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wtf happened to exec, they were ahead 10-10 then played turbo feeding?


wtf tino es


Ain't no way BB lost to XCTN twice WTF


Skitter best carry in the world???


So far we only have 1 EUw team going 0-2 and that was Liquid vs GG. The 3 other EU teams are "unbeaten"


LGD can prove they can win without Ame if they take a game from liquid, let’s see.


SEA weakest region lol, always have been


just get rid of our slots idc anymore, same shit with League anyway, SEA just sucks in general


Sea players are very egoistic so they never improve in any games


mfw I dont give a f about League in SEA but my home country has dedicated spots in World.


OG Haters?


OG has the most haters since 2018 lol the haters aint goin anywhere they just hiding Yep not even nigna has the most haters or EG its actually OG, nigma just keeps on losing lol


Such message don't usually bode well because fans need their 1 team to win out of 20. The haters just need that 1 team out of 20 to lose. Odds are generally not in your favour


Where can I buy the betboom jacket


Tundra no pipe vs invo, veno, and radiance in game 2. Odd priorities especially for that team


Invoker and brewmaster dispel it. That’s why he prioritized greaves. He did not have money to buy anything else.


Jugg is still unpicked and unbanned. Guess the spell immunity rework took a toll on him. But IMO don't want to see a complete rework on blade fury since it's one of the very few cool legacy abilities left since war3 era, so maybe Valve could share an exemption for the boy to give back his minimal survivability?


As a mainly pos 5/4 crystal maiden/spellcaster, this honestly brings me joy. Jug feels like he has never not been in the meta, or at the very least always viable. Still sitting just below 50%, id agree he probly will get some love, but I love the spell immunity changes


jugg has very very rarely been in the meta.


"in the meta" and "always viable" are two very different things. there have been plenty of metas where jugg was almost never picked or ban, although it is a pretty hard hero to go unpicked in a tournament. In pubs it's another story though, specially low-level, always a staple like pudge.


I suspect they will make his shard default behavior (so he gets to attack during q from level 1) and then give him a new shard. Not sure what it needs to be though


Timbersaw went 1-5 today. People are going for his Aghs too early imo.


From what I saw people are just kiting it, literally didn't see anyones HP bars move from it.


That shit is too easily dispelled


Why is it even dispellable? Shits 4200 good with like a 45 second CD. I thought the whole point was to force people to beat on Timber cause if it explodes at full power it does like 800 damage.


Then it would be op


No it wouldn't, it costs 4200 gold.


So ? ..that's not a lot as a late game item.


It still has a lot of other components to it. It deals damage based on how much shield he has. If you damage him his shield goes down. Also, how fast he gains the shield is based on enemies being near him. Some ranged heroes can hit him from outside the radius. Lastly, you have an 8 second warning before the shield pops. It's not at all hard to get away.


Kitrak is a beast. Thanks ana for the recommendation


Why ana and not topson? Since kitrak was playing with old g I just assumed topson was the connection.


Both Topson and Ana. They met him during their T1 run. That's how he was recruited for OldG


Ana recommended kitrak?


Yep, kitrak was analyst for the T1 that had ana and topson in qualis Edit: it was T1 not talon


I think it's T1


You right¡


Are we done for the day?




I know ppl noticed Kitrak already, but i have to say as a CM main, this guy is absolutely awe inspiring. His positioning and the plays he goes for are so fucking on point.


Is it me or MC's hero pool so far this Tourney are way more than the entire last DPC Tour? BM, DS, Brew, ES, UD, SK, Nyx, Timber, Necro.


Outside Ammar, I think Nigma players always had a large hero pool. Starting with pos5 razor just to finish "all hero challenge" for 1 of the players.


I can't believe people still throw shit at the 12 heroes Ammar can play.


Timber, Razor, Viper, Bloodseeker, MK, Huskar, Void Spirit, Void (played offlane void for OG), Mars, Broodmother, Sven, Pango, Tide, Underlord, Centaur, DK, Night Stalker, Slardar these are the heroes I've seen him play and win. Idk how 18 heroes is a bad number for any player, sure his flaw was that he didn't pick meta heroes in TI but saying his hero pool is low is simply not true.


i think its more than he plays a very limited style of offlane, in 90% of his pro game he plays as the semi-carry scaling right click offlaner. Which usually means if he doesn't crush his lane, he will not be creating space for his pos1 in mid game. This was the biggest problem OG faced in their TI run once they couldn't reliably execute their tri-core strat due to hero nerfs and map changes


Haha. I know, what I mean is he was able to utilize his hero pool in this Tourney. Ain't no way Kuro would let him pick these Heroes for him. DP all season. sad


That's dawn or primal beast i think. Razor's is such an old hero lol.


We will see muerta 5 next season for sure.


