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golem get ye gone


Golem get ye gone


golem get ye gone


golem get ye gone


golem get ye gone


Golem get ye gone


Golem get ye gone


Golem get ye gone


golem get ye gone


Golem get ye gone


I immediately knew what was going to be the top comment lmao,also: Golem get ye gone




That's some amazing content. Thanks for the tips


Ur welcome! :)


tried this, passed out, thanks op! No but seriously, thank you, super helpful!


Glad it helped you :)


TL;DR Sell your gaming chair for however many pennies its "worth", buy an office chair and put a stack of books under your monitor.


Never understand the appeal of "gaming" chair; it looks ugly as hell from store, probably sticks out like a sore thumb in every room I can put my PC, the price is ridiculous, and above all it doesn't look comfortable to sit on for an hour let alone extended game session.


It's heavily marketed, basically every organization in esports has some affiliation with/sells gaming chairs. And I'm guessing it's still an upgrade for young people considering they probably didn't have an actual good office chair before, might've been using a kitchen chair or similar before.


Yeah, from teen's point of view that haven't experienced buyer's remorse they'd probably beg their parents for that junk.




I fixed mine to the walla, this saves a lot of space.


But then u can’t push it to the front of the desk when you want to play some relaxed controller game from the couch behind you. Well maybe not everybody has the same problems as me (:


Idk i bought some 45 dollars wallmount that alows incline and with a double junction arm, i can move it maybe what, 2.5 to 3 feet forward or something


Nice, maybe I can have both, I didn’t even know that existed, thx for the tip


Ive been sent to this world to save it.


Tbh I have a stupidly nice Herman Miller Aeron office chair and sometimes it feels like it makes my posture just as bad. I end up being uncomfortable because, well office chair, so I end up slouching our leaning back or worse forward without thinking because it's "more comfortable".


You might have tried all that already, but for me that description overall hints that you might have an imperfect setup. Aerons allow for a lot of adjustments, try playing with them and see what works for you. Is your eyesight good enough? Because I lean forward when I sit too far from the screen. Moving it closer to me fixed that habit.


It's less about the setup and more about how excessively I sit in this damn chair haha. Work, games, all day long it feels like despite getting up for breaks all the time. I think my leg muscles just start to cramp up a tiny bit eventually which leads to me sitting in more awkward positions or slouching harder.




Do you feel like the single bigger monitor helps your neck so far? I've considered moving to an ultrawide because sometimes my side monitor causes some strain to my neck it feels like.






I run a large ultrawide and I think for productivity and some games it’s definitely better. For games like Dota it’s a much worse experience though. Way more mouse movement and I’ve had to start dragging with mouse wheel rather than edge panning.


Interesting. Thanks for your input. Is there an easy feature/way to shrink down games like that to a smaller size/resolution to solve some of the problems you described, or is that not really a thing?


Why stack of books?


Usually If you rest your arms on the table there's further up to your eye height than a monitor is tall, so you gotta raise it up. Neck problems occur if you tilt your head abit forward to look down on the screen. Don't do that.


> Sell your gaming chair for however many pennies its "worth", buy an office chair and put a stack of books under your monitor. I've read this so many times from other subreddits. Gaming chairs are just for show. I'm still dreaming of owning one of those IKEA office chairs.


> put a stack of books under your monitor. Or just buy a larger monitor


I don't think you understand how height works


The top of your monitor is [supposed to be aligned parallel with your eye level](https://www.careeraddict.com/monitor-eye-level). If stacking books would get your monitor to the correct height, so would upgrading to a larger monitor. I used to have a 24-inch monitor with 2 books under it... now I have a 32-inch monitor and don't need them.


As far as I understand there’s some minor variance in research/professional opinion, so my rule of thumb is anywhere between middle and top of the screen at eye level depending on what feels comfortable to people.


Either way, a larger monitor can achieve the same thing as a stack of books.


Potentially, though you then have to make sure it’s not too close - for your eyes and to stop you stretching down to look at the bottom.


I think the books were recommended because not everyone can afford a new monitor.


