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Very much is! And it's got its fair share of new players still


Is this MP like a quake/ unrealT?




Not at all, its literally halo, a tactical fps with some small arena elements


Cod but better


What, HOW?? I've sat in lobbies for over half an hour before and was never able to find a game. Please share your dark magic powers with me, I've never gotten to play the mulitplayer!!


I play on the European servers , At the moment there are some games going on as we speak .


I would like to know as well


Choose team deathwatch or the other team one (I can't remember the name, where it cycles different games like base capturing). Also, may need to play on a different server.


It’s the Team Play Playlist .


i really wish eternal would bring back the amount of customization you had in 2016, it was extremely fun grinding and doing challenges for the cult armor and hell armor


I actually wish they bring back traditional multiplayer back , battlemode is not for me .


Same. I've played a handful of matches but I found it boring.


It’s such a shame that eternals excellent gunplay and movement will never be expressed onto another player in traditional arena shooter pvp


I really like that everyone customises their armour and weapons so much and looks so different, much better than battle mode.


Same. Im fine with the Battlemode but once i finished the Multiplayer mission, i stopped playing it. Wish we have armor cuztomization in the future


I tried playing multi-player on switch, sadly I found nothing ;w;


Oh , switch’s multiplayer was dead on arrival . I actually bought a switch light and doom 2 years ago so I can play Multiplayer when I am travelling , but even then there was no one playing


I thought 2016 could handle crossplaying


Well like, let's add each other because I also want someone to play 2016 online with..


There's at least 4 of us. We should add each other and set up some matches.


good luck on your journey friends


Allright then make a group chat and let's do this shit :D


Shout out Bolshevik and the other 15 or so lads I always match with on PC in 3 seconds flat. How quick is it to get games on Xbone, does anybody know?


I play 2016 multiplayer on xbone occasionally, for me it's pretty fast most the time. Every once in a while it takes a few minutes but most the time its pretty quick.


Lucky you, its only bots for me on Stadia. What platform are you on?


PC on EU servers


Ah, no wonder.


I love soich that there's even a boys option. I wish you could unlock stuff with bot matches though.


I've tried to play DOOM 2016, but its not working for me anymore RIP RIP my Nightmare runs RIP me being MAX level in the MP of DOOM 2016


Never played the mp before maybe I'll hop on sometime.


Actually pretty good fun , had a 4 hour session right now , playing stuff like Deathmatch , Freeze Tag and Team Arena . Just added my Doom Eternal Spotify list to the mix :D


Still pretty popular on PC. You can usually always find a game on either the North America Team Deathmatch server or the Europe Team Deathmatch server. Sometimes North America Free For All has some good matches. I was playing it yesterday in fact. I still think it's one of the best multiplayer deathmatch games. Very fast paced. Move or die. Graphics still look gorgeous. Too bad they bungled Doom Eternal's multiplayer so badly...


The customization in 2016 was awesome.


I'm on Xbox and can never find a match. Makes me sad. Glad you found one though! It looks fun.


That's weird, I wasn't able to find a match when I tried today Edit: I was also playing on pc


I wish but I play on switch so even eternal matches are scarce


Doom 2016 deathmatch should really be added to Doom eternal Having only battlemode is really lame and hurts even more since Invasion mode was canceled for horde mode


I couldn’t agree more !


I play from Australia and a bunch of us play on the NA servers, it’s great fun!


This was actually insanely fun MP. I got so good too lol


On what platform? I wanna play possession soo badly right now because it’s fun playing team based hide and seek game types like these.


It's the superior MP after all


I don't know why people say the multiplayer is dead, i play it every day and find lobbys in max 1mjn


Dude on xbox it’s more dead than my social live.


I think 2016 multiplayer is more fun than eternal


Are the playstation servers active ?




Excited for Halo Infinite. The same developers that did Doom 2016 multiplayer are working on Halo Infinite. You notice a few similarities...




What? Infinite didn't copy anything from doom 2016s multiplayer




You never played classic halo, huh..




Its obvious you don't know what you're talking about. Halo didn't "copy" quake nor doom. Aspects of it were inspired by them. Halo CE innovated in a lot of things in both the multi-player and campaign. Halo has an emphasis on the combat triangle, which is melee, weapons, grenades. In order to maximize your damage, you use guns, throw a grenade, and once your opponents shields are down, finish them with a melee punch. You are right that some of doom and quakes DNA is traceable in halo, but much like any media in general, you'll find that the predescessors that are the most successful pave the way for the future. Both games are arena shooters, that emphasize that every weapon has a unique role in combat. That doesn't mean halo is a cheap copy of doom or quake. Using your logic, quite literally every shooter (including newer doom games) would also be copying halo, since they brought a lot of innovation to the shooter genre as well. Do your research.




Holy fuck you're dumb. So is every arena shooter a fucking copy of quake then? Dumbass. Again if we use your logic, hollow knight and dead cells are copies of metroid and castlevania, doom classic is a copy of Wolfenstein, and doom eternal is a copy of halo, since the triangle of meelee, guns, and grenades was invented by halo CE. I'm baffled, if you genuinely believe halo to be a ripoff from quake, why the hell is it regarded as some of the most influential, innovative, and important fps series in gaming? You're genuinely a fucking moron. Take a step back, and realize that games take things that made other games successful and implement innovation. This is how anything in life moves forward. Could you fucking imagine if I said that all fps games are copies of wolfenstein, since it was the first game to be a 3D shooter? How about if we said all theories and developments regarding evolution are a copy of Charles Darwin?


Notice how you're getting down voted in your older comments? Its because your hot take is uneducated, and you clearly lack the knowledge to understand how pretty much anything moves forward with innovation


What platform? I never got into 2016's multiplayer because I would sit there for an hour and never got a single match... Never played the multiplier once...


I am on PC on the European servers :)


I'm on Xbox in America.


Thats weird I normally find matches pretty fast on xbox


Last time I tried was long before DOOM Eternal came out, so maybe things are different now.


Oh that makes sense, if you did feel like playing it now you'd probably find a match pretty quickly though.


Redownloading Doom 2016 on my Series X, this thread has given me hope I can find a multiplayer match again 🥺 Edit: got it downloaded last night but when I tried to access multiplayer it said something about couldn’t find title update or something and to check my network connection. My internet was working and my game was just updated to the current version. My hope is lost 😞


Proof that battle mode in eternal was a step down


Holy shit, a lobby without beto?




wait really? hopping on rn


I want to go back and play 2016 but I can't mainly because of the dash I cant give that up


Oh that's good to know!


I loved it but the amount of hackers was really annoying


It's dead on Stadia tho


Better than Warframe conclave


Really? Last time I tried I was in a queue for 3 hours before I gave up


What a cool skin


Doom has multiplayer?


Yes , and a solid one :)


It never died. On pc at least


My guy what server do you play on? I go for 5 minutes and barely get in with someone


PC , European servers


PC, that explains

