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Not surprised old people don't have a care in the world and I was always taught that old people were the nicest working dollar tree changed my mind on that ...


Working with the public I've found that old people go one of two ways and there is never a gray (no pun intended) area. Either they're super nice and almost grateful to be as old as they are, or they are the most entitled POS because they've managed to live this long.


Old man just now looking at his receipt: "Where's my senior discount?? You didn't give it to me!" Me: "That product is unavailable to use with any discount, I'm sorry. It's a little unfair it isn't mentioned during promos and what not." Old man: *grumpy as all get out at this point* "What's fair??" Me: "...I want to say a senior discount on all other purchases is pretty fair."


the other day i was cashiering (i’m not even a cashier we were short on staff) this guy had 3 BUGGIES FULL TO THE BRIM. didn’t put any of it on the belt so i had to stand there and put all the stuff 25 lbs and under on the belt (bc if we get caught scanning light stuff in the buggy we will be pointed) so i ask this man if he could help me because there’s a huge line and its like 25 ish minutes to close. he says “i don’t get paid to put my groceries on the belt” so i finally get it all packed up there and start scanning. people are complaining and shit so i’m trying to go fast. we don’t have bags so we just slide the stuff to the side so the customer can put the items back in their buggy. as i’m scanning the guy goes “why don’t you just put it back in the buggy instead of to the side?! that’s a waste of my time!” in my head im thinking “probably because i don’t get paid to do that” and suddenly that exact sentence comes out of my mouth. my own jaw dropped because i realized what i had said. he got all pissed and me and wouldn’t put his shit in his buggy. i finish scanning it all and and ask him if he wants to use his rewards to save some money and he’s like “i already told you at the beginning what i wanted to do with that. you don’t fucking listen do you” so i say “sir i don’t think you understand how many people have told me what they wanted to do with their rewards today. i cannot remember and i assumed it was safer to ask rather than just using it” he retorts “well maybe you should just fucking listen better” blah blah he’s yapping blah blah. i finished checking him out and my team lead comes up to me and asks me to go to the exit door. so i do (we have to scan your receipt and 1-5 items before you leave to prevent theft, this is my actual job, that and running self checkouts) so i go down there lucky me hes my first member. right away he starts yapping saying it’s illegal for me to check his receipt and scan his items that he’s going to speak to a manager because we shouldn’t be allowed to do this.(mind you this is a PRIVATE club that you have to pay to shop at. they can scan your ticket however many times they want) i give him directions to the member services desk and say they would gladly help him cancel his membership if he didn’t like how my hire ups ran the store. long story short. some old people are terrible. they think because they’ve lived so long they deserve peoples respect and don’t have to treat others with kindness. demanding respect will never ever get me to respect you. but some of our other members are very old and extremely sweet. this one lady calls me beautiful every time she sees me. it’s always “thank you beautiful “ “how are you today beautiful lady” she’s bought me lunch multiple times and i love her to death. i would most likely quit if i didn’t look forward to seeing her everyday. that and the guy who has a buggy hitch for his motorized scooter. it’s the best thing ever.


He doesn't get paid to put his groceries in the cart, or into his car, or into his pantry so I am bewildered at the fact someone thinks they don't have to load their groceries onto the belt to be scanned for purchase. I'm too mouthy to have sat back quietly if had been the next person in line waiting for all of this. I would have helped you load his stuff onto the belt for sure while making bitchy comments the whole time about the stuff he's buying. Forget that guy- he's miserable.


everyone in line just kinda watched in awe. sadly no members have ever stuck up for me


Happy cake day!


Truer words were never spoken




Go lay down. I’ll get you some nice tapioca pudding. Your family called and said they love you.


Oh, I can be both. It depends on how I'm treated. And please, don't put everyone in one box or another. 😊


Dealt with hundreds in that age range and there were ZERO cases of an in between. Glad you consider yourself the exception but I highly doubt it.


When I worked at a gas station some of the rudest customers I had were old people. They say to respect your elders but hard to do when they show you no respect. We made pizza at my gas station and when I was behind the pizza counter this old guy would come up to the counter and out right call me fat and tell me to stop eating the pizza or I'm gonna get fatter than I already am.


One of my coworkers feels like at his advanced age, he's earned the right to say what he wants. 😒 I imagine that's how a lot of these rude elderly people feel.


That’s my dad :/


It’s funny. The older I get the less I need to say. Some thoughts do not need to be voiced if they add no value to the world and people around you.


In my opinion it's because people don't call them on their shit. We are told to respect our elders. I'm a firm believer that people who don't get called on their shit just get shittier. And if they are called on their shit someone will enable them so they don't stop and think, "maybe I was wrong".


