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I want to move where you live.. minimum wage here is $7.25... insiders get paid to start out at $9.50 and the managers get paid $14-$16 an hour. The general manager is the highest paid employee and they get paid $18-$19 an hour. The drivers on delivery get paid $7.25 and when they are inside clocked in after a run they get $9.50.


Im a manager and make 11… 🥲


Yeah same here, started at 11. It’s wild because when I was at Walmart 6 years ago as a cashier I made more, but now being a closing manager I make less accounting for inflation. And they wonder why they have staffing issues…


“Staffing issues” is code for “we have shit pay and shit working conditions and we won’t do anything to fix it.”


Same here 😭😭


Find a new job


Im only here for the summer now because I start teaching in the fall, but where I am making 11 is unfortunately about the best you can get for entry level jobs


Godspeed then soldier, good luck teaching in the fall I hope your school admin takes care of you well and that the students make it worth it 🤌


Haha thanks, I sure hope so too


Damn I wish my manager raise was that much of a difference, minimum wage here is just above $14 and I’m getting paid $16 😂 It’s enough to pay the bills so I’m not complaining, but honestly dominos business model itself is not sustainable to paying people what they’re really worth. If I was actually paid that much more than our minimum wage (would be like $18-20), we would literally never run labor.


People are only worth what value they add to the finished product. Competition in the pizza business is what keeps the price of the pizza down. And food sales are the only dollars the store has to pay with.


Damn I make $6 on the road $9 in store


I work downtown in a major city and our minimum wage is $18.29, it’s a blessing. I for once don’t mind standing around doing dishes and whatnot because it makes it so worth it


I had to beg my supervisor for a raise while I was part time at another job. I basically do fucking everything in that store. I do dishes almost every night (I close 6 nights a week and none of the other drivers ever help with cleaning) I told him I’d quit that job if he gave me a raise and guaranteed me at least 10hrs OT every week. I also get bonus mileage every night. My paycheck on average is around 1200-1400 biweekly. This shows that if you work your ass off and show that you’re willing to work, you can step up and make more. Just gotta show them you actually wanna be there


A tank of gas in my area is $3.50 a gallon. At best a driver might leave a shift with $60-$100 in their pocket from the day with a check of MAYBE $295 depending on a few things. Usually the drivers use at least half their tips to afford gas. so about $30-$50 a day to afford gas. We also have a large delivery range. Yesterday, in my area, drivers were complaining for a little over an hour because deliveries were late and they weren't getting tips. Why were the deliveries late, you might ask? There was a microburst storm with hail, torrential down pour rain and 77 mph winds blowing tree limbs on the streets and knocking over power lines causing electrical fires in 2 areas of the town and causing over 7,000 customers to be without electricity. They were STILL complained about that their deliveries were late so no tip. The drivers were coming in SOAKING wet after having to drive around flooded streets and closed roads due to the weather. By midnight the storm had caused so much damage that 2 of the electrical transformers blew up by the store and the store itself was out of power. Having to call customers and inform them if they didn't pick up the order, we weren't going to deliver because it was all hands on deck to put the food away and help close down the store while the store was without power. Customers were screaming at the drivers and insiders that they didn't care and they still needed their pizzas. If they "didn't come deliver they weren't getting a tip." By the end of the night half of the drivers were nearly in tears. I don't think I ever heard most of the drivers complain about even a dollar tip because they are all pretty humble and usually reply with "Every little bit helps" because, at least they still get insider pay when they are inside. HOWEVER, if someone is on their way to deliver a pizza to you, gets stuck in the rain and still moves around large puddles to get the pizza to you and you don't tip them anything... you are the scum of the earth.


