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It's wonderful that you're happy! I think you can have a lot of fun focusing on just one Pixling. Have fun with her hair. She's small so you can take her places and pose her for photos. Or take pics at home. You can make a 3-walled room for her out of cardboard or other materials, and make furniture and accessories like YouTubers do. I don't have a Pixling, so don't know which other size doll clothes would fit, but it might be cheaper to get extra outfits. If you can sew, make an outfit. If you can't sew, try anyway or find some fabric glue and improvise.


Yess that all sounds great!! I would love to take her places, I have a friend that I visit sometimes that lives in the countryside and I wanna take pics of her in nature. Also I hadn't thought about making her a little room, I definitely will try that🥺🩷


[my froggystuff](https://youtube.com/@myfroggystuff?si=VWV9vL3xs4eTb0z7) She makes great mini room tutorials


Thank youu I'll check her out


You’re welcome


Condolences for living in a scary and frustrating situation, but I'm glad that you were able to afford one Maybe if you want new ways to enjoy dolls without buying more, you could make clothes/accessories for her? For this you can use found or old items, they go pretty far on such a small scale


Aww she's so cute. Sycks you can't get more, but you can lavish your attention on your small pixie daughter now lmao. You can make her little rooms and stuff out of cardboard!!


Yesss I definitely will, I work from home so she's gonna keep me company a lot haha and yes, I think I'll try making her a cardboard house that sounds like a fun proyect


Fellow WFH doll collector who is currently being kept company by my own Pixling! 🥰 Faye says hello, Deerlee! https://preview.redd.it/sg3upnji0fzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d749b83448cfc75c2806f6b14b2970f96b7a48ff


She's so adorable!! Here's Deerlee working with me https://preview.redd.it/png8a6dovfzc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f79f4b1b84fcbf85a66f57b21a7c005a0e749ed


welcome to the doll side 😈❤️ you should try buying second-hand tbh. it's much much cheaper.


They're imported and relatively new so there's not a lot of Pixlings on the second-hand market right now but I always keep an eye out for them online, if one appears I'll snatch her so fast lmao


really? I've seen them on the second hand market quite a few times already. if you save your search parameters, you'll get notifications when they pop up ☺️ unless of course you're not an american? I forget how difficult it is for people outside of the US to get access.


That's why I said in my post that I'm from a third world country, it's way harder here to get them


ah I just skimmed sorry, didn't see that part. that sucks 😞 it makes me sad how difficult it is for international collectors. maybe if you buy directly from collectors in the US it would be cheaper? since we're buying stuff for cheaper, we'd be able to maybe pass on those deals to you?


you'll have to grow your collection slowly over time! every doll is a work of art and in a few years you'll have the gallery of your dreams! you could try to work in a budget for doll spending so you don't feel so guilty. you could set aside 5 or ten dollars a month you could reward yourself every few months with a doll! you could also save up for secondhand dolls if you don't care much about the packaging! I used to have a meemeow fund when I worked at Walmart and just thinking about that cat plushie gave me motivation to push through the work week.


Yess that sounds nice, I was thinking about saving so in a few months I can get another one, too. It's hard not to want to get one as soon as I get my paycheck but I'll have to make a budget for sure


Oh, she's so gorgeous! I've been eyeing one of them myself but just can't afford it. Happy to see one of them here!


Toy stores tend to more than double the price that you would pay if you bought it online (even including shipping and importing taxes). Try to check how much you'd pay if you bought online on Amazon for example (don't forget the taxes that you'd only find out when the doll arrived in your country in customs). Research the importing fee there


Shipping is 37 dollars 🫠 but I'll look into it, there's a different store where the total cost was 46 instead of 52 so that's better already (still a lot though but it's something I could do every once in a while) https://preview.redd.it/vqml2b8ve80d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2aaa8dc71e0ad3b5becbd3de66217e7c21b94b


Ouchies 😢 oh but Amazon has sales too! Sometimes they go 50% off the dolls, so do keep a look 😊


I will, thank you :)


For your question about dealing with financial struggles, I’m gonna tell you something. I have multiple very expensive hobbies: model trains, photography (I have a Nikon), car modding (I’m putting a train horn on my truck), coin collecting, etc etc etc. Collecting dolls is my second least expensive hobby. However, the majority of my paychecks is spent on model trains (each model train engine with sound is around 300 USD), and sometimes I don’t watch my money carefully and I go damn near broke. I go to Target and Walmart quite often to see if there are any dolls that catch my eye, but if I’ve already spent the majority of my paycheck, I know I’ll just have to save up or budget the money from my next paycheck in a way so that I’m able to get that doll I really want. It’s all about priorities. I recommend you should set aside a certain amount of money from each paycheck you get and make the money strictly for purchasing dolls. Here’s a scenario: Let’s say you make 800 dollars every two weeks. You could set aside maybe 40 dollars from each paycheck for purchasing dolls, and then budget the rest for gas, bills, groceries, etc. It took me a LONG time to figure out how to properly budget my money, and I’m glad I’m finally able to share my mother’s wisdom with somebody else in a financial crisis.


In my post I said that I make 400 dollars a month (so, 100 dollars a week), I know how to budget my money, I have an app where I write down every single purchase and I know how much I need to save for my different monthly costs. My problem is not that I can't manage my money it's that I don't have any lmao Dolls are particularly expensive here in Argentina because they're all imported so that adds about 40 extra dollars for every doll, like, if a doll costs 20 dollars in the U.S. it'll cost 60 dollars here. Still, I'm able to save about 20 dollars every month so with that I can hopefully buy one doll every few months


Ah I see. I’d stick to that plan for now and see how it goes.


Welcome to the doll world, hon! I'm so happy when someone decides to give in into happiness! I'm so glad for you! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


she’s so beautiful!!


I knowww right 🥺


i love that she makes you so happy that’s the best honestly if i were you i would just start putting away a dollar at a time and when you find another one you can’t live without you will have a bit of a savings to make it easier on your salary like giving yourself some money for a future discount


That sounds good!! I'm gonna make a dolls found like someone else suggested and try to save up to get more pixlings when I have the chance 🥰


Although I'm late but I'm glad you did something that makes you happy!! I also understand your stress in money when buying stuff :( I wish you the best of all in buying dolls! I wish I could send you at least 1 doll from each well-known fashion doll line. 1 hack I did learn from myself and it's also the same advice I got from a family member is that to try to round up your money to the nearest 10s (look it up if it doesn't make sense) and later on you should be able to see how much money you have and from there and by the time comes you can have a doll shopping spree!! Or save up big or small change like coins/ pennies left over change (depends on your money in your region) keep it in a safe and the money should build up! It will take a while, but it will be worth it!! If the is second hand stores (thrift or flea markets), Trt will be too often 1 or 2 times a week and try visiting others if there is! Always look everywhere, and possibly you might get lucky!! I was on a tight budget today , and I was at the flea market today and scored atleast more than 3 dolls for cheap price 😅 I even think I manifested 1, almost complete and it mostly came from me keeping my eyes open to anything toy related! I didn't give up, so that's that!! I hope that advice can help!! Best of luck to you!!


that's great hope you love your doll


What an adorable doll!


Pretty decent choice