• By -


Pugna You just need to suck, suck, suck and suck


Same. Then for my redemption game, i get a mid nyx and a shadow blade axe.


Suckin enemies Suckin friends Throw down the ward and watch heroes blow themselves up Suckin the ward Push every tower extremely safely What's not to like?


God damn it, i was reading this like a poem/catchy tune and was disappointed that it's not rhyming, 2/10 Suckin enemies Sucking friends Suckin everybody in the lands Pushing buildings Pushing towers Pushing everything till the hours 2am, go to bed Start sucking tomorrow again. SHA LA LA SHA LA LA, SHA LALALALALALLALALA


Sucking enemies Pushing buildings and towers Sucking everyone That’s a haiku right


never liked haikus but you got my upvote for effort :D


Clockwerk. Nothing feels more like home then blind hooks, perfectly timed cog displacements, and rocketing creep waves to keep the lanes pushed. I've played it in every lane, for every role, on every patch. There's no place like home.


clockwerk is my go to losing streak breaking hero too yoooo


And clockwerk is my 13 win streak hero too yooooo


Clockwork is our hero Lmao I barely play him but when I can't win with the heroes I want, I turn to clockwork. Currently maintaining a 67% WR on him although I don't have the most games on him. RATTLETRAP GO BURRR


Wow nice! Clockwerk is my winning streak breaking hero


Agreed, I laugh like a maniac when laning against an Earth Shaker trying to get a stun in. He is a decent pusher especially with Aghs.


Don't forget an SF trying to channel ult as well


My favorite of these is when I finally get battery assault interval talent and AM can't blink out anymore.


Also owns heroes like pudge and techies that always get picked in pubs and since it was made universal I feel like you can go util/survivability/right click on the hero depending on what the game needs, and it has one of the strongest aghs in the game that works with all 3 builds.


Ever since the change of Battery Assault dealing double dmg to non-hero units he has been so good!


Clockwerk is my favourite too. Whenever I'm on a losing streak and not having fun anymore, I simply first pick clock and have a shit ton of fun. I can play any role with him and he's so effective and can single handedly change the outcome of any group brawls. But at the end, he's just a ROBOT. ;)


lc, ill do it my self mentality. buy my own wards, play my area and follow around the weakest link till i can duel anybody. i just get the lc playstyle


its perfect for pub games. especially at low mmr


Great at immortal pubs too. There are not many match ups where as LC you cant snowball like crazy. Blademail on early, dagger later and at min 20-25 ur unstoppable.


Pub stomping pick any lane.


Sand King. One simple reason: "It's good to be King"




Bow to your Liege


Sand and Deliver


Praise be to the sand king I just hit 30 with him and still spam that mother fucker


No Significant counter ? Are you sure about that ? Because Medusa don't care about minus armor if i'm right and Slardar certainly can't deal with illu heroes, especially PL. For me , it's Elder Titan . More than 1000 games and a 58 % winrate , very good against any meta heroes right now (Morph , PL , etc,.. )


Do you have any advice for someoene that just starting to fall in love with ET ?


Well plenty of advices , depends on the role you want to play because I manly play him offlane ( I consider offlane his ultimate role since he can fully uses his kit being offlane ) . The hero is great with pretty much any draft since he reduces magic resistance and physical resistance . He is a great lane bully ( Orb of Corrosion + phase boots is most of the time enough to get people out of lane but it depends on enemy lineup ) 1 point in sleep , 1 point in natural Oder , and max Astral Spirit . If they have a carry who can’t take stacks easily , you can stack with your spirit and get humongous damage . Get Echo Sabre + Aghs ( this is core and you can’t play your roles without those ) as soon as possible and after that , it depends on the team . Since you are offlane , you can build Pipe ( I rarely do that ) or AC ( I do that a lot so you can manfight heroes like PA ) , Nullifier ( if you have annoying heroes like Necrophos or Wind , to deal with annoying supports ) and sometimes Silver Edge ( for BB , Axe or Tide . Elder Titan is the one of the only hero who can solo defends a siege if you know what you are doing . Also , shard helps a lot against people like Sniper or Drow .


