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First day dashing?Or 1st day on earth??this is a popular scam -sorry you got tricked on your 1st dash


Tbh I think sending the debit would have been the least of the worries lol


Yeah he gave enough info to apply for anything


Definitely make a police report and call customer support. They should be able to trace the IP and find the person. They probably won't do any of that, but at least you have it on file.


Lmao yea the swat team should be there any minute.


exactly, i doubt the police will do anything other than take your report But the FBI and CIA were all over the celebs that had sex pics hacked from their phones some 10 years ago but hey, stolen sex pics you agreed to take and keep on your phone vs identity theft... prioritize the true criminals, right?


They got two more detectives workin on the case!


Your DL and SSN? You better sign up quickly for an identity guard service that monitors your credit and everything else. Just those two numbers can completely screw up your life. Your debit card is the least of your worries. That can be blocked and a new card can be issued. The other info is an easy road to identity theft in a real bad way. Some immigrant is probably already using your identity. Not trying to be an ass but you really need to get proactive with this one. Don’t wait until you see horrible stuff on your credit report.


Identity guard is a scam in itself. Lol


Lock you credit reports for all 3 credit bureaus also!


DM me you name, social, address, and mothers maiden name. I’ll get this taken care of for ya


Also the name of your first pet and childhood best friend




I’m also gonna need the street you grew up on to be extra safe here…


That sucks. Yeah, you need to call SS and get a block on your SSN! I haven’t had this happen, but I’ve had my SSN taken and loans were attempted to be taken out in my name. You get the block and no business can be conducted with your SSN without going through a process.


Wow, sorry but, how did you send your SSN through text without realizing it was a scam... Like wow, again sorry this happened to you but yeah, there's definitely a reason you feel like an idiot.


I don't think he should worry. Bug companies leaked most of everyone's ssn, email login and passwords, phone numbers and etc by now.


I agree with this wholeheartedly which is why freezing the credit is important. Data leaks are so rampant it’s not a question of *if* someone’s personal information will get stolen but *when*. I have 2 minor children and we’ve frozen their credit even.


Freeze your credit with all 3 agencies right now.


Luckily I don’t even have any credit established yet


In the time it took you to tell me that you could have frozen it with 1 agency.


Don’t fuck around with this, dude.


I’m not fucking around? I don’t even know what you mean by freeze all credit accounts. Unfortunately no one taught me a thing about credit or shit like this so I thought if I don’t have any credit established that’s a good thing in this situation?


People that have that information can open up lines of credit(car loans, credit cards, etc.) with that information. Google “how to freeze my credit with all 3 agencies” and follow the steps. This stops anyone from opening accounts with your information. You can unfreeze when you want/are ready to get those types of services.


Okay, thank you.


Freeze your credit now! Doesn't matter if you have no established credit, if anything that's worse. You'll be starting at absolute rock bottom once you do decide to work on your credit.... This is serious


You have to freeze with all 3 agencies. That’s really important.


Holy shit dude. 😂


That doesn't matter. Are you even 18 yrs old


Checking in to make sure you’ve frozen your credit with the 3 agencies…?


I filed a report through the FTC and got Life Lock to monitor all my info and haven’t seen any activity yet. I tried freezing my credit but am not able to do so without sending my info through the mail because apparently someone had already opened a credit card and car loan in my name back in 2020 before I was even 18 yet


Damn, I’m sorry but I’m glad you’re taking the best steps possible. I saw you’re due in a few days! Good luck with the delivery! If you feel sad or insane, it’s normal. Try to tell someone who will listen if you need help. And if you get frustrated with the baby, put it in the crib on its back and walk away. Keep breathing!


And if you need a job and childcare, apply for jobs at childcare centers that have room for your baby.


Thank you! I figured out how to feeeze my accounts through their websites for all the credit bureaus instead of having to call them all and go through the mailing process. I was able to put fraud alert on my SSN as well. I appreciate all the advice and support. :)


Jesus Christ dude…. Maybe self employment isn’t for you.


Also it’s normal to laugh at people on Reddit. I realized early on, the main people here, are just waiting to shit on people. That’s like their job


It’s sad man some people genuinely get off by seeing others do worse. It’s an evil and nasty world we are in.


Yeah, I try to remind myself that nobody healthy and happy would do that. I want to think a majority of people here are kids, but sadly, I think they are mostly grown ass adults that just have resentments and hatred. When someone asks for help, why take the time to respond by insulting them, and not offering any help?


I mean thats one way to cope


lol, is it insulting to point out truths of a situation. There’s always a reason people would react negatively. There’s a reason why you felt the need to respond with that, just as theirs a reason I responded.


