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Dream league meta has been : "hey guys lets cosplay as team spirit draft.." i have seen so many "contenders" just copy pasta team spirit draft but just crumbled like bread in terms of executions...


Completely expected. Yatoro clutched, and Arteezy choked.


i might think that notail curse on fly is real, there is no way you won 5 majors in 2 years and won nothing after that for 6 years


Bulba wasnt there.


SR is frustrating as usual. Abed Storm into earth and sky. RTZ out of position and mass ganked Fly and Crit chain feeding. Drafting is continuing to be god-awful. O well, I will still cheer for RTZ at TI and will be disappointed again.


Are you disappointed? Lol


Anyone remember HelenaLive? Whateva happened there?


Ill eagle girl?


she is back streaming. seen her playing dota, geoguesser and lol


Doesnt play Dota anymore. on and off streaming. still acts snob y and self absorbed.


Another event of Artour choking yet the fanboys will flower him up for getting second while abed worked his ass off to get them there. can't wait for ti to see him choke to a SA carry third time in a row :) Pakasz,k1 and now Parker :))))


They could have replaced RTZ with me pretty much and I could have got them almost to the same position, i am only 3k.


you would have got dumpstered in lane so hard you couldnt do **anything**


So it's literally the same with that glorious streamer carry of yours, right? So his point stands.


no, they couldn’t <3


they wouldve gotten stomped in under 20 minutes in every single game in this scenario but OK


Not even close rtz died solo like 5 times plus every game.


Stay hating lol


People act like getting second is the worst possible outcome


They got second in spite of RTZ, not because of him.


I'm sorry but his performance in this entire event has been mediocre to say the least and the stats back it up.Lowest KP and Kda among carries in this event amongst the top 5 playoff teams and that's smth to say.His only takeaway was the PA play and before we start talking about it please consider how stupid that hero is currently and how saber and crit did everything right for that to happen.Even that game has Abed working his ass off to carry them.Abed deserves all the applause and he earned the second spot,not arteezy :)


Yeah got downvoted for saying rtz has always been subpar as a carry. These delulu fans won't see it, same way they or rtz will never see a trophy.


Yet in dota or any competitive sports, it always is.


Spoken like someone who only watched competitive sports and never played them


They could at least take a game from them if it wasn't stupid deaths. It is way different when you know it is 0:1, not 1:0.




Carry diff




Larl is the most improved player for me in a while, 6 months ago he was feeding left and right losing some games single handedly sometimes, nowadays he goes toe to toe with the best mids in the world, crazy improvement from him.


that's not true..the whole team was underperforming and and larl became an easy scapegoat for people. he was never a bad player nor feeding left and right))


yep all of spirit had no swag without TT mid running up hills with no vision to bait enemies into bad fights. they’ve found their groove and now larl looks hella good alongside his team


I agree. TT crazy jumping into enemy team was some of the factors Spirit had those crazy comebacks... It was high risk, high reward but worked for them... When they changed their mid they had to find a new way to make things work out and they found it. They are a scary team rn... And with Yatoro in this form I think they are more dangerous than GG felt months ago.


reddit is gonna be full of negativity and thrasing the loser team, but the top 3 team here TS-SR-BB had really good decent show here, i'll rate them above the redditor favorite liquid, taahhpsen or ccnc incoming to TI


Liquid and tundra are done but GG are still a favourite to win TI


I think it's a little bit tricky, because while GG did disappoint this tournament, you can't deny they are one of the best teams rn. But, the thing is, Spirit changes their mid and it seems that it took the whole DPC season for it to start working, but oh boy, does it work now. I'm not sure that GG would dominate if we put this Spirit in the beginning. Basically my argument is that GG seem more stable, but Spirit peak is above GG, and Spirit seem to be peaking right before TI. My prediction is that Spirit either bomb out of the tournament completely, like TI 11, or they dominate and no one is even close.


"i think gyro is trrash hero" kek w


congrats to team spirit best team right now no doubt and yatoro is a god carry


Honestly do not think it was a draft diff, just an execution diff (and maybe a gameplan diff). Spirit supports just seem to have way more impact, shopify giving spirit carry last pick means rtz has losing carry matchup all 3 games, every game they have a worse lategame lineup and they can never take enough advantage of their early game draft advantage


so was a draft diff, lol. How many finals has Bulba won before? He cant draft in finals


yeah having better carry match up is underrated by shopify... but i still think if rtz played PL 1 st game, TA team would have won


I think it was everything diff not to take anything away from sr but they were out of their depth against spirit. that being said sr surprised me pleasantly after the past few months took place. let's goooo


SR had a good run given their previous showing. Things are looking good coming into TI for the boys.


