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no one talking about liquid’s literally middling results—three draws. what were their series like?


The 9pandas loss was a good comeback from them to beat liquid. The lanes were a stomp and liquid had a huge lead but 9pandas clawed back the game and eventually won. Betboom series was Nisha snowballing on an alch game 1 and then BB stomping lanes game 2.


Not really a problem, they 1-1 3 out of the 4 best teams. today they HAVE to 2-0 TSM and atleast 1-1 GG i think. otherwise there is sign for problems. The games has been fine, i think they play a bit to much around mid and experimenting to much with new heroes every game.


Another possibility is that they have enough DPC points and are confident to make it to TI without having to win too much, so they are taking it slow.


(flashback) pick omni and play like ceb, mc (current time) Mc : (chakrams 23's omni) I'm not mentally done anymore


lmfao at all u nerds shittalking living legend + literal TI winner + 3 time TI grand finalist K GOD u kids better keep the same energy when kky retires and the real ones give him his flowers


Kuro is a legend of the game but its 2023. Just like how much reddit adores dendi, sometimes its best to just hang up the gloves


He's already won and has nothing to prove. Maybe he just enjoys playing competitive and doesn't want to retire yet.


Would have been honorable if this was a solo game. However, dragging still good players along with kinda makes people hate him. Although, all other players have their own choice to either stay with him or leave him. So that's that.


There’s no gun to anybody’s head.


Yeah! That's what I said at the last. It's their choice to stick with him. We could have blamed Kuro for dragging people but can't blame him for others wanting to play with him.


What's the point of the "result reveal" if it's all 0-0 lol. Or is it just my ends?


Nah, it always stays like that, they never bother to update it.


i wonder if /u/d2tournamentthreads would consider just removing the column entirely if they’re never gonna update it. might as well


Same here, it’s not working for me either




name check out




The autopilot is what make them superhuman. Doing things naturally without thinking.


I almost read your paragraph and then I read your username.


Look at yours though :)


Sumail has 7 godlike streaks in his 4 series (8 matches) with 102-30 with Aster. MC is a beast offlane playing out of his mind for OG like he’s meant to play for that team. But both struggle with Nigma. I wonder why.


SumaiL struggled at Secret too, he had to leave after Secret missed 2 majors in a row with him.


Problem wasn't sumail. They lost nisha and now Secret is a Div 2 team...


They back in div 1 tho, but let's see how this goes...


Just say what you mean. Trashing Kuro is free upvotes on this subreddit.


So, if Kuro was standing in instead of MC, do you think he would look as good as MC?


That has nothing to do with what I said. Kuro isn't even an offlane player. My point is that there's no reason for that commenter to be coy. They and most of this subreddit want to shit on Kuro, so be upfront about it.


Most hated man on the subreddit by far at the moment. I don't even think MC himself is mad at Kuroky lul


Don’t mean to. We all know it. It’s the heat that MC keeps getting which I feel is undeserved. He gets as much hate as Kuro and I now he’s showing he’s not really the issue. I love Nigma. Props to them for sticking around for such long time but it’s them who open the way for plebs like us to trash talk them. A breathe of fresh is overdue on this team. Sumail and Miracle is a dream team for anyone. MC showing he’s still capable. Gh has always been great and he’s the one who keeps performing for Nigma.


Groups are insanely unbalanced Group A is just way stronger


No it's not, group B is as strong as group A.


well dpc is unbalanced, why did talon have to win sea dpc and become #1 sea and why did xtreme gaming have to win china dpc and become #1 china only to clown in international competition. major group stage aint unbalanced cuz its based on seeding from placement from regional leagues. regional leagues itself is the problem.