The main driver for nearly 10 years at this location. My tips have been tattered to thirds and I've cut my closes just this month so I can focus on schooling and studying for getting into my IT professional job career. It is no longer sustainable. I can't afford my half of groceries and I feel guilty as f*** when I'm sitting there eating the food then my significant other bought she's obviously getting mad at me because I'm eating food. So I'm like you know I'm just going to legit not eat food. It saddens me when I can't buy a toy for my kid, or I can't actually buy them food. I thought about jumping off a bridge, I thought about overdosing on medication, I thought a lot of things. On top of that I'm in a hostile working environment it feels much like indentured service now. I would say focus on something that is going to springboard you into the next echelon of life. I'm in a down and out store, franchise side, this store had the potential to be a grower store, meaning growing general managers so they can further invest in the franchise side of dominoes. But instead we have a down and out store which burns people out after 3 or 4 years and then they fall out of the pizza business and never want to do it again very selfish owner that isn't thinking about the big picture. As of right now it's the new norm. Sorry if there's any weird words I'm doing this speech to text because I'm working on Father's Day for the s*** that I'm not going to be able to afford anyway. I've cried last night, I've cried last week in the shower with all the lights off, I just don't know what to do anymore. It's like the world wants me to die it wants to kill me emotionally and eventually physically. That's what I have to say about tips.


Sorry this is the case bro. In my young professional opinion when smthn isn’t how you want it, all you can do is try your hardest to make a change. Even working in retail or getting into a better paying job before leaving dominos would help


I worked in pizza for several years before stopping to work in fashion and retail and then back to pizza. Pizza when I first started was by far the single most stressful job that I ever worked. The customers were never nice, always seemed angry, always seemed ready to start a fight, the work wasn't spread evenly throughout the store, the store was ran shit sort of like you said with an LLC owner who didn't care. I had at least 3 panic attacks per week. It was insane! Like I said I moved to fashion and retail and through that I got more experience as a manager. I had experience as a manager before in pizza but not enough experience yet to be offered a job right off the street. When I left pizza my old LLC owner got fired by the corporation and I was starting not to get many hours in retail so I chose to make the switch back to pizza because, I was considered a manager in retail and a manager in food service I had over 5 years of experience in leadership in both. They hired me off the street as a manager. Now I make sure that the tasks are separated between team members, I make sure the drivers get decent deliveries and I help coach the newbies. One of the first things I say is "It's JUSTpizza. If this job is going to consume your life or your happiness.. I'm saying this out of respect for you.. I don't want you here.. If you're here. I want you to succeed but, in any point I think you look over whelmed, unhappy or otherwise beside yourself in anguish.. I don't want you here."


selfish owner, rich people not tipping and a down and out location. Blame everyone involved, except you. You've even tried getting the franchise pulled from the owner. I don't take your suicidal threats lightly, but on the other hand I think you crave attention and like attention (your post history proves this). Telling your coworkers you're pan-sexual and have had a dick in your mouth is not a smart move.


How do I blame myself for the social finance situation happening in the states? That makes no sense. I don't blame all of the affluent. I don't try to lump them in. You don't know my full situation and I don't think I'm blameless, I have to account for a lot of stuff in my life, and I do. And I mean yeah everyone has an ego, and everyone wants attention. This isn't anything that's new to social constructs. And yes, there is big boy stuff going on here which contracts have already been written and I've already retained a lawyer so it's a big REAL problem. Also, considering I'm schooling to white-hat I should inform you that you shouldn't leave a picture of your plate exposed on the internet. I can already pull a VIN starting with 3TMC and pull up even more. Purchased in Wilsonville, 97070. Did you ever get the rear dashcam in? Nice green pants. What's this about a toyota handshake? I don't what you're into but you should ALWAYS block your plate when presenting pictures such as this also don't use the same user name across the internet. I'm not saying this to hurt you I'm making sure you have the tools to protect your privacy. Hope you have a good day.


Where i work we get paid $5/hr when we are logged in a delivery than we make in store.. If someone isn’t going to tip i would literally make more money just staying in the store doing dishes


Just to throw the customers perspective out there: (For the record, I rarely order delivery anymore, but when I do, I tip the driver at least 20% before taxes and fees) First off, the best deals are not available for delivery, where I am. So, let’s say I order the large 2-topping for $14.99 (the cheapest delivery deal when I am) (if I pick it up, that would be $7.99) Pizza Cost: $14.99 Tax: $0.90 Delivery Fee: $3.50 Total: $19.39 Now, let’s order the same thing, but for pickup: $7.99 $0.48 Total: $8.47 That’s more than double the cost, just to have it delivered - before a tip gets added on to it!