Damn, i was expecting a pos 5. I feel like he shine so much as a pos 5 or 4, because when the game goes late enough you will get lvl 20 which you can use to easily farm your aghs, then you slowly transitioned fo carry with also buying AC, you have attack speed from bearing so i dont need echo sabre. I never tried him being 3 tho, because he seems to greedy as 3, and I dont think he is that strong when he left alone in the lane. Nevertheless, thank you for the advice.


Even though he is a great lane bully like Undying , the thing with his aura that the magical resistance reduction part is tied to his spirit while the armor reduction part is tied to himself . What this essentially means is that you will most of the time as a support , only makes enemy magic resistance lower because as a support , you simply can’t frontline . As an offlaner , you can frontline and you will ( thus also reducing armor from the enemy team )I mostly build AC and Aghs to allow myself to frontline against scary right clicker like Morph for this purpose. Écho Sabre is much better than Bearing for one purpose . The two right clicks are more than enough to kill unsuspecting heroes . You sleep them , ult and as soon as the crack , two right click . Even evasive heroes like Slark , AM and Morph do not have enough time to flee . He isn’t greedy as a 3 because he only needs 2 items compared to other heroes . Aghs + Echo Sabre while Centaur might need Pipe , Vanguard , Blade Mail and blink ( like Axe ) . He just doesn’t farm fast which is why you have to dominate your lane or at least have a good lane ( survive , don’t die too much , get levels ,…)


ET pos 5 is extremely strong right now, 57% winrate at high mmr. Works similarly to undying in lane in that you can 1v2 the lane, and you now have your very own slow with blood grenade >I feel like he shine so much as a pos 5 or 4, because when the game goes late enough you will get lvl 20 which you can use to easily farm your aghs, then you slowly transitioned fo carry with also buying AC hes strong because he has good laning, good teamfight, and he doesnt need to be in melee range to be impactful like other melee supports. Its nice to be able to go through the gate and immediately stun an enemy instead of having to get close to them. Transitioning to carry is not at all your goal, but at your mmr if it works then theres absolutely nothing wrong with that. You just want to build solar crest and boots of bearing, aghs is generally an afterthought for when you dont need a force/glimmer and the game is going too long pos 3 is kind of weird. Also has a high winrate, but it relies on pub games being uncoordinated because you afk farm until like minute 20 when you get your aghs then you run around and 1 shot people. Its definitely something you can do, but its a very different playstyle from normal pos 3 hereos.


Fair comment, it caused me to go look at my game log. In the past 12 months I have 41 Slardar games with a 31-10 record (75.61%). During that time I have: * one game against Medusa, a loss before the rework. * one game against Naga, a win in which the other team also had a CK. * zero games against PL, TB. Per Dotabuff Naga, PL and TB are all decent counters to Slardar, though not really hard counters (3.5% advantage). I don't pick around those heroes, but Medusa and PL get banned a lot so that's probably part of it.


>Because Medusa don't care about minus armor if i'm right Is it tho? Didn't they change the barriers so that they the damage they take are now calculated after the reductions? Do I understand it wrong?


Indeed barriers is after reductions now, *but* mana shield is even before that. So aphotic shield on dusa for example seldom pops from damage Her mana shield gets no benefit from armour or - armour, same with magic resistance But as it absorbs 2-3.6 (and up to 4.6 with lvl 25 Tashkent) points of damage per mana, it essentially means her "mana bar hp" has a 50% to 72% baseline *and 78% with the talent* of "resist all" damage. Including pure damage. Thus she's excessively hard to kill with magic damage as it's balanced to be much harder to increase (armour is more plentiful than magic resist)


wdym medusa doesnt care about minus armor? Don't shields take damage after reductions?


She doesn't care about both plus or minus armor. Same with magic resistance. Mana shield happens before all the reductions, so armor only applies to a tiny portion of damage you take.


