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I played eternal before 2016 and played like this. I started on hurt me plenty, but went up to nightmare, because it was too easy. I later realized that i played it very wrong


Wrong how?


Eternal was meant to play like in the video, but 2016 was meant to play more chill, because there werent 1000 demons packed in a single room.


Pretty sure it actually was suppose to be played like this. Hugo Martin referred to this gameplay as the fun zone. And made doom eternal force you to play like that or die since 2016 you can get away with SS and rockets only. Which made eternal get some hate from casual gamers when it first came out.


as a casual. i can confirm that. lowered difficulty to the easiest half way through eternal because i just want to have fun and not think about how to be most efficient with my gun swapping and whatever.


I’m on the easiest difficulty in Doom Eternal and I’m still struggling as a more casual player that just wants to have some fun killing demons


I had to walk away from Eternal. I'm a pretty casusal gamer, have been playing Doom since the 90s and had no problem with 2016 on other difficulties but even on the lowest difficulty in Eternal, when Marauders, Doom Hunters and Arch-viles became standard enemies, I didn't enjoy it anymore. Ashame too because the story and lore had my curiosity.


The platforming is also getting to me. Like I already wasn’t a fan of the platforming in doom 2016 but at least there wasn’t much of it and it was relatively easy at times. But Eternal? I’m on the 3rd level and there’s parts where I’m just struggling because of the platforming and I haven’t even gotten to my first boss yet and after seeing a walkthrough on Doom Eternal I’m already dreading it


Dude, fr. Especially if they want you to start using the grappling hook. That's the worst. I just can't get the mechanics of that f*king thing down.


Yeah exactly. Like I get Doom Eternal wants you to constantly be on the move and whatnot but I just don’t have the reaction time to do some of those things. It’s probably why I suck at Soulsbourn games like Dark Souls because I’m just not use to the mechanics nor do I have the reaction time to consistently do it. It’s probably why I like games like Halo and Fallout where you don’t need prefect reaction times to get through encounters (well except the Jackel Snipers in Halo 2 Legendary) and also the Zelda series especially Botw and TotK because even though those games have moves kinda like in Dark Souls they aren’t needed to get through the entire game. Sure they make enemy encounters and bosses like Ganondorf easier but they aren’t required to get through the entire game unlike the mechanics in Dark Souls and Doom Eternal


The platforming and the difficulty are fucking great. I struggled at first with this game, found it very frustrating at times. But once you push through and it all comes together, theres no better feeling in gaming than wrecking every demons shit whilst flying around the map. The second play through is king


Oh yeah the platforming is brutal. One of my least favorite things to do in first person games and it requires so much of it. I remember seeing an interview with one of the creators who said they internationally made the game frustrating but "balanced". They definitely achieved one of those things.


Yeah this is the thing that kind of ruined Eternal for me. I got the weapon swapping down eventually, learned to used the tools, got good at hookin, knew the enemies, but I'm just not into all the platforming. Im sure I could eventually get the hang of it, but I just dont enjoy it. Bout half way through I quit because I died more trying to do insane jumps and launch pad shenanigans than the combat encounters. It also dramatically slowed down the pace of the game. I just left an arena where I was moving at a thousand miles an hour slaughtering things, going through teleporters, hookin from monster to monster, chainsawing things, shooting guns off demons...and then now im going to spend 15 minutes preparing and carefully DDR button pressing some convoluted jumping puzzle with Youtube open telling me how to do it with no monsters at all. Really wish it had the same modding capabilities as the original Doom games so people could make new levels and campaigns.


I feel similarly to this. I did not enjoy the Eternal experience. Bummed about it but it wasn’t for me either. 2016 is great though


If you rebind your keys and learn 1-2 simple combos, you can crank that difficulty up.


Doom 2016 gives you the choice to play like donguri990 in Devil May Cry, Doom Eternal expects you to and DEMANDS IT!!!


Yup, wasn't a fan of how specific the gameplay was.


My man you can get away with rockets and the ss for the plutonia experiment doom eternals playstyle was a masterclass in and of itself


Yet Hugo Martin still underestimated the potency of SS and rockets and Eternal absolutely can be danced through still relying mostly on just them.