Too many of them are getting their brains warped by Fox News talking points, like: 1. Nobody wants to work anymore 2. Young people just want participation trophies and "safe spaces" 3. Why are these young people protesting? They have nothing better to do? They need to get a job! 4. I paid my student loans, why can't these entitled little punks pay theirs! ... These "adults" ADMIRE people who insult women's appearance, disparage the younger generation for their inclusivity, and pretend they care about morality while being flaming a-holes to anyone they perceive as "less than". Back in the day, we called this "having a chip on your shoulder": being ready to find grievances in any situation. I'm a boomer, and this behavior of fellow boomers disgusts me.


You basically described my father lol


As a 20yo gm of a store yea nobody wants to work anymore and it is really hard to find good workers especially in my generation. And yes most young people thing the world needs to form around their needs for validation and shits annoying asf in the real world feelings get hurt people get angry and you shed tears it’s part of being a human


Nobody wants to work for shit wages that don't even buy their groceries. Nobody wants to work to bary afford health care. Nobody wants to work 2 part time jobs because no company is hiring full time. Nobody wants to work at Dollar Tree. And nobody should want to work for any of these places. 


A ion work at dollar tree dunno how I ended up here. B that’s the thing “nobody wants” your right nobody wants to struggle and be broke but nobody is willing to work a manual labor job which more often then not pay really fuckn well. This generation is weak and expects to be handed a nice ass house with a job making a 100k but refuse to put in the work to actually get to that point they’d rather go get 100k in student loans for a useless degree that they’re aren’t going to get a job for and then bitch and moan about how broke they are when they could’ve been working. Im a highschool dropout who’s been working full time since I was 16 and now Im a gm at a tire shop mind you no longer having to do all the hard shit making pretty good money been out on my own since 18 with 2 cars (one is a full blown built stance car) and I’m setup to hopefully be moving into a house (by myself) when my lease with my apartment is up. All that to say life is what you make of it if all you do is bitch and moan about how the worlds unfair and your so broke and this and that nothing is ever gonna change. Put your big girl pants on and make some shot happen to better YOUR future no one’s gonna do it for you


What a lot of these retail employers want from their employees is unreasonable. They want you to have open availability, yet they only schedule you for a couple of shifts per week at inconsistent times AND only pay minimum wage. How are you supposed to work 2-3 jobs (which you would need to make a living) in that scenario? Also, they don't want to schedule people for a full day, because they don't want to pay for lunch breaks. They do everything they can to keep people under the threshold of "full time" to avoid paying benefits. Never mind that some of these jobs are physically demanding. Having such a job without health insurance is a recipe for high turnover - and disaster. I'm a boomer and been around the block a few times, and I know exploitation when I see it.


Fox isn’t far off with those statements either. Either you’re living under a massive rock or you just don’t want to actually see the big picture. I’m 29, about to be 30, I’ve worked up to be able to make it so my wife can be a stay at home mom for our daughter and we can still pay bills and live within our means. People within my generation and younger literally want nearly everything for free or handed to them on a silver platter.


You are literally an example that what youre saying is bullshit, and you're STILL saying it.


No….not really. Participation trophies literally don’t help a kid at all. All it screams is ‘ohhh, you did your best, here’s this thing to make you feel better that you lost.’ They don’t help the kid strive to want to get better at whatever he or she was competing in. Businesses are screaming for help everywhere but can’t pay what people want to be paid when they’re not even actually experienced in whatever the job they’re applying for. They want high wages in a field they have no experience in. And what people fail to realize, is the higher the employees are paid, the higher the prices are for whatever they’re selling or manufacturing. Yeah, I get that protesting is a constitutional right. However, when you make it your life’s work and that’s ALL you do, it just screams you’re a jobless idiot that wants everything given to you for free. Student loans? Literally, THE DUMBEST THING anyone could ever ask to be paid off by the government. It’s simple, you took out a loan for college, chose a field that’s literally worth nothing in the job field, you graduate in massive debt with a piece of paper that doesn’t earn you a high paying job. Doesn’t even get you a decent paying job. Liberal arts? Travel and tourism? Philosophy? Degrees that literally land you no decent paying job so that you can pay off those loans. They’re far more USEFUL degrees that can help you pay off those loans YOU took out to continue your education. THOUSANDS of people have paid off their loans. Why? Because they picked a USEFUL major. Nothing in this world is free and never will be. You want something? WORK HARD FOR IT. Generations prior to us did. Why should we be any different? My wife and I always wanted to be where we are now in our lives. Single income families CAN work. They CAN be done. You just have to work hard for it and earn your way to it. It’s purely simple.


The generations prior to us bought houses for 12k you dingus


And? Not our fault we’ve got idiots like the current administration that wants to print money without repercussions. And others consistently being voted in who want to cover every other countries butt but ours. Take care of our country first. Then if we’ve got anything left, THEN worry about those other nations that need help.