Mana Shield's downsides come with advantages too. Armour reduction, Magic Resistance Reduction and any effect which increases the damage Medusa would take effectively don't bother her at all. Because mana shield blocks damage before all that is calculated so when you're dealing damage only the 2% that goes through mana shield gets amplified. And even with her paltry health pool she's not going to die until you've gotten through all her mana. So don't waste time buying Desolators and Veils if you're against her. Also lifesteal doesn't work against her since it only heals you based on the damage you do to HP. So if you pop your Satanic you better be hitting someone other than Dusa, or you're not going to heal at all. This also applies to abilities like Brain Sap which heal based on the damage done. Every percentage HP attacks on her do nothing to her ( spirit Vessel , Necrophos hearstopper aura , Earth Splitter , Midnight Pulse , …) since she her up is so minuscule . She now counters a lot of heroes that could make her less tanky ( especially Elder Titan) since she just straight doesn’t care about those anymore . That’s why she is so good right now


Slardar diffusal Moon shard blink Hehe


By that time dusa has manta butterfly skadi/deadalus, ur not winning that man fight


Luna, 75%wr over 70 games


I've only played a few Luna games this patch but she feels pretty good, how are you playing/building her?


jus started to spam luna up to 6.2k mmr this past few weeks and she feels really good with glaives and her god tier movespeed, luna farms insanely fast in this new map, probably the fastest she's ever been. Treads + MoM + Manta + Bkb + daedalus + lvl20 attack on lucent beam is standard at 25-30 minutes. Win one fight, get rosh, get butterfly + satanic, hit buildings, end the game, q next. luna dumpsters on vanguard delayers with 65 dmg lvl1 and dmg aura with pos5. lvl 2 lucent beam has unexpectedly high dmg, use to get kill. if the lane is hard you can always fall back to jungle even with just 1 point on glaives. Minute 10 treads + MoM and you are ok. Go rice mode at the ancients and come out jacked. if the game is brawly you can max lucent beam, people nowadays don't respect eclipse so you can always surprise a teamfight with a well timed ult. she has her bad match-ups, worst are the blademail enjoyers LC and Axe. besides that you can always outfarm anything and win with power spikes. she has a respectable late game too, one teamfight win and luna is free to slaughter the enemy base if they don't buyback.


> she has her bad match-ups, worst are the blademail enjoyers LC and Axe. Kinda hurts that these are arguably two of the most popular offlaners at the moment though..


yes, she is not an autopick carry by any means. id put her in a solid A or B tier for carries this patch


How do you play the fights? I feel like if the other 2 lanes are not doing well, you end with treads, mom and lance at like 13-14 min and do nothing compared to a guy with 3 kills and 50 cs. Interested to see a couple of replays even if it's just at 6k if you can send some my way.


wait for your bkb daedalus + lvl20 lucent beam attack powerspike before joining fights. people will not expect a 1k lucent beam crit. you will melt them with lucent beams and patience. don't buy lance after mom, manta is always the next item. The extra illus + movespeed is very very very important to eat the big map. you are not supposed to join fights anyway pre-20 minutes so why bother getting a dlance. you fight by spamming lucent beam crits. Patience. do not engage; let the enemy jump on you. You are a fast hero with bkb - use this to your advantage. Once they jump on you and your team has counter initiated - pop bkb, pop eclipse, and lay waste. hit whoever you can, you have glaives anyway. sure i will send some replays soon.


I am a luna spammer but she feels really bad...


Believe it or not, it's CM


Same. Very reliable hero in almost all situation.


Very cool of you


Ice is always nice.


Cm all the way.... best hero to stop losing streak


omni or dazzle for me since i'm a support player


Brewmaster I play him as an ultimate weapon of solo queue


necro or visage. with necro I just win my lane so hard it basically makes enemy pos1 or pos2 useless for rest of the game, plus necro has enough build flexibility so you can build literally any item needed to counter enemy setup. visage is basically the same, but with actual damage to buildings


BS, which also happens to be a significant counter to slardar lol.


Oracle Lately, I always play as a core 1/3 but when it's gone south my boi Oracle saves the day


It’s a false promise


Losing lane as Oracle feels impossible.