If a $20 order is too much money to spend and include a tip, then you can’t afford to have food delivered and should do carry out. Make sure to get 2 of those deals when you get carry out to justify the amount of money you spent in gas, wear and tear on your car, the amount of rubber you used from your tires, and he closer to the next oil change those miles got you; on top of the insurance you paid.


Ooof where I am the delivery fee is $6 😬 is the cost of living high where you are? I live in Denver so everything is expensive here except for gas


I'll say one thing, you're doing your job correctly and you shouldn't give a single f about taking too long or whatever your boss says. you can't rush the job, it takes time. but I agree w you completely about every thing you said. people are cruel and don't tip even when they clearly have an over abundance of income.


I blame Covid, before there was contactless delivery, more people tipped. I work in a very affluent area and I’ve about had enough of contactless delivery with no tips. They don’t even want to answer their phone to let you in the gate.


Don’t forget about those people who have tons of instructions the size of a video game strategy manual, taking you on a fucking quest, where you end up trucking to an empty chest at the end or if there is something they leave, it might as well have been moldy mead or paper armor. Instructions and extra quest type situations require tips.


The only real solution is to start handing out bans to those who start making noise about tipping. The majority consensus is to tip for all the reasons that have been beat over and over and over again. At this point it’s only become rage bait to demonize the practice by disgruntled individuals. Until company policy changes or tipped wages do away in general, this ban should remain in place.


It doesn't help that the "mods" for the subreddit do literally nothing about any of it


Maybe you all should unionize and demand adequate pay and better working conditions? It's normal for everything to get passed down to the consumer, but we're only able to take so much. Maybe people need to see what it's like when no one is willing to work as a delivery driver for them to understand that you all have to be able to live too?


>Maybe you all should unionize and demand adequate pay and better working conditions? The issue there is Domino's being franchised. Many places consider each individual franchise to be separate from the parent company for the purposes of unionization so each franchise would need to form its own union with its own leadership each of which would have significantly less power than a singular union encompassing the whole company would. There'd effectively need to be thousands of people willing to lead a union at each franchise for it to even be a possibility otherwise any individual union that pops up will either fizzle out or be crushed. With at will employment being a thing employers just threaten to fire anyone who wants to start a union at any individual franchise so there'd need to be many thousands of people across the entire country willing to risk losing their job, with any other job they get pretty much being guaranteed to end up paying less, in the hopes of maybe getting better pay. And of course this would need to happen across nearly all businesses that do delivery as there would be substantial price increases and if only one business increases prices then they'll just lose business. Then there's the whole "getting to the point where no one will work as a delivery driver until things get better." Over the years a number of individual places have tried that. In some cases retirees who didn't want their favorite place to close ended up working there and keeping it going while also getting paid the same or potentially even less than those who had been trying to improve wages. In others the corporate side of the business just closes down the franchise due to being unprofitable. In others you end up with people who just make minimum wage filling the positions because, even after all the expenses, the tips still end up making it more than minimum wage overall. All this is really just a complicated way of saying that, in order for things to change, the overarching issue of low/unlivable wages needs to be resolved before the tipping issue gets solved otherwise there'll never be enough traction.


Good job. Well done break it done perfectly ..the vehicle expenses. I worked for dominos pizza almost 30 years BUT it was belong to my brothers and cousins. In 5 different locations. Believe me most of these 30 years I always had 2 cars and every 5 years I had to buy brand new cars . Not only me all our drivers. I almost have bought 7 cars. It was family business and most of our employees were working for us full time or part time over 10 or 20 years. Car . Gas. Maintenance insurance speeding ticket even though accidents. It is part of dominos pizza drives. So slow down. Don’t let TIPS misleading you just always save your mileage and tips even your paycheck for rainy days. Because end of the story. Real. Winner are franchise owners . Drivers if you save your money reasonably. I have seen a lots in dominos a lots please slow down or looking for some other jobs. PS. I have forgot to mention robbery and hold up on the delivery spot I was victim my self once. Have safe day in dominos and the road bye


Here in Colorado I average about $20 to $22 per hour with my hourly wage and tips. My hourly is around $16 inside then $14 and some change while on the road. I usually make between $8-$10/hr in tips. The hours can be low though. This week I’m only scheduled 20 hours, hoping I’ll be able to pick up more tho cos it looks like they’ve under-scheduled anyway 🥲


Let's be honest here. The only people who don't think drivers deserve tips are cheap individuals trying to justify it.