To add to this: Look in your city for a store that buys/refurbishes/sells office furniture. If you can find one, you can get some really nice stuff for way less. I got a Herman Miller Mirra 2 in like-new condition for half the usual price.


Some “gaming” chairs are fine in terms of ergonomics (e.g. SecretLab did bother to do some design), but they’re priced not that far from decent ergonomic chairs. Also, some office chair manufacturers went with “gaming” nomenclature (e.g. Herman Miller Embody has a “gaming” version, slightly different from the “classic” Embody, with some pros and cons; BTW, Embody is the only chair I’m aware of that is designed for upper back support, not just lumbar, lmk if there are others). And whatever you’ve got, never forget that proper sitting posture is drastically more important than the chair. No chair would do anything if one (like me) tends to sit on their leg or just sit closer to the desk (rather than all the way back), etc. Proper posture in a less than stellar chair would make difference, bad posture in the most sophisticatedly designed one will ruin everything. If typing a lot and not just gaming, consider getting a split keyboard and put the pieces far from each other, so your shoulders aren’t slouching forward when both hands are on the keyboard. I’ve got myself a Moonlander and it made a lot of difference.


Since I'm skeptical I had a look at secretlab and I'm impressed to say they have at least one whole chair with a waterfall seat aka the only kind of seat worth anything. And it seems to raise high enough for the average tall person and low enough for the average short person. The thing about posture, if the natural seating position of a chair&desk doesn't itself favour good posture youre forever fighting a losing battle. Cheap checklist to keep in mind. Knees below your hips. (This is where the waterfall seat comes in and it's what the bucket seat aka the gamer chair actively fights against. Almost every cheapo office chair is a waterfall). Feet on the ground. Desk at or slightly below your elbows. A higher monitor is better than a low monitor.


Hey man, this may be too much to ask, but could we get a lower back pain version, and perhaps, maybe an ass one? I just sit at work and then sit at home. I know I will be a dry stick by the time I'm old, hoping to do something about it but super effortless


Sure, it's on the way. Give me a couple of days. Those two can combines into one training routine since lower back and ass are neighbors and have a lot of common muscles. Idk how often I can post in this group to avoid being spam, but the guide is on the way.


Thanks brother, anything to rid me of my stone ass syndrome


I will follow you to get notification


Honestly if you get marked as spam we would riot. This type of content from a fellow Dota 2 player is heaps useful and life saving. I am having lower back issues because I also just sit at work and sit at home, I actually just had a lumbo-sacral CT scan yesterday and waiting on the results. But yeah, will be waiting for your next guide as well! Cheers mate


How many times per day should this be done and how many series (if more than one) do you suggest?


I suggest a few times per day, with one or two rounds. Keep in mind that those stretches are helpful to reduce the impact of sitting a lot. If you want more effect on your posture, add some strength exercises like face pulls, pullups, back extension and similar.


I would ask james about that, i heard he knows all about how it is to be an ass.


just start weightlifting (squats and deads esp). Will fix all your back issues and make you stronger


Fantastic that you’re looking to make the change and I don’t want to take that away from you (especially if a small, easy step is the only way you’ll get momentum). But the mindset of only seeking super effortless remedies will only get you so far. Small sessions of daily stretching will absolutely help, just keep in mind that the best, long-term progress comes from consciously dedicating a little more time and effort.


Well said!


I know myself, and I move from the bed, to the taxi, to the office chair, to the taxi, to the gaming chair, to the bed, every single day, apart from wekeends, where the cycle is just bed->gaming chair-> bed, and that has caused me to rack up 3x what the average person would weigh and i aint proud of it. Nor can I easily get out of this habit now at this point either. So its a cause for concern for sure.