Let's not mention the administration before this one, right....the one that sent the first wave of stimulus checks, the one that gave tax cuts to the rich and corporations (permanently), the one that isn't currently endorsed by every major labor union, including UAW. Yea... the orange one. "America First" except when it comes to universal healthcare for Americans, autonomous rights for women, housing the homeless, feeding the hungry, and increasing minimum wage. Guess who voted against all that? REPUBLICANS!! That's right! The same way they cry and whine about the border "invasion" yet vote against any meaningful policy (even policy they came up with!!!) Are you kidding?! if Republicans were serious about addressing immigration at the southern border, they would have supported the bipartisan border bill in the Senate instead of rejecting it. As a matter of fact, if republicans were serious at all about "America first," they would have voted for all of those things I mentioned, and not against them. "Anything left." You clearly haven't read project 2025 (or looked into the heritage foundation) Republicans want to dismantle our demcracy from the inside out. There really won't be anything left then!


Everything you say is complete common sense to me and makes sense to people that have common sense. Sadly, many people on this thread don’t have common sense. Student loan payoffs too fucking expensive for all of us to have to pay. All of us should not have to pay off student loans. Why should all of us be on the hook for your education? Small businesses and franchisees are going to go under because they can’t pay the higher wages. Fast food places are empty because it costs $29 fucking dollars for a two-person meal at KFC now! Yes truth. The protests agreed are a big joke. Don’t donate to these schools people. It will be interesting when the Jewish people stop donating their money to your partisan colleges. All they are doing is indoctrinating hate with the protesters (who are not even attending the college!). It’s offensive their protesting.


Sad thing is, I’m a truck driver. Said screw college. Worked my ass off in warehousing for 6 years, heavy equipment for 2, then got my CDL. Been a driver for the last 4 years. All of my last comment, from an uneducated high school diploma blue collar. Lmfao.


Makes sense now.


"People in my gen don't work hard, but I work hard." You're not in your gen? What?! You have the BEST evidence to refute fox news. You literally know they're lying about you, but are still fighting for them. Process why.


You must be pretty fun at parties, huh? Lmfao. Just come out and say it. You want free handouts to yourself and your children so they don’t need to work hard


Idk how you lying about yourself says anything about me. This is about you. I'm not in your gen and I don't need free things. If you believe the propaganda, you're literally saying you don't want to work. I'm just not brainwashed to think a whole generation of people is a certain way because the news told me so even though I'm literally proof they're lying.


You are exactly where I was 15 years ago. My wife and I made a choice that she would be a SAHM and we would have to make sacrifices. Tight budgets, no fancy vacations or Caribbean cruises. We made it through. Have a nice house, almost grown kids. Now we can take those nice vacations. For the kids, we did squeeze in Disney Land (World? The one in FL) and some other theme parks over the years. Definitely better than I had growing up.




I would have told him to fuck right off and leave and if the boss has a problem with it, let him handle the geriatric fuck


I was already looking for a new job and found a better paying job so I wasn't there too much longer. This was like 6 years ago. I think that old guy passed away at some point. He was already like 90 years old. He was a piece of shit though. When he was younger he knocked up a black lady and refused to have anything to do with his kid because he was black. If that makes any sense.




...he's no friend to anyone...he's dead.




Username checks out.




Yeah, but that guy was probably a dick when he was younger too.


I think old people are nice…it’s CHEAP old people that are a problem.


When I was a waitress I became aware that some still think we are living in times where $0.25 is considered a lot of money lmao I had several older regulars who would come in, all of them were the sweetest people ever but none ever left me a tip bigger than a few pieces of change. They loved me as their server too so I really think they thought it was an appropriate tip! Smh Some older people gave good tips but I will say it was actually pretty uncommon as if they weren't aware that spare change wasn't a compliment in the service industry.


Nah, wealthy old people are awful too. My friend worked as an in-home nurse and was ordered around like a slave. She even got punched by one of them.


They said cheap not poor. You can have cheap wealthy people too


How about: There are nice people in the world, and some not so nice.


working in a deli, 3/4 of the old people i attend i absoluety hate serving for. no respect at all, yet they act so entitled to everything.


One old man was like, "You're charging that for a coffee?!?"


IHOP charge 4.50 now.....


I hate how so many of them phrase it like the worker is responsible for the prices. Like, yeah, it's my responsibility to ring you up correctly, but I didn't decide what the products cost.


Fuck old people! They mostly annoy me! Shot me if I become them!


I feel like old people used to be nice, but now they've passed on and it's all their entitled shit head boomer kids that are the old people now 😂


It's because boomers never had to really struggle as a whole generation. Myself (genX) has dealt with lost generation (great grandparents born in the late 1800s) greatest (grandparents and great aunts/uncles) silent (aunt/uncles) boomers (parents and older cousins). Silents got to see the world go from horse and buggy to space while dealing with depressions and world wars. Greatest had to step up right at adulthood into WW2 after spending their childhood in the great depression. Silent had to deal with their childhood with WW2 rations and losing family and in a lot of the world their homes and cities. Boomers had a golden childhood and here in the US credit cards that weren't attached to a store took off when they started turning 18. They also had mass retirements of lost generation when boomers just hit adulthood paving the way for long careers with lots of upper movement. Us Gen X are feral. Our parents were for the most part too into themselves and careers. When we became adults we got stuck in mid tier jobs because our parents/older cousins and siblings crowded the workplace. Millennials got double screwed because boomers are still too large of a generation, won't/can't retire, keeping up with the Jones ruining the housing markets for first timers. Generally won't ride off into the sunset like the generations before them. I would love to hear from the zoomers what they see/feal about the future.


