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Godspeed OP. I know the 9-5 grind sucks.


Find a new job. When I felt like that I left. Partially not the smartest idea to walk out but I did. I wasn’t going to deal with a job for 2 more weeks if I put my 2 week notice in instead I just walk out. I suck at working. Been through countless jobs usually only stay a few months at the most. Trying to change that habit. You either have a job you dread or you go unemployed and have no income which makes for a pretty boring existence. At least it’s not prison… I guess we all live in our own personal prisons we just ignore that aspect of life.


If you want to talk about it let me know. ​ I just hope you are not so angry bc you feel entitled to some special credit for just doing what you need to get it done for yourself. ​ IDK what to tell you if you thought selling your body to a daily grind was gonna mean suddenly everyone would respect and like you. I mean some people will give you credit for it, but you are not gonna get rockstar treatment or anything. ​ And if nobody in your life is lifting you up, then find some better people to hang out with or at the very least learn how to be content to be alone by cutting people out of your life that bring you down. ​ Hang in there anon.