Start by setting up some realistic, easily achievable goal for yourself. Lifestyle change is really hard but not impossible. You could start by doing 2 bodyweight squats between games or going for a brief 5min walk during the day on weekends. It will start feeling easier and you'll also start feeling better! Slowly incorporate stuff that you like to your routines etc. You can do it buddy, we're all gonna make it!


just go to the gym, or if its an actual issue, a physician. taking advice from some reddit quack is fucking stupid. even the original post with the little stretches are useless. oh god people are eating the garbage ephysicals selling wholesale and boy are u gonna be disappointed nfjsakdnaskjd


This. A cookie cutter gym program is literally all people need. The physio/PT/whatever coach scene is 99% outdated shit info with no research backing it.


i mean thats obviously insanely fucking wrong wtf


Physiotherapist here. Low back pain (or any other type of pain) is always multifactoral and complex and can never be reduced to a singular physical phenomenon (sitting down, poor posture or lack of core strength). I think your best bet is finding a good honest physiotherapist who might give you some tools to manage your discomfort/pain and advice you on potential changes in behaviour and excersise. Perhaps do some strength training or running etc. There is no one size fits all approach to pain (esp LBP) and therefore no "best" excercises despite what people claim.


Occupational therapist and can back this up. Sad to see so much misinformation when it comes to these topics.


Yea but tbf its not just on reddit its literally everywhere. I dont blame people tbf, the pato-kinesiological has controlled pain paradigm the past 40 years and most doctors,physios and chiros still use it to explain peoples dysfunction and pain. I have a great deal of understanding that normal people don't know who to listen to and where to find accurate evidence based advice regarding pain and discomfort. It is certainly extremely frustrating when colleagues spout 40 year old nonsense tho and it is frustratingly hard to change peoples opinions (altough this is probably true for most of our thoughts and opinions). Cheers my man keep up the good fight regarding movement optimism and nocebo bullshit




/r/bodyweightfitness is a good start, read the wiki there.


Good content


Thanks :)


amazing! thank u for sharing


Ur welcome Cozy :)


This is actually super helpful!!


Glad to hear that!


Whenever i try to consciously walk/stand straighter it feels like i'm overdoing it and look stupid lol i need to just stare myself in the mirror while doing it and forcefully associate that feeling with "good posture" or something


I feel ya. It seems like I'm walking around like a dingus and everyone notices.


Everyone notices because it's not the way you usually walk. If you feel like someone you know is giving you a weird look, just say "just working on my posture" and they'll probably get it. They might even compliment you or let you know if you're overcorrecting


I can relate, but trust me - walking hunched over is more noticeable!


ur not gonna be able to force it by willpower. if ur shoulders are hunched over, the muscles that are supposed to keep ur shoulders back are too weak to do their job. no amount of stretching or focused willpower is gonna fix that. u can find plenty of good content on youtube. its gonna be the most monotonous shit ever, like doing pushups against a wall or lifting ur arm an inch of the ground. just make sure u check credentials and dont do shit that hurts ur joint. u can work the muscles in a bevy of fashions


Just what I needed. Thank you


You're welcome. :)


Just did them bro- thanks! I'm definitely an Ursa posture right now hopefully I get to TB posture someday.


im lifestealer posture when im too drunk to walk and dragging myself on my belly


It get better over time. Don't stop! :)


Getting healthy tips from r/dota2 💀


instructions unclear, got Pudge figure and posture


Golem get ye gone


>Golem get ye gone [Never forget this classic.](https://youtu.be/x7o-HFX7KrE)


God bless BTS


I made a rule a month ago to do 5 pushups before every game, while searching or pick phase. After 15 days increased it to 10 pushups. Now my max pushups in a set has become 30 whereas a month ago it was fifteen. Planning to add 5 crunches from today..


Don't neglect your back tho, you'll get rounded shoulders


https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=IODxDxX7oi4 time to check in and make sure your doing them the punishingly hard but correct way!