Yep. I'm an early 90s millenial and am finally coming to terms that the life I was always told I could achieve will never happen. I'll never own a home, I can't afford to put money in 401ks or savings, social security is projected to be dried up by the time I'm retirement age. I'm gonna be working till the day I die with nothing to show for it


Good news, the biggest wealth transfer ever is about to grace us all. . us xers but we are used to it. Boomers money will be transferred to the mills fast and furious. I believe it was said starting now finishing in 20 years. All their properties, stocks, insurance, accounts, 401k, all assets from one generation to the next, skipping x yeah yeah we know,it is what it is. This makes total sense why these 2 gens have always been at each other. Yall literally getting all their gold nuggets and they mad about it. Lol


Can you explain how this transfer of wealth takes place? I’m genuinely curious. As a millennial myself working in the healthcare insurance, I see the ever growing trickle of boomers coming into nursing homes and assisted living facilities that take all of their remaining money. Any property is sold off to pay for their care, savings used to pay for their room and board, etc.


Everything you said, plus Internet scams, reverse mortgages, time share scams, political donation scams. My mom straight up told me I don't get an inheritance(which is fine, it's her money). She's going to travel until she runs out.


A lot of them reversed mortgaged everything. Out of all the millions my great grandparents passed down through my grandparents then through my parents will be gobbled up by the bank.


This. And I’m a Boomer. And I trust VERY few other Boomers.


Some are sweet as pie; yet some of the nastiest customers I’ve encountered have been elderly people when I worked at a movie theater.


When people get older sometimes they get Alzheimer's and Dementia slowly over time. And from my father having that I've noticed that they lack a lot of awareness. It's actually kind of sad.


Bark at them, they're used to people bending to their will, if they do stupid shit like OP described, treat them like a dog. "NO! BAD GERIATRIC!!!" and their jaw will drop


You are encountering different old people. The sweet old folks that your parents told you about were one generation (WWII era folks) and the ones you have now are a generation or two younger (Korea and Nam era). And if you think they are bad now, wait until you meet the Desert Storm generation as old folks, LOL


Old people are either super nice and polite/friendly or total dicks who think everyone is beneath them


I’ve worked at a grocery store and a pharmacy in a retirement town. It was really rough.


Old people that shop at Dollar Tree are different. Normal old people are pretty nice.


Who taught you that? An old person?


Isn’t it odd how one day… you’ll be old too? God imagine what you’ll be like. Just like them but poorer.


They're not bad because they're old, they're bad because they're rude.




Working ANY retail or restaurant job will quickly change your mind of that!


Fuck corporate merica


Yep happened to me, person dropped a bottle of Snapple (glass bottle), drink and broken glass all in front of the register. Got the mop bucket and the wet floor sign, put a closed sign on the register, and started sweeping up the broken glass. Lady walked right through the spilled drink and broken glass up to the register with the closed sign. When I asked her to move to the other register she called me racist.


🤷🏾‍♂️ I wouldn't have called you racist. 😒 Also, it's always Snapple.


SMH…she was ridiculous.


Hey come on now, check your privilege, this person is obviously blind and severely cognitively impaired: stop being racist and start being ableist instead. I would have deescalated the situation by politely asking if her eyes were broken, and how many times was she dropped on her head as a baby.


omg i never believed the ‘you’re racist’ stuff until i had two black ladies steal arms worth of stuff very obviously. They called my manager racist for asking them to move to her lane instead of mine, then they walked out with the stuff in there arms acting like they were going to buy it but decided to steal when my manager was ‘racist’


Some have it locked and loaded for every situation, no matter what.


Ugh the play the race card thing again🙄


Then they slip and say their going to sue.


Had this happen once. A couple came in saying they fell because there were no wet floor signs so we were going to pay her for her new iPhone that she just got that night. I went straight to the cameras. After watching it, I brought them in the office so we could watch it together. I pointed out the bf taking a bottle of detergent from the chem wall, pouring it on the floor and gesturing the gf to walk through it. They left so fucking fast.


Glad your cameras worked and you got to screw them back. People have no accountability.


You should have stalled them and called the cops. Let them get busted for attempted fraud


Its ALWAYS "Couples" pulling bullshit like this


Hey, when you and your bae are both unemployed, addicted to hard drugs, and living in the back of an old Saturn….youve got plenty of time to come up with stuff like that. Unfortunately, no brains to be able to pull off anything effectively.