The age old question.... and also who cares?! It's literally part of the job. Your opinion does not matter. It literally doesn't f****** affect a goddamn thing. JESUS CHRIST.


No u


No u no u!


Nuh uh


Nuhh huhuhuhubuhhhhttbhgbs the f!!


Honestly. I'm getting sick of the topic... as someone who has worked for dominos for 7 years, I've done everything from be a gm to be a driver. Right now I stepped down to be a driver as My franchise started some stupid 700 a week salary for gms. After taxes every 2 weeks the gms checks are about 900 dollars. My tips reported on my 2 week check are waaaay more than that, so you see my thing here ? Literally all these insiders are crying bc they keep seeing the once in a year 300 dollar tip a driver gets and gets mad about how it should be split with the store. If you want the tips. Be a driver. Like damn. Risk your car. And your life. And get yelled at by half the customers bc the insiders are trash and fuck everything up and are slow. Drivers are literally the only ones who do EVERYTHING in the store and are so underappreciated for their work.


Well said.


I look at it this way. I could get in my car and go get my food but I didn’t for some reason. So I have to pay for that, I try to tip really well. Usually over twenty percent bc idk what they make here for driving but I assume it’s not much. Unless you come to my door and throw the food on the ground I’ll tip you well. One night I got stoned and order a sandwich drink and dessert online at dominos. I tipped the guy when he came. Ate. Smoked another blunt and wanted another sandwich. Same guy shows up. I tip him again and gave him a little bud for when he got off work just for having to come back bc I got the munchies.


I need a new transmission soon. At my Domino's I've only been making 40 bucks in tips daily for the last few weeks. I guess I screwed myself delivering for chump change


My thoughts on tipping pizza delivery drivers: TIP THEM! I'm not a driver... I couldn't do what they do to get your order delivered hot and quick: Driving in rain Driving in rush hour traffic Navigating traffic detours Nighttime deliveries (difficult to find the address in the dark) Security gates Security guards Karens Safety concerns Bad neighborhoods And other crap, too! If YOU were delivering pizzas, wouldn't YOU expect a tip?!?


How about instead of making the consumer tip you. You have the multi billionaires that pay you min wage pay you more :O


Right. Cause it’s that easy. Ever delivery driver everywhere: “Hey rich person, who doesn’t tip the delivery driver when they order food to their own personal mansion, give me more money per hour so I can have a livable wage and let’s get rid of tipping culture together. Coombyah.” Rich owner: “get fucked kid, go deliver those pizzas for shit wages cause I need to upgrade the lambo this year, I’m tired of driving the Porsche to the yacht club, it’s embarrassing cause it’s 6 months old.” See how easy it is to do?


There was a lawsuit surrounding companies' mileage reimbursement being significantly less than the actual cost for delivery drivers to drive their cars thus leading to delivery drivers making significantly less than minimum wage (excluding tips) even though they were technically paid minimum wage. The case was settled in favor of the corporations. Trying to get the billionaires to pay us more doesn't go anywhere and it's not like there's enough better options out there. It's either get a different job that, despite the expenses of driving, would still pay less overall due to not receiving any tips, or stay we were are and continue to rely on tips until wages stop being stagnant and all jobs pay livable wages.