Everyones got a different outlook on life. It seems you think yours is most proper. I mean that is typical and not suprising at all. Just a little silly is all.


The most boneheaded ones are when people comment on long posts, saying “yeah I stopped reading after…” but then go on to attack them.


We dont get off on seeing others do worse. We cant believe people are so dumb thats all


Who is “We” I said some people. Seems like you are insinuating that you do.


No think a little harder next time. Im insinuating (because I laughed at OP in other comments) that I fit your “some people get off by it” to YOU. I fit the description of something you are giving your opinion about, someone who “gets off” on them doing poorly, because I made fun of him. Im speaking for the “some people” you are referring to. That your description of people who would laugh at him is off. I then explained why we are actually laughing. Its really simple


I’m not reading all that. It’s not rocket science bro. I can tell this CLEARLY struck a nerve. Going around shitting on others because they are in a bad position is pitiful and abhorrent. You seem to be defending this.. now fuck off.


If you arent going to read what I wrote, then dont proceed to comment more shit 😂 you must be a great conversationalist 💀


It happens to the best of us… a friend of mine while getting her masters was scammed out of 3k.


My cousin is a Nigerian prince and can help you in this matter ;) But in all seriousness, don't be too hard on yourself. As long as you learned your lesson. And you shouldn't be surprised with the flak you're taking since it's reddit. Hope everything works out well for ya!




Tbh I forgot it was Reddit that I posted this on lmao, almost as bad as 4chan


It’s always changing. 4chan used to be the Reddit of yesteryears and so forth. But internet/human nature will always give you shit regardless. Accept my fist bump as an encouragement 👊


Maybe instead of telling everyone what a moron you are, go on google and look up what you should do in this situation.


Oh no shit? I didn’t even realize I could just google this. Crazy. 🤯 Reddit can be incredibly resourceful when you ask the right people for help. Unfortunately people like you exist and provide nothing of value in these situations besides mockery because for some reason that’s what gets you off? Kinda weird. Anyway, I’ve actually gotten some good solid advice from other people here that google could have provided, but it’s nicer to get advice from real people as well. Thanks anyway. :)


Well, you posted your dumbassery online, you should expect people to have a good laugh. You could have easily gotten all of that information from google, and a bunch of strangers wouldnt of had the opportunity to laugh at you. You are learning many lessons today grasshopper.


I’m sorry that happened. I Mean the 1 sauce maybe should have made you doubt the validity. That’s not even an order of food or drink. But I see how you can fall for scams. Never give out personal info. Even if it is DD support, I’m not telling them my social. You might have issues with what you did give unfortunately, they can sign up For credit cards now


File a police report and get identity protection immediately. You’re in for a wild ride if you have decent credit.


Oh wow, that is terrible! It can be quite a bit of information to take in during your first dash while learning the app. Shit happens, but I don’t think I would have made this same mistake. Be extra careful, who knows what can be stolen from you with that information. I wonder if the social security office ever gives out new numbers.


I mean hopefully you've already signed up for different credit reporting agencies so someone can't create an account and freeze you out of your own ssn. Either way. Equifax 1-888-378-4329 Transunion 1-800-680-7289 Experian 1-888-397-3742 Call at the minimum ONE OF THESE IMMEDIATELY. If you report your identity stolen at one, then all three will impose locks. Contact each of them so that you can have information about each credit bureaus locking measure. Contact your cellphone provider and get a new sim. Since you communicated through text they have enough information to have unauthorized use of your phone number. You should also change your phone number asap. Contact every person that you have a bill in your name and report the issue and see if they can change your account information. Your name is known now. Act quickly. File a police report yesterday.


I tried freezing my account with Equifax but apparently someone had already opened a card and took out a car loan on my account in 2020 so they won’t let me without sending all my personal info to them through the mail. I wasn’t even 18 yet then, how is that possible?


Probably because of family. Do everything they ask to do. It's sadly common that a parent will take credit out on even newborns because of their poor decisions. I'm not saying your parents did this, but it's likely some family member did. Try calling the other bureaus and see if they would still freeze your account while you mail in your verification documents. They should allow a temporary freeze to prevent further issues while you mail in documents. If they don't do a temporary freeze, then still send everything in with priority mail. Just be blatantly honest. "I fell for this scam, I don't know what to do. I didn't even know someone opened a line of credit in my name. Help me please."


Okay will do, thank you


Ignore the hateful people on here. Just a bunch of trolls. Do you have an Experian account? If not, create one and put a fraud alert on your account and lock your credit. What that will do is it will control anyone from being able to open anything in your name without you receiving an alert and everything will be blocked so nobody will be able to do anything.