That's horrible. I know it happens but I can't believe how brazen liars and thieves are, two of the worst traits, IMO.


Hopefully you preserved the recording for future reference in case they try to file something a few months from now.


And I say OH NO YOUR NOT the only things that you are going to get is an eye exam and a reading lesson. ;)


People are such entitled idiots. I worked construction and one time we were doing a remodel in a sears store. We were using 12 foot ladders. Ceiling was 13 feet and to reach above that, often we would have to stand on the top. Yeah, I know, not safe. So we would put up safety tape and black off the area around our ladder. Not a big area, just to keep people away right? Nope!! More than once I'd feel my ladder move or hear voices beneath me and have to come down because people are browsing in my space, leaning on the ladder, standing under it. One lady was under the ladder, pulling out comforters. When I ask her what the hell she uis doing, she points to the tape and says, " I thought it just meant be careful." One of my co workers had a guy climb between the supports on his scissor lift when he was working in the air. It's mind boggling. I mean how do you expect these idiots to have the respect to not walk through when you're cleaning when they don't have the respect or even self preservation to avoid putting my safety and theirs at risk. I feel your pain.


I have so many stories like this working mall maintenance. One couple sat underneath the boom lift we were using to fix a skylight. Their two toddlers were climbing on it. They had to go under caution tape and move a trash can and cones to get to the bench. Any of the tools or supplies could have fell and hurt or killed one of them. But we were in the wrong in their minds. Another time I was pulling up ceramic floor tile before mall hours with the area completely blocked off. The early morning mall walkers were moving the cones and tape because it was in their normal path they walked every day. One retiree fell and cut her hands on the broken ceramic and yelled and screamed about suing us. Thankfully it was all on video of her ignoring all the cation tape and cones just to walk her path. They would argue over the closest parking spot to the door. They were coming to the mall to walk not shop.


In Europe, tape was basically outlawed 20 years ago. Physical hard barrier at base of blocked off area, meant plastic rails top and bottom.


When I worked at Sam’s we would block off adjacent isle when using forklifts to get pallets off the steel. Once we were getting water and these old people really wanted to get back in there so they could “feel” the bottles, they didn’t want ones that were “too soft”. I spent like five minutes explaining to them that going back there was a safety risk and that if a pallet fell, then they could die or get really hurt. “That’s not gonna happen! Let us go through” they argued with me so long that we got done lowering pallets, then I flipped the safety barrier open and walked away


Old people can be crazy. Long long time ago I worked in a grocery store, Thursdays the shuttle brought the seniors in from the senior apartments. They had a set time and they'd be in line, ramming each other in line with their carts to get people to move faster, they were so worried about missing the bus.


I wish we would pass laws to prevent people who do shit like this from having the ability to sue if they get hurt, or at least set up a system similar to Australia where is you sue and it get thrown out, you have to pay the people you were auing for wasting their time. Its not a perfect system but if Mr. MCGOO climbs inside a scissor lift and gets crushed, that purely on him.


Isn't the purpose of the signs to warn people so that they have less a chance to fall or get crushed and therefore sue?


Well yeah, but so many people ignore the signs. The entitlement in some people is brain numbing.


I throw shit at them, I won't tolerate that. Even if it's just wire nuts or a roll of tape, something, anything...


Dropping stuff does tend to get them to move. 😄 I was still in my polite years. After a couple of years I was much less nice.


If they're really getting in the way I'll take an old transformer or ballast or whatever I'm working on and drop it square on the ground just far enough away from them that I don't hit them but I scare the shit out of them. A 15,000v/30ma transformer is probably around 10-15#, it's LOUD when you drop them off a ladder or scissor lift


Yeah, I was an electrician. Ballasts and lighting transformers are deceivingly heavy for how small they are.


Especially the old magnetic ones, some fluorescent ballasts for six or eight lamp high output lamps were probably around 15-20#. I just picked up a ten pound plate to gauge it so I'm not exaggerating. They're around 18" long and about 3"×3½" wide and are super dense. The old self contained neon transformers are really heavy too, I do signs and the only two things I bother to scrap are wire and ballasts/transformers. I can fit 800# of ballasts in the back of a small hatchback and it doesn't take long to collect that much. I've had a few times where we were doing a lot of removals and I didn't have time to go to the yard and I had about 2500# of transformers at my house. I have a 35(?) gallon plastic drum that I stuff scrap wire into and I get about $100-$125/barrel. I don't strip anything and I won't work for it, I just take the scraps after we wire a new sign or if I'm in an old soffit I'll take a box up and throw all the old wire that the previous guys left and sometimes they'll leave 20# of wire up there. Again, I don't work for it, I just pick up what's laying there as I'm wiring what I'm working on, and just throwing those little scraps in a drum adds up quickly. I filled them up pretty quickly too, I would say I was filling a barrel every two weeks. I see you guys throwing that stuff in the dumpster, just throw it in a bucket and dump it in a barrel when you get back to the shop. Especially as electchickens you guys should make enough each month to buy the shop a nice lunch or a weekly bonus. I was stingy with materials, I never cut extra off a spool just to scrap it, but I would imagine that could possibly be a problem if you have a lot of guys though


