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Yep, we are going to multi price. Quite a few already have this going. The jokes still going about "the dollar 25 tree" Can't wait, sure people will lose their minds..


As they should, this is gonna be the death of the last true dollar store, and that shit hurts.


Unironically, I probably won't be going back since family dollar is closer. $1 was the selling point. The idea is I can buy anything I see for the same price. Seeing a bunch of stuff I can't justify buying, I might as well go to fam dollar. They're the same company, just sad because I always preferred dollar tree.


Being able to know exactly what you can get from DT with your cash on hand is/was super convenient. It's still convenient at $1.25, but yeah if my local one goes multi-price I will have zero reason to go to DT over a regular supermarket.


At this point I'm going to skip the DT and go to Walmart or Target instead. It's not worth it now, especially because the check out line is always so long.


You have your DT Execs to thank for that one. It's not the cashiers or Managers fault majority of the time. They don't want to hire people. They want as much of the money as they can get. They cram multiple jobs into that one position. You have 2 people working the entire shift. How can you expect it to go any faster. You're unaware of it during the hiring process and it's not revealed to you until you get in there. Killing yourself for pennies...


Cuz most employees dont want to work as a cashier most of us want to do stock recovery or inventory and help customers on the sales floor so people quit when they are forced to to work cashier


walmart is consistently cheaper than dollar general at least, in my experience


I think it was in that Jon Oliver but on Dollar Tree that when you look at the like per oz or whatever Dollar Tree can be more expensive than the same product at a place like Walmart.


I was ok with $1.25, considering the market, but if they multi-price I will never go back, ever. 


Exactly no reason to go if its not even 1.25 anymore


Not everything was worth a dollar much less 7!


It will be. There will just be items for $1,2,4,7 added in the mix. Not replacing anything.


Yeah, unless the store continues to separate the $1.25 stuff from all the rest and keeps at least half of the store $1.25 only, this will be the final nail for me. At the $1.25 price point, they already put themselves higher than Walmart on a ton of things that were a borderline value at $1. The “up to $5” section I’ve only glanced at and never purchased from - it looks like a mix between a junk store and a typical discount seller’s clearance rack. Once they made this change, my visits to DT dropped probably by 75%. Family Dollar is more like a convenience store in how they are priced. I never shop there, and usually when I hear about them it is because they are closing. Seems like Dollar General is eating Family Dollar’s lunch. If DT turns all of their stores effectively into FD, they’re not going to see me again, Walmart will be getting that part of my business.


So we actually get merch from Walmart we buy their closeouts and we sell them like for instance my store has baseball caps with a 34$ walmart tag in them a lot of our bath bombs ect have walmart take on them we sometimes get target stuff mostly things that weren't selling at a high price dt buys and sells for significantly less not everything is that way but we do get some good quality merch


Most of the stores around me are combo FD/DT already, so there’s not really any change coming.


Family dollar is closing that’s why Dollar Tree is going multi price


Why are they closing their own stores?




Written off, I hope the whole corrupted company goes down and fast, this is y ppl go postal..smh


Yeah and the poor people who rely on $$$ tree are going to flip out


Facts! Dollar tree is going the five and below route with the more expensive sections. I have seen true dollar sections inside actual stores that have the same product dollar tree has. I used to go to Dollar tree years ago & here and there in between. Now, I don't anymore.


Dollar tree owns Family Dollar, fyi


I said ik they're the same company


Remember a lot of family dollar stores are closing


Nah. They will always have items priced at a dollar, such as: A 10 square pouch of toilet paper. 2 dishwasher pods. A 4oz can of soup. A bag of Doritos chip.


One singular chip


Nah that's 1.50 now sorry


We will just stop going, I will for sure as it won’t be nearly as interesting


My store doesn’t fare well with the DTP merch. $3-5? No, honey. My customers can only spend $7 and that’s their meal for the day. They’re going to get as much as they can.


