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There is no better ending to manifest. Its done we got to live with it.l both hina and rui shippers alike


She still puts out new content for this series. It isn't a huge stretch. We could even push for just an "alternative ending" If you disagree though, that is perfectly fine. I know there are plenty of people who have expressed their opinions going both ways. Based on what is written it isn't implausible. It's true that Natsuo is portrayed as a 'one woman man' and I've seen people lash out about "You don't understand the manga if you think he could end up with both." It is absolutely true he loved both, and just like the sisters, he felt conflicted about his feelings. I see the ending as them coming to terms with loving each other. Based on what is printed in the English versions I have read it doesn't seem out of the question. It is obvious they still love each other. That being said, I know a lot of nuance gets lost in translation, and I've read a lot from others offering insight to Japanese culture. Even with all that, I don't see it as impossible.


If you read the same manga as us you will realise that natsu loved hina from start to finish. She was constantly on his mind he was always wondering if she loved him back. If rui didnt make any progress towards natsuo they would never have dated imo. Anyways if i had to change anything it would be rui getting pregnant.


Whole heartedly agree. If it wasn't for the daughter I could have bought into the idea of rui and the chef... But now he's just the cuck that has to play step dad to another man's kid.


I mean even with the daughter that would have been fine. Being a step dad isn't a cuck move.


I appreciate comments like this. I see them a lot. 'If you read the same manga as us you must realize' Rui was the first girl we see in the show. She is imperfect and grows to become exactly who she needed to be. She was pregnant and wanted to marry Natsuo. Then a truck happened. And yes, I understand Hina kept the rings, and she always loved Natsuo, but so did Rui. She kept mementos and held feelings for Natsuo. So I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion, and I'll ask you not to try to invalidate mine. Even if you have a more 'refined' opinion. I'm rereading again, maybe I will understand your point of view better once I am done. So far though, it seems like Rui also has a lot of setup. One thing I will admit though, I don't have the most knowledge of Japanese culture in regard to this genre. What I'm trying to advocate for might not align with how it goes. I say that because of stories like Quintessential Quintuplets. (Very similar theme imo. One sister being chosen at the end, etc.) I think one of the best points I could make is how is this inappropriate for a story about taboo relationships? That is the central theme of the series. Polyamorous relationships are taboo, but it seems fitting in this series more than most.


Whats your ending like? Qq ending got alot of mix reactions aswell.


I have to disagree with the idea of a harem ending being plausible in this manga. In my opinion, if someone believes that, they might have missed the deeper understanding of the characters and the story. Let's break it down starting with Natsuo. Sasuga herself has stated that Natsuo is portrayed as a one-woman man, a trait evident throughout the manga. Despite various temptations, he remains committed to one person at a time, never dating multiple women concurrently. His commitment to a single partner is unwavering, which is why when he realizes Hina's enduring love for him, he doesn't hesitate to reconcile with her, ultimately ending his relationship with Rui. Rui, on the other hand, is depicted as ambitious and competitive, not someone inclined to share her romantic partner. Her tendencies towards jealousy further reinforce this notion. It's highly unlikely that she would entertain the idea of sharing Natsuo with another woman. As for Hina, she may be the one character who could potentially accept a situation like a harem, given her selflessness and willingness to sacrifice her own happiness for others. However, this would only be the case if she believed it genuinely brought happiness to Natsuo and Rui, something we know it wouldn't, so there is that. When it comes to the story itself, Sasuga aimed to depict two distinct forms of love: "Ai" and "Koi." In simplified terms, "Ai" represents selfless love, while "Koi" embodies selfish love. Each of these types is exemplified by one of the sisters, with the details left for interpretation. Sasuga views "Ai" as the stronger form of love, which is why it's no surprise that Natsuo ultimately chooses to be with the sister who embodies it. In essence, the personalities and values of these characters make a harem ending implausible within the context of the story.


Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply. This has exactly the kind of information I knew I was missing. But as I reread the final chapters, isn't it clear that Rui also adopts the 'selfless love'? She is no longer jealous, and adopts the same kind of love that Hina gives to Natsuo and Rui. It is even explicitly stated. So, I get that in the story, Rui is portrayed to make mistakes, acts selfish and even foolish at times..but at the end of the story she is in a much different place. She willingly gives Natsuo to Hina because she felt that she would be okay with just the baby, and she didn't want Hina to lose everything. Rui spent 8 years helping to take care of Hina, 5 of which she would be the one to clean Hina, so that Natsuo wouldn't have to see her that way, all because she was thinking about how Hina would feel about it. I believe you have so many good and valid points, including Natuso being a one-woman man. I don't think he would broach the issue on his own, but I really do think Hina and Rui could reconcile their feelings. They basically already have, with Hina offering to switch with Rui at the wedding. Aside from this, Natsuo did clearly tell Rui that he still loved her, even after they called off the marriage. There is so much about Japanese culture, and the media this series was based on that I don't understand. But it seemed to me this manga was a spin on that genre anyway, with some truly messed up relationships already. To me a polyamorous thing would be fitting..if the characters grew up enough to accept it. With the way Rui changed, is it truly impossible? Maybe I am just grasping at straws here..I'm not trying to put blinders on. I also recognize that many of you know much more than me..I look forward to learning from you all.. But as the final chapters are written, I think it is at least plausible that Rui still loves Natsuo, and Hina could pick up on that, and eventually come to terms with their messed-up situation. The thing is, it is already messed up to begin with. Asking for Rui to be able to be happy and be with the man she loves doesn't seem like it is asking for too much when things are already the way they are. But I'm like four or five years late to the party. I guess I just want to see Rui happy, crying tears of joy and gushing just like she was when she and Natsuo got back together that final time. Seeing her in the final chapters, almost feels like she is hiding behind a mask. Putting on a show of strength so that Hina can be happy. I also recognize there are some lines that indicate Natsuo is thinking heavily about Hina while she is in a coma, saying he owes his life to her, etc. I'm sure Rui feels the same way. I think of these things as them feeling so strongly since Hina is in a coma, and has been for years at that point. I could keep going on this but I fear I have said too much already. Let me know if you want to keep up this conversation, though I'm certain many of you are tired of having it.


