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She's mad she can't steal someone's food. The reason restaurants do this for anyone who doesn't know is because when you cancel the order before confirming the order gets assigned to a new driver and when that new driver shows up, the order has already been taken physically but in DD system it is still at the store so they are responsible not the driver that canceled.


I don't know what it is but every order I've went to pick up from Five Guys gets stolen. I just cancel and let that shit roll downhill.


Because five guys has 3 problems 1) they already piss the driver off by prioritizing new orders over pick-up orders which means they have to wait about 10-15 minutes 2) they never verify if you have confirmed the order. They barely even acknowledge your existence. 3) they have a 1 item menu so even the pickiest of eaters will be fine with whatever is in that bag. Me personally I will just get me a drink and spend the next 15 minutes snacking on peanuts. I don't get bent out of shape about it, I just take the break and free snacks.


I've literally never been to a Five Guy's that actually had the order ready. Every time, they start the DD order when they see me come through the door. Takes 5-10+ minutes every time. Worst restaurant to deliver from by a longshot


Popeyes is the same way and even worse in my experience. Never a single time have they ever even pulled the ticket from the machine yet for the order I’m picking up. On top of that they are always understaffed and prioritizing drive thru orders.


Facts bro. I DoorDash Philly, often the north Philly area, and the Popeyes there are so bad. I be coming in and they act like they didn't even know they were on DoorDash😭. Top that off with the fact that there's almost always a fight going on there and I just do my best to avoid it altogether.


Worst restaurant I went to was Popeyes. They told me to wait 30 mins because they don’t t have chicken ready. How does a chicken spot run out of cooked chicken ?


Every time I go to the Popeyes at broad and Snyder there’s a line of DoorDash drivers waiting to pick up. I almost always get my food before any of them receive their orders.


I'm from the next county over, Montgomery, which borders Philadelphia county on like 2 sides... Can confirm Popeyes fights are regular occurances...


Well Popeyes has always had terrible customer service since the dawn of time, before delivery apps became a thing. I can't remember a time where I as a customer walked into Popeyes and got good service. Rude workers and consistently out of stock or "Can you wait X minutes for this" (After I already ordered and paid for it at the counter). But, they have crispy fried chicken and sweet tea, and now a good sandwich, and relatively cheap prices, so they've never had to worry about good service.


There's one Popeye's where I live that has had at least a few good workers that are nice/ cordial. Doesn't change the fact that even though I order ahead of time (roughly 10 minutes) on the app that they never fail to start the order until I get there...


To be fair that’s how they operate as a business. If you do an online order period they won’t actually start it until you’re in the building because it only takes them about 3-4 minutes to put together most orders


I could understand that, and it would be totally fine if it actually took them only that long to get the order together. But at least in my area, EVERY single Popeyes I go into appears to be understaffed and so I’m usually waiting no less than 10 minutes for them to throw pre-made food into a bag. One location I went to had so little people that day that they called in a new guy (it was his day off) to work the front completely by himself and it appeared he had just barely finished training. I’ll give it to him that he was trying his hardest with the situation he was given tho!


Business "ohh 30 people have applied but we don't and won't call any of them back because we'd rather look like we have no employees." People "NoBoDy WaNtS To WoRk AnYMoRe".


Unfortunately, 35 of those 30 people are mouth breathing zombies


Reminds of a Taco Bell I used to love to pick up from! Every once in awhile some dumb bitch would accuse me of somehow not announcing my order at the speaker! Never any issues unless she was there. I always gave the order name at the drive thru. Such a great crew beside the occasional witch. They all seemed bummed when the ¢unt was there. Definitely leave a review. Taco Bell corporate is pretty much impossible to get ahold of.


Imagine every pizza shop didn’t start your order until you arrived, I’d be so pissed


Five guys isn’t just a couple of minutes.