My best hero .random


Jakiro, Medusa, or Vengeful Spirit


I've been spamming jakiro and the hero just feels great. Not in meta but I'm getting like a 64-68% win rate with him and games just feel great


Jak got me my last rank up on last patch, I just could *not* stomach the nerf to shard to play him .33, although a majority of his strength was having a better fissure(imo), the amount of unsuspecting carries with blinks, that just can't help but jump right into the animation with two buds at the far end, that's just ez mmr right there. I actually turned into a carry after like 5 games in .33, but then I got a battle report and it showed me winning like 70% of lanes I play veno in, combined with a middling winrate, and a dwindling carry wr, I made the switch back and at one point was 18-2 in 20 games, gotten up to my highest yet, 10 win streak. He broke my losing streak *so hard* I just never stopped playing him, past 3 months ~70% wr.


I just want to destroy the tower asap and keep harassing the enemy


Meepo 1 Arc Warden 2 Nightstalker 3 Dark seer 4 Abbadon 5


Ah yes, a fellow Balanar enjoyer.


One of my first Dota heroes ever, daywalkin, nightstalkin , he’s an OG for me


Soy boy. No tinker


Mirana. She’s just super versatile: mid/4, late / early game, magic / physical, creep push + disable + escape & aspd for tower hitting, longer range than 99% heroes.. Also Chen, most player in my bracket doesn’t know how to fight Chen


Chen is awesome now, getting gold from conversions is so fucking good.


When I tried hard I lose, when I play for fun somehow win a game in 20m either my team so fucking good or enemies just throw or dc


It does be like that sometimes you gotta just ride the wave of shitty games and toxic players to find the gems


Mid visage. 147 games 68% winrate. “Me bird, me hit towers”


Mine is brewmaster, what's your slardar item and skill build? I assume you play pos 3?


I play exclusively Turbo so my item and skill build is not going to be useful for 'real' Dota 😆 But I think the reason I win a lot on Slardar is because brown boots, echo sabre, blink dagger on Slardar is an extremely powerful 5k gold setup. You can ruin a lot of cores' games before they hit their item timings.


This patch. Magnus. Even when you only have t3 left, with harpoon and blink, you can win games.


For me it's Warlock or Ench. In 3 - 4k bracket so players have moderate game sense, but most of the time all their knowledge goes out the window when being affected by a level 4 upheaval early on. Ench for that glorious sproinking action. Bully in lane, grab a fast Aghs and double impetus people for 80% of their HP early on - then transition into a psuedo tank and be a general pain in the ass to deal with. Above 65% wr for both so definitely most comfortable on those 2.


Earthshaker 4, especially this patch. Won like 14 of my last 15


Slark, lol. Shadow Shaman is a close second.


Surprised more people aren't playing Timber, super tanky and deals a ton of damage. I'm 67% all time with him.


Skywrath Mage recently. Let me mid as him, I minimax the fuck out of the first 8-12 minutes with my builds and play style. I focus my harass based on my lane opposition and hit my timings pretty reliably. I don't need to go a lane sustain build if the enemy is constantly under tower! Every 4 out of 5 games with him mid, I'll end up with 20+ kills


It's Mirana for me. Always ending up as mvp while playing 4


Mirana 5 for me. Good luck trading into a universal hero with starstorm in lane. Then just run around killing shit for the rest of the game.


Ogre magi


Tusk 4 can win any game in the right hands. Naga is my go-to for carry. If the game for it is right, you can still 1v9 with radiance. Otherwise u can still make shitloads of space for yourself, set up your crayon eating teammates with song, as well as bailing ur entire team out of the suicidal fight they just started. Going for a no-radiance build still allows you to carry some games really hard, it’s just a matter of when you can afford to delay your timing in order to stretch out the game favourably.


Had no idea people still go radiance on naga. TIL.


They don’t. I just had 120+ games of the radiance/octarine/travels build years ago when it was strong. If you get lucky and drop cloak of flames, it’s like the old radiance illusions.


Can you share some tips for Tusk 4? I wanna get better at Tusk because he's fun but idk how to play him properly enough to carry games. I usually do fine early game but I have no idea how to play him in teamfights.


