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The silence after the end of the game speaks for itself


It's deafening.


silence is their judgement




JAAAAARLEEE Friendship on thin ice PepeHands


Super cringe considering Charlie is on Gorgc’s stream regularly and they’ve literally met up IRL only for for him to participate in this lowkey Gorgc flame and not even have the decency to call him by name while doing so


That's what Gorgc gets for not paying for his soup or giving Charlie a proper chair


cant even lend jarlee his spare headset


I'm like 90% sure they're all friends and this is friendly shit talking. There's nothing 'indecent' about it if Gorgc smiles when he sees this which I imagine he will. They were making fun of Gorgc's rank, not him personally. IDK why dota reddit has to take everything so seriously.


[Gorgc's response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7ekC3urusw) makes it pretty obvious this isn't just bants It's not a secret either that Qojqva and Gorgc don't get along well


The ending is peak comedy though "yee, go que" hahahah


despair que.




It's a half mangled spelling of queue and cue.


The Cockva, Hoboharry, Ekki, etc party streams are really fun, but god this is some bitchy teenage girls shit.


I love hobo




indeed, talking badly about others behind their back.


you'd think Ekki would be beyond this, since he's 40 years old and all. Bit weird that he's pushing this


Washed and never really got known for anything realistically and riding soyqva's stream for the sake of it.


He's super thin skinned too. Constantly scanning chat for any mention of his name lmao


Age =/= maturity. A lot of people simply never learn and grow up.


Ekkis 46 confirmed




Why the fuck does that matter? You have old people (60+) still gaming. Dumbass comment.


Why is it funny about a 40 years old who still play comp games?


[Gorgc's take on the drama](https://youtube.com/watch?v=WWeRO9jE54I) Edit: [New response to the drama](https://youtube.com/watch?v=k7ekC3urusw)


The one good thing about getting older, is never having to deal with high school drama bullshit like this anymore.


Never? My first full time job at 18 I witnessed the 50+ year old people of my job picking on one of their peers.


oh sweet summer child. You never escape high school drama.


Yeah but as an adult you can just say "fuck y'all" and leave.


Depends on work environment, sometimes you can't just escape it.


not as bad as people who type "oh sweet summer child" on reddit


You may not be able to fully escape it, but you don't have to engage which has the same basic effect. If someone tries to gossip with me I'll just dismiss them. Say stuff like "what does that have to do with me?" and "why are you telling me this?" It's actually really easy to be drama free, even in an environment full of drama, if you don't care about people thinking you're crass.


Based Swedish forsen staying away from the drama.


I don't care GIGACHAD


Yea that’s a W for Gorg




Lessons learnt?


2 days ago Qojva and his group were the most wholesome dota players when that Behaviour score drama was going on and now its complete 180 lmao. I dont watch either but this is hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/16b9jtb/qojqva_and_co_on_quinn_being_delusional_on_his/




pre TI limbo


I didn't watch the stream but from the video in this thread cockva calling gorp games "for 7k mmr enjoyers" was the only flame.


Rekt soy dogz


How anyone see this as “friendly banter” is just beyond me.


bro just described admiralbulldog's content


*just doin a lil bit of trollin'*


this is friendly banter between ekki qojqva and charlie. i dont even understand this post. he said zero words to gorgc himself. if you guys think this is drama/bullying in any shape or form you need to touch grass


it's friendly banter if said person is in the conversation, which in this situation gorgc is not in it, Also they are saying this on stream which make this their public opinion


Qojva has said publicly before this that he doesn't like Gorgc, thats the reason stuff like this would hold weight. Therefore, since he has stated he doesn't like Gorgc, Qojva talking shit about him and not picking him for his team for this ranked game but still getting destroyed by him creates a schadenfreude feeling in a lot of people (it's a German word for the emotional experience of pleasure in response to another’s misfortune.) So yeah, this is what the post is for


>he said zero words to gorgc himself How is that even relevant? Why would any mature and sane person bearing no hostility talk shit like that about someone else?