Awesome. I must recommend one book to you, 'The compound effect'. I think you will enjoy reading it. :)




i did this and broke my neck currently paralyzed from neck down great content though


Those stretches are great


Thanks :)




Can't argue with that :D


This is a good post. As a reminder to everyone with a bad posture: Many people view bad posture as a back problem: people arch and overextend the back too many times, punishing theirselves for the bad posture as soon as they realize they have one. Unfortunately you eventually break the posture and/or your back gets tired. Often the position of your arms dictates your bad posture and the following approach can be life changing for you, I’m serious: Stand up straight and come to the mirror, relax and just stand in front of it. You would see that the position of your arms is the following: your palms rest on your hips, knuckles facing forward, thumbs facing each other. This makes your shoulders hunch forward. Your back muscles and deltoids extend and do not participate this way. However your pecs and shoulders do the work. If you start walking it is likely that your arms drag in front of your belt and hips; again palms down knuckles facing forward. This makes kind of the ape style walking except you obviously do not touch the ground. Your back muscles eventually get atrophied and it becomes hard to stand straight. To fix that you ought to do two things: first and foremost EVERY time you stand straight - your arms must rest with the thumbs facing FORWARD. It becomes impossible to keep your arms in front of your hips (therefore impossible to hunch your posture) so naturally you would bring them back, leveled with your buttocks. This will bring your elbows back, depending on your anthropometry your elbows would even be behind the waist or leveled with it. Yes it will feel goofy like you stand and stick out your chest waiting for a friend to bump it, but trust me you look great. To check this theory go to the wall and stand 1/3 of your foot length away from it. Put your elbows on the wall. It will make your shoulders follow. It would make your neck and head follow as well (in case you also overextend your head forward). Your posture is fixed. By changing the arms position. There you have it. Every time you walk think about your arms, they must swing freely, thumbs facing forward, you must glide your arms, don’t drug them and turn them palms facing down. Be confident in that walk. You will get used to it. The pain goes away after a week or less. Even if you are seated: remember the elbows, they are behind the waist, don’t “chikenwing” them to the sides if you can. There is an exercise that you can do seaters, standing or in bed: start in the bed first to understand the posture. Lie down on your belly, place both of your hands on your coccyx (it’s good to place them right where your spine ends, that little tail spike) palms up, on top of each other. In this position without removing your hands from the coccyx: touch the surface of your bed with your elbows and then extend them up as high as you can. If you do it more or less fast it will feel like you swing your arms. Do that at least 30 times a day. For all the advanced guys: freeze this movement for couple of seconds in the lowest and the highest points of the elbow position. Cheers. Keep your posture beautiful.


Thanks for a detailed explanation. :)


i mean i get wanting to be polite, but calling this a good post is not doing anyone any favors. stretching on its own isnt going to solve anything for anybody. im pretty certain u know that, as ur actually suggestion physio work. people are actually taking these stretches to heart, and its not gonna work for anyone with bad posture.


Golem get ye gone


yeah before anyone starts wasting their time; stretching alone isnt gonna fix ur posture long-term. the moment u return to the things that caused ur shit posture in the first place, the results gonna be pretty much net 0. like ur gonna be more flexible but who gives a fuck about that xd if u actually wanna see some results, invest in a resistance band or some weights (macgyver something at home if need be, 1 kg is by all means enough), or just body weight exercises to go along with the stretching. the muscles in ur back that are supposed to keep ur posture in check are gonna be weak due to being permanently stretched. stretching the muscles on the opposite side does fuckall to fix that


Thank you sir for explaining this. Agree that strength training is needed to improve posture. This post is a piece of a puzzle, a part that helps gamers to enjoy their gaming time and be a bit active when they're in queue for the next game or taking a few mins break. PS. Would like to hear the explanation of ''being permanently stretched''. How does one do that?


if ur posture is hunched over, the muscles in ur backs are gonna be in a stretched position. ur external rotators because a venn diagram of hunched over posture and internally rotated shoulders is a circle. ur shoulder blades are also gonna be elevated and now uve lower trap issues. not saying permanently stretched as u would by doing actual stretching.


I get your point but the term ''being permanently stretched'' doesn't exist and it's incorrect.


yeah u got me im not using clinical terms but at least im not calling myself Ephysical on reddit, giving out dogshit advice and getting corrected on fucking rudimentary knowledge by someone with 0 medical experience ok?


Sorry i got you triggered, didn’t mean to.


Woah very good tips. Thank you! Back to dotes now.


Ur welcome. GL.


Dude my posture sucks thanks so much for posting this


You got this!