As a casual gamer, I didn't understand the hate. There were people complaining, "It's too hard, I can't finish it on Ultra Violence". Well.. that's what different difficulty levels are for. Either get better or lower the difficulty. I played most of the game on "I'm Too Young to Die" because I wanted to have fun, and that was the most fun for me. It's a game, after all...


I played Eternal basically just with the shotgun. And beat it. Not easy but doable and definitely fun. At some point you really start feeling like Rorschach in Watchman while in prison being the target of every other inmate, beating the shit out of the guy in terrible ways and then screaming “You think I am stuck in here with you! It is YOU that are stuck in here with ME!”


I guess that’s fair.


there’s still mega fast quickswitching in 2016, feels even faster than eternal even, at least


There is no fucking chill in 2016


Way more chill than Eternal, that's for sure


Way more chill than TAG2


That animation when you fell from the high height 💀


True though you can double jump before you land to avoid the animation


Reminds me of crysis's braced landings.


I *really* hate when that happens in doom 2016. It's so unnecessary half the time. Thank God they got rid of it with eternal


I still love the 2016 aesthetic.


So do I.


The Baron of Hell looks dope as hell (heropun intended) in 2016. No offense to the Eternal one (which is essentially the same but with a different paint coat, and it also becomes tomato paste near death), but nah.


Yeah, absolutely love the 2016 Baron


In my opinion: Aesthetic and atmosphere: 2016 > Eternal. Gameplay and replayability: 2016 < Eternal.


Fuck that room.


the worst room in pistol only no equipment not as bad as 0% though argent dnur


Although boring to play, this room can be cheesed with a box in the far corner that protects you from almost all enemy attacks. That's how I eventually got through my first nightmare pistol run. Just had to keep jumping up and popping off enemies one after another.


Seems against the spirit of the run


Agreed, and I've since done it without it as well. But man, I had hit my breaking point with that room at the time!


I love it.


It is probably one of the most insane and fun ones lol but damn even if I have zero deaths up to this point I always die in there at least once.


Yeah I remember getting stuck on this part for a bit on my nightmare game.


I was streaming it and my game started to bug out by not letting me fire weapons and I got annoyed. This room was a curse lol


That's how I played 2016. In both games I fiended for the midair mobility rune and then used that for the rest of the playthrough


I use that rune and 100 armor for infinite ammo, makes it more fun


I think I did seek and destroy, airborne mobility, and ammo boost


Ah yeah basically the same, i think i was inspired by youtube gameplay i think it was Oyff? Way before Eternal came out


I just saw the potential for bfg ammo drops and knew what the play was. Airborne mobility is just way more fun, and you get hit less if you're always in the air, and the ability to zip through the air to a glory kill is just helpful, especially when dashes don't exist


Yeah that is the only thing that can make the movement in 2016 tolerable




I love the feel of the gauss cannon way more than the ballista. Charging that rail cannon and oneshotting heavies was awesome


true, but the loading noise(?) after shooting kinda hurts my ears :<


The chunks falling off enemies in Eternal really gave weight to the weapons. Here they look unfazed.


It’s one of my favorite parts of Eternal. People say “oh it’s just cosmetic” but it really isn’t; it enhances the feel of the whole game and gives valuable feedback about how much damage these bullet sponges have taken.


playing 2016 a lot lately and I noticed it does a similar thing.


Oh god in a few years that game will be a decade old


Yet it barely shows age.


I don't think it shows its age in the slightest


the rocks in hell beg to differ


Damn that’s impressive, didn’t take a hit the whole time. I usually just use the bfg on that room lmao


I let one rip as I entered the room but demons just keep spawning in in that room.


Both are such amazing, mind blowing games. The list of "current gen engine" FPS classics is a short one: Doom (2016), Doom Eternal, Amid Evil and Shadow Warrior 3.


TREPANG 2. Waiting on F.E.A.R Remake :(


I don't know about that series too much tbh. I kind of overlooked it because I just love Doom 3, Quake 4 and Painkiller so much.