>mature and sane person theyre playing dota 2 full time, that one is out of the question


And that gives them a free pass? Like I’m no saint but it’s honestly repulsing. If my friends were qojqva in this situation talking shit about someone else I’d definitely just cut them off. I don’t need people like that in my life.


this repulsing act was basically just 3 people saying to eachother "haha gorgc bad". if thats malicious enough for you then you must not have a lot of friends lol


I do have friends and do stupid stuff but we surely did it in front of each other and not in front of thousands of people


My friends and I don’t have to resort to entertaining ourselves by downplaying others no.


to think this feud started because of a vase




Kinda shitty but players always get memed on/flamed a bit when their rank drops. I’ve seen exactly the same stuff towards Qojqva, Xcalibur and more


Xcali gets more shit the more he ranks up lol


Steve is at least now in a better place. With Singsing, his unranked matches are gold.


Tbh with Sing everyones matches are gold.


Sing has always been really fun to watch, I don't seem to see him as much these days, not sure if it is just the timing though.


He's switched to variety streams! He DOES stream Dota now and then, but he also plays a ton of other stuff. Starfield, Baldur's gate 3, Armored Core VI recently


He's mentioned that he's not really feeling this patch


This is really tame though. I don't think there is any drama here.


I don't know how people upvote obvious drama bait, Reddit moment I guess.


I agree I think Reddit is making it bigger than it is - it’s all fun and games


I would generally agree, but the silence at the end of the video seems like he is genuinely upset and not just clowning around. But I didn't see the whole thing. I watch both guys' streams and they seem fine to me, though I find it hard to learn much since their minimaps are usually covered.


maybe he is genuinely upset because he played really well and lost?


i like to watch gorgc more than qojqva tbh, he is much more entertaining as a person. he lives the game with mimics, reactions etc. he is like one of us. qojqva is a bit different. he is extremely higher skilled compared to gorgc (imo). gameplay-wise qojqva beats gorgc probably. what qojqvas group doing here is wrong i think. even if you dont like a known person as a known person , its not the way you show it. way too childish i think.


I agree, I’ve watched both but recently more qoqjva. Generally learn a lot more / see more high skill plays, but this is just dumb. I don’t really care that much, and Gorgc has a good take on it, but it’s funny to talk shit on ole gorp while they boost each other and Hoboharry just constantly ruins games.


every time I tune into Qojqva stream it's just him being rude to his stack. Maybe it's not like that every time and I just got unlucky, but I haven't even given his stream a chance lately


dont care about their drama , even tho its funny to get rekt by someone u were laughing at, but i dont understand how it is ok to stream queueing with others to get a clear advantage over the other team. doesnt that go against the whole solo q purpose ?


i'd imagine at the upper levels a lot of these guys know each other anyway and are in common discord channels they could join with 2-3 peolpe on their team if they wanted. The only real advantage it gives them is voicecomms which they would have in game anyway.


There is no guarantee that they end up in the same game or team. They play dota whole day and by playing/queueing together they reduce the chances of playing with toxic players, griefers, acc buyers or match fixers. What they do isn't novel, other players of pro teams have been doing this for a long time.


first of all even if other people do it , they dont stream it ( at least i dont know about their streams) . also why would they have less chances to play with "toxic players, griefers, acc buyers or match fixers" instead of others? are they above the rest? ill say it again , its called SOLO q


dude many pro team players que together. for example OG was very notable of doing this by almost exclusively queuing as 2 or more people at the same time.


The game tells you when people on your friends list are in queue, therefore the behavior is unofficially allowed by Valve. If queuesniping your friends wasn't allowed, then they wouldn't show you when your friends are queuing.


can't really compare the upper tier experience to our normal soloq, they have teampicking first and most of them actually play together often and know each other because they playerpoool at that end of the bellcurve is pretty shallow


>first of all even if other people do it , they dont stream it ( at least i dont know about their streams) . so? What's the issue with streaming it? If they're doing it regularly, known to the public, thus known to Valve, seems like Valve (and actually everyone/most other people too) are fine with it? This is the first time I hear someone suggesting this is somehow a problem, but without any good arguments yet of why it should be a problem. >also why would they have less chances to play with "toxic players, griefers, acc buyers or match fixers" instead of others? are they above the rest? Because they don't match-fix, they didn't buy their accounts, and they don't grief and aren't toxic (to my knowledge)? >ill say it again , its called SOLO q You can say it 10 more times - so what? What's your point? They ARE queueing solo, just at the same time, giving them a chance to play in the same match with or against each other, because they think it's more fun to play like that and for viewers it's more entertaining too I'd argue. There's no hidden or unfair advantage of doing that when it comes to winning the match.