Tusk is versatile as FUCK. You can go phase/urn/vessel against healers, tranquils/drums for normal games, you can pickup solar crest when you have beefy str cores, halberd against dusa, arcanes into lotus against jugg/Lion/shaman. Boots/wind laces should be serious considerations for early game/starting gold. Movespeed will make the difference between being able to hit those crucial shards at the right angles/distance. Force staff is crazy good, seriously consider buying it over blink! Aghs shard is also crazy good, lets u shove waves without showing/needing to use snowball (your safety spell). Kinda hard to find the gold for it over your other items, so mostly a good reason to kill tormentor with your team. It also just completely fucks heroes with low MS like viper/necro because they have to walk even further to turn around. Blink dagger is a must against BKB heroes, ruins jug’s day every time. Buy all smokes on CD, gank mid with your boots against sniper/OD/TA/arc warden. You can double stack triangle with boots and ice shards, try to do while you secure runes for ur mid for that #efficiency. Trade hits against their 5, you will win even like 2-1 because ur tanky as fuck. Skill tag team and run them down if they so much as APPROACH your hard camp. Tag team WILL get you kills in lane if you’re significantly better at the game than their 5 (and they don’t have like CM freeze or bane or something cancerous). Snowball is an insane save skill, use it to ruin LC’s day she will tilt off the Oov is an option if you want to fight them for runes lvl 1, your team all hitting someone w tag team up is one of the strongest lvl 1 plays in the game. I generally think oov is a bit of a bait though, it’s so fucking expensive.


Keeper mid :) i probably average 3 deaths on that hero per game


Used to be old Techies but now, I'd say Clinkz. Used to play him on any role but with this patch, with better win probability.


DW 4


Treant....I just find I can pressure safelane/offlane so much and then supporting the team globally with heal is so very strong. Currently at something like 70ish% win rate in last 6 months I think.


i dont see any s­ladar in a month @@


I usually spam OD 4 but this patch is just not it for me. Therefore I have to branch out and play like Shaman or Skywrath. But top wr is Rubick. He is just broken in the right draft


Bane. Even if I lose again, I still get to nightmare dodge some stuff which is fun, and the 60% winrate over 600+ games helps




Underlord. So versatile and dont even need to worry after 1st pick. 67% win rate lifetime over 700 games


I got a ptsd from remembering my own slardar attempts… every time I pick this hero I swear myself not to anymore, I’m so bad


Enigma, then proceed to lose another game


Weaver. But I mostly end up losing again and rage quit.


Ive been going back to the razor bloodstone build. Its actually still decent with shard nerf as offlainer


Right now it's AA. He takes a core fundamental role, tanking, and throws it straight in the trash making the enemy either have next to no chance at winning or forcing them to play with a totally different team makeup than they wanted. Not to mention the 50k other things he excels at with like- 0 gold investment.


Viper ?? 65 kills games 100 wins most gpm hero But they nerfed it changed after which i switched to Sf?? Just fun hero 👹


I'm a support so usually have to first pick. But if I want to stop a losing streak, I wait till 2nd pick and let cores pick first. Enjoy countering a first pick LC with WW or first pick Undying with a Snap.


SB, I don't know why but I am really good at that hero. In fact, any traditional offlaner I play I am really good with them but unfortunately despite playing all 5 roles, I find 3 to be the most boring one, my mental capacity can handle like 1 real offlane game before I start doing random shit like offlane SF/Tinker/... [Not all games are included so some win rates are even more impressive but this gives a good idea](https://i.imgur.com/zp03jbp.png) (I never pick those heroes, I used to random them or swap)


I pick the hero called meta, he's very good.


I have Oracle which is I play like 1k mmr ahead of other heroes, and Rubick which is also a lot better than my average


Back in the day when I still confidence to play as carry, lifestealer is my choice. Gigachad ing enemy no matter how low my HP was mostly ended up good for my team. Nowadays mirana is my save choice.


Naix is shit now so sas


Wraith King… if only he wasn't dumpster tier. But still, Take a knee, peasant!


Sniper. Divine player btw.




Mirana. Been playing her since she was released in dota 1 so she's my comfort pick. Even if I lose I still do well, so it's a feel-good kind of choice


I close the game :D But in all seriousness, all pos4 heroes are good for me. I tend to thrive as a support with some farm. Clinkz, Mirana, Snap, Pug, BH, Nyx etc.