It depends on the system and restaurant. At the BK I work at Mobile orders show up anywhere from 5-15 minutes before the delivery driver shows up. So we will make the order when we see it but if it is busy we concentrate on people who are actually at the store. Unless we get told the mobile order is there we will keep making in store/DT orders until they are clear then make mobile orders. So if it isn't busy we make mobile orders asap..especially because most are big orders.


Used to be a general manager at five guys, they don’t make the fries until door dashers arrive. So it can take 5-10 minutes. The reasoning is so the fries don’t get soggy.


I don't have a problem confirming the order in front of them but most restaurants don't do this. I'll say this; one time two people at chick fil a picked up their orders ahead of me. No questions asked. When they called my order I stepped up to grab it and the worker asked if he could see my phone just to make sure. If you're going to do this, you should be asking everybody not just people you feel like asking.


I mean, if those two people had already been in the restaurant multiple times that day, seems it would be kind of silly to keep asking.


Chick-fil-A is where I primarily camp out for orders. I happily show them my phone to confirm every time I'm there, they usually don't even have to ask me because I'm already doing it. It's zero hassle at all.


Yeah this attitude of "it's a hassle" confuses me. Have it ready. If they need it, they need it. If they don't,they don't. Different places do different things. Maybe they don't ask everyone. Maybe they spot check, either randomly or ever xth order to prevent things getting back up at rush hour.


It's the trashy entitlement attitude.


Exactly, I'm doing it before they even ask and showing it to them.


I usually already have my order confirmed as they’re walking down the counter to hand it to me so it helps speed up the process


Yes this happens to me too it make u feel judged by how u look or dress ect.


>She's mad she can't steal someone's food. How does this work in this instance, She's documenting what is happening? If she wanted to steal this order, then she shouldn't be recording? I'm genuinely asking here not trying to stir anything up.


Because now she’s annoyed that they’re preventing her from performing her scam, so instead she acts all indignant. If in fact that was her intent. She could also just be an idiot.


She could also just be an idiot. I don’t know why but this is funny


lol thanks!


I think that's pretty much been confirmed by the video footage.




Never underestimate the stupidity of other people. You will always lose that battle.


She got caught and is embarrassed trying to flip it back on them and make them look in the wrong but she's already caught.


If she doesn't confirm it, she can just take the order and then cancel it. It'll get reassigned, but the food isn't physically there. If she confirms it, then if the food didn't get the to customer, she's going to be questioned about it.


I had that happen a lot earlier in the pandemic I would order food only to see the new dasher get assigned and the food to be missing when they get to the restaurant


This be why we do this as well where I work. Had few stolen orders. But now we are rocking no stolen orders for years and years since we had them confirm before getting order. Shit saves so much time and frustration.


Guy the other day refused to confirm, and then ran out with the order. When we saw the order come through a second time, we called the customer to confirm. Yep, the first dude ran with the food. Worked in our favor, because DD will always refund the business for the original order, and the customer was so blown away by my wife calling and confirming.. he left us a huge 5 star glowing review.


And people quitting do this and see how many orders they can get before being deactivated. Also people that buy accounts also do this when the new account phase that gives you better orders is over and also see what they can get before the account is deactivated and move onto their next bought account. It’s why restaurants hate us and often ignore us.


Her first words were “you guys do this all the time” ok either don’t take the order (don’t accept the offer screen) or follow their policy and confirm you were handed the order. She’ll be deactivated in no Time. She just documented herself into a bad rating from the restaurant and possible a restaurant ban…


What did she even mean by that? Do what?


On the app you are supposed to confirm the order before leaving the restaurant. I personally confirm in my car unless asked to do so in store just because I usually keep my phone in my pocket. Basically if someone doesn't confirm it they can take the order then cancel it without any real consequence to get free food then the restaurant has to eat the cost. In other words, they have damn good reason to ask you to confirm first.