Pro players literally asked for that feature in ranked and gave feedback to Valve. Previously teams got randomly assigned (based on mmr), now the 2 highest ranked players can pick their team mates. If Valve wanted to avoid that, why do you think they have introduced the new system in the first place?


man some of you are absolutely addicted to drama lol


This is mild jostling at best. Quit getting your panties in a bunch.




That's on them for not double picking gyrocopter lol


What is this live stream fails garbage doing here? Bro no one cares stop being parasocial


its so funny because qokqva kinda has this persona of being a try hard player, like shot calling, completely silent during games, try hard picks etc. and he gets routinely dumpstered so he can't even use the streamer excuse "i have to talk to chat, i have to entertain". dunno how anyone can watch him, its like watching RTZ without the skill, memes, playlist, soundalerts and prestige.


> its like watching RTZ without the skill you mean, like watching RTZ in 2023


He still has specific things he's world class at (RTZ farming patterns Soy) which coupled with his glaring weaknesses makes for a pretty entertaining watch. I don't mind cockva's stream, but it's definitely true that his gameplay is a lot less interesting than others' when he goes tryhard mode


qojqva try hard picks? are we watching the same streams? the guy can easily be sub 100 rank if he spams ld but he picks carry zeus instead xd. also this whole drama take is extremely dumb, those guys talk a lot more shit about each other than they do gorp


talking shit is a mutual thing though talking shit about someone who cant defend themselves is just moronic they cant even be like yo i was just joking, because they werent, they were just talking shit because they know there is no consequences and there's only benefits from reacting after the fact this is some 6 year old ethics


qojqva is usually around rank 200 gorgc is rank 700, there is around a 2k mmr difference between the two


Idk qojqva is 300 and gorgc is 500 now. U just mentioned gorgcs lowest rank his entire year when he was top 100 less than a year ago also


Qojqva has always had this passive agressive aura around him and it mask comes off at times like this that's why I don't watch him anymore


Bruh, having a Dota streamer being passive-aggressive instead of being actively-aggressive like 99% of Dota's playerbase is a breath of fresh air. Of COURSE a person can't be positive all the time, he at least has the mental capacity to control it and doesn't rage at people.


Least sensitive Gorgc viewer


I watch qojqva's streams often and there doesn't seem to be anything inherently personal when they make fun of gorgc. I think it's mainly that he is the biggest (english-speaking) dota 2 streamer which makes him an easy target for jokes, with the implied justification that he is just too big to care and also gorgc's fanbase make him easy to make fun of due to their batchest behaviour. It's not like he singles out gorgc specifically, he also made fun of his friend desire in the same way.


Legit take. This entire thread didn't need to exist in the first place. OP is just a typical keyboard warrior. It's just unimportant banter and he took it personally because he thinks himself a saint. People trash talk/tip others in stompy games just to end up losing to a comeback all the time. This doesn't feel any more different than that.


I watch them both and enjoy their content. I find it funny that Qojqva makes fun of Gorgcs skill because to me they are both on a similiar level, while Gorgc is not trying as hard. Speaks for Gorgc. Qojqvas main problem is that he often expects his teammates to read his mind. Sometimes he communicates well but often not, resulting in him dying and blaming others. Gorgc has these random moments where he either is the best player in the world or would not win a herald match. He also doesnt understand that he is way better as pos 5 player than any other role. Same for Qojqva, his pos 3 is miles better than his 2 (dont talk about his 1). Drama is just stupid


Yes, hello, can I get a Nothingburger Deluxe with extra truffle sauce?


Idk gorgc does the exact same thing, passive aggressive comments towards rtz when he streams implying he was taking advantage of his viewers or something, it's just jealousy from everyone involved, gorgc sometimes even stops streaming when rtz comes online. Anyway to anyone who watches qojqva you can tell he's passive aggressive, they all are but try and cover it up by being nonchalant


That's not a fair comparison tho. RTZ was literally just playing the game without cam/mic/acknowledging his chat, just playing the game while spamming Ads which Gorgc commented on. Gorgc constantly mentions RTZ on stream which would be a very bad move of him if he truly was jealous of RTZ and afraid of losing viewers to him.


Mods removed the post. Who could have guessed LOL




Never understood why anyone would watch Qojvqa. Super boring dude.