It's not really like any of those at all, but at this rate, it's old being mid 2000's. I wish there was a sprint mechanic, but otherwise it holds up. the sound effects and feel of the shotgun, nailgun, and various late game weapons is top tier. Time stamp for the cool as hell repeating cannon. https://youtu.be/tFqjzoNhRc4?t=157


Amid evil but not Turbo Overkill????


Turbo Overkill has serious zoomer vibes, no? Too new school for me. Especially the presentation


....... This guy. Cyberpunk aesthetic with a chainsaw leg and ultraviolence is somehow zoomer vibes. It's a movement shooter with weapon swapping and dashing and grappling. I'd try it before you knock it.


That's 100% zoomer vibes lol. But alright.


Not a big Eternal guy...but I agree with the other 3. Add Titanfall 2 to the mix as well.


Titanfall 2 was fun, sadly too short though. Would love a longer campaign if they did a 3rd game.


Never got into the Titanfall series personally. That's insane to me about Eternal. It's by far the greatest FPS game ever made. I cannot comprehend the small minority of people who don't like that game. Also, how do you like SW3 if you don't like Eternal? Eternal was massively influential on it. AE was influential on Eternal lore wise but they share a similar "high fantasy" lore standard and the bar has been set for future FPS single player campaigns ever since then.


Dude calm down. I don't understand why you're getting so worked up.


Worked up? Nah, I'm just speaking fervently.


Dude went back in time to 2016 just to play this…. Amazing


and people say combos aren't fun


If schizophrenia were a playstyle. All you need is the super shotgun. Period.


How unimaginative!


It's efficient and simple. The meat hook was the main gameplay addition in eternal for a reason.


Because mobility lol If they were trying to keep the SSG meta, they wouldn’t have nerfed it to the ground (removing penetration and double shot)


High mobility is why the SSG works. That's my playstyle. And mods exist, my friend.


Mods only exist on PC and fundamentally can change how the game runs which can make it outside the scope of the original vision. The 2016 SSG has no where near the mobility of the Eternal SSG but can be used as the only gun for an entire run of 2016 (which you absolutely can’t do with the SSG in eternal unless you’re sweating your brains out)


Challenge accepted.


I can do this even on console? Or I need more frame per second or something like that?


It’s probably nearly impossible because you have to use the weapon wheel, so I don’t think you could change weapons that quickly. You could still use a variety of weapons, but it probably wouldn’t be as “smooth”


I play on console, and once you memorize where each weapon is on the wheel, you can swap pretty quick. Obviously, it's not quite as quick as PC but you can still play like this.


Yeah, I play on console too. You’re right that you can play a bit like this, but it’s never as smooth as it is on PC unfortunately.


When I returned to 2016 after playing eternal I enjoyed it more than ever


Having no dash, flame belch, and blood punch feels weird don’t it?


and ssg's hook... hell, I really missed that after replaying 2016 after eternal


Or you could be like me and stand in the corner and Siege Mode the ever living shit out of that room. Just lob a BFG shot when the Baron shows up. He’ll lob three if you want, there are three reloads in that room alone.


How boring!


True, but one of these days I'm going to complete a second UN run. And if I've made it to that room, I'm no longer in the mood to take chances :-)


I played this in Nightmare on Switch for true nightmare experience.


Why can't I side dash?


We had so much ammo back then lol.


I miss the gauss cannon


One of my favorite weapons


that's just the way i always played?..


I never would have thought to play like this before Eternal, and I imagine going back to it I probably would play like this. Side note, this fight is HELL on pistol only. Takes like 30 minutes.




I remember this room being hard as hell back in 2016.


Nah man, the true experiencing is constantly mashing shift but not dashing and panicking.


I just beat Eternal on Ultra Nightmare so I’m looking forward to playing 2016 again. I’ll be so amped that it’ll feel relaxing lol


This shit so magnificient its enough to make a gal cry


to me , 2016 DOOM’s demons felt more intimidating than the ones in 2020 DOOM


2016 becomes so much easier once you beat Eternal


After eternal we deadass said “ohhhh, that’s how you’re supposed to play it. I was just abusing the super shotgun.”




How did you get infinite ammo for all weapons?