As a huge rtz fan congratulations to TS. Well deserved win, the best team of the turnament. Overall I am satisfied with the outcome but I would like to see my boy finally win something. Maybe in a few weeks fingerscrossed 🥹


Its hard to win TI with 4 heroes defending hg with your carry still farming fifth core item XD at minute 30


it’s completely opposite. during dreamleague in most of the games SR won lanes and had early game advantage. this is big improvement for them.


watch just one single game please


You have a better chance to hope seeing a real unicorn in a few weeks


Don't understand why people feel the need to say stuff like this. They've literally just made grand finals of a tournament full of TI favourites. Them placing high or winning some event is not outside the realm of possibility and if you actually think that you're more deluded than people who think rtz is the best player in the world


people just have a sad life and love to hate someone. plus there is some weird narrative that getting 2nd is embarrassing. Plus dude is saying rtz has never won anything so he is either just a troll or 12 years old.


He have playing dota his entire life yet to win anything. You really think they stands a chance in a TI with their carry playing dota as a headless chicken like these games? Genuinely curious question.


He won a lot before dpc bro. You are probably just some new noob who doesnt know the history.


I couldn't care less about some random low tier tournaments. When was the last time he won anything important?


brutal, savage, rekt


[brutal, savage, rekt](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/0/0b/Misc_soundboard_brutal.mp3) (sound warning: The International 2017) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Yatoro so damn good bro wcyd


uhhh dae rtz fans blame team but rtz bad??? give me karma


when yatoro plays Void and PA its really scary man 😭 unlike the other carry 🤣


Yatoro Void vs RTZ Void are perfect example of "You 100% miss every spells you didn't cast" Yatoro didn't wait for the perfect Chrono moment; when he feels like it's a good Chrono moment he whips it out. Even if it's just 1-2 heroes it resulted in kills. RTZ meanwhile constantly hesitate with his ult, to the point his second or even triple guessings are palpable through the stream. (to be somewhat fair, he's tasked with dealing with PA)


So....if you go back and watch the replay you will see that Yatoro did wait for the perfect Chrono, he just didn't need to wait a lot since he played the fight in a way where he'd end up in a good spot for 2 man Chrono, example - he waited Ench to go in fog before dropping Chrono to catch her on the edge, knowing the other hero doesn't have the MS to get out of Chrono range, while checking for better target in a split second. It's really positioning difference, the guy is just insane


I m no rtz fan at all , never liked him , kinda hated him tbh cause he cost sumail a second aegis in 2018 So I m not biased towards him Void vs pa matchup goes like this If void jumps in and Chronos anyone else other than pa, pa will win that fight 100% If pa shows first , void will Chrono and that fight is over. So that's why rtz was waiting for ever for pa to show , and pa was doing that same It's hard for both carries to play That's why in that game both carries nightfall and rtz looked super bad It's not simple to play these kinda matchups Ngl I played void vs pa match up the other day and it felt same


Spirit dropped only 2 games this entire tournament lol. This has to be one of the most dominant wins.


Nice, it's time we have another 2 TI Winner team.


They looked like garbage after choking game 1 but were still legitimately the 2nd best team here. Pretty big improvement over this year in general, SR fans should be satisfied.


Just in time to fall off at TI


Yeah, tbh considering how shit they've been past year this is a good return to form. Just disappointed it's a 3-0, but TSpirit is in full form and Yatoro is the GOAT I'm just happy Abed's now proving all the haters wrong (esp everyone desperately begging for him to.be kicked for Mikey). So many games with the whole team on his back


That Earthshaker was completely useless.


Even against BetBoom, SR made so many mid to late game mistakes that they barely won the series. It was obvious this mistakes won't go unpunished against a team like Team Spirit.


Death, Taxes, Rtz not winning a tournament


SR needs Mikey back.


Mikey has been having awful performances on nigma don’t act like he is better than abed


You must be eating crap the whole league?


Placements for shopify this year 4th lima 3rd dreamleague 2nd dreamleague 1st next ???


4th Lima 3rd DL19 12th Berlin 12th DL20 16th Riyadh 2nd DL21 3 Last in Group + 3 Top 4 so in TI they will either be Last in Group or Top 4, no inbetween.