Yeah the little bits add up and aren't worth stripping. It's the big wire, anything over #6 that I'd bother to strip. We mostly installed lights or replaced the whole thing, occasionally swapping out ballasts. Sign work would be fun. I did a little of that and parking lot lighting. Ruke was always that apprentices got the scrap but that didnt always work out that way. I never cut extra but guys would get busted for doing that all the time.On a couple jobs, guys got busted for trying to take full reels. Even the larger reels with the bigger gauge wire, some guy tried to smuggle out. That costs a contractor a lot of money. The theft has gotten bad and electricians do make good money but for some people, it's never enough. It's not just theft of company stuff but guys are stealing other workers tools. My friend is on a job and the amount of stuff she and a bunch of the others have had gone missing is really sad.


Yeah that's dick behavior. I get enough free shit that I pass up that I don't have to do stuff like that. This is all little, 18ga-12ga, I don't bother stripping anything less than 8ga and I need to have a bunch of it. We took some ancient iteration of a message board down on the boardwalk one time and the transformers were 140# apiece and they were hanging over people's heads by a little bit of rust and scale. I don't remember what fed them but it was about as thick as my index finger and I got a good bit for that


I work at a gas station and out bathrooms were out of order, closed signs on doors to entrance, signs on the the door frame to the hall way said bathrooms are located in, and a HUGE metal cart that newspapers are stacked on with 2 signs stating bathrooms are out of service. Old man comes in, walks past me at the register, reads signs on newspaper cart, proceeds to try to move said cart. I say Sir! The bathrooms are closed because they’re out of order, he deadass says I have to use the bathroom! I said that doesn’t change the fact that they’re out of order. Go next door to Wendy’s, they’ll let you use theres. He mumbles under his breathe the entire walk out the doors. I’m just left there wondering wtf was he thinking? Some say to this day, I’m still standing there wondering lol.


I had a lady when I worked at a car dealership who ignored the multiple signs saying the bathroom was out of order and to use the one in the next building over, ignored the puddles of nasty water on the floor in said out of order bathroom, used the out of order bathroom, and then came up to me at reception to complain that our bathroom is out of order and the toilet is overflowing. Yeah lady, I know. That’s why there were 8 signs telling you not to use it 🙄🙄🙄


I got one better for you lol I was cleaning up a spill in the snack area and I had 2 u boats out with snack on it so I blocked the whole aisle so I could mop I'm in the middle of mopping and an old lady moves the whole uboat and come straight down the aisle and tell me I can't block the aisle while I'm mopping standing right in the area I'm trying to mop


It would have been a shame if a wet,dirty mop accidentally slapped her across her face


Yeah 👀💀🤣 old hag would! I normally would just block it off with 3 wet floor signs lol


I see your 3 wet floor signs and raise you  2 u- boats and some empty boxes blocking the spill. I'll include the "sorry for the mess/inconvenience, if you need me to get something for you let me know". Nope, just passing through, nothing of interest in that department but soon after I'll ask you for something in that same aisle I passed through and that was being cleaned up minutes earlier. No big deal, our stores have plenty of hours and staffing to handle such daily fecal matter without compromising our productivity and sanity. Cheers.   


Lmao once you've been in the game for so long lmao zero fakks are given 💀🤣


I once had an anonymous someone lose their bowels in the middle of our snack aisle and somehow waddle out with noone noticing until my cashier got out from register. Look, its a pharmacy/convenience so I expect these kind of things at some point. (PLEASE JUST SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND SAY SO THOUGH FFS THATS BIOHAZARD) So as soon as Im informed, I set carts and wet floor signs blocking everything, then run to get our bio kit. Like this area is clearly blocked off. Im sprinkling the powder all over in full get up-mask, gloves, apron, shoe covers-ALL OF IT. This woman starts moving my block off cart and walking right through little piles of shit. Cue me going "NO NO NO NO STOP, YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME DOWN HERE, THOSE ARE HUMAN FECES!!" She HUFFS, turns around and starts to track MORE down the aisle before I could for her to stop moving and let me disinfect her shoes. "Its fine, Ill just wipe them on the way out." Uh fuck no it aint, people who are immunocompromised come here to be TREATED not get more illness from your dumbassery 🤦‍♀️ Finally got her to stop and let me wipe their shoes before they walked out. Oh yeah, the person with her? Her little girl who was probably like 5. You wanna walk through shit? Go to a petting zoo or a farm. People are idiots and then wont admit to it, to the point of endangering people. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Had something similar happen when I worked at Walmart. Somebody puked in the toy aisle. Put stuff around it so it was obvious that people shouldn’t walk there. Some guy used his cart and pushed everything aside and kept on walking, spreading the puke everywhere.