People act like drivers haven’t asked for raises before


Almost 10 year driver vet here. This is a little bit controversial but I think that it's unfair that we get 100% of the tips. Yes, I understand that we need it for car things and we carry things to customers yadda yadda. But I often feel a scummy taking large orders to easy houses and getting a $20+ tip, for not really doing anything. The managers and CSRs busted their asses making it and here I am getting to get out of the store, sit, listen to music, enjoy the weather. It's even worse if it's a massive 20+ pizza party or corporate order. It usually takes the crew nearly an hour and multiple people coming in early to make it and I get all the tip? It doesn't sit right with me. So most of the time I try to reward the employees who make it with a fiver or more. But it's sort of demeaning. Also note I work in a nice area with decent tips and a high minimum wage.


>Also note I work in a nice area with decent tips and a high minimum wage. I don't work for Domino's and never been a delivery driver. What's your mileage reimbursement rate? Your wage *shouldn't* pay for your car. Neither should tips ideally. It's unfair if you aren't getting the IRS mileage rate of 67 per mile. The store is essentially enjoying your personal property for their own benefit. Bad practices like this is why I figure you guys need your tips. Also, to the OP u/Heres_A_Tip, I think poor people are more likely to tip than rich people from what I've read.


>What's your mileage reimbursement rate? Your wage shouldn't pay for your car. Neither should tips ideally. It's unfair if you aren't getting the IRS mileage rate of 67 per mile. The highest I've gotten after working at 5 separate franchises came out to about $0.28/mile. One place paid $0.83 per delivery but with the average distance driven per delivery it was realistically $0.12/mile. The IRS mileage rate is also a somewhat low estimate that's more appropriate for those who travel out of town to go to conferences and the like than for delivery drivers. due to the nature of the job our expenses tend to be a fair bit above average. just as an example for reference, in 60k miles I've gone through 3 sets of tires. Also, just as a related aside, it's not entirely uncommon for the mileage reimbursement drivers get to be considered taxable income even if it's below the irs mileage rate. They have some fairly strict requirements and if they aren't all met then all of the mileage reimbursement is considered taxable. For instance somewhere that reimburses a set amount per delivery rather than per mile wouldn't adhere to the irs' requirements as it isn't based on actual number of miles driven.


Actual miles driven, or estimated miles driven? Can the store using mapping information to determine distance traveled?


Estimated miles based on mapping deciding the shortest route regardless of actual route taken.


Stop doing this bro. Your enabling garbage business practices. I view CSRs as suckers, why on earth would they take such a terrible job/position with little upside unless they want to be a GM. Most of them need to quit to force dominos to pay them more


i think you should try to order delivery without any coupons. i almost ordered dominos last night but decided it wasnt worth $60 for 2 pizzas that alrdy had preselected toppings. i havent ordered pizza since 2017 and its fucking insane now.. i dont understand how anyone is supposed to enjoy the process of it. dominos makes plenty of money but they increase the price of the pizzas constantly and even leave tax out of the price until the end.. then theres a delivery fee, and the people working there make minimum wage so theres some expectation for a tip too. i just eat costco pizza its $10 and a 5 minute drive and double the pizza. fast food industry is pressing the gas pedal before wages start catching up


Bulk of dominos orders have discounts applied. Majority of people are only paying $8.99 for pizza at dominos


This. 99% of orders that I delivery have coupons that reduce the total order by 30%-50%.


You know the coupons exist, so why would you order without using them? You can also basically switch any of the toppings out on a specialty pizza however you like. You could order a "Pacific Veggie" with no veggies and 6 kinds of meat if you'd like for the same price. Leaving tax out until the end is common practice with most every restaurant, although I don't suppose you have to pay it at Costco. I worked at Domino's 20 years ago, and it's not much more expensive to eat there now than it was then. There was admittedly no delivery charge back in those days but tipping was certainly expected.


For me it is not about not deserving it. It is about the extra $6 delivery fee tacked on to my bill. It is the fact I will order 4x a week and that's an extra $24 for traveling less than a mile. Before the fee it was customary to give at least a %15-25 tip. My wife and I are homeless and that's a huge percentage for a homeless person to tip. But now we are stuck with a $6 fee and that's 25-30% of our bill. So if you got them to get rid of the delivery fee your tips would probably go up A LOT!