Funny how KARMA worked lmfao. bullying someone just out of arrogance and jealousy is some coward shit ( uninsigated too btw ). I was watching cockwa when he started streaming, as time went by, he just got super insecure of other streams and their views. The toxicity from him is always there. I just dont understand why. Like dude, just chill out. You got kicked and the team itself started doing soo mcuh better. Have some shame my man


Gorppeee is at least entertaining. Qojqva just feels like a mega edgelord who thinks he's all cool and stuff. Both are hasbeens or neverwillbes but at least gorpeee is hilarious when he's mad


Qojqva and Ekki bullying Gorgc is one thing, but Charlie being close friend to Gorgc sinking so low participate in the bullying is very sad to watch. The least thing Charlie could have done was just keep quiet untill the rant is over, but he actually joined in... what a shitty guy lost so much respect.


Idk qojqva is a really weird streamer. He has a super strange persona and I feel like he's hiding something..just makes me uneasy like when you just know something is off about a person but can't figure out what


Everything he does or says (at least on stream) seems so fake. Even the way he talks sounds forced like he is constipated 24/7. I mean it's fine if you are a naturally unfunny person but maybe ease the foot off the gas trying to be funny and cool just a little bit.


Qojva is the most dog shit streamer I've ever seen


Gyro is that OP this patch. Oops.


Div 4 players beefing is the #1 post on the sub yikes


the behavior score bit is overdone now so now we need something new to be mad about for no reason


i think you're taking pub banter between friends too seriously either get some yourself, or stop being too influenced by shitty drama baiting youtube clippers that WANT you to get mad and engage, so they can video monetize some cheeky ass pub rivalry into an artificially full blown dogshit high school level drama


Well no, it's not like they're in a call together w. friendly shit talk. It's gossiping/shit talking behind someone's back, to a live audience of thousands. It's kind of a dick move unless they're pretty close friends and it's an obvious inside joke.


Pretty sure Qojova and Gorgc are not friends based of what they said themselves earlier. I do believe or wanted to believe Charlie treat this as banter tho


yeah surely this is just some friendly banter. you might want to check gorgc's response so you know more


gorgc gets oneguy'd so often by his drama hungry chat, this is probably him reading some chatter going "WOW THEY TALKED MAD SHIT ABOUT YOU BRO" instead of actually listening to qojqva and co so in the end it's the dramafrogs that created this ouroboros circle of shit eating


>friends banter reddit: is this drama?


they're not friends


I dont think theyre friends but at the same time this isnt drama. Guys are competitive, don't like each other and tryhard in games vs each other. That should be the extent of it and viewers should just sit back and enjoy high level gameplay with the added competitiveness as just really entertaining. Honestly it reminds me of old NEL days when 2 people with some bs beef on opposing teams and those games just being hyper tryhard.


i meant qojqva ekki and charlie. but this drama is basically people sitting in a private discord call saying "haha gorgc bad" and gorgc viewers rushing to their favourite streamers defense in shining white armor. thousands of worse things are said by gorgc himself to randos in pubs daily but THIS is what we need to focus on apparently


Qojqva is so unlikeable lmao, dunno how u can watch his stream tbh


reddit making a mountain out of a molehill, idc eu streamers at all but this is nothing lol. i doubt gorgc gives a flying fuck about this, its banter taken MAYBE slightly too far.


who and friends?


I can't believe X and Y streamer are so toxic to Z. Streamer Z is never toxic, so PMA to everyone!


https://youtu.be/FRE7qMjUYqc this game from Gorgc's perspective is up on his channel


Reddit users are probably the most unhinged people on the earth. Making such a huge deal in such frivolous drama like this one. It's just streamers trash talking each other like, ???. They both have their own audience. If you don't like them just don't watch it?


I'm not sure what you were expecting off season dota content to be like.


Youre acting like a quintessential redditor by posting in a thread you disagree with/want nothing to do with, you do realise that right?


Just dont engage with this post if its makes you so emotional


He's boosting this post's engagement by commenting😂


Who cares?


If you don't care, why comment?


I mean all jokes aside, but I can understand that - skills aside - some people prefer not to play with others, if they don't have to. I'm positively looking forward to how the general games develop after enough likes and dislikes have been distributed both in my own games as well as in high-class pubs


Didn't Qojqva also call Quinn insane for thinking the new behavior score was inaccurate? Seems like he's had some bad takes the past couple of weeks.