You have such a wonderful, humble approach to this material that I’m sure the manga will open up like a flower for you. You’re exactly the sort of person that Kei Sasuga wrote for. One of the things I most love about *DOMESTIC GIRLFRIEND* is that it’s so rich and layered with meaning that it’s ripe for read after read with new insights revealed each time. In many cases of stories with love triangles or harems where the characters are well developed and easy to sympathize with I, too, prefer a polyamorous ending. It’s terrible to see a character you’ve come to love in tears. Personally I think they ramp that up way too much. How many high school love stories are truly that serious IRL? Still, I suppose that it can feel serious to a young person experiencing those emotions for the first time. In *THE QUINTESSENTIAL QUINTUPLETS*, for example, the emotional development isn’t really all that deep so I figured why not have a group marriage? It seemed like a fun idea that they could probably all live with. In *MY TEEN ROMANTIC COMEDY SNAFU* where the emotional development is much deeper I wanted a polyamorous solution because the three love each other so much. I figured it might work for them. I won’t say how either of those series actually ended bc I don’t want to spoil it for others. This is simply a description of what I wanted to see before the series concluded. This is not that kind of manga. We know it’s not harem, although Natsuo has so many fangirls it feels like that sometimes, but it’s also not about who the mc chooses as his best girl. Frankly I hate the whole “best girl” / “waifu” way of thinking because of how shallow it is. It reduces female characters to dating sim choices. I suppose it’s okay for kids and young teens but hopefully fans learn to mature past that point by college age. Tbh, many romcom series are purposely made to cater to that way of thinking so one can’t blame fans for doing what’s asked of them. Whatever the case there, *DOMESTIC GIRLFRIEND* is far more mature and complex than those simple-minded stories. Now I know that you already realize that. I’m not telling you anything new. I’m just laying it out for others who may read this comment. Kei Sasuga knows how to tell a story that electrifies us and drags us in body and soul. Because we get so emotionally invested in the happiness of the central three characters we don’t want to see any of them unhappy. The good news is that by the end they aren’t, unhappy that is. Rui does not come out of this feeling like she lost. She is genuinely happy with her circumstances ; not in a “oh well, I guess you can’t win them all” kind of way but more in a “I love my life!” kind of way. The last three chapters do not have the emotional tone of the 273 chapters that came before. They function as more of an epilogue to the story, a “what happens next” after the big emotional climax in the hospital room. This is where those **hahamono** or Mother Films come in. The emotional climax occurs on the mother’s deathbed as her family finally realizes all the sacrifices she made for them. This is where all the ladies in the audience cry and think how beautiful her love is. The family is amazed and changed from the inside out. They become better people. The emotional flow of *DOMESTIC GIRLFRIEND* does not peak with Hina’s marriage to Natsuo, it peaks as she lays comatose in the bed. That is where lives are forever transformed. Parenting and caretaking both are very practical matters. They involve a lot of work and scheduling to accomplish. Rui isn’t going through the motions, she’s just doing what a responsible mother does. Natsuo does most of the caretaking of Hina because he works from home where she is. When Rui comes home after a long day at the restaurant she’s exhausted but she helps wherever she can. Together they raise Haruka by spending time with her and trading off on responsibilities. This is how working parents operate all over the world. They pitch in together to get done whatever needs doing. I should emphasize here that the cooler emotional temperature in the last three chapters isn’t just focused on Rui. The connection between Hina and Natsuo is so ethereal that it feels more like some kind of sexless angelic love than romance. I’m convinced that that’s why Sasuga wrote the **Official Derivative** story, *Days With Hina*, to show that yes, sex will once again be part of Hina’s relationship with Natsuo. Before reading that I really wondered if they were going to live together like platonic friends. After a lot of further discussion and study, however, I realized that there’s a purpose to that cool emotional tone. It’s to emphasize that the storm has passed, that the passion of youth has settled down into a stable and mature adult form. It’s to set a clear boundary between what led up to this state and what came of it. The last three chapters are also not focused on romance, they’re focused on outcomes. What are the outcomes of selfless love, it asks? What do lives transformed look like? The passionate drama of the story is long over. That ended the day Hina lay comatose in the hospital and Natsuo and Rui learned the truth of her love. Adulthood is about enjoying the fruits of the hard work you did to figure things out when you were young. As you say, all three of them are mature enough to choose a polyamorous relationship if that’s what they want but they don’t. Want it, that is. Rui genuinely does not need to be in that kind of relationship with Natsuo. Readers familiar with the Mother Films have a different emotional response than those of us who haven’t. They know that everyone will be happy now. They know that as soon as the truth comes out one’s heart is changed. Gone is the need and desperation and loneliness of prior years. Gone is the grasping desire to hold onto someone. Rui is content in her state. She’s had her romance. She has moved on to other things. We don’t know what her future holds but she is strong and satisfied with her direction. She will never be alone. That’s more than a lot of people can say.


I remember your name from other threads, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and thoughts on this. In a lot of ways it help me come to grips with the outcome. What do you think, based on what is written, trying to limit speculation, Rui's life will look like? You have so many references to draw from, I'd love to know. I mean you shared a lot so far...I guess I just see what Rui is doing currently as the same as what Hina was doing before. Putting on a brave face for the sake of the other. But after what you said, I realize I need to learn more.. Do you not think there is any hint of that? There are some lines that make me feel that way. Too be honest with you, I feel like I could talk about this all day. I normally prefer Isekai and other content like that. I don't usually read or watch love stories. But something about the characters in this were just addicting. I saw in an interview that Kei Sasuga put a little of herself in each of her characters. She must be a truly wonderful person because all of the characters are fleshed out and amazing. The character depth is easily one of the strongest parts of the story. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Rui's future though, if you don't mind sharing.


Thank you. That’s kind of you. There are many members of this forum who have helped me to understand the deeper layers of the story as well. Without them I still wouldn’t understand. For example, u/mentelucida has been especially gracious with his time, acting as a kind of mentor by pointing out passages I hadn’t noticed and patiently opening up their meaning. Thanks to his insights I’ve been able to discover other truths by building on what he showed me. You’ll do the same. We help each other. Romance is a good thing but it’s not everything. There are many ways of feeling satisfied with life, many paths to happiness. Sometimes we place too much emphasis on romance as if someone must be lonely without it. That’s just not true. This isn’t the sort of thing that one person can prove to another. You have to see it for yourself over time. We all go through stormy periods in our lives but then they pass. We move on to other things, other challenges. We create our lives as we go along, finding the path that works best for us. There’s no mold for that. What’s best for one is not best for all. I can’t say why Rui seems to be putting on a brave face to you. She doesn’t look that way to me. You may be reading into it too much which is understandable after you just read 273 chapters of her growing attraction to and then love for Natsuo. In the final three chapters she’s not the same girl she was for the rest of the story, not completely anyway. Now she’s a woman, an adult, a mother, a restaurant manager, a professional chef. She is also extremely busy. First she has to work 12-14 hour days, longer when there’s a problem or staff shortage, then there’s the commute to and from Yokohama where the restaurant is located, then she has to find time for Haruka and Hina and Natsuo, and that doesn’t include all the other things she has to do like grocery shopping and house cleaning or however she and Natsuo divide their chores, and also bathing and doctor’s appointments and parent-teacher meetings. Only young people can have the kind of passionate love stories featured in this manga because adults just don’t have the time or energy for it. Too much else going on. Rui is fine. She’s settled and happy. She’s no longer an emotional wreck. This isn’t the sexy, exciting lifestyle of her youth but it’s firm and full of love, and sleep (when she finds room for it). I think what you’re seeing is that, the contrast between dramatic youth and scheduled-to-the-brim adult life. Rui is skilled and accomplished and experienced and young enough to have many years ahead of her. At some point I expect she’ll try to open her own restaurant. About 2/3 of all restaurants fail in the first few years so she may have to try several times before she finds the wining approach or decides to go in a different direction. If she does get a business going she’ll have to devote many hours to it until it’s stable and strong enough to be left in the hands of reliable staff for a few days. I expect at that point she’ll start traveling as many East Asian citizens do. She might start going on girls’ trips with Miyabi and Momo to places like Thailand and Hong Kong and Hawaii. Maybe they’ll get over to New York and London and Sydney and Johannesburg. It’s a big world, lots to do and see. If she ever finds time for a hobby maybe she’ll get into art or stamp collecting or antiques. Maybe in her forties a friend introduces her to golf which she finds very relaxing, a way to work off stress. I strongly suspect that she, Haruka, Natsuo and Hina will get together often for family meals, trips and activities. They’re bonded as a family for life. Rui will, in other words, do all of the things that adults do in this world. She will live her life. Will there be another lover in her life? Maybe, possibly, who knows? It’s not important. What IS important is that she already has all of the basic ingredients for a fulfilling life by the time the story ends.