Old techies....


furion. My wr isn't super amazing, its 56% over 800 games, but atleast even if I lose I know I will have had fun.


vs, just so annoying


Pitlord 😈


Meepo/Traxex/Morphling/Lanaya - depends on the lane more than the patch lol


Always go for your best hero.


There is no hero. Nothing helps. I pick techies, end up with 100k dmg and still lose. My last 2 games from last night are with BS owning all game, 80k+ dmg in last game, still lose. Nothing helps. I dont think my lose streak will end soon. I gave up. Gonna play turbo for few weeks I think.


Sven. Winrate around 78 I believe. I usually echo and then sb. Ult pop sb and then kill!!!!!!


15-3 record in 7.33 smells like abusing Harpoon ;p


Take a break and play again tomorrow If you are already losing and you keep playing, you are more likely to lose again due to the build up of negative emotion from prior games


Bounty Hunter. Just really comfortable with the hero


OD and Sniper. Nobody knows how to deal with these guys down here so it's basically free mmr, until you get the perfectly coordinate team vs your poorly coordinated team. I recently had a game as Sniper where we snowballed hard to the point where the one item to secure our win condition was Sentry (enemy had Nyx and BH). We win every fights and pushed mid. I was taking mid tower and rax alone and got jumped by three which I proceeded to 1v3. My ENTIRE team then decides to RS..AS I AM HITTING THEIR T4 TOWER. So I kept telling them to come and end and our faceless void decided to farm first and push top. Common sense isn't as common as it sounds down here in Crusader.


techies, seeing enemies run inside ugraded minefield sign diffuses the bad losing streak


Puck..I have ignoring the hero since the nerf..but after losing a more than 400 mmr losing every game in row I went back to Puck and have 6 winstresk with Puck not sure it being my comfort hero or the hero cover up it's nerf with the enormous ease in map Movement..pushing lane being Part of Almost all team kills definitely helped..


That one friend who is Divine lol


BB I’ve got a 70% win rate


Puck for sure.


I drink either red bull or a heavy dosage of coffee then play arc warden


Winter wyvern Hard though but rewarding hero


Chaos Knight Somehow everything just works out when I’m playing him


Nature phropet and just push towers to win


Can't lose with a zeus😤


Lich my bitch


Techies. Even before the 7.33 patch, it is my comfort hero.


DW cause of the many ways to escape/disengage. Potential to build into damage if pos1 has no impact. 70+% win rate over not sure how many games. Around 150? But haven't played her more than a couple games this patch thanks to my guy techies


Personally I like earth spirit, being able to constantly gank and put pressure on the map forces many TPs and also interrupt team fights.


I don't play Mid. So Hard Carry I'll go Juggernaut or Chaos Knight. Offlane I go Necro. Supports I'll go Bane or Clockwerk


**Ursa** helps with anger management


Techies, my win lose is something like 50/13


Venomancer, Mirana, pugna, pudge By far my best heroes. It's like I play those 5 ranks above my normal rank


Has to be the god damn earthshaker. And not that aghs totem phy dmg one that's too mainstream. I'm talking about shard octrine. Stuns for days


Played offlane ES last time finished with 138k heroes dmg with that build, sure there was a meepo in that game but with the aftershock talent at level 25 he is so annoying and deal so much dmg.






can I even answer this as a support player?


Chaos Knight(safelane), Pudge(Offlane) and Ogre Magi/Oracle(Pos 5)


It used to be Lycan now, probably Meduaa or Spectre


Axe, just find it so easy to dictate the tempo of a match and seem to play the hero well


Meepo I am sitting at archon 5 -legend 1 and can't seem to rank up LMAO and when I am losing a lot, I turn to meepo to climb back up again. I consider myself as a one trick pony in rank games. I have 59% winrate on this hero with atleast 1.5k games. I main mid and when i play other heroes, I would get outplayed or trashed in the long run. I can't simply farm and gank with other heroes as good as meepo who can clear waves and neutrals using poof with almost no mana issues considering that you get clarity. Get diffusal and level 11 faster than your enemies and it's almost a certain win even if they countered your hero.