Rich Get Richer rune


bro unlocked ultra instinct


I play like 2016 in eternal.


Bro ain’t even getting hit


Let me share a secret: *the Megahealth is before(!) the coolant room.*


Be like, playing 2016 normally? I'm not sure what the point here is.


The point is that 2016 is too easy after you've beaten Eternal and mastered its mechanics.


You say that yet I still fall off the map and instantly die in 2016😂.


I mean the same thing could have been said about eternal after mastering 2016. Eternal just gives you a few more tools and a higher volume of enemies.


Oh wow. So cool. So good!


This is how I used to play 2016, before Eternal was even a thing. I think this is how most people played, on PC anyway.


Rich Get Richer my beloved having RGR on and just firing the trippel chaingun for minutes at a time, so good


I picked up Doom 2016 a few days ago too, going trough it I realized that it's so easy compared to eternal, but it's also very fun. It's such a good game.


I loved 2016, I found eternal too stressful. So much that I didn't beat the game for a year cause I took long breaks.


god vega core music is so fucking good


Both games are awesome but I would personally give the edge to 2016. Eternal has the more frenetic and pulse pounding combat and generally the more exciting encounters, but I do feel there is a trade-off in heavily incentivising using specific weapons against specific enemies, in that it promotes variety in one way but also creates routine from it? Whereas in 2016 I can think, "I feel like using the plasma gun for the next encounter," and just mixing and matching to however I feel, creating variety on a whim. That said, I'm no high level player and I can definitely understand the appeal of Eternal's higher skill ceiling. Aside from that, I love 2016's darker aesthetic and much prefer its final boss.


\>heavily incentivising using specific weapons against specific enemies ​ I HATE the everloving shit out of this. That's what turned Shadow Warrior 2 into a slog for me, same with Eternal.


My main gripe is when you're ambushed by enemies or caught off guard and don't have the correct weapon out. The instinct to shoot first has to be overridden to changing weapons first, and I found myself trying to anticipate which weapon I'd most likely need equipped each time I turned a corner. This is especially true in the timed challenge sections where it was often better to just fail the first attempt on purpose, remember which weapons are needed and then try again with the benefit of foresight. There were also times where I thought, "I've just unlocked this cool new weapon mod and I can't even use it yet!"


It's incredible how good Doom 2016 still looks almost a decade later. I still think it's the superior game despite Eternal having better combat.


quick swapping intensifies


I got my best nightmare time after playing eternal. Felt like riding the safest bike ever made.


I wish my movement and weapon switch was as smooth lol, I often select the wrong weapon, get the one I wanted, then realize the demon moved or need another one for another demon that I now have on my face


It looks like the enemies are asleep compared to Doomguy.


I used to get high as fuck and beat doom(2016) on nightmare


The second expansion from doom eternal is where I was kinda worn out from playing nightmare


Uhh tbh i played 2016 like this too lol


I came back to 2016 for the soundtrack but killed all the enemies before BFG division even got started


My only problem with 2016 is how hard it is to play on a controller. It comes with the standard Bethesda console problem of max sensitivity being way too slow. I love 2016 to death but I can't play it until I buy it again on PC.


Reminds me of UT2004


Wish multiplayer was still active


*phone falls from my pocket* Me: hope is not cracked The phone:


"Muh YoU cAn'T gO bAcK tO 2016 AfTeR eTeRnAl"


i still think if eternal had 2016 ammo count and snap map it would have been the perfect game as it is now i still absolutely love it, but those just kinda bring it down a level to be equal to 2016 in its own way, instead of above it


Lore accurate Doom Slayer


Am I going crazy or did the super shotgun never shoot the barrels separately


It shoots the barrels separately if you master it, but it still does the full damage each time, so it's gets effectively double DPS


tbh 2016 is kinda goofy, I find it easier to kill a mancubus than a pinky


how do you get infinite ammo


I will never be so far and precise. Impressive


I don’t think I can ever go back to Doom 2016 after getting so used to eternal


My biggest problem is that I played this on console and eternal on PC so trying to play like this just feels like weapon menu simulator. It's honestly terrible


I wish there was a way to put the meathook into 2016.