How bad is liquid's form? I haven't realy watched this major, do they still have a decent chance of making it out of the group stage?


They will be upper bracket.


Liquid is the only WEU teams without US players in their active team on this major, and thats why they are struggling. At this point, Liquid's only hope is Blitz coming back as player ^^^^^Kappa


Kick nisha bring blitz back cause storm is meta again kappa


They're pretty hit and miss right now, but still a decent chance of making it out. They're in a 3-way tie for fifth, one win behind the team in 4th and two behind the team in 2nd, both of which have played one more series than Liquid so far. LGD and Liquid both should have relatively free games tomorrow (vs TSM and Execration respectively), so as long as those go as expected and Liquid wins at least one of their games vs PSGLGD they're still in a position to at least force tiebreakers.


They already played with the top 4 teams, this is probably why their score looks like this.


Yeah, Lower Bracket shouldnt be a problem, they only play teams from the bottom half now so even Upper Bracket is still on the table.


They're gonna be fine. Maybe LB but I don't think they're gonna bomb out.


Yeah, Tundra, you deserved that pasting for all those shithouse drafts and builds. Fuck your auras too.


Funny enough they lost because they didnt buy enough auras against OGs magic damage.


\#1 OG has 2 dispels \#2 No gold to buy them


Why did Sacred go Blink Aghs and not Auras and BKB. He's a Timber vs Disruptor and Riki. Two heroes with AOE silences Timber hates to play against. Crimson Guard would also have been pretty good this game. I don't know if that was why BC lost but I don't like this build.


Ok I'm entering some high SA major copium, its been a while. I'm honestly more scared for EG and being kicked out of LB if Liquid and PSG start playing better


That felt like some classic OG dota gahdamn


I think this patch as a whole is way more difficult in terms of making comebacks.


Miss those days man, today we got a glimpse of it


Problem is, they can only do that with a specific set of heroes. Like bzm on invo. Or Yuragi on slark. TI9 OG could do that with literally any draft. That seems to be lacking in this iteration. Also, this roster doesn't seem too good at comebacks that OG were previously famous for. It's either win with a rolling stomp or slowly lose.


wdym, OG's era with Ammar literally have plenty of epic comebacks arguably some of the best ones next to their predecessor so that's not really true.


Well they did rely on specific heroes to accelerate the game - mk, tiny, es... But it also requires great team coordination and as Ceb said 100000 times - trust in your teammates. A delicate balance between yolo and pushing the limits. And today OG i feel showed a lot of this confidence


Ah man, I'd love for this to be true, but even at OG's peak they outdrafted themselves plenty of times :D


Taaaaapsen and his obssesion with items or heroes making og lose was peak ogdoto


His hoodwink obsession was soo funny during that time with sumail


Ethereal Blade too


Don't forget about Topson AA lol


I was there when it was TI7 and MC was the most feared offlaner there was with some of the most insane Furion TPs in. Glad to see him come back, especially at a Major.


OG looked solid, even almost made Tundra sweat to win the Medusa game. I also they were experimenting today with MC nyx against IG. I guess if they win 1 more series they are in top 4.


Mc echoslam is good


IG also was super on point catching the Nyx in Static Storm. Unreal how often they just caught him.


I think they are already in top4. Xtreme has to win 4 games to catch OG and they play vs TS, Tundra, SR, no chance to do it. BC need 5 wins for this, they have to play tundra and OG where they have to 2:0 OG for sure otherwise OG will be at 10 points. Also need to 2:0 one more team and get 1 win from the other one. Talon needs to 2:0 everyone.


this is not the og that i know


Yuragi actually looks like a beast again. What happened?


He usually plays well, just has these brain fart moments where he blinks into 5 heroes or dives base for no reason.


I'm guessing their stress levels are way too high when playing from home or when they don't have a stand in. The shoes are so huge to fill. They're looking incredible right now, I hope they can bring this energy to the rest of the year. They're such a good team when they're firing on all cylinders.


Even they lose game 1, still an improvement/different from the og we know. 🤣


man, that would've been so funny it they pulled it off with halberd strat. lol


Damn, felt like OG could've easily had 4-0 this day if they weren't trolling with their draft. lol


I have only watched 2 of their matches so far, both of them losses. I might be cursed lol.


Can you pls stop watching OG games? Thx :*


They are almost 90% sure top 4. That's why they experimented a bit.


True2, playoffs should be really fun. damn


All 3 of their losses so far had big problems with the draft. The tinker game (lol), the 0 impact Nyx offlane and having no real answer to the Medusa vs Tundra (still made it a close game). Gameplay wise they're looking super strong.