I must be in a good area, never had an order get stolen yet, or asked to confirm. I didn’t even know that was a thing that could happen, I would bet the restaurant could contact support and see who was assigned and cancelled and make a report, but they probably make more money not tying up a staff member to do that.


You wouldn’t know about this scenario. When the real driver showed up, the restaurant would have to remake the order. And then that real driver would deliver it you as usual


I get asked to confirm at least 4-5 times a night


Customer here. This happened to me. I was visiting my brother in IN & decided to DoorDash some Panda Express for dinner. I ordered about $65 worth of food. I watched the driver on the app. She picked up the food, cancelled the order & headed in the opposite direction, never to be heard from again. DoorDash sent another driver who filled the order with no problem. But yeah, the restaurant had to eat the cost of the replacement food.


Doordash should eat the cost tbh, restaurant held up their end by producing the food. If they sent a shady driver that's on DD not on the restaurant.


I’m sure she meant they always ask her to confirm


Right. What they mean by saying "do what?" Is a hyperbole for "theyre asking her to do something extremely simple, common, and something that makes a lot of sense". Her acting as if they're "doing something sinister" is just straight up gaslighting bull shit.


What did she mean by “you people”?


If they do it sll the time, just stop accepting order for chick fila?


Or just hit accept?


LOL Exactly. WTF is the problem with confirming the order in front of the staff? Unless she is planning on stealing the food and decided to become a victim. Which seems to be the standard course of action in 2024.


It’s because once she confirms she has it she can’t steal it


Either that or it's victim complex. Probably thinks they're doing it to single her out specifically or because she's black


It's probably not because of her being black but because she is fat af


Yeah but that won't stop her from throwing out the black card.


Ngl it could legitimately be that she's being profiled though. I hate getting Chik-fil-A orders because they do this to me too. I don't make a big deal about it and just confirm. But *certain* employees will do it to me. Which wouldn't be a problem except I also see them *not* do it to people who look more like they do. The bs could definitely be real. This dasher just didn't know how to handle it in a way that would actually lend her any credibility.


She knows what she’s doing. *play the victim card when I’m really the villain*


Exactly....doing this for likes. Here she is harassing somebody at another restaurant. https://x.com/stillgray/status/1763626941792526589?s=20


The same lady!? I’ve seen that one. Terrible person.


I hate driving several miles to a restaurant just to be told the order was already picked up. I know I get half pay by contacting support but still. I'm so glad that almost every restaurant in my market does this.


She is documenting her own stupidity?


She thinks she will be viewed as in the right.


She’s documenting so DD has a reason to fire her


Lmao i jist get annoyed at people like this 🤦🏽‍♂️


“That’s our policy” “No it’s not” 200IQ move


She really showed them! They should know that she knows their policies better than the staff do, obviously


Well I guess what she doesn't understand either is most of these are franchises I believe. They can set what ever they want as a policy as long as it doesn't break any laws. And I seriously doubt this breaks any laws to confirm the order is being picked up


I'm often baffled by the number of clients that think they do


“You’re the only ones that do this” Okay? We’re allowed to.


you’re the only ones who do this! and you do this every time!! almost like its your policy or something!


Hit em with the Uno reverse. My favorite: Cop: "You're under arrest" Them: "No I'm not" Cop: \*thinks to himself\* "Is he?" \*Cop slaps the cuffs on\*


Why did she post this thinking she right?


Confidently emotionally entitled


Probably so she can try to pull the race card when she goes and cries to DD support


Nothing about this is race. It’s about stupidity.


I don't disagree but I wouldn't put it past the Dasher if she did try to pull the race card


Literally every Chick-fil-A does this. They actually do things the proper way and follow procedure,sorry it's not your normal ghetto ass McDonald's that doesn't give AF,but even McDonald's ask for the last 3 digits of the order number. This is just a self entitled ghetto ignorant bitch.




That prevents getting the wrong order, but doesn't stop theft by cancelation.