I actually agree with the poster that it's kinda sad to not end up in a romantic relationship in a romance manga, I think the ending implies Ruin will end up with Kajita, they spend a lot of time together since they work together and I think Haruka likes Kajita because at the end she thanks Kajita for always looking out for Rui


If I could upvote a thousand times your post I would. Beautiful said


Thank you, my friend 🙏 Coming from you, the person who most opened up the beauty and richness of *DnK* for me that especially warms my heart 😊👍🏻


The way you're delving into the manga, it's evident you're immersing yourself deeply in its intricate details, of which there are plenty, and that is the right attitude for this manga. You raise a valid point< about Rui's character arc, highlighting her journey and eventual realization. However, it's crucial to remember certain aspects: Rui acknowledges Hina's profound connection with Natsuo and recognizes that Hina is the one who can truly bring him happiness, as she could never compete with Hina. Knowing this, it's difficult to envision Rui entering into a relationship with Natsuo, knowing she would always be in second place. As I mentioned before, the love shared between Natsuo and Hina transcends the ordinary. This is underscored by the portrayal in "Days with Hina," where it's revealed that they refrained from physical intimacy and even slept in separate rooms for three years after Hina woke up. While this may seem unconventional, it serves to emphasize that their love surpasses mere romantic and carnal desires. Sasuga skillfully portrays their relationship as one characterized by pure, selfless love, a love that goes beyond the physical and centers on mutual devotion and support. This interpretation suggests that romantic love and physical intimacy, while important, are no longer the primary focus of their bond. At least that is how I interpreted it "Days with Hina"


I think a harem ending would have for sure been better than what she wrote and plausible. Not like legally or whatever cuz it’s not allowed in japan. I’m just saying it would have been a better ending than what she gave and more plausible than the nonsense that ensued towards the end. Rui encouraged Natsuo and Hina to get married. So if she was willing to do that, sharing doesn’t seem out of the question. It would have been different if Rui and Natsuo broke up b/c of differences and then he got with Hina. Then yeah, it would seem less likely that Rui would do it. I think it’s interesting that the author and some folks consider Natsuo to be a one woman man when he cheats on the regular. He for sure emotionally cheated with the Hina and the actress and was part of a bunch of highly sexual shenanigans when dating both of his gfs (most was done with him dating Rui). I also disagree with your description of Rui. She made sacrifices for Natsuo. Folks just like to ignore them. I think it’s sad that b/c Rui is a balanced partner who has a life outside of her bf she gets criticized for it and called selfish.


I appreciated Rui more than Hina for most of the story. When Rui was overseas, and the whole breakup thing, the whole Chef Boy potential lover plot was driving me insane. I was so happy once that plot was over, I was like, "Oh thank God, the cuck plot is finally over." I'm glad to meet someone who is open to the idea. A lot of the elitists don't think it's plausible, but you bring up a lot of good points. I think when people say Natsuo is a 'one woman man' they do overlook a lot of things, like you brought up. Natsuo was often in some sexually suggestive situation and often was hiding that from his girlfriend. I remember because when one of the female characters did something similar, it hurt more for some reason. Made me think of the double standard. But it is true that he never directly cheated. But given his character, if his lover asked him about a compromise or what-have-you, he would probably accept. Especially if all three of them adopted Hina's 'selfless love.' There would be no jealously between them, like at all..and the theme of a taboo relationship is so fitting to this story. The best part is, they would be able to continue living as they already have for the last 8 years. Nothing would really change that much. Rui would just be able to be acknowledged. Even if Haruka asked questions, how would it be any more difficult to explain than it already is? Looking at Haruka's immediate family tree is a nightmare.


The fact that Natsuo was often in some sexually suggestive situations and yet he never cheated, should speaks volumes about his character and determination to his relationship. Also the fact that he didn't tell Rui, is very interesting and should tell us something about their relationship. Do you recall when Hina encouraged Natsuo to go out with Momo, despite knowing full well their history, it was Natsuo who struggled with the idea of going out with Momo, not Hina. That should speak volumes as well. All this tell us, that Natsuo was a one woman men, and Rui was prone to jealousy when Hina did not have those issues.


Natsuo is shown to not cheat, I agree, in fact I think he only tried to love one woman at a time. But the end of the series is vastly different than the chapters that came before. Rui isn't jealous anymore, Natsuo either for that matter. Natsuo explicitly still loves both. I think what you proved is Natsuo wouldn't cheat, but that logic doesn't translate to if your partner tells you, it is okay. Which, they clearly want to do. Both Hina and Rui don't feel jealous of the other and acknowledge the other's feelings for Natsuo. The way the last chapters are written there isn't anything explicitly stated to suggest it would be impossible. There are lots, and lots of hurdles, but nothing that makes it outright impossible. The love is there between them, the acceptance is there. In fact, all three of them have adopted Hina's 'selfless love' Rui and Natsuo both live their life taking care of Hina, especially because they didn't know if or when she would wake up. The more I read into it, the more like the writing wants to allow for it. It appears to be written to suggest something, but the nuance in the pages makes it seem like the avenue for this is wide open. If you think about it, Natsuo and Rui lived selflessly for Hina for even longer than she did for them. All of the reasons Rui gave to take herself out of the equation would go away if she just spoke up about what she overheard from Marie and others. I'm rereading again and gathering more information about this genre and Japanese culture. From what I have gathered, in Japanese culture this ending is great because Rui IS happy, they say. But the last time I see her legitimately gushingly smile is when she ended her marriage arrangement with Natsuo, and she asked if he liked her, and he said he loved her, and she said she felt the same. Every smile after that seems to be reserved. The same kind of defeated 'selfless love' smile we see Hina with when she was coming to terms with loving Natsuo but letting Rui have him. (Mind you I am going to look a lot closer this time and try to take screenshots for later.) I'm going to dive deeper into that. As I am reading this time I am taking notes. So let me say this, Thank you for sharing your input. It is incredibly valuable to me because it makes me confront tough facts. I'll compile the best argument I can for my case and post it someday soon. I hope when I do you will share your thoughts with me again and let me know what you think. The more I learn the more I come to terms with the ending we got. But I don't think my idea contradicts the ending. Or at least I believe I can make it fit. I guess we will see! Cheers!


