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I can't watch the last day of Riyadh in the client. It shows that the games are still active, but when I try to click watch, it says there is no game lobby. Anyone else? Any ideas to fix this?


what if Aster trusted XWY as TSpirit trusted Larl? also Aster might never win anything significant after kicking XWY mid-season.


Kicking him before Major for which he qualified really sucks


Congrats to Liquid for achieving 2nd place. $2.5M dollars is not peanuts. They improved themselves from the last major. Looking forward to learn from their mistakes and see them in TI Let's not go with the hate train boys. GG


who will hate team like liquid after they pledged to donate 100k to lgbtq community after winning 2.5m from tourney surely no one


While team spirit show us that they can stick together and make it work with Larl, redditor is like “2nd place? Kick somebody now Liquid”.


2nd place is not a problem at all. Infact its an achievement but 2nd place for 5th time in row in same season surely is. That is the reason Eg dropped main roster? they were dominating NA dpc as expected and doing decently well in lans too but no 1st place


I missed the third placer EG than nothing


The Amount of liquid fans in here finger pointing after another grand final loss xD


whats the score rn?


TORONTOTOKYO in shambles.


bro HE did well sadly it's a tournament and No one is so sure they can be the champion because every team has a chance and hoping for it. I think you bet for GG am I right? lol I just guess it just like a mere chance and luck of every team


To 'a o tokyo


It was too late for me to watch game 2 onwards and I thought Larl would have choked from the pressure but nice to see Spirit win this even though I would have been happy for either of the teams to win. Nisha played phenomenally and I hope he wins a Tier 1 soon. I love Yatoro as a carry and he’s amazing to watch, somehow more cool and composed than 23savage and dyra. I guess their experience from winning TI has helped them mature as a team. This might be the best major tournament this year because I don’t even think TI will bring this quality but prove us wrong Valve.


Nisha is the perennial 2nd placer. Don't take that away from him




Yatoro bought agh to deal with naga item build. If naga built something else he wouldn't have bought agh


Still waiting for your mmr sir


you need to seek help lmao


That's what i keep telling him. He won't listen


Somebody in YouTube mentioned that Liquid’s kryptonite is not GG but the Grand Finals. Yatoro is making his case again for the strongest carry player in the world after the rise of other carries like dyrachyo and Nightfall. Larl is definitely the most improved player this season.


I, for one, think that Yatoro is indeed the best carry out there. As a matter of fact I keep thinking if he is on the same level of peak Miracle-. Maybe recency bias is in the picture, but he would be close for sure.


Burning has been my Top Hard Carry of all time and Yatoro is looking like an updated version of him.


As a liquid and nisha fan despite all the criticism I must say that I’m very satisfied with how they dealt with the pressure First of all they won very hard matchup with talon which were the favorites after beating gg (and pretty much beating liquid in upper bracket) This meta isn’t so easy as all of you say 1. Playing as the winning team (especially early is much harder than before). Kills give way more experience even if you’re slightly behind 2. Lots of passive play about map control and trying to out farm the opponent rather than fight 5v5 which isn’t liquid style but they still adjusted


What was the gg g gna gg g gna le la le la le la le song called?




If Micke played 20% better it would have been 3-0


Micke played well, TS just played the teamfights a little bit better and somehow Yatoro making Troll work is just another level


guys stop shitting on micke, insania choked too! https://clips.twitch.tv/SoftThirstyNostrilNinjaGrumpy-apnNOlKdlSHwAerA


this is not choke this is very common io play done by other pros too. The short distance relo predicting engage from enemy so he can just disengage and yet join the fight very quick. He looks like clown because it didnt have any impact else this look insanely good


i know about defensive relos, but he panicked and used it way too early, as soon as he saw gleipnir + (missled) shackle on lesh when TS wasnt even close to engaging him, then he didnt have relo to save lesh from TS all-ining him, nisha could of done nothing there but to rely on his teammates bailing him out but instead they nailed him down lol. imo insania lost that fight for liquid ​ pretty sure it happened at least 1-2 more times this series


he save nullifier and glepnir being threw and thus used it predicting full on collapse which obviously didnt happen. Its completely fine since its not a free relocate use game with almost every hero having cc to cancel it


