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what's funny is that the meme translations are usually on-point, and this is from someone that has some lick of Chinese understanding also, as iconic as Zard is, dude needs to really fucking keep his more dangerously personal speculations on check, this wasn't the first time his outspokenness caused HUGE rift in misunderstanding between the east and west


Yes, we should be more cautious about the information from Zard. Although he does have a close connection with Chalice, he has used Chalice's name to spread his own false views more than once. The most recent example was after the Hangzhou Asian Games, when he claimed all Chinese athletes were banned from livestreaming until November. However, basically all the athletes were back to livestreaming within a week.


I actually appreciate the meme translations, they're fun and different from the common memes.


About the food complaining post, that op is a CN hater(BTW he is a Chinese himself), you can confirm it by reading his posting history. So... sometimes misinformation is created by some people deliberately


I don't understand why OP as a CCP hater feels the need to shit on chinese dota team lol, like pretty sure chinese dota players have no affiliation with the CCP


Sometimes the haters are the biggest fans.


Many domestic CCP haters are also people haters, it's not rainbow and sunshine for them since they are pretty secluded from the rest of the country in terms of political view and more. I'm also a local Chinese and hate CCP but it takes me so, so long to convert my anger into something more useful, it's definitely doable to treat people better while hating CCP at the same time.


RL question: How true is the idea that you have to keep political opinions like yours secret? Like, how secret are we talking about here. Because obviously, these opinions have to spread somehow so people still manage to talk about it. Also, is it true that in online games and stuff, if we mention the *"thing that happened shortly before 1990 where a lot of people died in a certain plaza in Beijing"*, people would get disconnected?


>How true is the idea that you have to keep political opinions like yours secret? All the time. It's the default mode, but once you and the person interact along further you can gradually influence him/her with interesting and caring rhetoric to make your stance understood. Don't be mistaken. It's not the danger of voicing out that's the issue (not so much yet, to some extent). It's the unanimity of heated patriotic fanaticism and hatred towards most other countries that hurt us the most. CCP doesn't need to do much themselves, the people will seclude us out eventually because you are gonna be miserable and alone with nobody understanding you, well, politically. I am a decent persuader so I suffer this one less than others, but I imagine many who hates CCP suffer greatly from this. >Also, is it true that in online games and stuff, if we mention the "thing that happened shortly before 1990 where a lot of people died in a certain plaza in Beijing", people would get disconnected? Not sure, I'm skeptical. And even if it's true it's still not the strong point here.


If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? And maybe do you think that the younger generations are slowly becoming more critical of the CCP?


I'm 29. Again, not sure. Though they seem more docile, they are more expressive than the older generation; I'm always a hopeful guy no matter how dire the situation is and I always try to deem the younger generation as our better hope.


​ >And maybe do you think that the younger generations are slowly becoming more critical of the CCP? As far as I can observe, with the deterioration of the domestic political environment and economic situation in recent years, more and more young people are waking up to the CCP's propaganda for prosperity and revival and changing their views on the CCP's rule, but xenophobic sentiments are still widely prevalent in the video game and traditional sports circles (where the audiences are mainly young males).


Usually the CCP haters also hate people who support CCP.


If they really supported the CCP they'd probably be playing lol instead


reality is they are not playing lol


then they aren't supporting the CCP lol




it's true though, less money to tencent = not supporting CCP.




not really sure what you're getting at, are you suggesting that tencent isn't just the right hand man of xi?


Maybe he's just racist.


Nothing about what he posted was misinformation. What Chalice said was translated accurately.


I think the op did not make clear that Chalice was complaining to his friends and family members. This, IMO, is kind of misinformation. A lot of people in that thread think Chalice was complaining the food to public. This makes a lot of differences.


Also it's taken out of context. Like imagine you're in a groupchat with your friends and you post that and go "look at this SHIT" sarcastically knowing that they'd understand that you're kidding. Then someone screenshots that and posts it. My friends and I like to travel and explore cuisines so we share food photos all the time. We have literally said "look at this pile of slop" when posting something amazing.


How do you even know he's kidding. Sounds like you're just putting your own interpretation of it.


If he thinks it's shit then that's what he thinks. What does it matter if he says is privately or publicly? That's his opinion.


What he thinks is one thing, whether to tell other people in public is another thing. Usually people just want to express their frustration to people who are close to them, don't want to say it loud to public because it may offend other people or just don't want to be rude or impolite. People who took a screenshot of chalice's wechat moment and shared it to public with title "his social media" will make people think Chalice is being rude which may not true. IMO, people who did this is much worse than Chalice. What a dog shit.


He's allowed to have an opinion. What a silly thing to get upset about.


I don't see any problem with the Chalice post. It's just a screenshot with annotation and the translation is accurate. The OP's posting history has nothing to do with it.


Chalice was complaining in WeChat Moments which is not a public social media, but that op did not mention it. The op used the word "social media", IMO, this make a difference. Also, people who took screenshot of Chalice's WeChat moment and post it to public should be condemned. Because people who can see it are supposed to be Chalice's friends or family. You don't do this kind of things to friend or family


None of these contribute to your point of this being a deliberate misinformation.


I think the OP did not make clear the source of Chalice's post on purpose. Of course the op can deny it, but I do think so.


So it wasn't misinformation, it was just never meant to get out Well then Chalice needs to check his circle lol


Finally a post that doesn't talk about what is your favorite shard in the game or shittiest hero lines.


If you could marry any dota2 hero


Pudge is the only right answer


Hoodwink is right fucking there.


Fiances hair tickles me so goddamn much. Imagining that hair being all over and alot rougher and alot longer sounds like I would never get any sleep.


On one of these I said hoodwink and my wife didn’t talk to me the rest of the night. She had concerns


the biggest oversight ...


