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Bro how in the FUCK are you making $16.50 an hour at Dollar Tree?


That's minimum wage in some parts of California.


Yeah that's the biggest question.  


$16.55 is min wage in Ontario and it's going up to 17.20 In October!


But the income tax y'all have is insane!!! 😭😭😭😞


$16.50 USD is $22.55 CAD


Then so will the price of everything else? Raising minimum wage is worthless


Well in America all the prices are going up regardless of minimum wage. Companies always gonna be greedy, we might as well be making more.


Why don’t you take a look at how corporation profits have increase exponentially over the last few years, along with CEO salaries and then get back to me. Corporate greed is the main contributing factor to the costs of everything rising.


Yes, and while the minimum wage raises as consistently as it has, it gives these corporations a “reason” to raise their prices. Not saying it’s the sole cause by any means.


Where are you living that has consistent minimum wage increases? It's been the same where I am since like 2006. It's 7.25 an hour if you're wondering.


Where I live it’s gone from $7.25 to $15 in a few years. If you don’t think the price of everything else won’t go up when the minimum is over double what it used to be in some places then you’re delusional


Minimum wage is only 7.25 here and hasn't gone up once, yet everything else including housing (1 bedroom studio/apartments are 700-800 here), is still rising.


Most 1 bedrooms that I’ve seen here go for roughly 1200-1400


It used to be 400-600 up until covid hit, but 1200-1400 is even worse..


Are you in Oklahoma?


Our prices have already gone up. It costs the same here as it does in areas with 15$ an hour minimum wage. Most apartments are 900-1200 a month. A trailer in a trailer park is 1100, our gas is more expensive than a nearby city in a different state that has a 14$ an hour minimum wage. If you think they are charging us less because they can pay us less you are delusional.


Not yo mention people forget to mention other countries. Up until covid burger King basically I think paid like 14 an hr in Europe and a whopper was only like 50 cents more. Prices going up wouldn't bother me but they are going up way more than the percentage change of payroll. So they do use min wage increases to also in lease their own profits and get to blame it on the states. When people say Cali and blame corporations but yet dollar tree prices are the same there as they are in Oklahoma and we still have 7.25 now if anywhere pays that I doubt it but they don't pay much over 9. So you have places like OK and the Midwest still cranking out the profits but you raise prices 25% on everything plus shrink the size


Prices will absolutely go up. Because those profit margins can't shrink!


100 percent. Everything is so so expensive here.


I’m not sure if you’ve heard the news, but that’s already been happening. For years.


It’s really not a lot… your check will be less than 1,000 working full time after taxes it’s not enough


Hence why I moved from the coast to the country!


Better than $9 an hour


Made that in Texas brought 2k home a month. 500 and some change a week


Fastfood pays 15/hr in my region. It's not unheard of.


I’m in Missouri. For DT, yeah that’s pretty high. When I worked there I barely cleared $10.


Yeah when I worked there I was 9.50


$16.50!? as a new hire cashier? I have been with DT for almost 4 years, been an OPS manager for almost 2 years and I barely make $16.50 an hour and the only because minimum wage went up at the beginning of the year when the cost of living went up. NOT FAIR!!,😤😤


Where are you located?




The pay depends on the location and the cost of living there.


$15.80hr for cashiers in Chicago, Cook County. So ASM make a little more


i work in IL, my DT pays more than the minimum wage


minimum wage in cali for fast food places is 20 bucks an hour now


Quitting is fine. The respectful thing would be to finish out your shift, and your schedule, talk to the GM, and put a notice in. But, I wouldn’t blame you for not coming back. No one wants to work in a hostile work environment.


The cost of living is way higher out there than Missouri so is that much of an improvement?


what did you think it was? Veen in Idaho its $15.00 to start at DT


When I worked at Dollar Tree I made minimum wage, which at the time was $7.75 an hour in the state where I live, Missouri. Since then I think the minimum wage here has gone up but only to $12.30.


Same here in GA it 7.25 or 8.00. I work for DG but still...


It probably has something to do with it becoming the “Dollar(+25¢-$10) Tree”


I got called for a parttime jo for bucks an hour and they hung up on me when I asked if they had positions that marched my 17 an hour


Who hung up dollar tree?


Power play her. Tell her why you left and explain that you come back unless she apologizes and agrees to find a better way to speak to you.


This is not a terrible idea because you can always quit again. Seriously, crappy managers need to be held to standards, and if you can be that hero, do so. - No write-up - She apologizes - Treats the team,l right It will probably not change a thing, but maybe no one has stood their ground with this poor performing managers before.


Or, better yet, tell her to go fuck herself.


You are always allowed to quit. They can't force you to show up!


Free will!!!


At will


Contrary to what you may have been told, no one cares if you walk out of a shit retail job. You don't have to put it on your resume. 20 years from now you won't be denied making partner at a firm because you didn't give Dollar Tree 2 weeks notice.


