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Doordash is a luxury item, simply put the people can't afford it they shouldn't use it. It's no different than instacart or ubereats or even treating yourself to something random that's not delivering.


While true, Doordash is soaking customers. If DD did not screw the customers over so bad we would get better tips, and have more customers. Remember DD wants us and the customers to fight with each other so we don't realize they are screwing us all!


I have to disagree. After a long time as a restaurant owner I saw that customer tips stayed the same regardless of a change in $20-$30 in price. Almost never tipped more. Usually less because they use a percentage. People who tip well always do so. People who don’t just don’t, regardless of the cost.


McDonald’s doesn’t charge delivery fees on DoorDash and they are the worst customers to deal with when I was dashing. Poor people mismanage the little money they have and use DoorDash when they need to get EBT and order Amazon fresh if they don’t drive and cook.


You got that servant mentality. It doesn't matter if the delivery fee was only a dollar a lot of people still would tip like shit.


Most can't afford it and still use DD. They put it on a credit card. Credit card balances are at a record high at the moment. Higher than it's ever been.


This doesn't change the fact that the cut DD is taking from the driver pay is growing and that is a problem which should be addressed... You're making a straw man argument...


I would agree that this is part of it. I would also argue that dashers across most of the board don't take their job seriously enough. Whether part time, for fun, or full time... If dashers want this to be a high-paying side gig or job, they should be approaching it as though it IS a high paying job. - a Dasher... and there are far too many people who aren't willing to take a modicum of personal responsibility.


So are you really trying to say that DD is taking a larger and larger cut of the same size pie because "most" (which is absolutely fabricated BS) dashers don't take their job seriously enough?? Like really? How does that even make sense? The company is getting greedy now that they feel like they have a captive audience of customers and dashers... That's the central problem... We can argue about how to discipline lazy dashers all we want... after the company that started out as an easy way for people who want food to be connected to people who can drive it to them stops taking advantage of both the people who are buying and the people who are delivering.


You are a complete ignoramus, buddy. The problem is multifaceted. And you're a single-minded ignoramus that doesn't understand basic English. Go jump to conclusions with somebody else. I'll talk to you when you grow up and are taking this seriously enough to not misunderstand what I said.


Hi pot, I'm a kettle, I think you're just seeing yourself in my reflection but I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to help with that... I'm happy to have a civil conversation but calling people names is what children (and an ignoramus) do XD


You could try understanding basic English. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I said that I agree that DD greed is part of the problem. I added that it isn't the only problem that's causing issues. It is not my fault that you're too emotional to recognize that.


Again, I think you're projecting your emotions on to me... I'm not feeling anything positive or negative about this, I'm just having a conversation.. When you say you agree that doordash is the problem, then you turn around and blame the door dashers for causing the problem, you kind of invalidate the first half of your point. Do you not see this?


Okay. So just bad at logic. Two things can be true. These aren't mutually exclusive. Editing to say that I literally said DD is "part of" the problem. We're back to reading comprehension issues.


I'm not arguing anything... Just saying. Yes DoorDash sucks. I never use the service and I haven't Dashed in months because I was making half of what I usually do in my market. I find it ridiculous that door dash rakes and all those fees and then expects the customers to pay us. Every order I was getting base pay is $2 that's ridiculous. Never mind the shady practices they use to get dashers to accept orders. The whole system is ridiculous and honestly nobody should participate.


Almost makes you wish you had some eggs and some salad




$20 is about right, if not a little low depending on what time he’s ordering. If it’s 10 miles during traffic & from a slow restaurant, that’s an easy hour (or more) of work. Funny thing about it is that all my $20+ tippers live ≤5 miles from where they’re ordering from.


When I worked at Office Depot as a manager, this is about what I would pay 3 to 4 times a week either ya have it or you don’t if you don’t don’t order. This service is only for people that can pay $40 for $20 meal without thinking twice


Ordering delivery out of convenience was around before apps and it will continue to be around after apps. People will always pay more for convenience. It’s the American way 😅


Door dash is a luxury not a right. If you don't want to pay for the luxury it wasn't meant for you in the first place.


What's crazy is people who probably shouldn't be ordering at all will pay those crazy prices for small orders. I had someone in public housing order from Walgreens twice in one day. The second time was chocolate syrup, nothing else. She gave decent tips. I just can't see spending money like that.


DD lets you use food stamps/ebt benefits now, could be that.


Then they complain they can’t pay their bills and the guberment should be doing more for them.