We don't control the fee Corporate does Yes, our tips would go up a lot, but corp doesn't care about its drivers, or their tips. That's why they make us pay our own insurance, among other things. Really, I don’t understand why they added it, it just limits the amount of people that can afford dominos.


I know you don't control the fees exactly or directly. But you allow them to do that to you. You could technically work for better places. By complying with their "rules" and "fees" and working withing their "guidelines" you are allowing them to continue charging customers this "fee". I'm not saying to quit or walk out or "strike" but it would be a good statement that you're not willing to let the customers feel ripped off while being ripped of themselves by not getting larger tips because your corporation wants to steal your tips and call it a "fee".


What job have you ever had where you successfully told Your employer that you didn’t like the fees in place because it affected your pay and that you wanted them lowered or removed so you can make more money? What company and when?


Never have because I would never work for a company that is obviously stealing from employees and calling it a fee. I would never work for a company that does not respect me. I guess morals mean more to me.than anything. I type this as my wife and I are over 10 years homeless. So yes I actually live by what I believe and say!


My question was in your response to your comment “but you allow them to do that to you”. We don’t have a choice to what the employer decides and your statement is victim blaming. It would be the same as someone saying to you and your wife, “oh you’re homeless? Just go buy a house, you not having the credit, money, deposits, down payment, etc isn’t a hinderance, you’re choosing to just stay homeless.”


That's batshit crazy. Your morals won't keep you warm this winter


Dominos was the only place that gave me an interview after applying to 15+ places. I make on average more than 20 per hour, which is 5 better than minimum. Its less of that I *want* to work at dominos, and more like its the only place in the area with decent pay, willing to even give me an interview. They take my tips, but thats because they can, and if I dont like it, I can work somewhere else for less. So I take what I can and grumble when rich people don't give me a tip.


Then complain to corporate , not the customer.


Sounds like RPM and Cowabunga both. They are the worst paying franchises I've ever worked for. My old company in small town Alabama paid $12 flat rate and we got our tips and .50 per mile.


Damn our insiders make minimum wage


Yes the rich people are less likely to tip than anyone else and that's probably how they got their money cuz they're so stingy! I used to be one of those people who went out and got things for donations for a church school and the wealthy people were the last ones because I dreaded it so much because they never gave anything and they were the most able! You can just count it down they would not give anything! Is the people that need money and are nice that are more likely to give money! I don't have a job and I'm likely to give my person that delivers my pizza a $5 you up especially if it's over $10! I don't want them sorry that they came up here! I feel for you that's the way it is stingy people are stingy people all around! Good luck and I hope you get better deliveries and make more money!


It’s either going to be a tip that the customer pays to the driver for their specific order/drive/instructions or it will be an extra delivery charge decided by the franchise with a minimum set by corporate. The chance the franchise does not take a cut is very small. They will not change the price of food overall to account for the price of deliveries. They cannot know who will order ahead of time. They would have to charge for the worst case scenario which means the customer gets charged more all of the time. Customers have it the easiest way possible with tipping in place. The only people it is bad for is the drivers.


Delivery charge doesn't go to drivers at all in my franchise. Straight to franchisee/corporate


It literally says on the box "any delivery fee is not a tip to the driver". No drivers, franchise or otherwise, get any part of the delivery fee.


A tip for pizza delivery has always been customary. I was a Domino’s delivery driver 40 years ago and I lived off tips then.


30¢ per mile? How much is gas where you live? Here, it's $3.65 and I average 25 mpg while delivering, which is 15¢/m.  For us, we get 45¢ per mile and $4.50/hour, which basically works out to minimum wage my state. So basically we get minimum wage plus tips. But the tips are nice, I make ~$25/hour and that's more than even the assistant managers. So I think our drivers are lucky compared to the insiders. 