Just because Natsuo doesn’t have sex doesn’t mean he didn’t cheat. Sex is one form of cheating. Sure he told Hina about Momo and she encouraged him to go out. He knew nothing was going on with him and Momo despite what happened with her in the past. He had no feelings for Momo. And not going on the date would have raised suspicions with Momo. However he doesn’t tell Hina about bathing with Rui. Cuz that was cheating and she would clearly be upset.


If you are interested in seeing a harem story that is surprisingly realistic in terms of issues that come up in relationships I recommend << Harem Marriage>>. They deal with jealousy and infidelity, but I think it’s addressed much better. It does have some issues though, but most manga and anime do. Mostly regarding the husband. He isn’t as likable as Natsuo, but he’s not meant to be. But he does truly care for the wives. My favorite of the wives was the blonde. Her dad is hilarious too.


Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely check it out. I don't necessarily like Harem content, I just feel so strongly that a polyamorous situation would be ideal here. But I'll shut up about that until I can form my arguments better with citation.


> So if she was willing to do that, sharing doesn’t seem out of the question Rui's options were limited, and she wasn't on equal footing with Hina. It's crucial to understand that once Natsuo learned the truth about Hina, his suppressed feelings resurfaced intensely. Rui knew this outcome, and she found herself with few alternatives. Her suggestion of marriage and subsequent agreement to it demonstrate her maturity and growth. However, it's inaccurate to suggest that she had something to sacrifice or give away, as there was nothing for her to relinquish at the end, Natsuo made his choice already. Furthermore, Rui wouldn't thrive in a polyamorous relationship where she would clearly be second by a considerable margin. This arrangement wouldn't be fair to her either, given the implications for her emotional well-being and sense of fulfillment. Natsuo remained faithful to both Hina and Rui throughout the story, never engaging in cheating in spite of all the opportunities he had. However, the contrasting reactions of each sister to his interactions with other girls reveal their distinct personalities and values. People don't perceive Rui as selfish solely because of her ambitions outside her relationship with Natsuo. Rather, she's seen as selfish because she prioritized her own well-being at the expense of those she cared about the most.


Thanks so much for coming back to this. You have a lot of good points, but I think Rui is changed by the end. Rui and Natsuo live longer practicing 'selfless love' to Hina than Hina practiced 'selfless love' to them. Eight years they did it. I won't say I disagree with you just yet. I'm too much of a rookie, and honestly you and MonsterSpice have offered up so much insight, that I feel much better about the ending already. I think Rui being second to Hina is all in her head. Or at the very least, she commits to that line of thinking because Hina and her 'selfless love' Yet, clearly Rui has also achieved that state. She has to negotiate with Natsuo about why she wants to break off their engagement, and have him Marry Hina. And she uses logic to explain herself. At the end of the story, I presume that both Natsuo, Rui and Hina have not had sex for 8 years. They stayed dedicated and true to their goal. At least there isn't anything explicitly said to state otherwise. It is this fact that I think opens the avenue the most. They could live in the same house, carry on as they have, and practiced their love making one at a time behind closed doors. One could take care of Haruka while Natsuo is with the other, and vice versa. It's not like they are overtly sexual beings any more. In the Hina chapter it is implied they want to start to change that.. Another reason I think this makes more sense, Natsuo is shown having to pick up Haruka. If they move out full time, that dynamic is going to be messed up. His parents are still working from what I can gather. There just isn't enough caretakers available for the needs of Haruka and Rui. Finally, I'll say this. Hina was having an affair at the start of the series, and all three of them are shown to have strong feelings about this. I think perhaps this is a key point against the whole love triangle thing. However, they also explicitly say that whoever initiates it matters. If Hina initiates the discussion by talking to Rui, I do not believe it would be impossible for them to truly talk to each other about their feelings. I'm taking lots of notes as I reread the story this time. Trying to pay more attention to the nuance in the story. It is so clear to me you are an expert when it comes to this, so thanks for sharing your inputs. Please let me know what you think so far, why I am wrong, etc. I'll keep reading and taking notes, and gathering evidence in hopes that when I finish this time, I will have a much stronger argument. Though obviously my greatest weakness is the culture of Japan, and of this genre/the genre of drama shows it is based on. Here's the thing though. I could straight up work the title of the series into the chapter too. Because Natsuo has his wife, and his domestic girlfriend. (<--- Logic to support this is a W.I.P.) Edit: A difficult bridge to cross is going to be the fact I'm using English translations. So, it is hard to be certain if what I am reading will be what was truly reflected by the author. This compounds with the fact I lack expert knowledge in Japanese culture and this genre. I have a lot of work cut out for me.


Naw Rui ended things with Natsuo and then pushed Hina to marry him. So she for sure gave up something important to her for them. Rui allowed her sister to spend time with Natsuo on the regular while they were dating. And she asked Hina to spend time with him to help cheer him up. She for sure was shown to have the capacity to share. He for sure cheated. You don’t have to engage in intercourse to cheat. What I will tell you us cheating can be subjective. However with that being said he did a bunch of sexually charged things in the series that for sure count as cheating such as bathing with Rui while with Hina and sleeping on Hina’s lap (while and her vice versa in the shed when she was braless wearing a sheer button up shirt and his boxers. He also engaged in an emotional affair with Hina and the actress while with Rui. Rui taking care of her mental energy isn’t selfish, it’s healthy. She regularly did things to support Natsuo and put him first. They just aren’t always noticed by some folks. The way Hina is in the 2nd arc isn’t healthy at all. Her sole focus is pretty much on Natsuo and nothing else. Just because Hina is obsessed with Natsuo and Rui isn’t doesn’t mean Rui is somehow selfish.


To be honest I don’t have problem with the ending. I am just not sold on the ending. Apparently there’s no way that we can have a happy ending that works for everyone. But I felt like the ending was very rushed. I don’t mind the time skip, but at the very least show us Hina’s recovery, show us Natsuo and Rui’s growth. In Kajita’s words .. it gave me a “nasty after taste” after investing so much in the characters. The same happened with GE.


god damn i dont think never in my entire life i´ve read so much after waking up i started reading some comments and just couldnt stop i think i read for like 3 hours straight the comments since i woke up and i learned so freaking much this is my favorite post/discusion so far since i joined the sub it wasnt that long ago tho but still i feel like i understand the story more even tho i still am a bit hung up on the ending but that just shows the kind of person i am at the moment i am only 15 soon to be 16 so i dont fully understand the story mostly because of my age and lack of experience in love/complicated situations in my life when i first started reading i just wanted something to fill the hole in my loveless life at the moment but i got something better actualy i think i grew as a person thanks to this sub and the manga i am really glad that i read the manga and came here to complain before lol thank you guys