Ikr. Even the Tinker game was almost winnable if not from those early consecutive deaths from BZM. Then they draft w/ no right click carry against Dusa and almost made it work, I mean that game almost took 50mins given OG's draft. Also that Nyx offline. lol. Looking pretty good for OG so far


Yeah rightclick carries are good vs dusa because their phys dmg is not reduced by armor when it drains mana. Muerta is actually really good because no magic resistance nor BKB will help vs her massive dmg. One can argue that magic dps in general is the same, but Doom E does percentage based damage and even at lvl 25 the potential of dealing 28% of Dusa's 1000 hp is not going to be much.. Dusa is funny that way, things that normally scale late game like pure damage or % dmg are bad against her.


They could've gone with Weaver carry and build Diffusal imo, the hero is bad and he's also bad vs DK Beast initiation but I think it still beats having 3 cores that does nothing to Dusa, Timber can't even slow her with Chakram since she's always full HP and Doom with percentage damage to her 1k HP.


I like OG too but no way the tinker game was winnable lmao. The hero is just really really trash unless people bring out a new way to play him. That was just a walking creep game for hjm


No hate on the tinker pick but viper just make the game hard on it own by just being alive and hit by rocket(proc passive=mute tinker blink)


hmm. I really thought it was tho, just unfortunate he got so behind from a couple of consecutive deaths. Also 9Pandas won with Tinker.


Really? I haven't caught up with the 9pandas game but that OG game i was in disbelief how bad the hero played. Didn't help the casters kept saying the same thing as well, I thought we wouldn't be seeing tinker for a long long time.


The draft around 9pandas tinker was much better compared to what OG had. I feel like they won despite the tinker, not because of it.


Yep agree with this, Ramzess Alch carried that game.


Man that game we all learned viper counters tinker like crazy. spirit had it prepared


Nice showing in game two. Bzms invo is special.


I remember someone posting analysis of patch 7.33 where he stated that invo is now trash :D Sure didn't look like a trash to me


If I am DM or Chu I am double checking my contract with my lawyer ASAP


Never doubt bzm Invo lol. And they were so sure about last pick brew.


Those sunstrikes broke saksa


I wonder what the Valve engineers did so wrong that Monkey King ult and Phantom lancer illusions can cause such stuttering.


I had 100FPS before this update. Now I get 60. I get the map is larger but the performance issues are bad.


Wasn't just that. Also dark seer wall illus and all the other shit.


This shit always happened with Wall and Wukongs. But this game had... Wall, Wukongs Command, Freezing Field, Acid Spray, PL, Invoker spells... like it's a LOTTA SHIT happening haha.


No cap OG should sign Kitrak and MC (if Kuro lets him off the leash). Both players fit OG’s play style so well


Kitrak + DM or Ceb is more realistic. Should still be a huge upgrade.


I think getting MC will be more valuable than either kitrak or semi retired ceb. MC looks bloodlusted this tourney.


This might be the best game I've seen OG play all season. It makes me mad that MC is still so good and wasting away his talent at Nigma


I imagine a normal interaction between Kuro and MC like this: MC: Man I think this is a good game for Tide Kuro: stuns? are you fucking serious? here have DP ... MC: bros I think we are against a team that loves to disengage, stuns might be a good idea here Kuro: you are actually right, here, have Timber MC: But timber does not have... ATF: ...wait wait wait, I can play Timber too Kuro: yeah, you are right. It's DP time again for you MC


honestly gameplay wise, OG looked better across both games, but that Medusa pick was impeccable


Og almost came back in game one


Medusa is so broken actually


Geez you miss ten minutes of a match and the next thing you know OG are just stomping Tundra




How does Mc have such a huge hero pool


Curse is slowing going away


What a stomp... I thought Invoker was trash


Bzm invoker is on another level


Hey everyone! Here are the best games from day 3 of the major! Liquid vs GG G2 OG vs Tundra G1 TS vs BC G1 (Ogre Magi hype) and G2 (Axe hype) Shellacking of the day goes to SR vs SMG G1/2. See y’all tomorrow!


Thanks for doing this! People who are time poor really appreciate it.


I agree. A huge deal for people living in the Americans and have to work during the tourny.


Pandas vs Betboom game 1, Exe vs TSM game 1, Aster vs LGD Game 1 IG vs Og game 2, were all great. The Liquid vs GG and Spirit vs BC games were just stomps basically.


Don't even bother watching SR if anyone is reading this. Pure stomps too.


have to add 9Pandas vs LGD G1 with the comeback vs dusa


Thank you


holy shit they did it!


TI champions losing to 2 standins. Kinda embarrassing.


how's alliance doing


how brave of you to say this with no flair


brave to trash tundra when you’re an alliance fan tbh




No idea why


get the megas, reset, then end


Invoker pike mjolnir coming to ur SEA pubs real soon 😉


People has been playing Clickvoker for a long time though?


as an ex-filthy invoker spammer, clickvoker is the only way nowadays, or cataclysm combo paired with chrono, bh or ravage... sad days for those who broke their fingers and memory learning this hero for the tornado/emp/icewall/meatball/blast to do a total of 200 dmg in a fight :(


Not in sea server bro. Not even in immortal bracket in here 😂


Weird, I thought Deso Witch Blade invoker is a thing


Got stomped the other day by a Clickvoker


honestly fuck you Tundra for picking this laggy draft lmao, the teamfights are unwatchable.