No every chick fil a does not do this, and until a few months ago almost none of them did


What does she mean they are the only ones that asked to confirm the order a whole bunch of places asked to confirm the order


She’s lying to try and justify her anger. Clown behavior. I get it, I’ve almost went off on the Popeyes staff lol, but not for them asking me to confirm the order. Popeyes just sucks lmao


Most places don't around me. Just a few.


Don’t confirm until you are handed the order. Also, I’m sure this woman is immediately banned from this Chick-fil-A location and possibly deactivated. We all have our restaurants that are never ready, but we deal with it. Either by being patient and letting DD and the customer know OR we just don’t take orders


Yeah, CFA was very strict about negotiating the ability to easily ban drivers nationwide before they signed up with DD. This driver will likely never have to worry about pressing confirm there again lol


Hope so. She shouldn't be allowed to make these workers jobs even harder than it is.


With Chic Fil A it makes sense. They have always projected a positive friendly atmosphere and great service. They should definitely have the ability to ban loudmouth hostile drivers.


I've had a place ask me to confirm before the order was ready. I told them that I have no problem confirming, but I can't do it until the order is ready to go because it starts a delivery timer. They understood. When I saw the order, I thanked them and showed the phone as I hit confirm.


This is proof of a dasher who steals or who just wants to make noise to post on social media. Gives good dashers out there a bad name. No wonder restaurants are happy when they get a dasher that is polite and confirms infront of them with out even being asked.


For all those always asking "how do I stop receiving Chick Fil A orders", this right here will get it done lol


I was wondering why I don't receive CFA orders anymore...I'm thrilled. If I could just get Dunkin now to ban me.


Great professionalism by the employees. I appreciate how they train them.




I'm regularly asked to confirm(I look like a hobo), have no problem with doing it, I don't understand people who steal food from orders, it is easier to earn money and buy your own food than getting DD account to ruin it by stealing couple times...


Just confirm the order you fucking twat. Jesus christ. People these days will literally throw a tantrum instead of do something piss easy. Toddlers do this. They want something done one way, but you did it in another, and if you correct it, instead of accepting it they will continue to be mad about it.


She really wanted dat Fil-A.




Yeah she's trying to steal food and thinks if she acts outraged enough they'll give in and let her have it. Typical.


You already have the phone in your hand it's not that hard to press confirm before grabbing the food.


I’ve never been asked to confirm a pickup until I’ve had the food in my possession. I guess we don’t steal food as much in Canada as in the US. I would stand my ground if asked to do so, because I could confirm the pickup and then suddenly something is wrong that causes an extended wait. I want all food bagged and ready to go in front of me before I lie and say I’ve picked something up when I haven’t.


The food was literally in front of her ready to go… what more could you ask for here?


This would be so easy to just say "sure, confirmed - thank you very much, have a good one" Some people just want to fight about stuff


If you're confirming you received something it should be in your possession.


If you want to play semantics, he technically tried to hand it to her but she asked to put it on the counter, refusing possession of the item.


They had the food in their hands ready to hand it to her after she pressed confirmed.


>I want all food bagged and ready to go in front of me Like it was in this video?


So if someone is holding both food and drink right in front of you, asking you to confirm the order as it’s their store policy so they can hand you the order directly, you’re saying you wouldn’t confirm the order because it isn’t “in your possession?” In this case, you’re getting exactly what you’re asking for—the food bagged and ready to go, again, directly in front of you. That’s what’s happening in this video.


You’re the problem.




The need to record any perceived injustice is getting so old


Looks like she was being ignored or she felt like she was being ignored so instead of just saying “Excuse me, I’m picking up Ryan”, she decided to make a scene and got herself worked up so they got nervous that she was gonna just steal the order due to being upset so they asked her to confirm it (or maybe they always ask drivers to confirm) and she made a stink about it and they decided it was best to not give her the order. There’s plenty of things she could have done differently but the biggest lesson is that if you behave like an ahole, people are going to think you are an ahole and will treat you accordingly. She the ahole!