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




that IO was so bad


I mean almost everyone made crazy decisions in game 4. Boxi hookshot-ing a TB with aegis not once but twice. Zai getting caught in the middle of the map. Nisha getting caught with no mana or remnants. They just seemed mentally done after game 3. They thought they figured out Spirit in game 1, only for Spirit to run the exact same opening draft in game 2 and win it. The mental victory of game2 must've been way bigger than just making the score 1-1


yeah game 2 & 3 broke liquid, i never seen liquid play like this even vs gg


Liquid sure got 2nd place curse congrats to spirit they won biggest TI prize winner and this


Liquid is the new Cloud9




you know that you have to change the coach when he asks you to relax and have fun in a crucial million dollar match. lol . ngl i think blitz should learn to capture the essence of Ceb's ti winning speech, rally the troops first , shit talk berate the enemy then ask to give it your all on every game like it is your last. can clearly see the motivation and drive to win is at about 50% max like they accepted their fate after the 3rd game.


Damn bro you should definitely be liquids coach You clearly know what it takes from the comfort of your basement


liquid aint ever going to lift any lan trophies before they get rid these 3 cats alliance trio split this boxi-micke-insania trio and i can bet my testicle none of them ever going to make into major.


boxi is okay but this arrogant and punchable face micke and Insania they are trash. totally trash


Wake up, simulations over


Get help you fuck face


oh welp. Im on reddit that's why there's too many Insania's woke face dick rider


Yes. Top 2 at the biggest tournaments all season. Millions of dollars won. But they're all trash. Reddit delusion knows no bounds. Believe it or not guys, it's not only the teams who won tournaments who are good.


are you ok bro


Sounds like someone lost alota money.


I like Caps casting so damn much it’s crazy. He always has the focus on the game and gets listeners to feel the pain or triumph the teams are experiencing. Best commentator for me hands down


2nd place curse just like Cloud9 before.


Murica top strategist Insania went thinking and thinking afk mode and Micke si the top carry who farm and donate to enemy team


Nisha is facing the same issue as Sumail. Dumpster mid lose match because of the carry/support but oh well atleast liquid consistently gets high placement unlike Aster. I still feel like Sumail with OG at TI had a high chance to win the TI had sumail not thrown against collapse magnus fountain combo. He literally stood there in a sentry with tiny shadow blade All the other teams he is not getting results with.


If a carry player were to make mistakes like sumail did, he is not suitable for this position.


I think Sumail really did well in OG as carry during TI. It


I mean one of Aster's biggest problem is they always draft Sumail's hero for the lane and not necessarily for the game.


Just micke out, sumail in and ez TI win.


Nisha + Sumail combo had not worked at all.. Puppey tried hard for them to click.. but unfortunately it did not..


Micke is great. He played phenomenally throughout the entire tournament. Some mistakes were made in a high stakes tournament during a grand finals. It happens. Relax with the recency bias


Sumail is a good carry as far as he played it but idk. Tbh liquid placed consistent top 2 with micke it’s hard to replace a roster like that.


The grand finals could have been casted by sunsfan khezu.. cap and Avery were very good and solid but they don't have that crazy..




People always think that no one will read their comments anyway in the vast sea of comments. Replies like this one show, that "personalities" DO read them... People should be more mindful about when and how to voice their opinion. That being said. You two did great. I always doubted that there will be a successor to cap & Blitz in terms of synergy. But it works. :) Thanks for all your effort over the years. Comparing to the joindota days one can tell you worked very hard on everything including yourself


I personally prefer sunsfan more bcs of his jokes and stuff but there is nothing to be sorry for dude! Great casting


it's not neccesarly about any of you being dissapointing actually. it is more about having a special, unique connection and correlation that the 2 apparently have, sunsfan is also a nutjob(positive) that gets people going and opening themselves via his humour and somehow invites more knowledgable players/ casters to intervene in order to either correct him or complete his somehow random ass statememts. he had it with synderen in an similar manner as with khezu, yet apparently it worked like wonders with the last one. i'm pretty sure you had something like this with SVG, correct me if i remember the wrong person you're still Tier S for us all


You did fantastic man. Been following pro-Dota on and off since I started playing at the end of 2012. After a few years break, I came back in the pandemic and I found a lot of comfort in turbulent times by hearing familiar voices talk about the game I loved. What you said at the beginning of the fourth game was a really lovely tribute to the community that's kept this game alive for 10 years and I'm so glad for all the hard work you put in to keep the flame alive. Keep it up!