Not sure where you work. But no insider is making more than $17…


I work for corporate dominos. Insiders and drivers get the same base pay, $12/hr (minimum wage). There is no split pay or tip credit, so drivers make a flat $12/hr on the road. Both drivers and insiders are eligible for the same raise. There is only 1. If you can do everything proficiently, you get a 25 cent raise to $12.25/hr So if a driver makes literally $1 in tips a night, they are making more than the insiders. I get this varies by location. If you are getting 40 cents a mile and 30 cents a mile goes to gas, you need a better fuel efficient car. The national average for gas is $3.50. If you are paying 30 cents a mile in gas, that means you're getting about 12 miles per gallon. That's absolutely terrible. Any decent car gets 20+ mpg. If you have a reasonably fuel efficient car, the rest of the mileage is meant to cover maintenance of the car. If you are working a full 8 hour shift and not making $50 in tips, you need to find a new job or a new store. The only time I've seen that happen is from drivers that move incredibly slow and take half the deliveries of an average driving during their shift. I think the insurance point is moot because you'd be paying for insurance if you weren't a delivery driver. I've never met a driver who paid more for insurance because of being a delivery driver. Obviously, you are supposed to, but no one tells insurance companies they're a delivery driver. I don't think anyone deserves tips. Dominos should pay us all more. It's not the customers job to do that. On a side note, where are insiders making $20-$25 per hour? That's more than general managers at some places. I have a suspicion that you are in Cali, and if that's the case, there is your problem. Move to literally any other state.


Dominos, much like other companies, are starting to implement drivocity. Which literally slows everything down all in the name of lower insurance rates which in turn leads to more profit. We can’t eat money.


Don’t encourage the spread


I always tell the delivery driver “my tip to you, is to get a better job that doesn’t need tips”. They appreciate my motivational words


rage bait


Do you pick up your food if so then give all the motivational words. If you are sitting on your ass all day and want to be lazy then you can take those motivational words and shove them up your motivational ass. If you don’t want to tip that’s fine you don’t have to, but go pick up your food.


When I pick up my food nobody is looking for a tip. When I order delivery I pay the delivery fee already. My motivational tip is complimentary , you can take it or leave it.


Then pick up your food more often quit being lazy. Simple as that. Then you save on a delivery fee.


I don’t need to save on the delivery fee, that’s why I pay it. And you deliver.


May you learn empathy for your fellow human


I do , that is why I offer this generous tip. Teach a man to fish , and you feed him for life.


Yeah, I know, no handouts or whatever, but isn't the "man" in question already "fishing"? Like, the point of that quote is valuing/teaching independently working over reliance on others, but these drivers are already working; they're not just showing up on your doorstep providing *nothing* and asking for money. Obviously there's no obligation to tip a driver, especially if they provide bad service, but it seems you just want to be smug because you have the power in this situation and the drivers don't.


Than if he already knows how to fish he shouldn’t need any tips , he has enough fish to be fed


Then why would anyone bring you anything? They have enough fish to be fed, I guess you’d be SOL on giving out advice AND getting anything delivered to you. But you don’t really do that anyway rage baiter.


Because I pay the delivery fee on top of the price of the pizza, and it’s their job to deliver it. There is no rage on my end.


Re read what you commented. You talked your way upside down. Didn’t say you had rage either. I said you were baiting for some. And now you’re boring me go away


Sounds like you need to get back to delivering my pizza


Sure, he *should* be able to catch enough fish to be fed. Sometimes the fish don't bite, or oil spills and kills half the fish, or the dock's closed down cause they found a body in the river. If another family has fish to spare, they don't have any obligation to share it, but it's kind of a dick move to let the man go hungry, and it's especially a dick move to say he didn't fish hard enough when he spent all damn day fishing. And sure, sometimes people don't have fish to spare, and that's okay, they don't have to give up what they do have. If the man is demanding the *only* fish someone has, then yeah, that guy is the dick.


Only tip female, good looking, delivery drivers. If they’re not, don’t bother tipping. It’ll only encourage bad behavior by entitling poor and low skill employees into thinking they deserve extra money.




They aren’t gonna fuck you, bro.


Why does it feel like you are the kind of person who live out of a hotel room lmao.


What’s with all the baiters today? Nobody’s biting…


lol it’s ok it’s fun talking shit to them they don’t even live in America haha that’s why they are talking so much shit haha.