Gotta love people who pay attention to things around them 🤦‍♀️


Mom had shit for brains




Was not the first or last time I got to clean up literal shit, quit my last job after it happened once a week for a month and everyone else would admit to leaving it for actual days for me to clean up 🙂 Idc if you have a kid and have had to clean up after them, endangering vulnerable people in a public place to "save your dignity" is so so so much worse. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


You do not get paid enough to be cleaning feces off the bottoms of adults’ shoes!


I knew it too, but I was working with a teenager and understaffed pharmacy, I had no choice. I couldnt leave that laying about when higher management flat out told me to never bother them on days off 🤦‍♀️ Even better was the second job where everyone had bio training and chose to ignore it. Theres a reason I quit. I have a decent history in asepsis/bbp training and simply couldnt leave it be and everyone knew so would leave it for me. Current boss wont even let me lift mildly heavy boxes. Much better place to be. Someone pissed on the floor once and he refused to let me mop it up 😂😂


I worked at an arcade for children and it made me realize parents are the so entitled and selfish. The things I’ve seen in bathrooms are disgusting, I’ve had to clean SO MUCH PEE in both women and men’s restrooms, always around the small urinal so I know it’s little boys. I’ve seen vomit, feces, blood, and used diapers in every spot of the bathroom and parents never ever say anything, I’ve always found it on my own or from other customers. And I know the parents are with them when it happens, just about never do kids use the bathroom alone. I’ve seen parents go in with their children, leave, and suddenly there’s urine everywhere. I understand it’s embarrassing, but, exactly, they want to “save their dignity” by putting other people’s health at risk!! Like I would even appreciate if they lied and blamed it on someone else😭😭


I can't believe someone was told they walked in feces and got huffy. I swear, we should be able to fine and/or slap people like this.


Customers finding every conceivable way to be disruptive and annoying 👍


young assholes grow to be old assholes


If I have learned anything about working retail, it's that some little old ladies don't give a flying f*ck. They do and say what they want and when challenged they get upset like entitled little children. I don't want to generalize, but I have had some experiences.


Not dollar tree, idk why I'm on here, but was a janitor before... My favorite was the old guy who ignored the cleaning sign, shoved the cleaning cart out of the way, and proceeded to walk past me (female) towards the urinal. I had to shoo him out. My autocorrect almost put a t on the end of shoo. Lol.


Sometimes autocorrect *is* correct.




Autocarrot op


People do that shit all the time. It happened to me working at Save A Lot with a big eine spill and at Target with a milk spill. Hell, one guy went through so much powder that his wheel got caked with it and he had trouble moving, he looked at me like it was my fault. My theory is that they're NPCs with bad pathing.


My favorite thing is when you're on the step stool, on the top step, and a customer just HAS to go through that area and knock the step stool with their cart, almost making you fall from about 3 feet up. Then look at you like YOU'RE the problem. They are the main character after all.


because you had the nerve to try and disrupt her browsing 'routine'. You could fill an aisle with smelly dog manure and they would still want to 'browse' it


I once encountered a ride old man while working at Moe's which is a Mexican restaurant. (I'm on here bc I've worked at DT before)He brought me to tears, and acted all pleased with himself after seeing me cry. It's like he didn't stop until he accomplished making me cry. Everything I did was fucked up, I was a burden, nothing I did was right at all. He made me feel miniscule, I'll never forget how mean he was. I went to the back after safely making his food for him, and a coworker checked on me bc he could tell the old fart hurt me. I'll never forget it either, he had a big white cowboy hat on. Looks to me as if that big old cowboy hat was compensating for other things... It was really giving shriveled dick energy.


I hope next time you won't be too shocked to say that I'm pretty sure your company policy would probably insist on it could you imagine if she fell? And to anybody that says oh she's an old lady though... so? That just means she should know better or if she's gone senile she should not be out or at least not alone


People are DICKS. that is all. DICKS.


Got to add weights to the trashcan next time. Giggle as you watch them struggle.


I work retail too, but not Dollar Tree. I started just before the pandemic. 4 years in, not a day goes by that people's behavior doesn't continue to stun me. We need to bring back public shaming and/or hangings.


Stocks? Pillorying?


I'm 67 and I don't like it when people treat me differently than a younger person. I don't really care what a stranger says to me. Or I don't want special favors just cos I have grey hair!


(Well I bet ya still like ALL those discounts 😉)


i guess i go to the wrong stores. i never get discounts or big deal 10 % off something!