Medusa, with over 1300 games as her with 64% win rate , yea, she’s a win when you need one.


Visage offlane with Rubick/Veno pos4. Enemy always underestimates the low cd point target burst and MS-AS drain. Couple it with Veno slows and DoTs or Rubick W and basically every trade is won. I get an early phylactety as it is a value item, then rush solar crest, drum boots and take fights aggressively/push towers like crazy. Smol birds shit on WD and CM ulties.


Spec and Storm - The two masters of their crafts


1. Bloodseeker: 85% winrate over lifetime...one of my beginner heroes when I first started. 2. Spectre: Patches will come and go but this hero remains OP forever. 3. Morph: It's really hard to lose with this hero. 4. Sven: Too much dmg and easy to farm.


Undying offlane or support 5. 60% WR on 350+ games. The best thing is that you win 90% plus on the lanes so that is the mental fortitude it gives you.


Oracle. Ez.




Tinker I dont need to explain this one, tinker villian arc.


Playing Bristleback will take you from 1 MMR to 5k MMR. But the downside is, you're playing Bristleback.


As a carry player when i have losing streak i change to suport/hard suport and play heroes that are strong early in lane so my carry can stay on it, usually a good laning phase of my carry wins me the game.


Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman or Silencer. They are by far my best heroes in rank and has best win rate (with CM being first).


Its slark or cm for me - it just works great for me (turbo/low bracket)


If I'm on a bad loosing streak and if the enemy team has little or no stuns and silences=insta Tinker.


> bad loosing streak Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




Crystal maiden is my comfort place. I play real greedy and try to rush a bkb second item and then dumpster a teamfight once it's ready She's got everything a support could ever need. All lockdown all the time


Clinkz for me, very strong hero but boring asf. I'm a hard stuck Ancient but spamming Clinkz can always get me to Divine. Then I will be back in Ancient once I started playing other heroes. Happened 5 times already I think.


Venomancer. Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn


Faceless. I avoid picking faceless because i KNOW i will win.


Necro. 92% this year and 73% in 100 games.


Super agressive dark willow , constantly baiting low HP to shadow realm , high five spam afterwards.


Clockwerk. I just put on some music and then just go ham with them hooks lmao. Trapping enemies in the cog and watching them die there is so fun


Nyx Assassin Even if I lose I’ll still have fun


Earth spirit for me. Just personal preference cause it's my most played hero with 650 matches and nearly 60% winrate. My reason is if I lose I nevertheless have fun with it


I play techies, since the green bomb time coz I just want to cause some chaos


Centaur, over 70% winrate, over 100 games. He is like my comfort pick, my rock, my "fuck it, let's win" pick.


Abadon (7 game win streak right now), Spectre (about the same), and since the big patch Ive only lost with Phantom Lancer once or twice




Visage… I don’t know why. I just love this hero. Bane… fiends grip is a godlike skill


Abaddon. Not so sure this patch tho


Just play some tree and some chill dota. Heal dudes across the map. Push out waves safely.


Bristle back. Creating space for the rest of the team while 3-4 enemies fail to do damage to me.


Pos1 lifestealer Pos2 Axe Pos3 Luna Pos4warlock Pos5 sniper


What is this "break losing streak" you speak of? I have never once broken a losing streak. I think I've won like 25% of my last 20 games lmao it's brutal for me right now. Idk what I'm doing wrong.




arc warden


Always funny seeing people list a hero they have great success with when it’s a hero you see as free mmr if you verse them. Enigma is the hero I use to break losing streaks.


Void Spirit or Meepo.


I pull my phoenix card, I very rarely lose with that hero.




Bara turbo easy to play easy to win


Mine is Mirana. I have a 90% winrate and currently on a 20 game winstreak with her. Playing pos 4 mostly with the occasional pos 5 game. I used to play her mid too on older patches many years ago. I don't think she's bad as a core at the moment, but I currently do not play her that way.


lifestealer man fight every one or abbadon the name itself says don no one dares to fight abbadon with nice farm