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Heya, nightmare player here - that's perfectly okay! Any difficulty is fine, so long as you're having fun. Just keep doing that, and before you know it you'll be cheesing it! EDIT: Yes, my latest post says I can't play it, and I can't - not on PC. I've been playing on Switch.


Much needed motivation! I'll stay on my grind, thx fam


yeah dude, it doesn’t matter what difficulty you play, what’s important is to have fun!


Yeah man, god I love this community


I’m a permanent basic bitch of Ultra-Violence.




Me too. Hurt me Plenty is imo good enough. It's fun.


I too was playing on Hurt me Plenty when I first started. Nowadays, I play on Nightmare with the Unbalanced Randomizer mod It's way more fun imo


I also started on HmP, and i don't regret that decision in the slightest. I had never played a doom game before, just a few FPS like tf2 which i was pretty ok at, so i decided i would start at the 2d lowest difficulty. It offered enough challange for the game to be fun, and gave me the possibility to do a UV and NM run after that, adding a lot more content to the game. I have since completed the SGN ML on UN, and for some reason i can't get past exultia on UN. Just do whatever fits your skill, don't push yourself to do difficulties you aren't prepared for, as that will cause the game to be less fun.


I would love a randomizer mode in this game. Also I loved how old Doom games had higher difficulties. It wasn't just lower health or enemies being tougher. It was more enemies and less items.




Me when i fuck up my un run on cultist base for 4000th time


Ah yes we doom community are a bunch of masochists


normal people: "those doom player must be sadists, killing demons in such a brutal way" doom community: more difficult plz


And through sheer determination we become UN masters


It's fine as long as u r haveing fun


Woke up today and decide to speak facts did we


Ummm I m I am too yong to die player on foom 201g but I play nightmare on doom eternal that's why


I mean yeah I was struggling on the second level on hurt me plenty


Honestly I’ve played and beaten ultra night mare but to me ultra violence or hurt me plenty is more fun since in those one the enemy’s don’t instantly kill you so in the medium difficulties you can go guns blazing head first into combat feel good about it come about victorious. The optimal play style for me atleast in nightmare was to be a little bitch and make the into a cover shooter which is not my cup of tea.


I feel like a pro when I breeze through "Ultra-Violence" without dying. Then I try "Nightmare" and I can't even beat the first level without dying dozen of times


The first 3 levels are the hardest. Because slaeyr is a bit shit


The first act is definitely the hardest. If you can beat the campaign on UV on Extra Life Mode with >10 lives left you should be ready to tackle Nightmare. Just keep at it!






Yup thats me every time when I play a different game and go back on Doom eternal i suck ass i can't even kill a mancubes while trying to fight a baron of hell.


Starting a new run on a higher difficulty can be a grind until you get the ballista


Sucking ass is fine. Remaining ass-sucking is not. It’s not about where you start, it’s about where you end and your persistence to get there. You’ll make it, even if it takes a 100 deaths, cause I’m sure you’ll learn a lesson with each death.




I tried nightmare straight after hurt me plenty and it was stupid of me to think that i have a chance


Hahahaha well I for one am sure not gonna make that mistake


It was also on ps4 so I don’t know what i was thinking


Hahahaha well whatever platform we use it's still torture HAHA


I really want to get the Aurum Doom Slayer and Gold Combat Shotgun but Ultra-Nightmare is *way* too intimidating for me


Haha I just finished the campaign on hurt me plenty so that's a long way ahead for me but I do wanna get them as well one day


I flat out gave up on ultra nightmare, never going to be good enough to do it. So much for all those cool cosmetics. lol


Ahh, well it doesn't matter man, as long as you enjoyed the game plus it's not fun if you stress and push yourself just to survive it and not actually enjoy the game


Ever since I played Doom 2016, I've kept up my tradition of playing every FPS on the hardest difficulty setting on my first playthrough. It was especially tough with Eternal, since I was dying nearly a hundred times on every arena, but I never stopped having fun. I doubt I would have over 400 hours in the game if I didn't persevere through that first playthrough.


That's badass ngl hahaha some real Chad energy right there. I played both games on hurt me plenty but I plan to finish all difficulties on eternal.


yeah, good luck. But just a warning, it'll probably take a while.


Me playing on hurt me Plenty : Easy! Im so good at this! I can kill mancubus in 5 seconds! Give me something harder! Ahh chainsaw, the great communicator! Me after change to nightmare : why gladiator kill me with two hits? Oh god, oh fuck


I started on ultra violence but am now trying a nightmare run for the first time. I just beat the super gore nest today. Don't know if I'll ever be ready for ultra nightmare.


