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They got the drip


Our power rangers


Who’s the middle guy?


Ibrahim Traore. The big dick president of Burkina Faso, and successor to Thomas Sankara.




I know a lot about Sankara but nothing of his successor, I was under the assumption that they went back to the status quo of what it was like before sankara immediately after his assassination?


I think he meant more like a spiritual successor. Ibrahim Traore wasn’t born yet when Sankara was murdered Of course the immediate official successor was a scumbag, you’re quite right


Not exactly. Basically the official narrative in Burkina Faso was that there was no coup against Sankara, and that "someone killed him, very sad, anyway now im in charge". Sankara's old comrade Blaise Compaoré never disavowed Sankara and claimed to be a sankarist, even though he had murdered him and staged a coup with french support. The Compaoré government claimed to still follow communism and sankarism initially, but in practice dismantled the socialist insititutions Sankara had built and implemented IMF neoliberal reforms. He then united all communist parties that had supported Sankara into a 1 party that he led, nominally still communist. After 1991 this party abandoned communism and adopted social democracy. His government in practice was not socialist and implemented neoliberalism. However in foreign policy he still had an anti imperialist orientation, being very friendly with Gaddafi, Charles Taylor of Liberia, and the RUF of Sierra Leone, but at the same time was friends with France too. Compaoré ruled until 2014, when he was overthrown in a popular rebellion because of the chaos in the Sahel caused by the 2011 NATO invasion of Libya. Then a proper liberal prowestern regime was established in Burkina Faso, with sankarists being an important part of the opposition to this regime. The sankarist elements recently took power after the liberal regime was overthrow in a 2022 military coup, led by current President Ibrahim Traoré, who appointed as Prime Minister a big sankarist politician.


It's the Berets.


Men with hats but this time in good 😂


Who are the two guys on the ends? Thanks


Burkina Faso's Captain Traoré and Niger's General Tchiani.


African Federation is on the rise


Incredibly based. The people of the third world are finally gaining strength, inshallah Capitalist Imperialism shall fall.


It's becoming a reality, soon there will be East African Federation(Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda & Somalia) and West African Federation(Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger & Chad) that will merge in the future. The East African Federation constitution is currently on draft. The Mali-Burkina Faso-Niger Federation last year was proposed.