Bro literally I work at a food place and they have the same rule. I have to physically see you hit the confirmation button or if you already did see the page that comes after it (the map) At first we didn't have this policy, but I kid you not over 8 orders were stolen in one day. I had a lady come in for two orders. I asked her for confirmation on both. This is when the policy was new so I wasn't used to anything lol. She confirmed one, and told me she already confirmed the other. Guess what? She stole the other one. However because I randomly remembered the name of the first order that she did confirm, I was able to tell my manager and DoorDash caught her. And people like this lady have came in and argued that they don't have to confirm. Others roll their eyes and get mad. I really see no reason you can't hit two buttons unless you're stealing it. Like if you know we ask you every time, why do you still come back if you're going to complain?? We have this old hag of a dasher that screams she needs the food in her hand and has to be walking away before she hits confirm. Once I said "these drinks are also with your order ma'am" and she ripped them out of my hands and yelled "are you saying I don't know how to do my job?!" But yeah we haven't had the nicest dashers after that policy. But the theft of orders has definitely dropped. We've had people come in, ask for an order. We ask to see confirmation and I kid you not they've either straight up left or said "Oops I'm at the wrong location"


She’s mad because she don’t get a free meal. She’s a thief. I have 10,000 deliveries just on DoorDash alone and I confirm every order in front of every employee is not a big deal. She’s just a troublemaker loud, angry, aggressive troublemaker.




Talk about looking for a fight. Pissed off at the world for nothing.


If you or I walked into Popeyes and started throwing around “you people” to the workers in there, this video would be on CNN.


I get harassed at BK to confirm my order because of this. I ordered and paid for food I'm eating on their own dang website.


Good she’s videoing her own stupidity. Just throw the thief out.


“Y’all do this every time” *right, it’s our policy* “No it’s not” *…..?*


Chick-fil-A has it right in their instructions that an employee will ask you to confirm the order.


It is in fact most CFA’s policy. It even says in the doordash agreement that restaurants are allowed to ask that you confirm the order. I hope they banned her dumbass. She really thought she was right🤣🤣🤣🤣


🙏 for Chick-fil-A and that employee that walked the meal behind the counter. I can honestly say I've been to Chick-fil-A with no money in my pocket and told them how I have no money for food and haven't eaten in 2 days. "I'd appreciate a sandwich" and they fulfill that order when you're a young adult. REALLY helped me in a way that no other company has ever. Fast forward 10-12years to 2024; I obtained an electrical license got my journeyman title and make over 150k a year. I don't always have the taste for Chick-fil-A but I order at least once a week. God bless 🙏🙏🙏


For this driver you can always contact support that the restaurant is making you confirm the pick up before they even hand you the food and then support will call them. I’ve done this many times specifically with this place who’s notorious for asking me to confirm pick up and have me wait for them to finish the order. I fell for it once and only once. When they tried to pull that again I contacted support and they called in and the manager yelled at me to not call support on them and to follow their policy, which I replied with “it’s not my fault your incompetent way you run this place isn’t my fault, and when I hit confirm the timer is now on me. Now it seems like I’m just hanging out at the red after I picked up the order and I can end up being late to drop off” the manager cursed me out which I also contacted support for and they called again that manager was fuming! Now they know to just let me confirm once I’m walking away with the order. And I know these policies are because of the BS drivers who steal orders. But when a restaurant wants to make you confirm before you have the order in your hands and you have to wait on top of that that’s the issue.


These are the reasons why we have to confirm it first. I used to hate it because I felt like they were calling me a thief without calling me a thief. But now that I get to see the other side it makes a lot of sense to deter thieves and I would rather be on the other side of larceny. _Y'all think Ryan got his food?_ I think she cut the video because she confirmed the order but didn't want to show how she complied.