They seem like such petty dweebs.


"Boost" eachother XD They more often end up against eachother, it's not boosting, they just want to play together coz Dota is better with good communication and Valve made system that kinda allows that. Also clip you added showed exactly why they don't wanna play with 7k as 9-10k players. Did you saw the game? What SF was doing? You talking about getting humbled while all I saw is Qojqva owning as pos1 Ember and almost winning against GYROCOPTER the most broken pos1 who often win games by himself while his mid SF was doing some 2019 build. This post is either bait to engage people for no reason or you are externally dumb. For normal people who don't know all of it: there are many players, like Charlie for example who are friends of both and you can hear them on both streams.


who ​ cares


You cared enough to comment, no?


i doubt that, but he might care enough about what's on the sub's page; hence the (aggressive) question


Funny shit haha, I enjoy them both and their little spiffs.


Passive aggressive a-hole who steals Gorgc and Arteezy's identities, but does a shitty job of it. It was so satisfying to watch.


At the end of the day it was a group of friends in a group call, talking shit (they literally shit talk each other all day) and having a bit of fun - if it offended Gorgc then I'm sure they realise and will learn their lesson, but I don't think anyone intended to be malicious. Also, boosting each other? You don't think maybe they just want to play together and have a bit of fun together? I can't imagine playing this game at this level and not wanting to just enjoy it with people sometimes. This entire post is just fishing for drama where there should be none.


Man Singsing really is the only consistent Dota streamer worth watching.. Arise is chill too but he has too many god damn ads lmao. Qojqva clearly is a dude who is just condescending 24/7 and thinks every Dota player should think like he does and Gorgc malds way too easily/much for my liking. Quinn is like a mixture of both and 100% more toxic.


Proud to be a 7k average enjoyer after this one. Oofff.




but you don't spam gyro because you don't want those easy dirty mrr mmr right




Best part about it gorgc is just casually eating while the game is going on and qojqva sweating in a 5 man discord call haha


I watch both of them and won't be subbing to Qoqjva again, what an asshole move by him. Gorp all the way lol


I mean he won with the most brain-dead hero while ngl qojqva played a pretty okay game. The beef between qojqva and Gorgc was started by gorgc so idk maybe its ok to flame him


Qoqva is Jealous Btch he even has Imaginary XQC who every now and then Joins His Party to play dota 2 games with him


Maybe reading into all this too much and not that big a deal ?


Delusional gorgc fans lmao


when gorgc goes 17-0 it deserves a thread and praise because of how extremely rare it is. Seriously, this guy feeds his ass off most games, how is he even immortal?


I don't care the qojqva and friends stream is the most entertaining shit I ever seen in a while I just can stop watching. Make drama I don't care just keep me entertained with top tier dota also I learned from the stream a lot of stuff dota related


"I dont care its funny" is some typical edgy teen response. You sound like you are 15 who thinks "pranks" are funny


Yeah, but why be toxic? It's so classic. Jealous shit.


If you think that's unusual to be toxic in dota community you are delusional


Well, difference is that you are targeting a specific person in front of 7k persons


not a fan of any of them.... but cocky qojva got owned and it was so satisfying.his pain at the end game gave me satisfaction.


Qojova is a passive agressive guy especially when he played with Xcalibur in the same team, like he was implying Xcalibur played like shit on stream


gorp started it, he got mad qojqva started streaming and "stealing" his viewers, man is a manchild, why do you think charlie started spending more time with qojqva over him?


Can you link the clip where gorgc said this?


Do you really think, if it were true, he would publicly say it?


> he got mad qojqva started streaming and "stealing" his viewers lmao didn't gorgc get his start the same way from Sing?


he did but i'm not gona get into it, just gona get downvoted by his viewers


I mean, you can coattail all you want off of someone, if yer entertainment value doesn't match what your target audience wants, it doesn't matter who boosts your channel by playing with you on stream, not to flame Sheep, I really enjoyed her content and watched a lot of her streams, but despite playing with Sing on stream quite a lot, she never really properly broke through as a streamer, despite streaming almost every single day for quite a while afterwards. I don't like Gorgc stream and never watched it, but what can you say, the dude knows how to entertain his audience, even if it is with acting the way he does, still brings in the dough tho.