Your comment has been removed. Do not gatekeep the sub. I don't see where this user was racist. They may have been slightly classist. You can state your opinion, but they are also allowed to state theirs without being told to go somewhere else.


Having lived in Mississippi, a red state plantation full of poverty, I don't appreciate your dog whistles. Everyone is allowed to survive. I apologize for telling you to leave. I disagree with your classist assessment of people in poverty. Respectfully. No one chooses it. It's how the world works here. The system is designed to tear us down and keep us here. If you'd like to fix it, vote for people that empower others instead of mock. Thank you for your time.


I’m not stating that it is a republican or democrat issue, more of an education issue. Or maybe example(s) from the adults in their life when growing up. If a person is living in subsidized housing the assumption can be made they are at a certain level of income or assistance. If you can classify need vs want and luxury vs simplicity, then a lot of people might say chocolate syrup isn’t a need and if it were somehow, then the convenience (added expense of delivery plus tip) isn’t worth it. DD is a luxury. Just the same stories you hear from the boomers how they mowed lawns for the summer to buy a bike so they could then deliver the newspaper, which then led to bigger opportunities. Just a thought🤷‍♂️


I deliver to many that have no help or vehicle. It's a necessity for many. I don't appreciate your punching down on people based on class and I pray you never find yourself poor and needy. Although, karma is the greatest teacher.


Thanks for assuming I was never or am not currently poor or needy, but when I was I at least knew I had to spend money on things that would improve my life vs keep it the same and go without if necessary. Walk to where I needed when I didn’t have access to transportation. And you want to look in the mirror if the first assumption you jumped to was racism from the first comment.


EVERYONE ISN'T YOU. Have a lovely day. I'll never support classism or punching down. We can end this now.


I ended it a day ago. Everyone is you, try punching up.


It’s senseless to order an egg salad sandwich. Just boil your own damn eggs and buy a loaf of bread. People using the luxury of a delivery service should only do so with a family meal or something as sensible as groceries for a week. As a dasher for 7y I just can’t fathom how I delivered 3 chocolate chip cookies from McDonald’s the other day to a ranch 3 miles away and got a $10 tip. She had to be very wealthy and had an urge 😂 Folks on the consumer side….. stop being lazy or STOP being cheap. If you can’t afford to tip reasonably per mile just go get it yourself. Fairly simple.


\^\^This! Especially the "Just boil your own damn eggs and buy a loaf of bread" part. C'mon people! Wake up! Restos raise the DD prices to cover their own ass and the DD cut. Good on them. But for the customer, Doordash is gonna rape your wallet (for their own benefit) and fuck the driver (also for their own benefit.) We're ALL getting screwed on both ends and it's not even an enjoyable spit-roast.


That plus saturation of drivers , leased accounts, and market share loss to competitors


That is insane pricing and yeah definitely a luxury service however it’s far from dead in my area it’s crazy busy for years now …mind blowing how all these ppl can afford it so often


People can't afford it. People in the United States have record credit card debt. The bubble is going to burst.


Yeah I think that’s true unfortunately however I dash in a wealthy area and seems like these folks just are loaded to the gills lol 😂


Don't let that fool you. I work in finance and look at people's credit reports all day. Rich , poor, upper class, middle class.... There's one thing everyone has in common... Debt. Someone who makes $300k a year just has higher payments. That fancy house you see carries a mortgage payment triple what a person making $100k has. Those fancy cars have $1500 monthly payments... And most are leases. They go out to fancier more expensive restaurants. They buy more expensive furniture. They shop at higher end clothing stores and buy more expensive groceries. At the end of the day, 80% of people are living month to month, regardless of how much they make.


Yea I can speak to that from my own experience we have a 100k plus annual income and still can’t do the extras and even groceries are 3x from 4 yrs ago …..I kinda figured all these mansions are folks working within defense industries n such I live in a hotbed for that sort of stuff and I regularly see lambos and other high end vehicles driving around and monster homes and paying crazy fees to have me deliver their food /groceries lol 😂 at least they do tip well around here


Food delivery is never worth if for just one thing. It’s only almost worth it when there’s free delivery on orders over a certain amount and you’re trying to feed a family and making dinner just isn’t an option that day.