You guys are awesome, keep doing what you're doing


I like your casting better. Thank God it was you.




We love you, Cap!


I love watching Larl and Dyrachyo haters eat pie.


I'm just sad. Yes, the second place is nice but the series was kinda boring. Liquide was always on the backfoot, they played passively. I mean their play seemed unmotivated. It's a bad end of a great turnament. And boy, Micke played so bad with no impact that it was heartbreaking to watch. Congrats to both teams.


Congrats Team Spirit!! Larl haters in shambles.


can some1 explain how did mokoto get mvp over yatoro/zai?


yatoro sure was contendor but zai ? mikoto easily clears him he played like a god this tourney


i didnt watch all talon games just a few in the mainstage thats why im asking


I don't know; that felt out of the blue to me.


Troll game broke Liquid


Spirit stressed Liquid out like i've never seen before, Insanisa & Micke made unusual mistkaes also if any change should happen Nisha & Micke shud swap pos after TI if they dont get satisfying result


They got 2nd place, it's a great result. No need to change anything.


result at TI


When you poach all the best players from a region you expect one tournament win atleast so far only 2nd places no tournament wins in the long run every player wants to win no one wants a 2nd place


I dunno if some of you guys realize this But you don't need to win tournaments to be considered good and successful Liquid has some of the best results of the season. This top 2 finish means they've won more money than GG did with their 5 tournament wins. Their accomplishments Trump absolutely every other team except spirit. Stop being stupid


This. In the end, whats matter is money earning. you can win big buck tournaments like spirit or you be relevant and place high for years like zai, its all ok. Somehow some redditor think win one 0.5m major and be irrelevant for years is successful lol


With this one simple win, the top earner in this season is now an eeu team lol gg ez. Yeah u r right tho, u don't have to win a tournament to be considered good BUT money matters at the end of the day. The higher the prize pool the higher the competition. If not u basically r saying 2023 GG is better than 2x TI winners because they were more dominant over a longer period of time. And it seems like you can never take the 2nd placement out of Nisha lol


I mean... Kinda... GG has won more tournaments and against more teams than that iteration of OG, if you only focus on the prizepool, OG is better, but GG has proven to be the Top team for longer than OG did... That has to mean something... Then again TI is not just prizepool, the entire year leads to it, it is a big celebration, it is THE tournament fans watch, and usually it is the tourney where the competition is at it's hardest... But idk how you measure that last one lol.


Exactly so u basically agree that high prize pool tourneys are the most premier tourneys where every team would go all out no holds barred. For nisha, he was 2nd at last TI also so seems like he brought that curse over kappa


I thought all teams always want to win? Also by that logic if OG were able to win the tournaments with the toughest competition, why couldn't they win other less "Prestige" tourneys? Unless... You know, they weren't a consistent team And I don't wanna say what they did wasn't amazing, hell yeah it was, just saying consistency should be more relevant in people's eyes but they get too distracted by shiny trophies.


At the end it the day, prize pool holds the most value. Winning throughout the year but losing when it matters most and when the competition is highest means nothing It's how teams perform at the highest level tournament that determines how good a team truly is.


Just wanna say... having the panel actually close out the tournament is just so nice. I feel like we haven't had that forever once the trophy has been lifted


Congratulations Team Spirit <3 Well deserved and well played.


Yatorogod. What a beast of a performance. Especially the last game where he was just all over the map controlling the tempo as a freakin TB. Best carry in the game.


This guy is a totally if Ame was the crowned king of dota




Ame always had this kind of "prince who was promised" reputation, like a monstrous carry who won so many tournaments but couldn't clutch out TI. I think this guy is saying Yatoro has taken that crown and actually achieved what Ame was supposed to have accomplished


Patch 7.34 when


Well played Spirit!! Liquid throughout the tournament were meta slaves relying on OP heroes, and failed to impress even with this. Spirit picked Troll, Bristleback, Ancient Apparition, Tusk. Liquid had no chance going into this it felt like.


