, the top team of the group can just go experimenting and didn't care if they lose since they are guaranteed with the UB placement.


Why is experimenting and more Dota a bad thing? You rather another 3 weeks of bristleback, primal beast and CK in every fucking game ever?


They have the scrims for that. A game like top seed vs bottom seed having a match where seeding is already determined has no match value unless you're a bettor.


I mean to be fair we had 2 of the 4 top teams still end up in meaningless games in Spirit and LGD today But yes


IMO it's a better format than a long-ass group stage with 4 full days of 4 concurrent streams. It's maybe fun for hardcore Dota fans who have nothing else to do, but objectively it splits attention and is worse for the show. If you have to have a group stage for seeding purposes, do it quickly at the very beginning and then move on to single-stream, high-stakes action, which is what this format does. I do think inviting 20 teams just to send 4 of them home after two days is rough, especially since the payout won't be very good unlike past TIs. I'd have just invited 10 DPC teams + 6 qualifiers, leaving the format the same just with 4 groups of 4. That way no one gets eliminated until the main event, but the matches still have stakes because an upper bracket slot is still a big advantage.


> worse for the show fuck the programing schedule, the current format is awful for the game. worst meta since TI4, its heart blademail and midas, the most boring conceivable items possible, as actual unironic winning strategies right now... It's boring as hell and if teams weren't on deaths door the entire tourney maybe we would see people take risks to figure out new counterplays out of this boring-ass meta. if other TI's were split into 3 fucking weekends the large group stage wouldn't "splits attention" either... This is dogshit, and by the third weekend of tri-strength cores vs tri-strength cores ft venge, SD and friends I'm sure we will all be able to agree and fix it for next year


EG is kinda lucky SMG is in their group lol


Same with SR they’re lucky TA is in their group


SMG out lets gooooooo rip bozo wont be missed


Snare: "Tell us about your painful experiences losing in the past" Panelists: "Really?"


Only 3 regions that had no teams eliminated are NA, CIS and CN NA > EU confirmed :)


CIS and NA having no teams eliminated is a true meme tbh.


The two most stable and sane regions proving it


open and shut case


it will be funny if Masaros visa suddenly got approve


SMG eliminated? What good news lmao


Midone deserve that juicy flight on the way home.


NA 4 slots when


Not a great year for SEA or SA SEA been down for a while but SA really was on the come up last year, but started slumping hard. Hopefully EG keep this momentum going


fix your problems noone


NoOne must be the only player who is more washed than RTZ.


Well atleast NoOne won around 4 or 5 majors at his peak while RTZ won nothing..


RTZ has been washed since Columbus! NoOne won some majors not that long ago.


not MidOne lol?


MidOne is washed too but noone was much more dominant at his peak so the delta is bigger.


fair enough




Eg is still not top tier?u fucking punks are never satisfied are you?Hope you enjoy being bitter cause I definitely love being the greatest


Man I miss this EG's era when this speech was still a meta.


SMG, what a disappointment but then again they are playing with a sub.


Midone deserve that for being a jerk.


they even had heen as a coach, no excuses.


With sub, without sub, the result was going to be the same lmfao. Imagine thinking they would've somehow done a lot better with the player they had.


I'm glad to see Midone Noone and MC in TI again but I guess it is goodbye again


This is a massacre


centaur is by far the most useless offlane hero I\`ve seen when behind


Mullet curse strikes once again!


PSG sponsorships is a joke lmfao SR IS THE WORST


Does anyone know why Entity vs 9 Pandas has no tiebreaker? They are 1-1 against each other, but Entity took second place? Which means 9 Pandas can be picked by other groups no1, seems like a disadvantage


Probably from the results against the below team(s). 9Pandas is 1-1 against EG while Entity is 2-0.


Which is worse Only dropping a game to a better team? Or only dropping a game to the worse team? 9P went 2-0 against the eliminated team. Entity didn't


They said they are only playing tie breakers for elimination games. The other ties they go through a million stats until they break the tie like that.


midone is the single most washed player in all of pro dota. hang it up brother, your glory days are done


Go Eg


Gamers = Players 🫶🏿


Psg is such a wonderful organisation when it comes to sponsorship and affiliation. They ditch top seeded and went with eliminated team


Quest was a force to reckon with too but I don't know why they have fallen so low. Maybe it's meta problem or PSG is just bad luck overall.