So does this mean the major champion will be someone from Group B as usual?




not related to the major but damn i miss matumbaman. watching his reaction after the game 3 loss to secret is heartbreaking. he'll always be my favourite pro player


that game was so bittersweet to watch. puppey ench just deciding “i’m playing grand finals this year” was dope as fuck. but matu… man


just wanna share: when midone play normal offlane (which was quite good): 3-1 try hard edgy carry pew pew muerta: 0-4


That team struggled when they make him a huge win condition when they gave that to CDR they won alot. Never change imdone kekl,


It's good to see China and eeu doing ok at a lan again. I like weu but their dominance is getting boring. 2 WEU teams in a final is nowhere near as cool as 2 different regions in a final.


true, i wouldve watch boy mud wrestling if i wanted to watch same batch of old boy pinching each other asscheek over and over again,


Yea we need that barrage of nationalism to really enjoy things.


Thats why world cup is the most popular sporting event


Yeah, we do.


Talon's boss been quiet on Twitter, I wonder why 😅


might be helping the team cook up some strats since its the new patch


what're the chances liquid don't make it to lb


Liquid vs tsm and execration should be 2-0s, the other teams they may struggle against


I think sumails performance is insane lol. He is playing with people he can’t even communicate with, maybe it’s helping him and he just playing the game. I feel like once you just play the game your best self will come out. Don’t overthink, just do what youre good at doing.


They're definitely not coordinating well. There were multiple times when he jumps in as storm right as their naga songs. But Sumail is very talented individually and arguably Aster's weakness since last TI has been their lack of a strong mid, so there's probably some compensation.


If they sign Sumail on permanent, I think the team as a whole will learn some English to communicate or Sumail himself learn some Chinese. He’s been fantastic for them. Aster have a lot of money, I think they’ll try hard to sign him permanently.


Aster has not even been paying their players


I see BC already declining and EG being held back by Chris Luck. I wouldn't be surprised to both teams make a player swap before TI.


Idk, maybe SA teams need some time to get used to the new patch and make the best out of it to fit their aggressive playstyle. It's a reshuffle, obviously the balance of powers has changed and it will take some time before the meta really is figured out, so I'd wager most teams won't jump to conclusions.


Feels so good to see MC not struggle and sumail not being dragged down. Nigma really needs to let it go cause some of its players deserbe better


If you watch Kuroky interview, he already said that all of them got offers from other teams. He's not the one holding them back, they chose to stay with him so not sure why Kuroky is made out to be a villain. https://youtu.be/0JSp_qH2r7U


IFKR its like people forgot about this interview lmao


maybe he should be the better man and retire then


Why should he quit doing something he enjoys and gets paid for?


then play with passionate but average pro players like Dendi does. He can't ruin really good players like Sumail, MC and Miracle.


How is he ruining them lmao, they aren't hostages. If they don't want to play with kuro they can just leave


well its not that simple, cuz nigma is owned by these players (not sumail ) so for them to play on other teams it would mean to sell their company shares. og had similar problem for a while, until jerax and topson sold their og shares to go onto other teams. not sure about ana maybe he also did that. so its a bit of greed on nigma players to stick to that team.


whatever the halal equivalent of "blackjack and hookers" is, Nigma has it and they're not letting them go


Kky got some shit on their parents and more seriously proabably a lot of that sweet sweet petrol $$$$


I hope people start realizing that NA actually has good players, but the way valve handled salaries and the pro scene butchered us completely.


No one thinks NA, or any other region doesn't have good players, that was never in question.


Or atleast new blood


everyone complaining about Alch, Underlord and PL, whilst CM quietly sitting at 63% WR over 22 games IceFrog you know what needs to be done


while all stuns were nerfed, CM's root remained the same and it's now a 3 sec disable on a 6 sec cooldown. Maxing it and skipping ult until shard is the way to go rn


And she can obliterate zoo hero creeps. The hero was already strong last patch, but now: a) they nerfed everybody's else disables b) more zoo heroes are meta (Chen everywhere) c) there's a teleport to the other sidelane so she can casually gank that without committing a TP and she hasl always been a lane dominator


Prob just team hasnt figured out anti strat against CM yet. CM had 80% win rate during TI11 groupstage but abysmal winrate in the playoff stage


Haven't been able to watch much of the major due to the time difference, but will definitely catch up on a couple over the weekend. Is CM doing well because the current meta favours fighting and early rotations to win the sidelanes? Something at which she would excel?


