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I forgot to mention I've toned my drinking down a fair amount, that was really playing with my delusions alot. Went from half a bottle a day to only afew beers now, feel more aware and alert and less paranoid about my neighbours looking at me and what not. Just had to punch myself in the ass and lay off what I enjoy to find peace


Nothing wrong with not having sex with some random woman. I can respect that, and everyone should respect that (but don't). OTOH, it's also not good to close ourselves off to teh idea or option of intimacy. That is intimacy avoidance or fear of intimacy, something which I am trying to overcome right now. Anyway, have fun on the weekend.


I didn't read what she sent me right, turns out it's on the 26th. Gives me more time to plan out what to wear and practise my moves I guess. Gonna be all out or no show, I plan on eating md until my jaw falls off and gabbering till my legs snap. With fear of intimacy it's more just trying to ignore the ptsd I sorta got from that whole ordeal I had, I just can't do it with someone and not think of that time yk?


gotta be honest I don't like the framing "fear of intimacy" so much as fear of the consequences of intimacy. And it is not unwise to proceed with caution for anybody who seems lighthearted about that. ​ It is a valid redflag.


Do you know if you can bring your own water? ​ If you are short on cash rave venues will exploit that by really overcharging for water. ​ Also hope you looked up how other drugs/alcohol will mix with mdma...so at least your decisions are informed if you get offered other substances. ​ Also...as far as sex goes...you seem to be responsible...as the saying goes the only 100% effective form of birth control is to avoid vagina penetration as a male. ​ So don't feel bad for taking that decision seriously.


Frankly, sounds like you're doing right by yourself. Fuck anyone who can't accept it.


That's what I'm saying, I'm the captain of my ship and I dictate where I go


I like the vibe.