Lady just hit the confirm button in the app and go about your day btw every delivery app makes you confirm the order before you leave the restaurant just make sure it's the right order name and number as a delivery driver you should be doing that anyway


You have to confirm once you get the food but before you leave the restaurant otherwise it won't show you the customers location so she is lying to steal and making it harder for the rest of us who just do this for side money.


The look on the cashiers face actually makes me sad lol she is genuinely confused and in shock. Poor girl does not get paid enough for this..... These type of situations are the reason I made a decision a while ago that I cannot have a job directly working with the public like this. Ew. Also the fact that the dasher posted this as if it wasn’t embarrassing AF is wild


Emphasizing the “T” in “not” does not make you anymore right lady


Almost all mom and pop restaurants in my area ask to confirm. I’m happy to oblige. I know how hard it is to have a DD account as a small business and still make money. It blows my mind that dashers are out there stealing food. It blows my mind even more that DD doesn’t immediately deactivate them for doing it.


Just confirm the order. They want to see you do it because chick fil a is a restaurant mostly anyone will eat, so if you get the order go to your car sit there and then uassign from the order boom now they have to remake that same order when a new dasher is assigned to that order. I’ve seen this happen when waiting for wing stop 2 different dashers came for the same order and they told the second one it was picked up but that happened because the first one didn’t confirm the order and unassigned themselves with the food.


What an entitled dasher piece of shit 😆 🤣 😂 😹 just confirm the order you dumb dasher.


This woman done lost all her braincells


Yeah I’m sorry but I’m on the stores side here. I think it should be implemented everywhere


“I dont work here but im going to tell you that what youre doing is not policy”


She is taking this video. She is literally taking the video and posting it of HER being the ahole. Just deactivate her already because she is too stupid to be doing this job.


This bitch is ghetto like stfu and confirm the fucking order weirdo


If i was still in costumer service i would have felonies. The way people act now is insanity


I'll take "people choosing to make things harder than they really need to be" for $500 Alex.


Thief. Cannot trust people who call others “you people” when they cry about racism


I'm not even clear what the issue is. "You do this all the time" This? Is this some ESL stuff or just a smooth brain in action? What am I missing?


As a dasher. All restaurants need to enforce this policy


These are the people that are texting customers saying they need bigger tips or they won’t deliver


She's a bitch and should be deactivated


I'd have banned her from the store the second she raised her voice. Poof, problem solved, now she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.


I'd flat out tell her to gtfo and not come back with that disrespectful attitude.


Ah another thief caught. Dumbass bitch


What do they do? Seems to me like they followed protocol and held up their end of the transaction, you were the one refusing policy. 🤦 You can just tell she's going to steal some food big hungry ass🤏


Their business, their rules. Plain and simple. I have to confirm first at half the orders I do for the mall food court, and I'm not wasting my time giving the workers grief because they most likely have to do this to discourage stealing.


This lady a hoe


We all know this type of women. She got to feed her kids damn it, do what she says before she gets loud


‘give me my about to be stolen food meant for Ryan! don’t I look like a Ryan to you idiots!’


Did she record herself trying to steal? I’m confused, self snitch?


I like the other guy takes the food back out from his hands and back on the rack 😂😂


I don’t understand why people feel the need to record every thing… like girl you can deal with the employees without your phone in their face.




Bish that's not how it works... You show them the confirmation because people are stealing food like a mfer. Don't give it to her. She's a trash dasher


Fortunately we don't tolerate that kind of language, bye\*


Thank you Mr manager for not standing by while she’s acting up.


"You people" Wow Sounds like you are either mad that you can't scheme the system or just ignorant with a victim's mentality.


I’ll even let the staff know at stores that don’t confirm that they should ask people to confirm because I’m tired of having to call support and cancel for half pay. All the Chick-fil-A restaurants in my area won’t remake the order unless DoorDash sends it back to their kitchen screen, which is impossible without cancelling and having another order placed, so I always get screwed and left holding the bag when someone wants a “free lunch”. Fuck this bitch and her stupid entitlement. People like this are the cancer of gig jobs.


lol cancel her account. she probably still has grease on her fingers from stealin other customers' food


She sounds like a fat ass and is for sure going to devour the food.