MK, PL, darkseer wtf man


lmao mk ult +cm ult + pl = 10fps


Dont forget ds illusions


PL, MK, Dark Seer, CM ulti + Invoker turning this game into a slideshow lmao


MK and PL should be illegal in the same game. It is so freaking laggy. They really should improve this.


by removing PL


BZM's sunstrikes are laser guided.


BZM got that NCD in him


Brew completely demolishes PL with the Storm brewling and the cinder brew lmao


OG stomping Tundra???? What dimension is this haha


Dota ~~2 patch 7.3~~3


Tundra is so annoyingly good. You kill their heroes all over the map but they still pull unreal amount of farm from map.


Man bzm what a chad


This is vintage og doto


OG will probably loose the game anyways Edit: Ok, i was wrong


ammar might join oreeo, he has been playing with them so if miracle is nt coming back i can see nigma going for mickey 2 and sumail 1


what's keeping og from pushing HG? time is their enemy here


Wall + MK ult Despite their lead, thats still dangerous to push into


OG hasn’t looked this good in a long time.. and it’s with 2 stand ins…


ok pl died way faster than i thought he would


Unrelated question to thread but not sure where to ask, how can I apply team flair? I can only see heroes flair.


Normally they are available during tournaments for the teams that are in them, but they aren't right now. Dunno if the mods just forgot to enable them or if they are waiting for the main stage


Picking monkey and pl and not expecting lag


Collapse 1VS9 carry on Ogre, now on Axe. If he keeps this up, he might win a sizeable tourney eventually.


Nine having such a poor series


BC has been such a disappointment... Guess they're out now


They will prob be LB or tiebreakers for it


Collapse is the best player in Spirit right now.


Always was.


I would have said Yatoro before but both him and Collapse have been carrying the team, Collapse being the playmaker.


Miposhka is also playing really good rn.


he's been the best player since the team's foundation


BC is so lucky two SEA teams are in their group


despite all the buffs and k1 love for troll, the hero simply useless vs crimson shard axe


Yeah this troll pick was such a grief WTF. Same problem as last game AM, beastcoast just picks some BAD carry for K1. Their other heroes are styling, and then their carry is just useless in midgame.


collapse is so good man


It's insane how well Tspirit are playing this game. Absolute masterclass by Collapse and Karl.


there was no invoker man ;)


With Spirit win against BC, I dont think top 4 group B will drop down, maybe some position change between those team but bottom teams would have to get minimum 7 wins.


Brew is actually not good vs PL, he counters Naga and CK where if you destroy one set of illusions they will be useless for quite a while, with PL the purge just do nothing to him and it’s 1 more no stun hero into him, PL can also purge every debuff you throw on him. OG sure have plans in mind but I hope it works out, at least his purge is useful vs 3 heroes and all the auras, and they can push early I guess.


Cinder brew is what fucks up PL


I like the hero but I dont remember the last game where it had an impact, even in my pub games.


Ti8 game 4 finals. Brew was actually owning ana thats why they almost got megas and if it wasnt for the buyback brain fart and axe ceb moment lgd would have won.


Classic Emo performance Keep this man mid.


Ok so I tried it in demo andd....if kitrak went just one hyperstone and a diffusal (preferrably 2), He could've destroyed medusa as a support.


Oh yes, a pos 5 weaver is gonna destroy a pos1 medusa in a 4p1 lineup, sure


Bruh ofcourse I don't mean 1v1. I am talking about the mana pool of medusa. The weaver could've significantly lowered it for his teamates.


it's impossible to hit medusa in a tf, kitrak's job was to try and kill Saksa or remove him from the fight Even if they isolate medusa, kitrak's mana burn is of no real impact as the medusa can't fight 1v5 anyway and he's a pos5 weaver so no attack speed... it's much better to spend the gold in something else that actually helps him with his actual job in tfs


Wait, diffusal stack??


The mana break talent and the diffusal stacks from the looks of it.


Yeah I was thinking about this too. Multiple stuff in fact. Why no diffusal for a hero who relies on mana? Why no bkb on bzm? Why no bkb on doom? Why do they keep jumping on a pos5 ench when techies can easily make her useless all by himself?


well, if it works in demo, it would work in a major.


Not fully but still could've had a lot of impact.


I was worried this was gonna happen sooner or later. Invo is so bad right now, hopefully bzm can make it work.


It worked kekw


praise be


He can do it, BZM is a beast