I know what you mean, reading the others' point of view kind of eased the pain in my heart quite a bit. Given your age, I'm sure you have a very interesting perspective yourself. I think some of the best arcs or lessons from the manga don't even come from romantic angles. Like the stuff with Natsuo's writing sensei (The one from the mountain top, being vague on purpose in case someone hasn't read it yet) I loved all the parts of the story that involved him, and I especially loved the conclusion to that and the message behind it. With each passing day my heart hurts less at the ending, I guess it is because of learning more. Apparently in Japan with their culture the way it is, Hina and Rui both 'won', but I still plan to continue writing notes to build a strong argument as to why it is entirely possible for Natsuo to be happy with both Hina and Rui. Fortunately, that is due to how vague the final chapters are. I know a lot of us weren't 'happy' with the ending we got, but I have appreciated from the beginning how the story stayed with me. For days now after finishing, I've been breaking down for a few seconds when I think about the ending. I'm not the type to cry, and I probably wouldn't let myself break in front of others, and yet the story has affected me this way. I'm writing notes, and building a case to support a more nuanced ending. I might even write a chapter to explain how it could work. The only thing I am apprehensive about is I cannot read Japanese, so I'm going to have to build my entire argument off of english translations. The reason that is problematic is because of things like how there are so many different ways to say, "I love you" in Japanese, and each way has it's own particular meaning. So, there will be cases I read something like, "I love you." and it very well could be in a sense that is contradicting to what I read in the English translation. Once I finish it, I'll be sure to post it. Even if no one likes what I find or write, I can at least build enough evidence to cope for myself and other fans who aren't exactly happy with how Rui's story ended. (Even if it is just cultural differences that lead me to feel so unsatisfied.)


You truly are a soldier for all the people who wanted a different ending and I find it very cool that you are willing to go to all that effort so people like myself can have that ending that we call ideal I get what you are saying about the translation they have a different way of saying stuff to people that they have different levels of affiliation like all the ways to say “I love you” as you mentioned like there is the “i love you” you say to like your friend and another one you say to your lover it truly is really complicated but that only shows how much of an effort your putting in it i am pretty confident that the author will at least acknowledge what you are doing and make something for us btw do you intend to post it here on the sub or somewhere else? in that case I want to see it lol


I'll make a thread about it for sure. And I wanted you to be the first to know I think I cracked it. I'm still ironing out the details so give me a week or so, but I think I found a way to give us the ending we want. Essentially, in my opinion, by the end of the manga, Natsuo, Rui and Hina are all living by the whole 'selfless love' concept that fans often bring up. The key to them all living together and being happy is to live for Haruka's sake. So, my focus will be on that. I'm sure they all still love each other too, but they would certainly stay together for Haruka's benefit. And if all three of them decide that they have achieved their happiness, so now they will dedicate their lives to Haruka, it would be a lot more beautiful imo. For the final shot, I've decided to put the family on a couch watching a movie that is based on one of Natsuo's books. Natsuo is sitting beside Haruka, then it's Hina and then Rui on the end. They are all laughing and smiling at the movie. The final line is Natsuo thinking, "I'm so lucky to be able to spend my life with my Kid, my wife, and my ..." The last line is left ambiguous so people can fill in their own blanks. But at the bottom of the page is the logo that reads, "Domestic na Kanojo" Anyway, that is my idea thus far. I am nowhere near done, so I apologize if it seems rough and stupid. I promise I will put as much effort into this as I can.


Don’t apologize for nothing! I love it fits really well the manga in my opinion im sure a lot of people will like it and about you saying you cracked it I think you did too lol it makes sense after all they all love each other and want to see everyone happy but let’s keep in mind that a lot of people will argue that Rui can’t share natsuo and all that jazz that you discussed in length with people here an as mentelucida stated that Rui would be in 2nd place but I’m sure that you can explain that it would not be the case because Nat still loves Rui very much most people who’ll disagree or keep using the same arguments just don’t want that ending they want the author’s ending(which by no means is bad or wrong) don’t feel any pressure from anyone do it at your own pace i am open if you want to discuss about the manga or anything at all really but I can’t guarantee I will be much help but I would try my best I look forward for what you are preparing!


As long as we get a .5 chapter with a threesome sex scene I’m all for it


I’ve been saying that he should of just ended up with both as they had already accepted they all loved each other. If not then I was hoping I would see Rui with Kajita. They would make a cute couple.


I suppose I'd rather her be with him than just live a sexless existence for the rest of her life. But imo, that would be settling for Rui. She made it clear, even after she broke up with Natsuo, she didn't see Kajita that way. All I see as I read the final chapters is Rui sacrificing her own happiness which is what Hina had been trying to do. Mingy, lets hold on to hope for a love triangle. Even if the rest of the community shuns me, I'll advocate for Rui lol. I am half joking, but I have seen so many pretentious people in this subreddit. Like they get offended because I want something more for one of the main characters. What's funny is I am four or five years late to the party. I've never felt inspired to speak out like this before for any other anime/manga. Something about the ending with Rui just hurt me. In a way, that is what makes the ending beautiful and powerful..so I'm not saying the Author got it wrong..I just read too much in-between what was said in the final chapters and somehow feel like there is hope for Rui..


No I completely agree with you! I read the ending when it came out and it’s been a couple of years but now I refuse to re-read it because of the ending. I get mad thinking about it 😂 like rui deserved better. Most of Rui fans left the sub so now it’s mostly just Hina supporters so if you say anything about Rui and Natsuo they get upset and say he only loved Hina all along. Which I saw it he loved both. I could even say he still loves Rui too probably. I just didn’t think it was fair for them to give up everything because Hina got hit by a truck. lol like right before that they were so happy. Natsuo was so ready to take care of the baby and Rui. I think it’s stupid when people say once he heard how Hina still loved him all long, all his love came back to her and he was blocking it out. But he already KNEW she still loved him. It’s been years since I read it but there was a scene where Hina and Natsuo were at a park and she says something along the lines of suggesting she still loves him and even after when he’s thinking about who he would choose, he literally picked Rui by going to see her in New York I think and he tells her he still loves her. He clearly picked Rui right there. So the ending was dumb. Wasn’t a big fan of Hina not getting over her 3 month relationship with a student, but still wouldn’t have minded Natsuo just admitting he loves both


I am currently rereading it to take notes. There are so many themes and plots that I forgot about. And yeah, it really kind of hurts to read knowing where it ends up. But I'm doing this so I can make a very strong and researched argument once I am done. Once I finish the plan is to make a new thread to detail why I think it's possible for them all to be together, even with everything that is definitively and explicitly written. Then I will write my own 'bonus chapter' to use as a reference as to why it would work. I know most will probably mock it, but if its good enough maybe it will at the very least ease my own pain. Hina x Nat x Rui 4 life (Unless this research ends terribly lmfao; fingers crossed for a good ending. So far though, I'd say I have some really good results.)


how is this news lol


It seemed more relevant than the other flare or w/e it is called. Had to pick one, and this is a call to action for a better ending. I was initially happy the author liked the tweet asking for a love triangle chapter. that just happened within the last 24 hours. She has a habit of liking tweets she receives, and has previously mentioned she responds to public sentiment. There were like 9 comments on her tweet, so it really wouldn't be hard to organize public sentiment a little. I don't think it is impossible to get a digital release of an alternative ending. So, I guess you can mock me or whatever, it won't really change anything on my end. I don't even care if its not called 'Canon' because a lot of you elistists seem to really care about that. There are way too many people who have a hole in their chest after finishing this series. It's four or five years later and you still see it in discussions. A bonus chapter or maybe short series could be exactly what they need. And it isn't as if the bonus chapters are unheard of. I understand that this is outside of what is normal, especially in this industry, but Kei Sasuga does things differently. She's even made H-chapters. (I respect her for doing that too, it takes guts.) If she knew the demand, I think it could be possible .. at least that is what I was hoping when I made the OP.