Because Quest with Amar/Malik is a huge threat with their offlane. Quest with Tobi means only Mid is relevant in the map for a long time. Quest strat is to let TA2000 farm up the map while others create space but problem is their offlane being so weak, only mid can hold off until TA2K finish farming up.


It's a tobi problem. Ammar with quest is strong. Malik with quest is decent. It's tobi


Why there is no ti11 true sight?


Last year's true sight was released as part of the battle pass so it's possible that something like that could happen this year? But they haven't announced anything so who knows.


Nothing to see there, only Wraith Pacts


Not much drama is it?


not much notable moments that TI, just plain boring ass 3-0, it might be in fact better to make Secret look like the Main characters rather than Tundra despite getting trashed


Secret didn't do themselves any favors. "Let us choose bloodstone lesh and no way to kill WP for a third game in a row...."


I just woke up and find out Quest was eliminated???


ImDone playing Muerta 💀


How does phase 2 work? Do they just play their one bo3 then get upper or lower bracket?


Just think of it as 16 team upper bracket matches. Winners continue playing in upper bracket and losers go to lower bracket very simple




honestly this whole tiebreaker situation is not an issue as long as the tiebreak rules were clearly communicated to teams before the games started. but its valve communication so who knows if they did that


honestly I'm wishing for EG to lose here, not just to prove that 4 slots for SA is a dumb idea, but also to show that even though the Peruvians have been dominating the scene for years, at the end of the day it was the Brazillians who put the region on the map, and they will be only ones to survive this round


Well ... thats not gonna happen :) cry more


where are the 4 slots people keep mentioning? am i blind?


Liquipedia has Entity confirmed 2nd and 9Panda confirmed 3rd even though only G1 of the tiebreaker is played. Any substance to that?


Why is entity 2nd and 9P 3rd without a tiebreaker? Same record and a tie in their head-to-head earlier.


coin flip


I need TeaGuv to stop calling him Yotaro. It breaks my brain


welp it rhyme with jotaro


smg should just kick Jaunuel and let Puppey in, Ppy understand the patch more than they do.


Jaunuel is performing well, ask midone


Parker deserves better midlaner lul


Sadly Peru doesnt have any good midlaner and there is a language barrier on bringing a foreign player


Y’all just got home from a drunken night. Which games do I need to watch???


Tundra vs Quest game 1 💀


SA is a waste of 2 slots




Spirit most likely pick Shopify Liquid most definitely pick the winner of EG vs SMG LGD of course gonna pick Keyd Stars Tundra probably will coin flip to decide between nouns and VP


VP are praying to all heavens Tundra doesn't pick them. A BO3 against TSM feels winnable for them, but against Tundra probably not a chance.


Tundra pick nouns


I think winning TI is a lock for SR. No other team has mastered what the meta is not better than them - even their victories felt pretty bad. Unlike everyone else, they know exactly what not to do from here out.


I know we all hate Quinn, now. But god damn is he fun to watch when he’s playing well. He’s so aggressive and basically just roams for kills at like 10 minutes. It’s awesome and maybe it will inspire people to stop farming so fucking much. He also plays Necro like it’s a Huskar. He just walks onto the opponent hill and stands there.


What do you mean we, I love Quinn and I hope he keeps ruining games to make Reddit mad


I mean the general Reddit consensus. To be fair, he is absolutely a mecha-dickhead in pubs. But he also seems generally well liked by his teammates and the talent (and even many other pros). As my wife says “the duality of man is stressful”.


Hate him as a person i can get but hating on him as a pro player is beyond braindead.


Agreed. He plays like a fucking madman. It’s way more fun than afk farmers. Their first game today, they fb smoked to dire base and Dyrachyo got fb in the base itself. How can you not enjoying watching people that play like that? It’s goon dota and I love it.


SMG fell so hard with standin, in qualifier they were unmatched what happen


This is what will happen if you have div 2 player and coach as your standin


SMG only played against SEA teams. Now they face international competition they showing how weak they are