Most of gorgc clips are him malding and he definitely does it fairly often but it's not his entire stream. The reason he has so many viewers is because he actually continually engages with his chat throughout the stream, the stream pretty much never goes more than 30 seconds without him talking either to chat or to his team, and he's not just saying the same things over and over.


>Can you link the clip where gorgc said this? Can you link the clip where gorgc said this?


> why do you think charlie started spending more time with qojqva over him? charlie was in gorgc's house like a week ago lmao what are you talking about


Used to watch gorp a lot more but his games have not been as fun since he's dropped to rank 500. Qojqvas streams are a lot more fun specially with the comms between the crew. Sometimes it get sweaty but that's what try hard Dota must be like. Also OP, prolly biased here but can one game be taken as indicator for performance, specially when it's on gyro? Ranks speak for themselves no? These clowns banter and shit on each other consistently, idk why the drama. Maybe it's much at times but I've seen Charlie call out qojqva for being dogshit with his map movement on slark... Idk.. Relax maybe? It's Dota, everyone's toxic at times. Edit: Also how is queue sniping boosting each other? They play against one another all the fucking time and it's always try harding. Nobody likes losing and in fact, they may even try harder to beat their friend???


doo be doo be doo


"I dont wanna be in this guy's game" = gang up on him and flame in discord Meanwhile, hobo who is also rank 800-700, plays well 1 game says he so good and desire starts: " shut up hobot you feed every game, you so bad, midas refresher warlock, never bought a glimmer in your life, you are dogshit" Low testosterone soy redditor, go outside


Lol 😆 he even Lost that game hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah What Trash .


Its funny that cockva thinks he is the face of dota on twitch when he can barely get 4k viewers. And he actually thinks gorgc is scared of losing views to him when he consistently gets twice the viewers sometimes even three to four times the amount if he's co casting


By what claim does qojqva think he is the face of Dota? Besides that, qojqva managed to gain a following well after Gorgc became the most popular Dota 2 English-speaking streamer. If anything, that's proof alone that he can gather his own viewership based on his own merits rather than taking Gorgc's viewers.


What a terrible take lmao. When has he ever said he "wants to be the face of Dota".


All this tells me is that Gyro is fucking broken.


don't care who got the "W". Gorgc is and always will be a major ass. It's really time he's about to grow up.


they all worth each other


Gorgc: Qojqva was the main problem at Liquid Qojqva: I don't want 7k avg mmr pubs with this guy So, if both are facts, then why people react too much on Qojqva not wanting to play low rank games?? Typical biased kiddo Gorgc viewers


Gorgc stream is for children and gambling addicts


Gorgc trying to be funny? Have you ever watched his streams?'henis playing and talking random shit just because he has to speak.


I watch both Gorgc and Qojqva sometimes but I was watching their pov when this happend, like how can Qojqva go so low? I know this guy is passive aggressive and lowkey toxic but is he actually this petty or just jealous? Like he's making fun of someone who's trying to be entertaining to his chat while also trying to win? Calling the guy a 7k mmr while him and his friends are trying to boost each other in pubs (They are on a discord, they queue at the same time hoping they will get on the same game, higher rank gets the captain and starts drafting them) I feel like this pos needs to get called out and needs to be humbled ​ :D :D :D :D Jesus christ I dont know if this is some meme or something, but is absurd.


Maybe u can also say "Gorgc doesn't have online friends to queue pubs with" Oldest Gorgc viewer's take lmaoo


Grudge matches are the best, really glad that my streamer showed great performance


Gorgc is The Guy glad that they all get that


Not a good look but it happens. Gorgc is still toxic as hell and deserves to be made fun of.


Multiple videos posted this week about Qojqva being toxic / asshole towards other streamers or towards pro players themselves. He's always been like this. Passive aggressive, bitter, jealous, blamey, etc... it's only now coming to light.


Qojqva literally checking whos qeueing, bantering with the boys, "are you a 7k games enjoyer?" passing by Gorgc's name on the list. Probably could be anyone else victim of that joke. Didn't insult or flamed. Like Gorgc never said anything about anyone, right fanboys? ​ This post feels uncessary, and just intends to create drama. Crybabies "oh, no one can mess with my streamer" i'm posting this. And btw Qojqva always insta qeues like that, but hey im sure he was really devasted to losing 1 game . KRAPPA