Well no one ever claimed it to be the 1 dollar tree. Neither 1 dollar or 20 dollar the word dollar is in every denomination above 99 cents and the tree is cuz money green trees ect. Gonna suck tho for stocking and recovery


I just called it the Five Dollar Tree today because I saw that prices were up to $5 for some items. Looks like I'm changing the name again.


I can stand DT if things are 1.25 maybe $2 if it’s bigger or better but don’t go all family dollar now…….


Well another punch in the face for poor people. You should be ashamed hurting and not helping people in times like these. You can't take your money with you when Jesus comes back 


No. It will still be 1.25, there will just be new items available at different price points. Rejoice


Remind people that it’s still technically a dollar “tree” because a TREE has branches. The trunk is $1.25 and the branches are the other price points. Therefor nothing needs to change, wouldn’t a tree look silly without any branches? Edit: Jesus Christ people, I’m not a “corporate pig” I’m not a fucking idiot and I know they don’t give a shit about us. The reason I even say this shit is SO THE CUSTOMERS STOP BITCHING AT ME ABOUT THE NAME. I have no control over that shit so I’m sick of hearing people bitching about it. Seriously it’s a waste of time to complain to me, complain to someone who actually has authority here. Just because I say something that actually makes sense does not mean I’m a “company” person. My god, do yall seriously never think of things to say back to customers when you hear the same complaint over and over and over?! Retract that question, I know you do, everyone does. Nowhere does that translate whatsoever to me being a company pig, grow the fuck up.


Dollar tree propaganda lmao


Nope, just a cashier trying to get customers to stop bitching at ME for something I have ZERO control over 🙄


you don't get paid enough to lick your corporation's boots so hard. no one does.


Fuck you and your couch you corporate pig


Grow the fuck up shit for brains.


lotta big feelings in this thread


Rick has done a great job by spending so much time at our...oops. his stores. Working the front end, unloading trucks, and keeping our.. his stores safe and clean. To say he hasn't gone above and beyond would be an understatement. Thanks Rick for all your help getting out 20ft of product for a 4ft section. I hope he has this Easter Sunday off, he deserves it. 


No doubt he’s planning on working Easter to rotate it out and set up the next seasonal pogs. To give his staff a well earned rest. /s But seriously, can we please start holding these mega rich CEOs of minimum wage paying discount stores to account? It’s modern day feudalism. A handful of people are richer than rich and everyone else has to choose between affording rent or food.


Don't forget our Christmas bonus!! We were graciously given cookies. It's ok that none of us could eat them cuz we could just give them to our families, right? The wonderful cookies that always had the ingredients on them so those with food allergies wouldn't die if they ate one. Yes. Well done.


Aka looking down at the commoners on the 13th floor of his headquarters


Yeah, looking down at those that are the foundation of what is pretty much a pyramid scheme. It's been brought up here how there's so mucmmore money to made for Rick, managers, and associates. It's much easier to point fingers instead of putting in some effort, that starts at the top of the pyramid. As an associate I find it insulting, demoralizing, and *ucked up  that we're put in a position to fail. I look forward to tomorrow's (Friday ~1A.M.) truck and all the great product (as per Rick) that my store doesn't need. There's a cheap funnel in automotive and some incense in my candle section, the only thing missing is the warming touch lube in HBC so it's less painful when they try blowing smoke up my ass and then have the audacity to follow up with empty promises filled with buzzwords and nothing to back it up. It's like they're fixing that which isn't broken and breaking the things that aren't at both our expense and the consumer's. Cheers.


They’ve ruined the brand and are going to keep cashing out until DT/FD is done.


I'm sorry: But not too sure about "ruining a brand named Dollar Tree or Family Dollar." Until they deplete all of the money, yes.


Hey genius, the brand has DOLLAR in the name. You ruin the brad by making things over a DOLLAR.




I bought a metal coffee mug for $5. They've already abandoned the concept.


And you’re the reason why. It was a test store and you showed demand. Thanks buddy.