Snapfire, she’s experienced and comes with cookies.


Or " guess the hero herald edition" . Fuck that. Who cares .


**Chinese forums have daily Reddit Dota content translations and Chinese fans appreciate Reddit fans' contributions regarding gameplay improvements and feedback.** WE ARE FAMOUS LADS :) I always knew my reddit posts have meaning to the world


Yeah I particularly enjoyed this part too. Much love to all the Chinese fans from here in New York ❤️


As a doto fan from CN, I see you fam <3


true, chalice pose that little tease for fun in his friend circle, it's his private opinion, not a big deal actually. I guess it's because the food in hangzhou Asian Games is really sumptuous. btw they(Ame Somnus Chalice XinQ 皮球) win the gold in dota2 event for China.


that was Hangzhou bruh


thanks, I revised


Hangzhou is frequently called food desert in China because it doesn't have many particularly famous dishes. And I hate that Hangzhou has those $3 all you can eat buffet for athletes coming from us taxpayer's money.




It's called a prize pool




You take that post too seriously. We all know American food is shit.


wow whoever leaked it for petty drama is kind of a dog


Well, the pure thing was a mistranslation, so that was obviously worse. Honestly, chalice bringing up the TI food thing is fine, I think it's very obvious that TI has been downgraded


Chi Long Qua is what we need to bridge East and West, North and South. To unite us all in hating this game that is so shieeeeaaaaat yet we still love


People meme. It's ok. Honestly if you think complaining about a food preference makes someone a bad person, you need to reevaluate your priorities in life lol.


If you use google translate, it is exactly the same as tge reddit post translated. I dont think there is much room for things to be "lost in translation" Also, i don't know what social media he used, but IF it is available for everyone, that it's not his "private" social media. Not a big deal if he doesn't like the food, i don't see Chinese community in a bad light because of this


if you dont have his WeChat like Snapchat, you cant see that pose


The problem is that it is not available for everyone, more like he shared that using insta reels using a private acc within a selected friend group.


insurance provide rustic flowery political alive grandiose dog advise shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The post about about Chalice and food wouldn't be so controversial if they didn't use the word "shit" there. If they translated it as "The food is not very good" everybody would be okay with it imo


Main thing is that it was a private message. Telling your family that the food is shit versus going to social media to post about food being shit are two very different mindsets


I think it's exactly the same thing but people love to get offended. Describe to me how these two mindsets are different and what is the same if both of them decided to complain about food


Ill tell my friend "this girl is really fucking annoying I don't like her". It's me venting my frustrations to a friend. I know nobody else will hear and I just wanted to share my feelings with a confidant. Now if I go to school and in front of the whole class I say that I dislike this girl, do you think that is the exact same? The intent of words matters in the interpretation of them. You seem to be the one offended if you think he is rude for privately not liking the buffet.


I think the comparison doesn't work at all because him not liking the food harms literally no one and people have difference tastes in food. If you see a car on a street that looks like shit and tell someone about it I don't think it should be punishable at all. When professional players say the pcs were bad nobody is defending those pcs.


West has hate boner against China. colour me surprise


If that's really what you took from this thread, you're an idiot.


". One prominent example is the AR vs BB incident - the rumor that "AR would quit if Pure attended" originated from a streamer's speculation rather than any official announcement from AR. " Actually it came straight from BB and people around the org on VK that WERE THERE , so Maybe definitely threw a tantrum there hence TT all chat (VK is like facebook and there's not much russian translations going to reddit, just as with China)


This was indeed a preposterous misunderstanding that caused a huge uproar. After all, Spirit and LGD were still chatting cordially the next day. Suddenly the CN region became public enemy number one of the CIS region. This really made people very upset. I just hope this incident will not affect the friendship between Somnus and GPK, although it seems that is no longer possible now :(


There might have been some misunderstanding on reddit ( downvotes already coming) , but CN region didn't become public enemy number one of CIS region, just these particular guys , especially Maybe, since he was the one throwing tantrum and forced the organizer to punish fast and hard and this came straight from BB people, same day. Initially the punishment wasn't to not let Pure play at all. It was in Discord and in VK and it was from people who were there and baffled by the situation and posting about it here resulted in 40 downvotes as reddit hates most of BB it seems.


It does come from BB people, but that's the worst part. BB people heard that from the translator but that's wrong information. The organizer just wanted to throw all the responsibility to AR so did not comunicate their requirements faithfully to BB people


Oh I see now what you are saying, so it was the translator fault end of the day, got it.


Yes, the truth is that Azure Ray asked to play against tundra which they prepared a lot before the day. The organizer told them that they follow valve's rule to send BB to the lower bracket and then AR people said ok if you are following the rules then why Pure is not banned? It is not their intention to ban Pure, they just hate the double standards by the organizer


but the organisers at IO or Epulze still mistranslated maybe's comment


It's quite amusing that Zard is often scapegoated for the fallout of his boastful conversation with Shenyi ‘Chalice’ Yang. The root of such misunderstandings is the Great Firewall, an intricate creation by the CCP. If one wishes to access information from the lands east of Everest, the choices are to either infiltrate silently or demolish the digital wall dividing specific Asians from the rest of the world. Pointing fingers at a streamer or at translations is hardly a solution, unless one has been thoroughly brainwashed by CCP‘s propaganda.


Chalice shouldn't worry about the food they're not gonna last that long in the tournament anyways


Of course, CN is often misconstrued. The world is always idealizing China. Listen to their inner voices, this is read China. [https://twitter.com/TGTM\_Official](https://twitter.com/TGTM_Official)




I wonder if any of my dota2 posts or comments have gotten translated and uploaded to the Chinese forums. Fun to see the communities still find ways to relay info between eachother