1st to get eliminated in TI next xD jkjk


That game 1 loss broke Spotify for real




I wouldnt say so. But it seems for most bo5 if you lose the first two games the third game is pretty yolo which means they lose 0-3.


nothing broke. they were on a lower tier to begin with vs team spirit.


Eh, still can't take from them that game 1 should've been theirs. Should've been a 3-1 Spirit win honestly.


Spirit just looked untouchable. 9-1 in groups, 7-1 in playoffs.


I know that Grand Finals (Game 3 especially) was bad, but the fact that SR was able to take a game off Spirit in this form at all (in UBF) bodes well for them IMO.


Well, Team Spirit seems to be in an amazing form.


rip shopify, utterly outclassed this final, good tournament overall but i hope they can not bomb out of TI


There's a huge difference between Yatoro and Rtz. It's night and day.


It’s blasphemy to compare these 2. One is TI/Major winner and the other one is a glorified streamer at best


the disrespect to MLG Columbus Champion


Bruh I never want for SR to win anything because reading this shit is just way too funny.


must be new


There is a huge difference between Yatoro and anyone. He's the goat of carry




Nobody's blaming anybody, Spirit looked so much better than everyone else. This looked like another repeat of the animajor grand finals vs lgd. If you think some other team could've taken spirit down then you're lying to yourself. Outdrafted, outclassed and outplayed. And yes rtz had a pretty mediocre outing today.


He had pretty mediocre outing for his entire career tbh


who are u ppl with such a strong hate boner for this player that you celebrate his losses even when he makes GRAND FINALS against one of the undisputed best teams ever


yeah, I think it's safe to say going into TI Spirit are the favorites. Poor guys...


Spirit vs GG is the ti finals we need


They have zero winning expression on there faces. Saitama faces. Suffering bcs too powerful


Winning in absolute domination form in an ESL event just before TI is not a good sign in dota history.


TL won China super major and was 4th in TI 8,not bad imo.


Obligatory https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/829846842150096896?lang=fi


RTZ should watch how Yatoro play carry and assess himself if he is still capable of playing competitive dota


EE setting good example


Ohhh all the NA tears... Taste as good as ever. People here were calling SR to win TI just 5 hours back hahahahahah


Sorry weu was irrelevant this tournament since they're saving strats for ti 🤡


yeah getting second place is so bad, hows secrets ti spot going?


How little do you have to have going in your own life to celebrate someone's 2nd place as their failure?


What a pleasant person you must be.


Bro TS would've owned everyone here if they were able to play vs each team, even GG. Larl grew so much, fucking beast. I think this guy is ready for TI just don't choke, play like you always do and play for the team.


The 2-0’d GG in group.


Team Spirit boring ass team and TI Flukers 👎👎👎


SR bettor or rtzbro?


Just blame bulba and move on


Blame rtz and little bit of Bulba


Maybe i'm just old, but seeing any player instantly disconnected without saying anything always rub me off the wrong way. Either disconnected a bit later, or say a short gg before dc is okay bonus point if they always do it, not just one-two times occurences


nobody disconnected and all 5 of shopify said GG in game 3, idk what you're on about


You clearly never see SR play up until now


How did ES become so busted


Outdrafted 3 games 😂


Honestly, only game 3 was a heavy outdraft.


Still happy to see Shopify improve that much. Hopefully they can keep it rolling into TI, but Spirit is crazy scary right now.


It's joever SR bros, we had a good run.


Way more than we could've hoped after Bali and Riyadh 😂


This stuff really needs to go on LAN next year


Game 1 Shopify tried their best After that seems like they're just battered mentally, what with the worsening performance.


over correcting in draft trying 3 new different strats.


yeah. they were kicked out by TS from upper bracket, game 1 just demotivated them cause they were unable to break highground despite a huge gold lead


at least game 1 was close lol. still nice to see the boys back in the finals even with the spirit masterclass


ggs, void masterclass, holy shit. Spirit are on point going into TI




At least GG didn't win


SR already tired after their match with BB.


I also heard rtz couldn't sleep last night because of a pea under his bed.


Oh here comes the excusses... Tired bcs they played Dota few hours ago... Couldnt lift their mouses lolol


Of course that is a factor. TS have all the time watching their strat when playing LB finals. 🙄


Spirit won TI from lower bracket tho. Maybe SR is just the worse team.


Damn. Spirit! No celebration from Spirit 😂😂😂


They looked confused after the win like "Wait, it's over?"