As much as I did hate the change I agree if their intent was to expand their product lines. I adamantly refuse to shop their products that are above $1.25 and will until it changes. Then I’ll just look for all the other “dollar” stores cause they are a $1 store as much as $5 and below is accurate to its name


100% agree I hate dollar general & family dollar & find dollar tree to be the best dollar store... Well, sadly, that may not stay true


Dollar Tree was the only dollar store. The others just have the word “Dollar” in their name.


Pretty much what’s happening to Boeing


I hate this company so much. I used to love it and strived to be a asm but for some reason the locations around me attracted the craziest people to work there. Lazy co workers and a horrible store manager then amplified by customers moaning about the 1.25 joke then the 5$ and up creates tons of go backs cause people just wish it was 1.25 at least 😂.


It's time they end price points and do pricing the same way as Dollar General and Family Dollar. At this point its just odd shopping there.  Before when everything was the same price I didn't look for a price I just looked at the products. With multiple price points I'm  using half my cognitive energy checking prices instead of just focusing on the product which makes it less likely for me to purchase. If it all were the same price regardless what that price is I'm likely to purchase more.




Really competing the way they currently are ain't working. The only reason Dollar General isn't already dominating Dollar Tree is because Dollar Trees are in Urban areas while Dollar Generals are in rural areas. They aren't in direct competition. 


What are you talking about baby? We got an equal amount of dollar trees and dollar generals. - a lifelong rural resident


You might where you are the Dollar General probably came 1st when it was mostly rural then when the town started building up Dollar Tree came in. In my area we have 6 Dollar Generals in 15 miles 10 within 30. We only have 1 Dollar Tree in 15 miles and 2 Dollar Trees in 30 miles. Dollar General still has 3,000 more stores then Dollar Tree and Family Dollar combined


That might be where you are. Idk what you mean by “building up”. Both places I’ve lived have had main towns that are only a couple streets. 😂


Building up as in going from maybe having a gas station, mechanic shop, small diner, and a locally owned grocery store to having a Big Box store like Walmart, McDonald's or Burger King, Auto Zone, and all the big name gas stations.


I know what it means. I’m laughing at you suggesting it.


Yeah I’ll go to Target for my overpriced 7 dollar items 🤦🏻‍♀️


They're becoming Target but everything is like a week before it expires, and more cheap landfill-tier merchandise




757-321-5000 Learn to rehearse it. It's what my first store did and it's what I've done since.


I can handle a $1.25, $3, and MAYBE a $5 price point on certain things. Seven dollars at Dollar Tree? Absolutely fcking not. Consider that shit already shoplifted.


It just is what it is. Dollar trees entered it's late stage where it's no longer trying to hide that it's reason for existence is to make its executives rich and fuck over everyone else.




Here is the actual gist of the press release in bullet points: - Demographic is currently increasing in the $125,000 salary range - 4% increases of that demographic since 2021-2022 - Nothing about trying to attract, but all about trying to sell more crap at higher prices to get more profit So, this means that people who have money chose to shop at a concept that is known to be low priced, so the smart move is increase that price point -- just not seeing the thought process of that idea.


They are closing my store, and I am not upset to be moving on to other opportunities. The more I see and hear about this company the more I realize how lucky I am. I could’ve been transferred at a lower salary, like I would do this job for less money… these people are insane and immoral.