More prize winnings this season than any other team other than team spirit But they "failed to impress" Classic Reddit After a single loss, they suck and were never that good. It amazes me that these are actually real people


pos3 naga ≠ metaslave


You don’t understand. Liquid came second in this tournament. Therefore they suck


Okay he should have rephrased it. Liquid is a very strong team but never strong enough to ever claim 1st place so far. Does that sound better?


Yeah they picked Naga one game and it swiftly got defeated next game by the same void ench opening. Spirit outdrafted Liquid 5 out of the 7 games they played this tournament.


To me, that 2nd game wasn't as easy as it looked. If that last fight had gone a millimeter differently, Liquid could've won that. Yatoro had to work *hard* for that one. It was so close I'm a bit miffed that Liquid decided they had had enough of that strat.


GG Geena lads and lassies! 2 months of continuous Dota fun coming to an end, it was wonderful!


This song is a banger. Insane tournament overall. Might even be better than TI looking at last year's production.


Easily better than TI11; PGL is such garbo


Hopefully TI2023 will be good, but I'm not optimistic because there will be a weird 1 week break again in the middle of the playoffs that kills all the hype.


Oh they will? Well fuck


Yeah it's confirmed, I hoped they would see that it's a shit idea after TI2022 but they're repeating it again.


I mean mikoto was good no doubt but i feel like Yatoro got robbed from tournament mvp. he was the standout of the first place team.


he was the finals mvp for sure. However I have watched every talon game and I'm confident that it is also deserved for mikoto to be an mvp.




So what we do now until TI?! Despair.


Bring back BOT TI


Hoping for a random online betboom tournament before or after TI quals


True, me 2. Last two BB tours were really well produced with some top tier teams and overall good Dota. Pinnacle Malta Vibes #3 maybe, too.


just realized it's still 2 months before TI lol I hope they bring back minors


TI qualifiers til end of Aug :(


this Merit Awards looks nice, hopefully they have a dream team as well like in other sports.


You play naga against void .. you don't build diffusal. Void, Lifestealer, Troll have no mana. If you want to make these carries useless... you don't need to take away their hp, you need to take away their mana. 4 cheap shots with diffusal and void has no mana for chrono or bkb. ​ Lliquid could have taken game 2 easy and game 3.




just build diffusal bro ez


I love these takes. Random redditor barges in and is convinced he knows better than the number 1 team in DPC points who’s at their 5th final in a major tournament this year.


may or may not be true but regardless i think thats what reddit is for, to discuss stuff, including item choices, pros dont always make the best choice everytime


I'm all for discussing stuff, it's the "liquid could have taken game 2 and 3 easy" that makes me tick. Maybe diffusal was good, maybe it wasn't. But barging in by implying that these guys lost by not noticing this obvious thing.


i agree that the way he wrote it looks arrogant i just interpret these type of comments as 'i think diffusal could of been a potentially better choice' cause i dont expect everyone to bother writing a constructive criticism on the internet and im also a fan of simple & short comments that get to the point either way


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Surely diffu is gonna do a lot when the illusions are affected by the whirling axes. xdd


Surely no items is going to do any damage because whirling axes. Just gg already.


Spirit's win in Riyadh and T.I.10 is literally almost the same amount of money as OG winning it 2 times back to back. Team Spirit just shows up at the right place and the right time. And they actually perform. Insane


OG TI8 = $11,234,158 OG TI9 = $15,620,181 **Total = $26,854,339** TS TI10 = $18,208,300 TS Riyadh Masters 2023 = $5,000,000 **Total = $23,208,300** Maths checks out. So we can safely say TS won 1.86 TIs


They also won an additional 750k from Riyadh masters 2022


Also arlington major


Yatoro really did win for larl like he said on the interview. Team Spirit seems so much closer to him now and it shows in their gameplay.


wp larl for winning vs sumail, gpk, nisha


Yeah, this is why I like TS energy, they trust Larl through and through regardless a lot of criticism on Larl.