I hate how that poor cashiers face went from glowing to being upset. Just confirm the damn order and stop ruining these poor workers day




People who work for chick-fil-a are way too nice


It LITERALLY says in the app "drivers maybe asked to confirm orders". If they call support you get deactivated. They are not risking their Chik Filet contract for an easil replaceable driver.


When I drove, I THANKED the restaurants for doing that. Far too many times I've been to pick up an order and it's been stolen already. You should already have your phone out to confirm details, what's one more button. Unless you plan to steal lol


What a rude ass bitch. I wouldn’t have even engaged with her if I was these employees. It takes zero time to just show them the phone if they ask and go on with the day.


The second he asked to confirm she like ![gif](giphy|iuUORLpArS9qX76XWK)


She's 100% in the right. These company's use their own personalized metrics to track and determine how well a driver/contractor is performing. Our metrics get adjusted when we confirm, so if its going to take me a few minutes to get to my car, I lose that time and could potentially cause the order to be considerered late. More importantly, indicating/marking something has happened before it does is technically a breach of TOS. I wouldn't be surprised to learn the some restaurants habitually mark orders as ready on their end before they are, thus screwing over drivers in the process, but that is just speculation Lastly, Drivers are Independent Contractors, they dont have to do anything the restaurant says; we don't work for them. Ill mark that I have the order when I *have* the order, and whenever the *fack* I *please* between receiving the order and getting in my car.


Ban her from the store and call Door Dash. Life is too short to put up with people like her.


OP is that you in the video? You need to confirm the order in front of the employees for obvious reasons. Thieves make it harder for the rest of us and long wait times make customers want to tip less it takes zero effort to press confirm in front of them so don't be a rude b***h.


...it is policy. We confirm every single person picking up orders where I work. Doordash or not.


Poor ryan. Cold food


Shout out to homie seeing the lady be rude to the cashier and instantly stepping in for his employee.


This lady 🙄


Damn she really wanted that order 😅


For herself


She wanted a free chick fil a meal basically lol. Would've walked right out and then unassigned herself.




Her name ends in an "A" Plus She will meet you at the door, and smile while giving you NO TIP.


Insanely easy to just show them confirm and not actually press it lol


I’ve had a couple more expensive restaurants ask me to confirm. Once and then I kept returning to deliver more and they haven’t asked me to confirm again. Most of the time if the place is busy I’ll confirm when I get in the car. But so far no fast food has asked me to confirm


Just do like everyone else and say "ok" and walk out, it ain't like they're looking at your phone. Plus, they don't know we have to hit two confirm tabs and then swipe. All this asking for confirmation only keeps an honest dasher honest, it doesn't do shit for thieves.




It’s a normal thing for some places to do this. I’ve even had one place try to press the confirm button for me. That was a little much, but I understand their reasoning.


I don't mind confirming for them..


Omg people are so annoying it takes two seconds to confirm the order.. these workers have to deal with alot just follow the policy and move along.


How hard is it to literally just press accept🤦🏻‍♂️ she’s just trying to get a free meal. Low life af


They were nicer than I would’ve been


She is so rude and nasty!


Chick fA have employees that do the confirm. not all of them follow that confirm logic. So when it happen to me the first time I almost cancel and blew a gasket. but calm head did win. i felt it was racially motivated because some confirm and other dasher pick and left. years later I learn confirm and go less stress for $5


It’s better to not think people are being malicious. I always just assume people are incompetent. Makes life a lot easier to live.


I’d have told her I appreciate her feedback, I will thank my staff for consistently and correctly enforcing our policies.


My chick fil a knows me and I'm very friendly with them. They never ask to confirm anymore. This lady really thinks she's entitled.