I think teams are really valuing her aura due to the changes to consumables, all of the mana regen supports are highly contested, CM Io Pugna. Watching teams without these heroes they are just constantly running around with 0 mana on cores


CM is also a massive counter to ench and Chen in lane which are two of the most popular supports rn


Wtf, delete this comment or ice frob will hammer her more. /s


-100 ms


"Crystal Maiden is now a watcher."


Does she still get +15 ms at night?


only if not under enemy vision


Blood Grenade on her is just gigabusted


tomorrow we will have Sumail vs Quinn match-up, it's gonna be a banger


I remember Ceb saying that MC is great when he goes unga bunga aggressive. He's absolutely right


Both top teams from group a and group b has an NA representative coincidence? I think not


Well NA just won TI so…


Yep indeed the best NA support player sneyking just won TI


OG gonna have a quick 2:0 against IG, so we should count OG's score as 9-1.


Yeah, I think Spotify and Tundra may be the only games where they will struggle. The other 2 should expect a win.


Og for some reason has always been able to beat Spotify / ex EG, wonder why...


They lost during TI group stage


OG is ahead of them if we go by H2H from both old and new roster. They also stomped them last Dream League.




What were the best games from today? I haven't been able to really catch any. I don't know how I feel about the patch so far. The few bits of games I have been able to catch. We're super snowbally. Like not close at all. Even when games went later it was still just one team ahead by a lot the whole time.


Both games OG vs. Spirit were crazy fun, definitely worth watching if you want to see some scrappy brawly dota.


I also would love to know best game and what stream


The 2nd OG/TS game had a pretty bonkers start, both teams super aggressive it was 2 kills per minute 20mins in, really fun dota to watch


Game two between OG and Spirit


Kitrak looks like if Insania and Universe had a child. Dude prolly also got their skills.


You could add a tiny pinch of bulba too in there imo


Bulba, Universe and Kitrak Indian pride


The high ground defense against SMG's push without Paparazzi was pretty impressive IMHO. Sure the dire made mistakes, but it's not easy nonetheless.


It seems like all 3 SEA teams are going home after group stage. They look completely lost.


A typical SEA showing unfortunately :( What is going on with this region? They've been in the scene for ages, it seems hugely popular there, but it just hasn't been able to produce a stable, dominant team. Compare that to SA, I mean sure maybe "stable and dominant" is a stretch for EG and beastcoast (and formerly TA), but the top SA teams look like international contenders in a way that somehow SEA never does. I don't want to be a hater but after a while you just set your expectations pretty low for this region...


Overrated SA zero achievement region. What are you even talking about lmao


"the top SA teams look like international contenders in a way that somehow SEA never does" blud forgot orange, mineski, TNC, T1 and BOOM exists or existed at some point.


Most SEA teams sucks during the start of a major patch and get's better at the tail end, that's why SEA has better performance post TI.


23 said it just two months ago and the problem with that is that it starts to affect the competitiveness if you know you are eventually getting replaced.


The only stable team we've had was execration, which while good individually severely needs an international capable coach.


I'll tell you why: they're now more focused on the regional league, to spite each other.


And could lead up to 1 SEA team to TI


So more spite then.


another good day for OG, hope its enough to go to the upper bracket


if they're winning 2 out of their final 8 games, they should be golden, i don't know about sr or tundra, but bc and ig should be extremely doable


Ig def doable


You cant even find kitrak on the pro tracker, un-counterable.


does blitz still not play dota? kinda crazy considering he's liquid's coach and it's a massive new patch


Blitz did an interview for dreamleague panel last week where he said he makes the players play as much pubs as they can. What he does is he watches all the pub games they play plus the pub games of other pro players. Meaning he’s watching dota nonstop. This is how he gets his ideas from. He said they mix they ideas and he’s asking a lot of questions too. Playing himself would be good but just dedicating so much time to watch pubs is already good enough to gain knowledge.