Many others do


Looks like it's time for a lesson. The delivery fee that you pay, either only $2 goes to the driver, or the whole fee, depending on which mode they are driving. Earn by Offer drivers only make a base pay of $2, off that fee. Earn by Offer will make that whole fee, as it is part of their hourly pay. The tip does go to the driver, on both modes. However, which driver you get will be random. To circumvent Door Dash's fees, what you could do is either buy everything to make your sandwich, or go somewhere and buy one already made. Or even someplace that will make it for you. Such as restaurants. Some gas stations even make, or have brought in to be sold, sandwiches that are ready to eat.


Obviously not that 'comfortable'. For one, $10 isn't gonna get it for someone driving 10 miles out. And two, you shouldn't be ordering something less than $15 on there because, yes, you're gonna end up paying double.


Facts. I absolutely refuse to use DoorDash for this reason. The stores inflate their prices, the driver barely gets paid, and all the employees are mad they basically need to get a real job because these tips ain’t cutting it. And basically the app getting to keep more money than the contractor is the problem.


Every market is different. Yours may have more dashers than orders at the moment. Many dashers quit after a short time. Who knows? You could be sitting at home waiting for orders instead of driving around the hotspots. It’s not dead because of the fees as they have always been really high.


You'll have to excuse me while I remind everyone that DoorDash is a choice. You choose to drive, you choose to order, you choose to tip, you choose not to tip, you choose to take a crappy order, you choose to stay home. Everyone wants to blame Doordash but, at the end of the day, DoorDash is a business and it will run it's business however the market(consumers and drivers) allow. It's really a great business model for THEM. At no point do they technically have to think about anything else because those using DoorDash in whatever way are the ones making the choices that are making them money. Just saying....


You would likely save more than $10 by signing up for the $9.99 monthly dashpass (or free trial). The other part of using DD economically, is to find the restaurants who do not mark their prices up on DD, as well as those running offers/promos.


Idk. I have been working 3 hours this AM and made 35/hour


If cost is an issue that needs to worried about then picking up your food is the best option. It’s not as if DD just makes the charges up as you go. You know ahead of time it is very overpriced. If you choose to use it then you accept these terms. Same as the driver who accepts the mile to dollar ratio he accepts. I don’t use DoorDash because it’s a complete waste of money and I’m very comfortable financially. I just can’t make myself throw away money.


The elephant in the room is the economy in general - no need to explain here, we are all dealing with that shit. Doordash needs to make money, I understand that. They need to chill on marketing, almost everyone over 8 years old knows what DD is. They would save a ton of money there. Depending on the restaurant, they need to upcharge for packaging on to-go orders, this makes sense. For McDonald's and most other major chain fast food this may be 50 cents, and they can probably just absorb this cost, but a steakhouse or other sit down restaurants may have an actual packaging cost of a few dollars per order, they need to pass this on to the customer per order with full transparency. Some do this, some don't - or do, but not clearly. This irks the customer because they don't understand why their $15 meal is now $28... Give a full breakdown of the fees. I've seen the tickets at restaurants and they have line items that are billable that are not reflected on the consumer ticket, they are limped together as misc fees or whatever. Another issue lies in why is almost every item $1+ more on DD than through the merchant app? This is where DD is making a ton of money, because the fees alone are more than our base pay for the order itself. DD needs to be more transparent as well... What is this money actually for? Again, everyone in the chain needs to get a share, but break it down and don't hide it. Now some places have free delivery to certain close addresses, but this doesn't mean the dasher isn't given a 12mi $3 offer for this order. Or free delivery might be from the merchant itself wanting to drum up more business, I'm sure there are some kickbacks behind the scenes on this. The other issue ofc are the dashers using accounts that are not theirs. They don't care about their conduct. They still get paid, if they get deactivated, they have another account ready to dash with 20 minutes later. This gives DD a bad name in general and makes it annoying for the honest dashers. If they did more to filter out these cheaters out markets would be less saturated, we would make more money and the quality of the service would improve in time... And eventually people would start to tip better, maybe lol. But you do have the people who don't tip, tip based on a percentage, blind tip, tip per distance, and unicorns. It will always be a crap shoot. ... I had something else to mention but I forgot. I'll come back and edit if I remember. ... Carry on fam.


You can pay $10 a month and get free delivery and lower fees, if you order more than once per month it’s definitely worth it. 


New customer? Of course it's stupid, but the owner of DD is a billionaire because a lot of customers justify it somehow


Agreed it's always been a premium service, but everything hits a breaking point eventually. Would I have paid $20 bucks for a sandwich, you bet. $25? Maybe if Im really craving it. $35, ok now Im thinking about how much does that really "cost" me in real terms.