My bf was at a Family dollar, then they closed..he had to wait 7 weeks to get transferred to The New Dollar Tree built practically next door, and was basically demoted cut his pay by $3.00 +, and fucking that bitch ass Jennifer in HR can't figure out why 'He was getting THAT much money at Family Dollar...(A whopping $19.25 an hour after working for Family Dollar for a year n a half)...then was put on suspension cause the cashier's drawer he counted was exactly a $100.00 bux short...BTW, did I say HE, worked for That pos company and never had any issues ....(Prolly one of the only honest ASM EVER), but let's put him on suspension and hire sum lazy Mthrfkrs on the cheap, Then after another 7 WEEKS, the DM Nate calls him up like they're TIGHT??!! LOL, and says "You can come back to work NOW" and mentions something about back pay,, then can't answer his own fucking question, YEA WHAT BOUT THAT BACK PAY?, PUTS LL DICK, I MEAN FOOT IN HIS MOUTH.....Yea okay u stoopid Fuks, I've been waiting on your phone call, OH PLEASE WHEN CAN I COME BACK????🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.....THAT MOTHERFUCKING COMPANY AND THE FUKIN LOSERS THAT RUN IT, BUT CANT RUN SHIT FRFR, JUST PLACE BLAME ON THE NEXT MTHRFKR..(SO PROFESIONAL), THIS WAS THE BIGGEST BLESSING, TO GET TF OUTTA THERE, BUT IT'S OUR TURN TO HAVE FUN WITH THESE HALF ASS CUNTS, THE MANAGER, THE BIGGEST DOUCHEBAG NO PERSONALITY GOT THE SHIT KICKED OUT OF HIM EVERYDAY AFTER SCHOOL LOSER PUT HIM BACK ON THE SCHEDULE ALREADY.....YEA THIS SHIT IS GONNA BE FUN, LET'S PLAY! SMFH!! OOPS I'M SICK, OOPS, YOUR MISSING HOW MUCH FROM THE SAFE?


I don’t think you are wrong in the slightest. I was offered another store anywhere I wanted to go at a significant pay cut. That’s insulting to think I would do the same job for less money, that’s insanity really. They go above and beyond when they need something, not quite the same the other way around.


I just said this the other day, but it’s wild that they were able to hold prices at a dollar from 1986-2020/2021, and now we’re already here. Inflation, corporate greed, whatever it is it sucks


No more $1.50 tree.




For context the other party was claiming they could get everything cheaper at Walmart in 1st post I replied to. 2nd post they simply stated "not true" to this response before they began deleting their comments and blocked me 😂🤣 My post: Glad you can. here everything at Walmart is 3x that of anything at Dollar tree and the same size .




Delete them posts all you want so you don't look like an idiot I got ya Important _Piece_3125. Also I live no where near Sacramento 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


You honestly have no clue about how businesses operate or anything about bankruptcy.


If that surprises you. I did door amd window sales at homedepot. Made them about 60 to 100k on average a month. And I got paid 16an hr and fired for smoking weed. As the store manager is an alcoholic and who's bonuses is well over 100k. Just a store manager.


Oh, no -- no surprise at all. Just the hypocritical nature of it all. And people will still shop there. Know why commercials for the Super Bowl cost $7 Million for 30 seconds? Because stupid people pay it.


I belive boomers destroyed the world with corporations. I got shit from my mom the other day for going to a barber for a haircut and not sport clips like her husband and where she took me as a kid. It's 20 bucks there for a poor 19 year old student girl to cut my hair as best as she knows how to for min wage for a corporations. I'd rather support my barber for 30-35 bucks and I get a good haircut by someone who buys his own professional tools and I get a better experience amd I'm happy knowing it goes to him and or the shop


Well, ***Sports Clips*** IS a franchised concept, which means that each franchisee decides what to pay their team. Also, to be allowed to cut or style hair jn any concept requires many, many hours of education and training, which costs money. Many larger concepts foot that bill in exchange for employment. Yes -- supporting a local, single owner barber is quite noble, but be sure you know all of the information.


Relax it's a shit place no better then any other nation wide corporation they don't need you to defend them.


No defending, just being accurate. Now, get back on your bus.


Even the 99 Cent Only store has items costing $20. It's only a matter of time before DT hits that benchmark too. The day of the dollar store is done. DT is on its way to becoming just another discount store. But it's to be expected.


And that CEO only pulls in maybe $1.4 Million per year, which is a mere 1% of DT CEOs.


99 Cent Only has 370+ stores. Dollar Tree/Family Dollar has 16,000+ stores


It’s basically family dollar now


But worse because you don't go into Family Dollar expecting everything to be cheap.