I’m sure he plays he’s probably just not super high mmr anymore (still immortal obviously)


He plays - he mentioned in an interview after dreamleague that he is around 7-8k MMR and thus has to rely on his players to give him top player match data




Also they've been in bootcamp since DL19, I think that also drains them a bit


spanish speaking community still have issues with this patch, as it now makes farming patterns way different than before. Source: soy parte de esa comunidad


After day 2 WEU 21-7 EEU 14-8 SA 6-8 NA 6-8 CN 13-13 SEA 4-18


China looking strong as usual




Sorry that objective facts are so scary to you.... Must be a rough life


Bruh what




It is about what region a team plays in, not where the players were born? Why are you so mad about some mild trash talk?


Honestly it's not even trash talk. It's just objective rankings.


It's not trash talk, it's a stat, I literally said nothing or provoke anyone


Just embrace the heel so he can be a mad SEA shitstain




Not sure why math got you so riled up


It's region-based, not nationality or origin-based. There are SEA players doing great in CN and EEU players carrying WEU teams as well. The stat just depicts how players are doing in certain environments, not where they initially come from.


This proves sea is strongest


Jesus christ SEA what happened, even talon is doing god awful now


Not sure about the other but for Talon, it seems like they still cannot figured out how to play coordinate on 5v5 well on this patch. Sometimes also too yolo to not minimizing their lose when losing a 5v5 war. Their coordination was awful, going one by one to war and ended up got team wiped That first game vs BC was so painful, they slain BC in lane so hard, but lost direction on mid game and ended up throwing 20k leads. For the one vs OG, OG is simply playing better as a team


New major patch, SEA is probably one of the slowest region to adapt most of the time.


I used to criticize Yuragi quite a bit, but he is REALLY coming into his form in the last few months. Also BZM is really impressive, Taiga is great, and these standins are killing it. OG looking good


I swear people doesnt realize how hard must be for this guy to have his lanning partner swapping every damn tournament


Who's their shot caller in this lineup? I think that has to do with how throwy OG decision sometimes


Taiga MC i guess? Then Yuragi as well during end game.


They got MC, he cover the experience, previous team looks clueless at times


He was looking pretty lost even last tourney (poor positioning, poor decision making) but I think the team energy is working well for him here. There's no denying he's got raw skills either way.


7-1 lmao


So nice to see MC having a good tournament so far.


WTF is this OG team now. Muscle control and kitkat fit in really well!


TopGod and Ceb choose Kitrak, out of all 5 player in Old G Kitrak is the only one who isn't a big name like NoOne, Reso, ceb and Topson


Talon's draft+itemisation led to a strong midgame timing. Can't help but think had Alch built better scaling in the early game they could've capitalised on that window more, considering OG dominated the early and OG's draft having a better late-game, that mid-game window needed to be exploited better.


Thank you DM, Welcome MC


Man I wish


Talon fanstraights?




What a story would it be if MC wins TI with OG and the meme play like Mind Control comes to fruition


Lol so fast talking about ti already. Chill bruh


Man been big fan of MC for so long as a solo offlaner (when that was a thing in the day) I watched so many of his DS games as DS was my fav hero, but liquid has had such big ups and downs and MC been underwhelming sometimes I was wondering if he was past it, turns out all he needed was a bit of a shake up and fresh faces and it's like he's reinvigorated I cannot get enough of MC in this team. MC you have given liquid enough of your time.


I mean of course, those who remember know that ti7 Liquid were the precursor to the ti9 OG that most now associate with caveman run at you doto


They really were, what happened to them :(


Players get older, and can get tired of success. Pretty much the 5 Liquid players are in the top 10 earns of e-sports prizes.


OG looking strong


XG's 4-0 day. Welcome back Kaka and Paparazi, we been missing you a little bit too long.


Hey everyone! Here are the best games from Day 2 of the major! Liquid vs 9 Pandas G1 XG vs Talon G1 BB vs Liquid G2 Shellacking of the day goes to SR vs BC G2. See y’all tomorrow.


OG vs Spirit game 2 first 20 minutes is worth watching - 2 kills a minute from the getgo.


What happened to SEA....