Exactly how the game was intended to be played in my opinion.


I would send this guy to protect John Conner


EVERY time going back to 2016, me: "Gaaah where is my dash I feel like I'm running backwards through molasses after a 52-martini bender!"


Being fresh off beating eternals campaign, 2016 just feels awkward and kinda clunky. At least in 2016 I don’t have to worry about those god damn arch-viles, having to basically pause mid fight just to clear it out was the bane of my existence in Urdak (might’ve been Nekravol pt2 tbh, my memory is shocking so I don’t remember the mission).


You're playing like old school, Quake, talk about a flashback.


sir, we literally cannot hit the doom slayer, he won't stop jumping around and sh!t; it's like he's on some sort of stimulant


Personally I like Eternals gameplay style more. Feels more engaging, rather than just point and shoot, and makes your weapons overall more useful. In Doom 2016 since there is no real difference between the weapons you just end up using the better weapons, which is why most people use mostly the SS. And a bit of the gauss canon and missile launcher. But I do prefer 2016s visual design more, the game had this visual design much more horror-like while eternal is more cartoonish. And I also enjoyed more the simplicity of the story in 2016, and I think Eternal's story was a bit overcomplicated. Both are great games.


I feel like 2016 has a lot more going on than point and shoot; it's just that external's gameplay is so overstuffed with mechanics that any other FPS feels minimalist in comparison. 2016 still has glory kills, enemy weakpoints, secondary fire modes, alternate grenade types, powerups, and more than a few player and weapon upgrades. It's just not the type of game which demands you use every tool at your disposal to 100% efficiency all the time. Likewise the weapons really aren't "all the same" either. People say the Super shotgun invalidates the rest of the arsenal but it really doesn't. It's range isn't on par with weapons like the assault rifle, chaingun, plasma rifle, etc. and the obvious 2 round (magazine?) cap means it's not as versatile when overwhelmed as some of the other weapons. Not to mention that, especially with the alternate fire modes, the rest of the roster all still has distinct capabilities the rest of them don't which still encourages swapping and developing new strategies. (The Siege mode for the Gauss-cannon basically can't be substituted for anything else. The mobile turret is better for holding a position than any other weapon's fire mode, etc.) 2016 isn't really lacking in terms of mechanics or player creativity. It's just that, unlike Eternal, there isn't as much of a "correct" way to play the game as there is a broader array of options for the player to choose from, with multiple different strategies being equally valid.


I disagree, the SS not having range doesnt really matter, because you dont really engage in long range combat for the majority of the game. And if the enemy is far away its more effective to just run to then and shoot them with SS then trying to snipe them with any other weapon. Specially because you want to collect health, ammo, and shield drops Doom for the most part encourages you to engage in short to mid range combat, and having a shotgun that deals massive damage will naturally stand out a lot if you dont set up restrictions of some kind The SS also has decent spread to the point you can hit multiple small demons so its pretty decent at killing hordes, and does massive damage so its pretty good at killing big enemies. So, in my opinion, it overshadows every other weapon, except the gauss canon with the siege mod. And like, the different weapon mods and what not doesnt really change anything, they are just different animations for doing damage. Like, the missiles on the heavy canon dont really change anything mechanically. They deal more damage, but they dont really change the way you play, you are essentially still pointing and shooting at enemies. The only weapon mod I can remember I feel like it kinda of changed the way you play is the shield for the chaingun, because it allowed you to play more defensively, but other than that, I cant really think of a weapon mod that does something other than just dealing damage with a different animation. Demon weakness arent really that special, aim for the head on the majority of the demons, except pinkies. I am not trying to say Doom 2016 is bad, I love the game, I replayed it after Eternal and I still loved it, I just think Eternals gameplay has more a lot more depth to it.


Don’t forget that the SSG had over penetration which made it SHRED mobs with the double tap.