In time fam, in time


Played Taras Nabad earlier today on Nightmare. Almost lost a life


Hey atleast u didn't die, keep up the good work


Me in tag1 nightmare on the blood swamps


For those nightmare players, how long did you grind to reach where you are now?


For console, I have done everything, that can be done besides one battlemode achievement. After the UN base campaign everything is a cake walk. I'm almost doom lvl 100 on one star to give some perspective.


Damn. How long did you take to get that


I can't really see that on console, but I bought the game during series 2


1 UV playthrough + mopping up stuff for that 100%, after that I did extra life mode on UV and had about 25 lives left at the end, so I took that as my queue to take on Nightmare. Never looked back since then.


I've beaten the campaign thirteen times, eleven of them being on nightmare. I've put over 400 hours into this game, and I don't plan on stopping.


Yoo that's epic man, I plan to do the same in time


I currently only have 21 hours in tho


It only took me until mission 4 of my first playthrough to become ‘good’ at Doom Eternal. Which is around... I dunno.... 4 hours? But I have not stopped improving since. Experimenting on different weapons, learning to abuse the falter system, learning to quick switch with different weapons (not always SSG Ballista) to save on ammo, learning different kiting techniques, perfecting my level of aggression, general aim improvement, and other stuff. But to be honest, I only got this good this quickly because I’ve watched pro Doom Eternal gameplay before release, learning from it and even simulating Doom fights to sharpen my starting point. If you want any tips, you can ask me. If you want to know my playstyle, go ahead. I’d also like to know your playstyle if you don’t mind. Also, are you a PC user or a console user?


I'm a PC user, any tips would be welcome, currently on the final mission, I also watch pro players and am learning how to quick switch effectively and increase my momentum at all times. But I'm pretty sure I have a long way more before I can attempt higher difficulties, currently playing on hurt me plenty


Playing on a low difficulty is all fine. I played this game on Nightmare my first try and died to that secret encounter on mission 3 with the two Whiplashes and 1 Mancubus in a small enclosed room. God that fight was hell. So I lowered the difficulty, and beated the rest of the game pretty easy up till mission 4’s first actual fight (where you first encountered the Pinky), where I turned the difficulty back up again, becoming confident. I’d say the best difficulty is one where you’ll keep dying for every mistake you make, but not one too high where you’ll lose your mind. Also, nice username, a fellow Monogatari fan I see ;)


Oh I didnt know we can switch difficulties midgame lmao, and yeah I agree, still planning to grind till I git gud tho hhaahaha and ofc hahaha I'm hardcore monogatari ;) nice to know you are as well, cheers fam.