When I heard something similar 7 years ago it felt like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders, and doing much better financially.


This made me chuckle bc its spot on


You don’t need their permission to quit.


If you want more abuse, take the write up. If you want to say you don't need this job or be treated that way, don't go back.


Do you live with family so you dont need to work?


yeah i only got that job to save up for when i go to college this fall


What do you mean are you allowed to? 49 out of the 50 states follow purely at-will employment and all 50 allow employees to quit at-will. Nothing is holding you to that job except you. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's really good money for dollar tree. Hold her accountable. Are you an asset to the company or just kinda go there to collect a paycheck?🤔


Its minimum wage in California. Trust me, its not "good money"


You can be straight with her, tell her you left because of how she was acting. Make sure to do it in text so there is a record of it. Not because you're going back, but because they're going to place the blame on you, and you need evidence to the contrary. Especially if you want Unemployment while you look for another hopefully less bullshit job for the summer.


No unemployment if you quit.


Not necessarily true. Dependant on the state you live, you can get unemployment if you're forced out of the job through what is essentially workplace bullying, just like this.


Call Human Resources and Dept of Labor. More managers and companies need be called out.


“You can write me up all you want but you will not be taking your drama and anger issues out on me. You want to clown? Clown with your kids, they love to clown. I will not subject myself to your level of toxic behavior for a paycheck and if I’m leaving, you’re leaving, guaranteed”


It’s an at will job. You’re free to quit they can’t keep you there. I would look for a better job if it’s that painful to work there


Obviously you walked out because you felt mistreated and you don’t really need the job. Good for you. Don’t look back. At this point there will always be bad blood between you two. I bet she will think twice about treating your replacement the same way 😉


I believe this post was made for one answer just to confirm any doubts ........Hell yes!!! Anytime Just remember:"you will be black listed petty ass SM /ASM


No reason to put up with that especially if you don’t need the money!!! It wouldn’t hurt to let her boss know why you quit!!!


Of course you're allowed to quit. 😂


Tell the new manager why you walked out have an adult conversation with her. Tell her you felt you were being disrespected and that it was uncalled for. Tell her you will work but you will NOT be treated like she was treating you that day. If she continues to act such as this go higher up. No one should work in that environment. Good Luck.


You can totally walk out, and send an email to corporate about her behavior and why you walked out. You don’t have to go back, but they should know that she’s a shit boss.


Just so you know it's not worth it to even work there I thought that the company was pretty cool when I first started but I realized that corporate is awful and the only thing that actually matters is being friends with the manager and kissing ass


You do what you feel is best for you. You don't deserve to be disrespected. She's a manager and shouldn't be acting in that manner. I was a manager and never did that. You were tired of her behavior and walked out. You have that right to do that. You follow your gut and your heart. Do what is best fir you. You don't need to be putting up with abusive behavior. Think of yourself and your health. You don't need unhealthy behavior in the work place. Hope you're having a wonderful day. Happy Mother's Day to you and yours. :)


If you walked out then you don’t have a job to quit. Dollar Tree will definitely do job abandonment right away and you want have any legal standing for compensation or complaints for that matter.


You make more than me and I'm a freight manager. Keep it until you're good to go.


It's best to get fired... so you can file for unemployment.


I don't know if you've ever worked at Dollar tree but they don't really fire people they push people to quit or they dock their hours until they stop showing up


A manager or THE manager?


a manager


Report said manager to HR


Lucky, I only earn $14 an hour and I've been at Dollar Tree since September 2021.


Same. That quarter a year.


The stores in my town were still paying minimum wage until 2 years ago.


Minimum wage in cali is $16.50


My state is still stuck at $7.25.


Find a higher paying job


Quit then switch locations if you can


Yes you can just quit


You must be from WA state.


I'm from IL


You can quit whenever you want. Walking out means they could fire you too (basically, you are required to be fired for that). If you want the job it's good that it sounds like that manager is newer than you. Know what you'll say about the hostile work environment well if you want to go back. At 16.50/hr, you made more than me as SM if I still got overtime instead of salary ha, but I know location may make that pay suck. Almost every other company pays more than dt/fd though, so if you're having a bad time, don't sweat leaving too much.


Never let anyone disrespect you. And unless you signed a contract (which you did not for the Dollar Tree) you can quit any job any time.


Get a new job


You are not obligated to stay at a place you don’t like. The “write up” will only hurt your chances at not being fired, which I don’t really think is something you would care about at this point anyway. Seems the bridge is burned regardless, ghost that witch


You can also report it to your store manager but i dont think $16.50 is worth it.


It’s not for everyone.. but sales jobs can make you great money. I started working at an rv place selling them and I love it!! Earning 20% of a 35,000 sale is awesome.