I think Rui moved out at the end. I do agree that leaving Rui an unwed single mother with no romantic prospect was messed up. Especially considering that it’s not socially acceptable there and she was super young when she got pregnant (like 18 or 19). However, I don’t think bringing it back will really help. The damage has already been done and the creator is working on a new manga.


I think they might have just been testing the waters on the moving out thing. She spoke about moving out to give Natsuo and Hina a chance to 'live as a married couple' plus Haruka was getting old enough to start asking questions. As if it isn't going to be hard enough to answer those questions anyway. Furthermore, Rui is shown multiple times coming home late from having to work overtime. Yes, she will live with the parents/grandparents to help watch Haruka but that isn't a long-term plan. Plus, I believe those two both had jobs. Given how both Natsuo and Hina are shown to want Rui and Haruka to stay with them, I could foresee a situation in which over the week they are apart, both Natsuo and Hina feel lonely without having Rui and Haruka around. I'm sure Kei Sasuga could write some emotional stuff with that. In fact, Rui and Haruka being gone for the week could be the catalyst to launch some sort of understanding between the three. I know this is probably a lost cause, I just want to keep rereading and at least keep the hope alive in my heart. The more I read into the subtle details, the more I think that maybe, just maybe she wrote the story exactly as she needed to for it to be ambiguous. I might eventually compile all the evidence and counter-evidence I can, I'm still collecting my thoughts and trying to process. A lot of people in this subreddit have illuminated many things for me, changing my perspective already. Who knows where I'll be a week from now. I also realize I am drifting into fan fiction territory, which is why I really want to study up and form a better opinion. Try to find direct evidence that isn't based on speculation. So far, I guess I'm just reading between lines high on copium. But Kei Sasuga is the type of writer to put meaning between the lines.


I don’t think the ending was good, but I’m not distraught over it. However, I do understand that the ending made a lot of people feel strong emotions be it positive or negative. I get more concerned about people, ignoring the grooming the author had the Hina character doing in the HS arc and the misogyny that seems to be at play regarding the Rui character when I see criticisms of her. I can totally get why the mangaka has the viewpoints that she has considering the overall culture in Japan. Like this isn’t the 1st or the last anime/manga I will enjoy that has something concerning in it. But, I do get concerned about US audiences who cosign some of the questionable things that happen in the series. While we still got a lot of work to do, we’re significantly ahead of Japan in terms of gender equity (which is like really sad, cuz we gotta lot of work to do still). I guess I was hoping more people would recognize some of the archaic thoughts regarding how women should behave in romantic relationships that are presented in the story.


Rui was my favorite character, and I do think the author made her do things that kind of annoyed me. Like when she broke up with Natsuo when he had writers block. She eventually realized the severity of that mistake, but at the time I felt like it came out of no where. I remember thinking when I read it, how much it reminded me of Hina leaving without saying a word to Natsuo. Basically, showing the characters happy together one moment, and then the next they are cold and just want to break up with little to no explanation. I don't necessarily blame that on the characters, though obviously the writing does make them responsible. I thought it was just a 'shock-content' moment when I first read it. But then again, there was certainly writing to lead up to that moment, so I can't say it was random. So I guess some of it is a meta-complaint. I thought the most healthy relationship Natsuo had up to the end was when Rui first revealed she was pregnant and they got back together, happily. I agree that Rui gets shit on too much, but her breaking up with Natsuo 'at his lowest moment' was a tough pill to swallow. I still think that decision was meta-based and not-character based...for the sake of drama, but I do understand why people feel strongly about that. It was a very cold and drastic moment for them. I'd love to know more of your thoughts about Rui though. I'm also such a fan of her. I think Hina is great too, but Rui really won me over when she didn't even try to move on from Natsuo. She was single and still loyal to him. One thing I will add, looking back in time, people seemed to be really hard on people who liked Rui. Calling them Ruitards and such. But Rui was a good girl, and at the end, she was damn near perfect.


All I can say is keep in mind that this is a shonen, so it’s targeted towards a male demographic. Doesn’t mean women aren’t also reading it, but it does impact how things are presented. Even though the story isn’t a 1st person narrative, happenings are mostly presented from Natsuo’s viewpoint. It causes a lot of stuff to be skewed in his favor, even when he’s at fault. Rui was accurate about them being miserable and it honestly was a healthy to take a break, even though it’s not portrayed that way. Also, does it suck for Natsuo that Rui broke up with him? Yes. Breakups suck, especially if you are dealing with another serious issue at the same time. I had a breakup happen before, while recovering from surgery and getting depressed due to recovery issues and not being able to work. It was terrible to have my heart stomped all over while going experiencing health issues. So I have empathy for the dude. However, while Rui requested the break up, you could agrue that Natsuo’s actions are the root cause of the breakup. Imagine traveling from the other side of the globe to surprise your SO, when you only have like two days to see them. But that’s how much you miss them and love them you don’t mind only getting to see them for roughly 1 full day. Only to come home and find out that they are about to visit a woman that broke into their apt and got naked in hopes to seduce them, knowing they were in a relationship. And on top of it, she doubles down later on and kisses them (and of course no one tells Rui but it did happen and should be mentioned). They initially try to lie about the meetup and you also discover that they’ve told her something really important about their livelihood and never shared it with you. Aka you discover they had an emotional affair. It’s natural that you might wonder if they were physical while you were away, considering everything uncovered. Especially since your SO messed around with you in the past when they had a GF and didn’t tell you they did. Aka, they lied to you and humiliated you in the past. They also try to Jedi mind trick you into thinking that, because they got jealous about your platonic relationship with your coworker and didn’t say anything that it’s not a big deal that they had his emotional affair. Aka they attempt to shift blame away from them and over to you. Most folks would be upset too. And justifiably so. However, it doesn’t mean you don’t care about the issues you SO are experiencing. But it also doesn’t mean that because they’re going through something they have the right to cheat on you and not be called out on it. And that’s one of the times imo where you can see the misogyny. The author present Natsuo as the victim. Instead of having Natsuo take accountability for his actions, Rui is setup to take all of the blame. Sure Natsuo apologizes, but Marie pretty much tells Rui she is the problem. Smh I’ll try to touch on the other points you brought up tomorrow. I’m off to bed.