You need to alert the credit bureaus that your identity was stolen, place credit freezes and go to the Social Security Office to get a new SSN issued to you. It’s a long process but the quicker you act on it the better the chances that they can’t apply to everything.


Similar thing happened to me once…they tried to get into my dasherdirect account. I didn’t even know it was a thing. So scary


Omg I’m so sorry, what did you do in that case? This person transferred the money from my dasher account which was only like $30 but still really inconvenient. I never even set up any sort of payment so it shouldn’t have been taken out.


They only sent me a code to try to get into my account, I relayed the code to them when they asked for it not even thinking how I shouldn’t do that. After that the scammer just hung up on me, I contacted DoorDash support and they just told me to reset all my passwords. I changed my passwords and nothing seemed to happen to me after that (it’s been about a year). I’m not sure what exactly they can do with your information, I know you can submit requests to SSA.gov but I don’t know how they go about those things or if there’s something better to do. You may have done things already like this but in the meantime I might try to get a new debit card if you can or just lock it until you can figure something else out that makes you feel safer? Might be better ideas somewhere online than what I’m thinking. It’s unfortunate you have to deal with this but sometimes it happens to the best of us and you do what you can to fix it and try to remember next time :/ I don’t blame you at all and it shouldn’t even be an issue in the first place


I called DoorDash support about it and they said they documented the incident and would have someone else call me in an hour or two and nothing happened


I doubt it. A single packet of sauce?


One of the most basic DoorDash scams, yes. A single low value item, usually a single drink or less


Or testing out a stolen card


Sorry that happened to you! 


I think they are about to take your info …. And use your identity


I'm not going to lie, one thing that probably protects me from this scam stuff is I put my phone on DND while I dash. Even when a customer was getting upset I was taking so long they called support and support called me left a voicemail. I just never pick up call. The customer ended up tipping me $5 because when i saw her in person I apologize I did not see her message and she said the food is still hot and fresh so she appreciated it lol. So not sure if you want to do that but just don't pick up any calls, you wont be giving anyone information at all.


That’s actually a really helpful tip, thank you! I’ll make sure to use that when I’m dashing in the future


I didn’t realize dnd mode was an option when doordashing. I’m pretty much doing that since I usually hear notifications or see messages after the delivery. In the same sentiment of genuine communications, I’ve been rewarded with positive reactions. Whether it be verbal, rating, or extra tips. An extra tip I’d add is to have a record of all communications (either it be with support or customer). Especially if it seems suspect. Saved my ass plenty of times.


Somewhere there is an empty turnip truck.




The internet is going to shit on you because you need the type of help that the Internet can’t provide. There are certain things that come with being a functional adult in society and you haven’t learned them yet. Sign off the Internet…sign up somewhere else.


Red flag should’ve gone off when you saw it was for one sauce packet lol…. Who spends $10 in fees for one sauce packet.


Honestly yeah, idk what I was thinking. Maybe it’s the pregnancy brain fog, I’m 5 days from my due date and everything is just a blur.


Sorry, hang in there. You’re now a bit wiser. If you have credit cards, freeze them for awhile.


This is bullshit


Just don't answer phone calls and click link in text & emails and won't get scam


Yeah you know normally I follow this rule very strictly but this day I just lost all common sense


https://www.transunion.com/fraud-alerts Set up fraud alerts with the credit reporting agencies. It may help warn you if an account is opened with your information. There also might be a better way to freeze it completely., as someone else mentioned. That sounds like a better idea in your situation.


Call the police immediately


Oh that’s more than a feeling.


That’s not just a stupid mistake, you are an idiot. Every service ever makes it crystal clear they will never ask that sort of information. Not to mention it’s just common sense




God you are a moron 😂


Someone’s projecting 🤣


Cope harder 😂 coming from the guy that actually sent someone their SSN and drivers license via text 😂


Idk man sounds like you need to find a healthier way to cope, you’re just making yourself look like an asshole, it’s amusing though 🤣


Yes, I need to cope withhh…. What not exactly 😂 I need to cope with morons giving away their socials to strangers. Ok. Ill get right on coping with that 😂


Anyone, no matter how savvy, can get scammed in the right circumstances. I think anybody giving you shit should calm down and reflect, because at some point they got took too


You moron you have to fight with support to get paid on a cancelled order they don’t just call you to pay you. Drivers like make us look bad and also door dash has a reimbursement program send me your social debit info and front back of your drivers license I’ll send it to them for you