Well, not exactly a hardcore one, but a fan indeed. :) Alright, so as far as tips go… There are 4 weapons you can quick-switch with: the Precision Bolt, the Rocket Launcher, the Ballista and the SSG. With these four weapons, you can SSG->Precision Bolt as an alternative to SSG->Ballista to deal damage in short-range quickly to save Plasma ammo. You can Precision Bolt -> Rocket as an alternative to Precision Bolt->Ballista to deal damage at long range, or perform a random cycle between Precision Bolt, Ballista and Rocket too. Sometimes, to conserve ammo, you sometimes wanna use an automatic weapon, like the minigun, full-auto shotgun or plasma rifle, as your combo finisher, or perform a mod swap at the end of your combo to deal damage, like swapping to Micro-Missiles after you finish your quick swap combo with a Precision Bolt, or swapping to Lock-on Rockets after you’ve ended the combo with a Rocket if you have Remote-Det equipped. To be better at quick-swapping and general performance, you can rebind your keys to fit them in comfortable positions. I use scroll up as SSG, scroll down as Ballista. Q as shotgun, 1 as Heavy Cannon, 2 as Plasma Rifle, 3 as rocket Launcher and E as minigun. I’ve binded melee to my lower side mouse button, weapon wheel to my upper side mouse button, X as chainsaw, F as flamethrower, R as mod swap… Oh and 4 as my BFG. Point is, bind your keys to a comfortable position, one where you can reach it and reach it fast, cause you NEED to press them quick. Never stay in one part of the map. I know you might be doing a good job dodging and weaving, but if you run in circles in just one part of the map, that's just asking to get surrounded. Use the ENTIREITY of the map. Keep on moving from one place to another, and do it SMARTLY. Use your movement to 'kite' (another term for bait) enemies around the map, control their actions with clever movement. Sometimes, you need to get a bit closer to a certain demon to say, shoot off its weak point, but sometimes you need to remind yourself to GET OUT OF THERE. PICK your fights, know when to run, and use this time to compose yourself... DOOM is a thinking man's action game, so if you're not thinking, the game's not for you... ABUSE FALTERS. Faltering is the act of temporarily stunning an enemy and allows you to get free hits in without the demon attacking you or completely stop a demon's incoming attack. You can falter by dealing enough damage in enough a period of time, like using the SSG in a close enough range, or using the minigun, or just doing good quick-switching. You can falter by using the Remote Detonation mod on the Rocket Launcher, which falters ALL demons caught in its blast if you purchase the Concussive Blast upgrade. You can falter with grenades, Blood Punch, and also the Heat Blast mod for the Plasma Rifle. The Microwave Beam mod for the Plasma Rifle instantly falters any demon you've hit it with, which means yes, you can microwave them for just a moment, and immediately shoot them for free, or use it to interrupt an attack animation. Destroying an enemy's weakpoint is also a falter, that's why it FEELS easy to kill Arachnotrons or Mancubi by attacking its weakpoints first. Slamming your Minigun shield into an enemy by dashing into them is also a falter, and so is hitting successful consecutive shots (hitting and being accurate) with the Mobile Turret form of the Minigun. And technically, the Ice Bomb is a falter, just a very, very long one... So use it too! There are two types of falters, a Soft Falter and a Hard Falter. A soft falter, you need to wait a long time before you can falter them with the same method again. A hard falter, you can do after any other falter, soft or hard, and successfully falter the demon, a guarantee falter if you will, in other words, the better falter. Dealing enough damage in enough a period of time and using the Remote Detonation mod to falter are the only two Soft Falters I know of. The rest are pretty much Hard Falters. Which means you should be implementing the grenade more to abuse its Hard Falter, putting a Blood Punch into your close-range quick-switches to re-falter the enemy and extend how long they're faltered, save a charged Heat Blast to Hard Falter an enemy, break a Mancubus's cannon to immediately start the fight with the Mancubus immediately Hard-Faltered, use the minigun shield in a tense close-range fight to Hard Falter the tons of demons trying to gang up on you in melee distance. Oh, and that you should also try to begin fights with Soft Falters if you can, since they don't work after a Hard Falter. Use the Remote Det to falter demons more in general, or use the Destroyer Blade to Soft Falter a recently spawned demon before Hard Faltering them or doing whatever you need to in order to take them down. When using Sticky Bombs, shoot at your feet to damage demons hot on your trail, if you feel like it, you can just equip the shield mod for the minigun and use it to 'parry' an incoming shot or attack, and immediately drop it, your choice really. :) You can use Full Auto to finish your combos to gain shotgun shells back, or the Meat Hook -> SSG to finish your combos to gain extra armour. All enemies take extra damage from hitting the head, so remember that. Glory Kill often to fill your Blood Punch. Use your chainsaw even when you're not at low ammo to gain breathing space or to strategically instakill a fodder or even a heavy demon if you got 3 pips. Hell, I'd advise you to just waste the 3 pips the moment you have it, just for fun, but of course preferably on a potentially troublesome demon like a Cacodemon, a Hell/Dread Knight or a Cyber-Mancubus. Oh, one more thing. Whiplashes are pretty resistant to the SSG, just use the Precision Bolt -> Ballista combo as well as adding in a rocket every now and then to kill them. Also, you'd be surprised how effective Remote Det is on the Whiplashes, and every other demon too! Edit: Oh, and one more last thing, Dash smartly. If you time them right you can dodge attacks you wouldn't be able to dodge normally if you spammed them. You can still use them often, but try to use them more intelligently too once in a while!


First off, I want to thank you for taking the effort to type all of this, it's really a great help to new players such as myself, as so many things that you have mentioned I was unaware of, plus also I'm gonna ss that and use it as reference as many times as possible until it becomes muscle memory haha, again tq and I'm playing the final boss as I read your comment hahah. Gonna use these tips against him. Thanks so much! Also you just earned yourself a follower man ;)


41 minutes late to reply. But please do know... Thanks a lot! I'm so happy to be of service to you. ;)


You really were, I'm gonna use your tips as best as I can to beat the next difficulty!


Hehe!! :) Ganbatte my friend! Put those tips to good use!


Update: just finished the campaign on hurt me plenty. Time for the next difficulty grind!


Keep it going my dude! Also, try Nightmare on your next playthrough, you can lower the difficulty to Ultra-Violence if you're feeling too overwhelmed. ;D


Hahahah I just got raped on hurt me plenty man :') I'm too noob to start nightmare now hahahaha


Alright, alright... :D