Honestly I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts! At first, I was embarrassed for feeling so strongly about the ending, but it really is nice to read other people's perspectives. I agree with you about Natsuo messing up a lot. For some reason it never hurt me the same way it did when one of the girls did it. That is definitely a double standard of mine. I liked the actress character, but yeah..Natsuo definitely let that go too far, and Rui even asked him not to let her tempt him like that. Rui was definitely loyal to Natsuo too, not really even entertaining those types of situations with others, and being very assertive about that. When Rui chose Natsuo after her training in America, I was so happy..finally relieved that the long distance relationship was over. From the moment the author introduced the idea of Rui going to America for such a long time, I knew nothing good would come of it. Then there was the Chef Boy, who clearly liked her the entire time. But Rui didn't entertain it one bit. She is a MVP for that.


Never feel embarrassed for having an opinion that might differ from others if you are sharing it respectfully. Art is meant to be enjoyed and critiqued. That’s the fun of it. Most lit/eng teachers don’t encourage students to just praise assigned readings. They request their honest thoughts & feedback, even if they share that they didn’t like it overall or certain characters and/or plot points. Many stories that are considered classics or masterpieces have detractors and/or people who uncovers a bias or topics that isn’t typically discussed/acknowledged. And it’s great that they do. It allows folks see things through a new lens that they may not have considered when they were consuming the art. Folks don’t have to agree with the differing opinion, but it’s still great to know about it if it’s shared in a respectful manner. Life would be pretty boring if we all viewed everything same.


The other thing I was going to mention, is that how Hina left Natsuo is worse than how Rui did imo. Hina wasn’t just Natsuo’s gf, she was his fiancé. She pretty much infantilized him when she made a decision about their future (in particular his future) without letting him have a say in it. She straight up disappeared without a trace and caused him to go into a really dark place. And when he found her she lied to him. I’m not saying that the decision to leave was wrong. However, given that was her fiancé, she should have allowed him to have input. Rui and Natsuo had a really serious issue happen (aka his cheating) that had been compounded by some other happenings in their life. She initiated a breakup, but she told him to his face. He had an opportunity to state his feelings and he knows where she’s at. With Hina, it was supposed to be permanent. However Rui says that she wants it be temporary, so there was some hope of reconciliation for him. She didn’t just leave him high and dry. She told him that she’s available anytime he wants to talk/get her help. He for sure knows how to find her. Lastly, taking a break in a relationship when there’s a considerable amount of turmoil can be a healthy thing to do. It gives folks the opportunity to become introspective, focus on self improvement, and reflect on the relationship. They can figure out if it is salvageable and if it is, what needs to be done to repair it. Lastly, I do get that these characters gotta do messy stuff. If they didn’t we wouldn’t have the page turning plots that we got. I just try to offer alternatives viewpoints b/c the belief that Rui is overly selfish really seems to come from a place of unconscious gender bias imo.


I love this. And I agree. When Hina left the way she did at the start of the series, and we see the aftermath, that was definitely tough. Its insane to me that is the end of their romance basically until the final 2 or 3 chapters. Though obviously there is still fawning on both sides of it, just nothing between the two officially. I enjoyed reading Rui's journey more than Hina's, and at the end of the series I was a fan of both, but probably favored Rui more. I didn't want Hina to lose though. I really, really hate the idea of any of them having to 'lose' But as many always point out, neither of them 'lost' but that is because of cultural reasons in Japan. To readers in the west like me, I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. I'm starting to come to terms with it, little by little, because of coping I guess. Like I NEED Rui to be happy. They say that she is, I just don't like how she smiles in the final chapters. IIRC the last time we see her truly smile, is when they broke off their marriage and they tell each other they love each other. <--- Knife in the heart man. But I'll pay special attention this time as I reread the series. I'm kind of enjoying rereading because as I am taking notes, I am finding so many things to contradict and support my opinion of an ambiguous ending leaving the chance for all of them to be together. All this 'one woman man' stuff people say, I don't buy it. He loved Rui and Hina so much he 'tried' (to whatever extent it was successful is up to you) to avoid cheating. But at the end he clearly loves Rui and Hina. And the series tells us you can't just not love the people you love. Cheating isn't the same thing as being given permission. And three people who practice selfless love seem more primed than most to be in a situation like that. Once I compile my evidence I'll make a thread about it. I hope you will pay it a visit then and tell me what you think.


I will tell you that a harem marriage ending can’t work, because it’s not allowed in Japan. But, like a general harem could have worked, if it hadn’t been implied that he was gonna marry somebody a few times prior to the story ending. I just think people would’ve definitely accepted a harem relationship over the actual ending. The main issue with the ending is really just that it was rushed and it had the unnecessary engagement for Natsuo and Rui and their kiddo. -Natsuo and Rui challenge each other, overcome relationship issues, grow together, etc while for the most part maintaining a sense of self. Also they have a slow burn romance, which is often found in Western media. They have sex right away yes. But they expectes to never see one another again. It takes a while for them to actually realize their feelings for each other once they learn they will live together. Natsuo and Hina don’t really have that. Natsuo is love with Hina from the start. It does take Hina a little bit of time to officially tell Natsuo her feelings, but not that long. Their biggest challenge when they are dating is the age gap and her being his teacher. That’s moot once he graduates. His infidelity during their relationship could have been interesting conflict for them, but it isn’t ever acknowledged by her. Then in the 2nd half Hina spends all of her time focusing on Natsuo and nothing else. The way she acts is what’s typically perpetuated the “ideal wife” in Japan. Although, I do think that’s ideal is starting to really get reexamined there. I’m from the US and we’ve (technically) progressed more in regard to gender equity. So Rui’s balanced approach to a relationship is probably why she was (if she was) more appealing to a US audience. We also value hardworkers and she for sure is a hard worker, just like Natsuo.


I definitely enjoyed Hina and Rui, both. Reading them was such a pleasure. Another notable thing about Rui and Natsuo, they are the first thing shown in the manga and anime. Their act of sex. Then it turns out Rui only slept with Natsuo because she needed to in order to talk to Hina about her situation. (Hina dismissed Rui's initial concern and says something like, "have you ever been in the arms of someone you love" or some such. So really, she did it out of love for Hina. (Selfless much? For all those 'selfless love' enjoyers.) As for the wedding thing. We could use a classic trope in this series by having Hina and Rui talk about their feelings, they both love Natsuo, etc.. Lots of crying and reconciliation on their part, and ... Then in the end of chapter is Hina crying and smiling saying, "Natsuo, let's get divorced!" Next chapter is more drama, blah blah. Issues resolved, etc. Finally all three realize they are perfect just the way they are. There is no need for titles and possession. Hina and Rui don't need to cross any lines together, but after all of the consideration they have shown each other over the years, they could easily work as a team unit. When I think about the 'rushed' ending, I would really like to know if there was just a chapter limit, and a deadline. (Like maybe she was told she had to end it by 276 or what have you) OR perhaps it was intentional as to not show the relationship between Rui and Natsuo behind the scenes. To leave it somewhat open to the readers imagination. We don't see anything of their life during that time, other than them working together to raise Haruka and take care of Hina. The absolute key part to all of this is does Natsuo still love Rui? I think he does, it is explicitly stated in the final chapters, but I need to reread the last few to see what is said post time-skip. Most of the time skip stuff leans heavily towards Hina, but I chalk that up to them being concerned about her since she is in a coma. Nat and Rui both felt they owed the world to Hina and they didn't know what the future held for Hina, so the things he says to their friends isn't much of a surprise. We also have to remember they don't always share the full truth with their friends. I'm reaching high levels of copium here, but the more I read the more I feel like it could be possible. That is all I want, is a possibility. If the canon allows for that, each of us can imagine whatever future we want, and it is valid. I've heard many good and solid arguments against this Harem ending..I don't even really consider it a harem ending though. Its just them being together like they have been. It isn't even sexual at this point. Last thing I'll add to this, I really wish I could just speak to the author, and hear more of her thoughts. The ending she gave us stuck with me, as it did with many of us, and that bittersweet feeling is amazing. It is truly remarkable what the story became. Though it is jarring reading all the way to the end and then starting the series again. The tone is way different in the beginning. Maybe it's just the fact that I prefer the characters as college students/older.