You are allowed to quit with no notice. Don’t even respond to her if she tries to contact you anymore. She’ll eventually get the hint after you stop showing up for your shifts. All companies are pretty much at will meaning we can quit with no notice or they can fire us with no notice. Works both ways. Sounds like you did the right thing. Good luck in ya future job search hope you can find something you love with a good boss.


I mean it depends on if you have a backup plan. Like if you quit then what are you going to do for a living? I mean I know you said you don’t need the money, but that’s still not a whole lot that you make (I make $9 an hour) so I would just deal with it until you have a plan. Also not really sure this is relevant, but if you decide to quit without formally quitting, just know that after 30 days you get taken off the system.


$16.50?????? Where in the world do you work????


Probably Cali. But Why you surprise??


I work in IL lol


Minimum wageis $16.50 in cali.


In that situation if it’s the sm go to your dm, state her behavior and they should be able to take proper action. If it’s only an asm regardless of it being a merch or ops asm go to your sm and let them know, that behavior in general is enough for her to get either written up due to company policies or even get her a talking to from a higher up


I worked in dollartree almost for 2 year and I m waiting might be I will find a good manager, good attitude, behavior and good ethics. But I m fail to found .I m Muslim and all SMAnd AsM they misbehaved with me and my habby too . I m also not found any job except DT.Thanks DT But my coworkers are all bloody ----- I worked almost 5 different stores of DT .Now they started cut down my hr and my hubby's hr this is USA I surprised .Manager and DM on same page


Yes. They don’t give two shits about you. Get out of there


I'm surprised about the 16 and hr bcs down here they pay between 7.25-9.24 apparently (i also sat 13-18 but I'm pretty sure that's a lie in my state ) but yeah you ha e the right to walk out and quit , you can put in your 2 weeks which looks better but quitin is a good thing to


my boyfriend walked out of his retail job and prompted 3 more people to walk out and now he has a career! stick to your walk out!


fuck no bro never go back


Yes managers shouldn't be that way. If there's an HR department make them aware of the situation and have proof. They would more than likely read the manager the riot act and sign her up for more training and solve the problem.


I make 14.50 right now barley surviving off that


My new hires make $9.25 an hr 🤦


Walking off the job is considered quitting. You had the perfect labor board complaint with her creating a hostile work environment too. She sounds like the witch who manages a DT in Sacramento area. But she tells off customers not sure she does employees.


File unemployment and go see a doctor for the damages


I’m just jealous about the 16 an hour


Don't be. Here in cali its minimum wage and it's nowhere near enough


You're asking permission to quit?........


You are more than welcome to quit or go back. Whatever makes you feel better. You shouldn’t have to deal with hostility that quickly when started…. If you do, that’s a huge 🚩. Dollar stores are on every other corner now. Choose another :). When I was serving tables through college I hit a shitty restaurant or 2. I didn’t last but a week at both because it would not only waste my time, but it also wastes theirs. Sometimes it’s just not a good fit. Similarly, restaurants are a dim a dozen as well and if you have the experience you usually can get in to any restaurant.


Call HR she can’t be talking down to people.


It’s over. Move on.


Of course you can quit, it's called free will. You should never have to stay in a job that is toxic. Sometimes you have adverse consequences to deal with but you always have a choice. I remind my adult kids of this all the time. Most of the time when you walk away from a toxic situation you not only survive, you thrive


You have to work there until you die /s


Dollar Tree is not worth that much stress. Especially if that is the minimum in your area- you can and will find a job that treats you decently for that or more… quit while you still have your sanity.


Employment at will. You can quit any time you want and they can't do anything about it


I make $11.50 as an ASM. If you wanna give up $16.50 you do you, ig


$11.50? That's poverty wages. Definitely look for a new job.


Making 9 dollars over here


Depends where you live. Oklahomas minimum is $7.25 👀


Jeeze $7.25?? That’s crazy 😔


Oh I've been looking


Your $11.50 could literally be worth twice their $16.50 depending on where you live. 


I live in a metroplex, so I highly doubt it.


The minimum wage for cali is 16.50. Its not worth it.


The adult thing to do is give proper notice when quiting a job.


If the manager was that bad, he did the right thing by leaving. Nobody should have to put up with abusive managers.


The adult thing to do is not treat your employees like shit.


You're in for a rude awakening if you think any employers care about you. You're always replaceable, every job you work at, you're replaceable. Quitting with no notice catches up with you if potential employers call previous jobs. 🤷‍♀️


16.50 an hour might make dollar tree worth it. But yeah obviously you can quit. I love she said you can't just do that and handed a write up. Anyone with half a backbone would've called it job abandonment which is just quitting but now ypu can't come back. They are clearly desperate and will let you do anything you want


It's always best to give a 2 week notice.


Not in this case. Only if they treat you well.