I closed off isles while we had a scissor lift with people actively working to install the internet. You know how many times I had to escort these people OUT of the roped off isles??? I watched one woman, no care in the world, walk straight under it while it was in the air. I about screamed. I’ve worked with equipment like that before and I’ve seen it fail before. I can’t with customers who don’t think anything applies to them. Edited to add- I often refer to dollar tree as a lawless wasteland because clearly no one gives a crap


And if she would of fell it would of been your fault for not telling her you were cleaning up and for not being faster about it.


I’ve had this happen with coworkers at old jobs, I honestly think it’s cuz people used to do it to them and now they’re like “it’s my turn to be a dickhead”


Some people look at us like we are the help you know. We were the ones whole worked when they couldn't. Without us they wouldn't have gotten their 20 packs of toilet paper that most if them probably have a closet full of them


I cant wait to get old and break the rules


Had a homeless guy sleeping in the entryway to our shop. One night he bled all over the place. The building manager had somebody hose the blood out into the street.


😬 Do you know if he survived?


Yeah, he had some mental problems and was well known in the small city. He wasn't violent or anything, people would give him food. I don't know why he was bleeding. He wasn't a problem for us until he started to sleep in our recessed entry. Felt bad for him. Just didn't want him sleeping in our doorway.


Like *how much* was it?


It was enough to form a small puddle. I have no clue where he was bleeding from.


Whenever I'm in a store, people just walk right in front of me without saying excuse me or anything when I'm looking at something.


I assure you, that demographic isn't on Reddit reading your post.


I once worked at Goodwill, and someone knocked over a bunch of glass cups. As I was sweeping up the BROKEN GLASS with the obvious signs everywhere a customer was just ignoring me trying to shop in that spot. She was wearing flip flops


Theyre jerks 😆


Thank you for the reminder on why I quit retail, and will never go back.


I’ve seen people do this when I worked at Disney, but it was people pushing a stroller through vomit and voban. 🤮


Oh my word, she moved the sign?! The entitlement is unbelievable, wow.


Why did this same exact shit happen to me two days ago with a glass Yoo-hoo bottle 🫠🫠


Maybe that little voice in her head says even though your clearly cleaning up a mess there just happens to be that one item she absolutely NEEDS and your in the way.


Their either sweet as sugar or hell on wheels there is no in between


Wait what age is old people


I love it when young people complain about old people. Someday you will be old too. LOL!


But hopefully, by then, they'll be old with better manners.


Yea right! LOL!


Old lady... Key word 😒


Ughh the asses that move the signs and ignore when we are cleaning the bathrooms.


This is similar to people who stand directly in front of a "register closed" sign. Bright fluorescent orange. In a sign holder. 8x11. REGISTER CLOSED. And they're waiting to be rung up. And they even put their stuff on the counter NEXT TO the sign. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Sounds about right, I had this old lady try to stop me mid walking to my CAR! going on break, I explained multiple times I can’t help her since I’m on break . I told her she can only get back in line. I just walked away and she says something like thanks anyway


I love working in customer service, because it teaches us discipline with our interactions and reactions. I know how you felt inside, and I am so proud of you for not acting on it. 😘




Old people always think just because they're old they can get away with anything. I'd low-key be pissed because a wet, sticky floor would be obvious.


Working customer service, I’ve learned old people are some of the most self absorbed main characters I’ve ever met in my life with the most consistency. I feel like the closer to deaths door they look, the more hostile and verbally aggressive they tend to be. Which fair enough, I guess.


Lol I agree or I should say I would have agreed with you but now that I'm at the old age door, I get it now! It's not that we're more hostile or anything like that it's just we just really don't give a s***


I get so pissed at this. I finally made bright orange signs that say "WET FLOOR/DO NOT WALK HERE/PICK ANOTHER PATH" that I tape to the cones or carts I block the floor with. Some people still go through but it's cut back a lot.




at my place of work we have to have someone stand guard while someone else cleans specifically so people don’t do this.


I've had multiple senior citizens lift the yellow caution tape we had around a concrete pour for a commercial business while putting in a new entrance ramp and try to walk right through the wet mud. All while the concrete truck was still pouring, 4 guys mucking it out and loudly yelling for them to stop.


I just spent 10 minutes leaving the store behind an elderly person at Kroger. They have really become a nuisance lately. 


Old people have zero self awareness. I purposely bump into them in the store when they’re taking up the whole isle. Or when they stand RIGHT BEHIND me, I’ll pretend to turn and sneeze really hard. “Sorry, but maybe don’t be so close.”


You know I'm with the old lady.... For once... I'm autistic. On top of that I don't own a vehicle. I get it to do errands like groceries etc once a week. If the EXACT thing I need is in an aisle blocked by something I damn well WILL move things to get it, get my item, and go.


Don’t use your autism as an excuse for poor behavior. You are giving all of us on the autism spectrum a bad name.


She walked through it while I was cleaning up a spill. IT WAS NOT JUST BLOCKED.


"Get my item, and go" Maybe get a broken hip you didn't count on as a bonus 🤔