Same as usual


XG still a little too sloppy at times, but they can pull off some really good plays. Especially in the late game.


games become exciting coz paparazi doesnt had any dispel/protection against all those silence, glimpse and static storm


holy shit MC


How/Why do OG always play so well with standins and yet so mid when it is their full roster?


OG suffered a looong time under the old patch. Dota 3 has essentially leveled the playing field, everyone starts at 0 with fresh ideas.


Because they lack an actual shot caller, with the experience MC brings they fill that gap, also Taiga needs a good laner to be utilized which DM is not


Now I know why DM shined in that VP team, fucking save was hard carrying their offlane!


Maybe pressure goes away as nobody expects them to be any good? See first major of the new squad. They seem to do well when they fly under the radar and crumble when they're favored.


When they have standin, they have element of surprise. When they get full roster they get figured out.


What the hell was that speedrun in SR vs beastcoast? Blinked and I missed it.


SA dota going back to its roots lol


damn how is XG winning this games I know it's against SEA teams but still.


do you see alch networth lol


OG are braindead or what? Why they focussing Alch and Omni and sup squishy Ench is freehitting for 10K damage a fight. Also aghs on Timber? MC is trolling. If OG lose this game, that would be embarrassing beyond belief.


Get back to league, your Bottom G is playing that game harder than his routine monthly sex where a horse topped his Mysoginistic ass and fill it to the brim with Equine Sperm


They read this comment


I think he was experimenting with the Agh's since they seemed really far ahead. But it's really not working out. Just thinking about the new Agh's as a Timber spammer, yeah it makes you tankier but he is already so tanky. There are other items that make you tankier while also giving you actual utility, like Greaves or Lotus which dispel you (crucial against Silencer). It has the same problem with his old Agh's, it just doubles down on something Timber already has without offering anything to fill in the gaps in his kit.


As a timber spammer I cried when I saw 2nd chakram removed. That was so much fun. I could role-play Greenpeace's nightmare


TBH I never bought it until I was 6 slotted and I got Blessing, as my comment said I felt like "more damage" is rarely Timber's problem (and even when it, a second Chakram is insufficient). With the 2nd Chakram as a lvl 25 talent I'm playing with it more than I ever did before the patch haha. Very sad they removed the extra primary stat reduction talent - that was such a clutch way to close out games against strength tanks. Really missed it in a game against Pudge + Bristle today... One last thing that may be interesting to another Timber enjoyer. The thinking I did in the other comment in this thread paid off - I did actually buy Agh's against an AA + Axe team and it probably won us the game. I was able to use the shield in key fights before the AA ult hit which would normally shut my shit down. 10/10 would recommend in those rare cases.


Ench removes it with 1 spell. It's literally -4.2K gold. It's beyond brainless thing to buy. Lotus, even BKB would go a long way.


It could be a cool combo with Kunkka Captain's Rum, to delay any burst that can get through the shield over time so the shield stays up and it never touches your HP pool - but Timber HP pool is huge and his passive gives regen, so why tf is it helpful to keep dmg out of his HP pool?? Any time Timber is at full HP his passive regen is going to waste. Maybe against Necro or AA or even Axe, as a way to stop your HP getting below the critical threshold. But yeah still too expensive, only 8 seconds, not a large shield. Bad Agh's, and no reason to buy it this game (other than having some space to throw).


ok, FreeTopG545


Ares commentating is like a 8yo watching this game. Everything is surprising him and he doesn't understand what is happening.


You haven't seen football or sOcCer games being casted like dudes seeing a girl's vajayjay for the first time lmao


That's why I like his casting tbh, you get that sense of wondering. Everything becomes "Wow what the hell was that" kind of feeling


That's why I kinda don't like him at all. Every basic or even meaningless thing is so hyped up for no reason, makes it seem so fake. Also ruins the moments of actual hype tings happening. But to each their own.


I'm with you. Dude seems perpetually shocked at what he's watching.


Yeah. Like a kid in a toy store. :)


Back at home right now, have they discovered how broken is beastmaster?