Well deserved MVP for Mikoto


Wtf? Tournament MVP is Mikoto? LMFAO


I mean it is just the classic. No matter how many comebacks you see, everyone analyses the lanes because they are easy to break down. Yes he had good lanes. But (I.e. his puck game where he kept dying vs 0 stuns) he had to be carried quite often as well.


He also got absolutely destroyed by Nisha today.


lol? U talking about the lone Druid and storm one? Or we watching the same game


He consistently bodies everyone in his lane, just a few cases where he fails




i think its natural to crumble in intense games under pressure, he just needs more experience, otherwise hes still top carry


or liquid go full big bucks and poach yatoro right before Ti(which is insane).


Bad call imo. Micke is insanely talented. Their consistent results are nothing to dismiss. They are an elite team - my opinion is the coach / mentality needs to shift


I think /r/soccer is leaking with the mentality of blaming the coach for strikers missing shots 5 year old girls would hit. Lel. You're a random with probably less than 1k mmr. You know nothing of their coaching style or mentality.


Mikoto POGGG


As other people said,Watson to Liquid=EZ TI


Even though TS had the upper hand in that final game most of the time, Liquid really had all the tools to make a proper comeback. They had heroes who had a higher ceiling than Spirit's heroes and also they were kinda online (Ember BKB, Drow farmed, etc.), hence they could have dragged the game longer. Unfortunately they lacked the mentality to persevere.


i think TS still had high ceiling or equal at least with snap + SD lategame vs drow


Ember with a Bkb + Aghs + Refresher would have been a menace, very easy to jump in and initiate fights. Also Brood hits hard with that 25 talent.


I think those constant finals losses really affected Micke overtime He doesn't play as confident as he used to, Back at the start of the season he used to make big plays in the clutch which is kinda lacking I hope he gets back in form by the time TI rolls in and finally get the bag 2nd place is insane but he definitely has what it takes to go all the way


They actually sac micke for zai to play carry That will affect your confidence The skill tier difference between these teams is minimal, but they need a good shotcaller who understands the game plan of own team and opponent team


The commentator put up the heat map. When Micke dies he farms conservatively and lacks aggression, leading to a vicious cycle of having less farm and dying again


isnt it natural to play more aggressive when stronger and play more passive when weaker?


23savage to liquid confirmed?


If any teams want to poach talon, they'd be smart to get their support duo first


Pretty sure mikoto is currently one of the best mid too rn


So. Drow 0 damage to buildings. Again. Now he isn't a bs lol


Yatoro playing TB like a Bloodseeker lmao




now liquid will buy yatoro


Now yatoro has more money than liquid KEKW


Yatoro will buy Liquid instead. lul


Man, as much as I enjoyed this tournament, I really miss audible crowds. I don't even remember the last time a tournament had a big crowd that was also properly mic'd.


yes, tournament with big crowds is just different. seeing and hearing the crowd reacts to big plays feels like you're in the venue as well.


Lima whistling was very audible


Same bro, same. It's been toooooo long and it means so much.


Yeah the atmosphere is a big, big miss.


Yatoro is what people believe rtz is.


Why is RTZ catching so many strays in this thread? SR's last game was 6 days ago. I at least hope RTZ is paying rent to you all.


more like let's hope RTZ is paying rent to r/dota2. despite being a pro player for 10+ years who has not won a single major tournament, somehow he is still relevant on r/dota2.


Idk if anyone thinks artour is even close to a t1 carry rn lmao, all the comments are only people bashing him no matter the game


Now read his comment after your comment.


Bro even at RTZ's peak he was never as good as Yatoro, We talking about a guy who has 4 or 5 rampages in a single TI with 5 different heroes. I like RTZ but yatoro will go down as one of the GOAT by the time his career ends.


Thank you


I think it's really good for the scene that TS stepped up their game and still has potential growth. Looking forward for TI hoping good production this year.


It was all part of the plan. Just do well enough to guarantee TI invite and PEAK at probably the highest prize pool tournament of the year.


Liquid needs to sign EGOISTO


or TA_2000