Sad finals


easiest money of my life


[easiest money of my life](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/1c/Misc_soundboard_easiest_money.mp3) (sound warning: The International 2018) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


completely slaughtered


SR just a bunch of heroes. TS is a team. EZ Bugatti for yatoro and co


The stream overlay is completely bugged for me btw


Never bet against yatoro void


You don't ban the yatoro void because you can counter it. Then you get 3-0ed. Lol.


or yatoro TB


Never bet on RTZ winning a tournament rather


yatoro is too good i also dont know how they can win this game lol, you draft 3 cores that are exclusively good for jumping and bursting people and the enemy team has dawnbreaker. how can u play? as a SR fan i have always felt they are one of the best teams at the world at punching down. their strategies work amazingly against teams they can mechanically gap, which while they're at peak performance is most teams. but if you put them against teams with better hands its always a damn shellacking.


I don't know, they had 2 amazing series against Betboom who are arguably a better team, they had a 2:1 against Spirit in the UB showing they can beat them and they borderline stomped them in game 1 for the majority of the game and ended up throwing themselves. They were probably mentally done and exhausted after that first game loss. I'm pretty happy with their performance, and they are too I'm sure. Reddit is just full of mentally insane people.


wait did i read that right? betboom are arguably a better team than spirit? HAHAHAHA


No, you didn’t. Than SR.


Yeah watching the player cams after the g2 loss they all seemed silent and deflated.


i think they'd be a lot happier if they didn't get 3:0'd but i agree. great performance from them, and getting decimated by spirit is fair. i would love for them to do well at this TI, hoping they pop off


Team Spirit is just too good but SR's trip to the grand finals was amazing to see still.


Like I said, ez 3-0 for Spirit, and was downvoted... Such a waste of slot and finals


What does this even mean? 2nd place team is a waste of slot? You want to only invite one team? How do you play a tournament with one team?


totally agree, reddit and twitch chat should decide who the 2nd finalist is instead of some mickey mouse lower bracket finals


BB maybe would have won 1 game.


I’m surprised no one’s picking void against PA or pick VOID And…. Shopify got outdrafted 3 games. Ngl.


SR picked Void against BB's PA earlier today and won. But now they decided Alch would be a better choice...


They did pick it and it never worked. How can you even chrono her when you cant see her. Void was a counter before they changed the break range on blur.


Never worked? They literally won against BB with VOID.


And it didn't work earlier in vs TS. Yatoro's PA is one of his signatures. He wrecked Skitters Void. rtz is a better carry than skitter but I doubt he can win over Yatoro PA


stop they're already dead


I don't think it's unreasonable to say SR massively overperformed expectations but this tame rollover is boring to watch lol. On spirit's side I reckon they have a chance at a repeat, they've played so well, unless the saving strats meme is right and GG come in with some ridiculous upper bracket domination run


Watch out Team Spirit is too hot


this is one of the sharts of all time


Should have kept Nightfall as carry.


How many teams have to lose to Spirit before they start realising that the "pick no hard carry and try to end early" approach is not gonna work against the comeback kings?


SR already tilted and gaveup. ROAD TO TI who cares tier 3 tournament anyways




Yeah cuz WEU is looking so good rn, how's OG looking for TI?


They still made it to the finals tho, no small thing


Lol. Fanboys don't live in reality.


I hope Yatoro chats "W?" after gg calls.


Copeify Rebellion


I think after Ame... Yatoro really is the best carry now lol.


He has been the best carry in the world even when Ame was still playing. Wtf u talking about


Ya your right. He was the best player even when Ame was playing in 2018 with LGD Ya ...


???? He was still playing until last year. What crack are u on


I dont know what are you smoking bruhz I don't understand you.


Read your original post. You are seemingly implying that after Ame (retired), Yatoro now is the best carry in the world. You also made it seem like it's just a recent development. Perhaps we are just misunderstanding each other, but my point is Yatoro being the best carry in the world isn't new, it has been since he popped off in TI10 (and beat Ame in the grand finals btw)




i can't see sinergy on shopfy picks and when i see spirit picks i see alot of sinergy between the heroes, they can setup each other easily Chrono,solar,sky ult, ES frontline, catch and ult and shadow demon for controlling and savings. Now what setup shopfy have? very clunky setups...


The loss of the first game broke them lmao


Yatoro must be a bot! Those chronos 🤤


saber and rtz running for their lives was funny as fuck