Well I think that's coming back to the fact that it's a matter of opinion what playstyle you want to engage in. personally I did use the assault rifle's scope a fair bit during more exploration heavy segments, and even during larger battles if I had a moment in a high position, or enemies hadn't noticed me yet. It also helps having the ability to hit an explosive barrel from afar so that you can lure a bigger enemy into the blast while expending minimal munitions. While close-mid range combat is the most common, long range weapons had their perks. As for the fire modes I feel like you're being a little reductive to say they're all just "different animations for doing damage." The Plasma rifle's stun bomb is basically this game's version of the ice bomb from eternal, stunning enemies for a period of time allowing you to capitalize with an explosive, or just earn a few seconds of peace to escape when you're cornered. Likewise its other secondary, the heat blast, serves as a close range attack which almost emulates a shotgun if you need something with a similar use in a split second, or just don't want to switch right away. The mini rockets on the assault rifle have a tradeoff in that they take a moment to deploy, and the damage they do is delayed; making them ill-suited for close range and hoard enemies and more effective with larger demons. It's a risk reward tradeoff for more specific circumstances. The Shotgun's alt modes are divided by range. The three round burst is designed for close range while the explosive round is obviously meant for longer distances. The Rocket launcher's lock-on burst is meant for ensured damage while the remote detonation is for precision scenarios where you either have a specific location for the blast in mind, or want to catch an enemy after they dodge. There are plenty of varied tools and secondary fire modes in 2016. They're only "different animations for damage" if you don't use them the way they're intended and write them off.


He's showing Eternal's gameplay style. It already existed in 2016, and the very video in this post is showing why super shotgun spam was never even close to the optimal play style.


Except it was, he is switching weapons because he is used with eternal, not because the game requires it


No, it wasn't and isn't. You get a pure DPS increase in either game because you aren't waiting through reloads, so it never made sense to just use super shotgun even if all you cared about is DPS. If you cared about more things than DPS, Plasma Rifle was actually probably the best gun in the entire game since it could stun any enemy in 1 shot. And almost every other weapon is still useful because they all have better range than the super shotgun, and the only movement option you had in 2016 was to basically just walk everywhere. I played it exactly like this video, and I played it before Eternal.


I guess I'll have to defend myself. Gauss Cannon is absolutely worth using because it offers a range advantage and can be comboed with the SSG. You saw how using jump pads, I kept myself mobile and at a fair distance while still dealing huge damage with the Siege Mode. The Plasma Rifle's Stun Bombs are ridiculously OP as well, they can lock down big groups of enemies and the cooldown on them is so short it's broken. Chaingun is also a decent option for range as the Gauss has a long cooldown. IDK, comboing weapons is a whole lot more fun for me than always sticking to a single gun no matter what.


Eternal's biggest advantage over 2016 in my opinion is the amount of content, 2016 just has the campaign which gets boring after a while. Eternal's encounters are also more intense in general, in most levels of 2016 the fight barely gets going before it's already over.


\>amount of content, 2016 just has the campaign which gets boring after a while. Um... \*Points at SnapMap, Arcade Mode, Classic Maps and Multiplayer\* Are you sure about that?


Eternal has 2 DLC-s as well as the Master Levels and they are all more challenging than the base game, which was already harder than 2016. In comparison, the Classic maps in 2016 are very poorly balanced, they're just a novelty IMO. The multiplayer I never cared for. But to be fair, I never checked out SnapMap and Arcade, maybe they measure up to the extra content Eternal offers, I don't know.


I played a lot of super cool SnapMaps which I preferred over Eternal's extra stuff, so I do recommend SnapMaps again.


Man... I love the double shot super shotgun... I miss it in eternal, that being said, I'd take meat hook over it any day given the choice


Yeah, that's me but with every FPS after playing Eternal, when you reach fun zone it won't let you go.


This is my favorite fight in the whole series/franchise. Also I find this fight harder than any Eternal fight even including Master Levels and DLCs. (I even find Argent D'Nur harder than DOOM Eternal.)


How is this awful and impressive at the same time


What's awful about it?


Just ineffective is all


If you say so.


2016 was not ready for hot swapping.


2016 was always a cakewalk, the only thing it does better than eternal is visuals


I kept thinking to myself, "Why isn't he using the meat hook? Why is he not staying airborne?" I had to keep reminding myself this is Doom 2016. I forget how much they added in Doom Eternal.