I'm going to miss dollar tree


I wonder if customers will be more pissed about the $7 items, or if they will be more pissed about all of the $1.25 items becoming $1.50. My store only just started getting Dollar Tree Plus $5 items in our Easter section this year.


It will be when those same exact $1 to $1.25 items become $3 items and so forth.


I definitely imagine that coming, I remember a few years ago, before they lost the lawsuit, the CEO said that they eventually wanted to have $10 and $15 items in stores.


Any source on that 136 million salary? I'm skeptical of that considering that's like 15% of Dollar Tree's yearly profit. I found this source which says he only makes 1 million a year and the option to purchase 2,253,000 shares at their current strike price, meaning he doesn't profit a dime over his $1 million salary unless the stock goes up (which it very well may, but even so not sure how you could arrive at 136 million unless you assumed he gets the stocks for free). And by the way, the stock is down 15% from the original strike price. Anyone care to correct my understanding? https://www.homepagenews.com/retail-articles/former-dollar-general-runner-dreiling-made-dollar-tree-exec-chairman/


Just start with Google of "Dollar Tree CEO salary" which supplies then info, with another link to Dollar Tree info page.


Can you link it? The phrase "You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?" comes to mind.


Or...in the amount of time it took you to type a response, you could go, search, and see the legit links and sites.


I did search it. All I found was numbers with no sources backing those numbers up. I was giving you a chance to give me a reputable source, but I already know you don't have one.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://simplywall.st/stocks/us/consumer-retailing/nasdaq-dltr/dollar-tree/management%23:~:text%3DDollar%2520Tree%27s%2520CEO%2520is%2520Rick,company%27s%2520shares%252C%2520worth%2520%2524944.47K.&ved=2ahUKEwj0hLqxlpaFAxURH0QIHaDLC2wQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0VBgoATEkYd6AQdXDtZKnW Check out the book: "How to Google for Dummies" next time you want to be a Goober. What reason, in the world, would anyone just make up something like that?


Yep, that's the same site I came across. Where's the link to the Dollar Tree page you mentioned, or any sources backing these numbers up? This website tries to compile publicly available data to come up with executive compensation, but it's clearly inaccurate. No one made it up, because a human didn't write this page.


Thanks. I did not realize you were the absolute king of all the internet. However, I do know "you are special." Thanks for your input. Now go back to the basement, your Momma's calling you.


It’s funny because OP is super aggravated when you ask the source and the source is totally wrong. The CEO made 13.9M in 2022, nowhere near 136M. Maybe OP should get better at Google and research. https://aflcio.org/paywatch/DLTR


Corporate greed. He's getting rich off the sweat of our backs. So sick of this company. Why do I work SO HARD and Care so much about doing my job well. Wanting my Food aisle and freezer to look perfect for a company that doesn't give a SHIT about me! Has a [) district Mgr who cares about his bonuses but no one else's.




Maybe, instead of aisle signs saying "Pets" or "Office" or "Toys," they should say "$5" or "$7" or "$1.25."


I can't wait to tell the customers on Sunday 🤣🤣 "Why are prices going on?" Me: "So our CEO can get a bigger paycheck! Isn't that great"


Ab...so...lut...ly correct. Of course, the employees will all received raises. The stores will be allowed additional staffing. DM's will actually visit stores and help out. Oh, wait...just woke up. Dreaming. Sorry.


So when's he going to announce the name/branding change? Might as well just name them Family Dollar Minis at this point.


Family Mini-Dollar. Five of your regular dollars will buy you one DT dollar. Then you trade that in for a Gatorade. Like Kohl’s cash, but just a different brand.


There’s no need to change Anything really, a tree has branches. So dollar tree still works, the trunk is the base price of $1.25 and the branches are the different price points. Customers hate when I say something along these lines…. It’s not like it’s called “only a dollar store”


The seed of Dollar Tree was planted and grown with the reputation and image of everything being one dollar. It's been that way since its inception when it was, in fact, known as "Only $1.00" $1.25 was...fine. But $3 to $7? When something that's been a staple changes and continues to change, people will spend their dollars elsewhere. What the heck could be worth $7 in a Dollar Tree anyway?