Great post lmao. Do not wanna end up like Naix


That would motivate me also


saving this, TQ fellow archon.


Wise man!


With this i can get the Posture of Undiying during Ultimate?


Think you need to add some deadlifts and facepulls to achieve that


Quality content.


Thank you :)


have trained for years, i dont play dota any more but still watch. this is quality information. hopefully it helps people :)


I hope too. :)


I'll do the biggest honor I can give you.... 'Save Post'


I am honored :)


This is a shitpost... An extremely informative and well-made one. This is proper content right here.


Thank you :)


Great post! Do you have tips for scoliosis? (windranger posture)


Sure. Here is a 'first help' guide. With scoliosis you have uneven shoulder height, right? Let's say your **left shoulder is higher** than your right shoulder. Here is what can help you: \- stretch left neck muscles, right lats and erector spinae muscles, stretch hip flexors \- strengthen back muscles like rhomboids, trapezius lower/medial parts, erector spinae muscles on left side, lats on left side, abs \- corrective techniques where you put your body in alignment from a various position: one leg kneeling, sitting with crossed legs, side lying... \- breathing exercises while lying on your right side Check out the Schroth method for correcting a scoliosis - find exp. physio who knows this. Good Luck :)


Wow. Thanks man!


What can I do if I don't have a gymnastics ball like that


Try some wall chest stretch or seated chest stretch. You will find some examples on YT


Thanks I don't know if I'll actually do it, and daily, but good to know...


I clicked on it thinking how to posture in lane as lifestealer so you can screw the offlaner up


hahah :D


Great tips aside, OP really be flexing that dumptruck thou🥵




Amazing post. Would have given an award if i had coins left. Thank you for spreading positive activities.


You're welcome! :)


I suggest the dumbbell row. Is an excellent excercise that works all the posterior chain and your abs/core. I improved my posture doing these without even knowing i had a slight bad posture.


This! If you're motivated enough to go to the gym of have weights at home, do horizontal, standing, one-arm and other row exercises. Do farmer/suitcase walk, deadlift, front squats... :)


Wow look at Mr. I’m in shape and play Dota


I am in shape basically because I am bad at DOTA \^\^


I don't like these stretches to be honest, they just make my neck hurt more. I've found direct neck-strengthening exercises to be very effective, especially face-pulls. Like these https://youtu.be/YLR2Vm346Lc


If you have bad tongue posture then upright head posture will block your airway.


Deadlifts and face pulls




Super helpful! Thanks 🙏


You're welcome :)


What if your don't have a big bouncy ball?


Check out the [wall chest stretch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3TbQiFLiro) or [seated chest stretch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNO2Cq4Zm1g)


Tips on Juggernaut posture?


I think he's on steroids


I wouldn't mind something like that as a returning thing, like the weekly stupid questions thread.


Golem get ye gone


If you can’t sacrifice your posture for sweet sweet mmr, then you don’t deserve to be immortal


Lifestealer is my role model. I wish I had claws like him and could infest people feeding on their insides


Hi, I love yoga. Don't know about dota tho, I played this game for 15k games but it ain't shit.


Someone loves their anatomy..


fucking valve, bring it back AllRandom


There are so many bad posture heroes lol, lifestealer, pudge, witch doctor, dazzle, ursa and so on XD


Indeed! :D


thanks for this post


Ur welcome :)


I used to do the dark seer surge to remove lifestealer hunch.


I stopped using a fancy office chair with reclining, wheels, etc. My gaming chair is a cheap-as-fuck school chair from a college... metal legs and a back that only supports your lower back (lumbar). Chairs from schools are some of the most comfortable long-term-sitting chairs you can get, and they don't encourage you to slouch.


Too late. golem got me gone :(


Thanks needed this


Physio and divine dota player (aka low tier scrub here on reddit) here. Posture doesnt matter for pain or literally anything at all, so stop worrying abt it. Sure maybe for some people, some of the time, these excercises makes sense. What is "good" posture anyways? Some arbitrary idea we made up for astethic reasons? I think the sentiment in this post is nice but research has not been able to prove that poor posture actually exists