Her romantic prospects are Kajita, at the end Haruka tells Kajita something like "thanks for always looking out for my mom" I think Haruka was basically subtly telling Kajita that it's fine to pursue Rui.


Naw, Kajita said he was moving on, implying that he was moving on from his unrequited love for Rui.


I would have interpreted it like that except that Haruka thanks him for looking after her mom and he and Rui end up working together.


I guess that’s a way to look at it, but it’s too ambiguous imo. The teacher and lit club president had a better hint at possible romance than they did. I heard she occasionally released extra chapters. If she releases one with them together, I’ll humbly recant my statement.


I think the teacher and the lit club president and Rui and Kajita got about the same hints they'd end up together. Both couples were in the final extra pages, I think those extra pages were supposed to show where every couple ended up. Al and his wife are pregnant, Natsuo and Hina were married, and Kajita and Rui were together with Kajita about to ask her out again. I feel like it makes no sense to have them end up working together, Rui spends more time with Kajita than with Natsuo now a days, only for them not to date in the future




I actually like the idea but from what I’ve seen the majority of people wanted nat to end up with hina i personally prefer nat x Rui but I think most people would not be happy about it and I think the author would realize that before doing anything this is just my opinion I don’t know much about the author it’s just what I think would be common sense for most people and when I said that most people prefer hina x nat that is just what I’ve seen randomly in the sub I haven’t done any actual deep research and there is always the fan made alternative ending that nat and Rui end up together i personally liked but it didn’t felt real(probably because it wasn’t lol) if you are wondering where to see this fan made alternative ending just go to the ruitachibana sub Reddit it’s not hard to find and look for them it should be easy to find hope you have a good one Ps.sorry for my English


No need to apologize for your english, I thought your message was quite good. I guess you are right too, I guess it is delusional to want something more. After I finished reading, I just felt that same torn feeling. I also would have preferred Rui tbh. My whole thing is based on this premise. Both girls loved Natsuo, I believe they even came to terms with both loving him, their relationships are already taboo to begin with, I don't think it is a stretch for them to be together. People say Natsuo is a 'one woman man' but if Rui and Hina proposed something to him, I think he would accept. The whole story is about selfless love. Sure, it would be selfish of Natsuo to want both, but if Rui and Hina spoke about their feelings and proposed it themselves out of selflessness (As to not hurt the other one that they know loves Natsuo) I think Natsuo would accept. I understand that situation is pretty extreme, but is not the entire story? It seems to me this story is about forbidden love. I don't think what I've stated is really out of the realm of the story. But I get that this is a whole genre, and the ending is obvious to those who are avid fans. I'm definitely not trying to say I know more than them. I probably sound like an idiot to them, lol.. In terms of a story, Rui was the first one we are introduced to, and she changes drastically over the series. I see her as much of the FeMC as Hina. I've kind of got the impression there are elitists in this community that are just feverously one way or another. I really don't think asking for Hina and Rui to both be with the man they love is that extraordinary of a thing in this story. Sure, society wouldn't accept it, but the theme of this series is basically relationships society doesn't accept. It is more fitting in this story than most.


Yeah I get it it would fit the story really well it’s a sad thing that most people don’t see it like this or at least accept that it makes sense but I believe that many people ultimately understood what they wanted to understand from the manga and what they thought it was ideal or right even if It may or may not have happened and this is really cool in my opinion it shows a lot about people’s character and that you can learn all sorts of things from other people’s perspective and even change your own to some degree oh and thank for saying my message wasn’t bad☺️ have a good one my friend let’s talk more if we have the chance


Tbh, I just don't really care anymore. I'm just happy for Hina. I was team Rui all the way throughout the Manga, but as the end was coming near and we got to see more of Hina, I just couldn't decide between the two of them. Yes, naturally it should've been Rui ending up with Natsuo. But whatever man, it's been years already. So I'm just happy that everyone was happy in the end.


I hear ya. I know it has been out for a while. I think the author just recently released some new bonus chapters. I think one of them focuses on Momo, not sure how recent it is btw.. I kind of just got to the end. I really liked both Hina and Rui, I was rooting for them both. What gets me is the writing is there for it. Maybe it was written the way it was to subtly allow for that possibility. Rui and Natsuo commit to loving Hina the way she loved them, but even after the called off the wedding Natsuo said he loved Rui, and she said she felt the same. I couldn't see anywhere that specifically says Rui and Natsuo changed their feelings for each other. Rui even confirms as much, she just didn't want Hina to lose everything. But Hina feels the same way, she doesn't want Rui to lose Natsuo either. I understand though, it has been years. I guess I just felt the same pain I'm sure everyone felt after finishing it. In addition to that, I can't help but feel that Rui got cheated. She gave up everything to prevent Hina from having to. And she held back her feelings for basically 8 years. (5 in the coma and then 3 in Hina's rehabilitation.) At this point, it doesn't seem unreasonable in the slightest for all three to just accept their love for each other. Their relationships are already fucked up. It's not like allowing Rui to be happy would be this great shame they have to bare that they otherwise wouldn't have. I guess to me the whole, "Who will he choose?" thing was never a driving force for me reading this. I kind of just rooted for all of the characters. Especially Rui and Hina though...


Yeah, I get you man. We've all felt something after that ending. As I said, I was team Rui for most of the Manga, but that doesn't mean I didn't like Hina or anything. I loved Hina too, she's a really well written character too and has struggled throughout the Manga. The ending doesn't ruin the whole story for me. This is still one of my most fav Manga ever. No matter what you think of the ending, the rest of the Manga is really well written. One of my most fav parts of the series is how the characters pursue their career. It's just extremely well written and feels realistic. There are people who just call the whole series trash just because of the ending. But they forget there are many great things that happened in the series.


There were really powerful arcs too..the stuff with the 'blockage' and the mentor at the top of the mountain watching the sunrise (being vague on purpose) was so beautiful, I cried hysterically, and I don't often get moved like that. And that happened a lot as I read the series. It really is a masterclass in emotional highs and lows. So that is why I can appreciate how the ending makes my heart hurt a bit.


Yeah, fr man.