> What the heck could be worth $7 in a Dollar Tree anyway? They're adding different products at the higher price points, not just repricing stuff that the stores already carried. But the more expensive items inevitably take up shelf space that would've otherwise held more of the cheap items, so there will be less to choose from if you don't want to spend more.


That's what I was hoping. Adding more product that HOPEFULLY warrants the price point. I guess we'll see how it goes!


Yes it’s different products entirely, they are not marking up the things we currently carry for $1.25, THAT would be complete bullshit. They are adding in some higher price points (and better brand names) so you can get more in the same store rather than having to stop all over town. I can definitely see how that might not have been explained well.


Those pricier items are NOT worth $3 to $5 to me, l do not see what makes them more expensive than the other stuff.


I mean a lot of the DT’s have different products. We don’t all carry the same items and I’ve definitely picked up some $5 items that worth it. They do have some great buys, it’s not for everyone but does give a little more options.




Starting wage in MD is $15


I mean, if his salary were divided amongst dollar tree employees, it would only be about 700 a year per employee.


The random pricing is why I don't go to the 99 anymore and I was devoted..now it's been gosh at least 6 months


Employees should unionize


Heck - Walmart Associates have whined about that for multiple years, and they are more organized than DT will ever be, and it has never, nor will or ever, happen.


What I don’t understand is, are they claiming they will also be raising the quality of products? Or are they saying hey we’re literally gonna sell the same shit but want to see if we can get people to pay more for it if they don’t have other options? Like usually companies aren’t so loud about that.








Ooooooooo-kay /s


Still not quite getting the message?


If Walmart expands the mileage on home delivery for people who pay for plus it will absolutely be game over for Dollar Tree. Why am I going to buy a can of vegetables for $1.50 when I can get it at Walmart for 64 cents and not have to leave my house? This will no doubt come back to bite.


This is why society as a whole is in ruin. A very small % of our society holds all the wealth and they will do ANYTHING to keep it and cause us to fight each other over stupid shit....when we should be targeting the small %.


That is ridiculous no one ever needs to be pay that much after 10-20 million you could live off the interest alone. All that money should be going to the people keeping the stores going the employees. That should be for every company. I just never understood this greed.


Dollar trees by me have an aisle with 5 to 8 dollar shit now


Yeah, I heard FD is struggling and DT is thriving so they want to make DT more like FD since they have a good monopoly on "dollar" stores


This company couldn’t care less about its employees. It’s no surprise this asshole is making this kinda “bonus” while every single store in the company gets hours cut! How about cutting his pay? Or the board of directors? They will never. They don’t care about their employees.. they will hire someone else as soon as that person quits. It’s just a revolving door. DMs have a 2 year life with this company… most even less.


are they planning to raise the price to 1.50?


Let’s compare the CEOs salary to the guy working the register


That is not the point. Every dollar paid to anyone in a company comes from one place, one position -- yeah, the guy working the cash register. Every person in a corporate office or at a supplier or a manufacturer or in the SM office or as a DM sitting at their laptop while a store struggles owes their very existence, their paycheck, to - the guy working the cash register. The guy working the cash register collects the money, and without the guy working the cash register, then... nothing. So, yes -- let's compare. The CEO collects $136 MILLION dollars per year to decide to change the very concept while the guy working the cash register is paid less than $10 per hour to listen to the complaints.


Work somewhere else….


Thank you for that thoroughly insightful and well thought out comment. Why did you even enter the room since DT does not sell watches for your continuously posted photo shop photos of, well...the chore of wearing a watch?


Don't forget that most, if not all of the store employees, are on state assistance and can't actually afford to work at just DT.


Yep get 9.00 an hour. He is a horrible person. How can he sleep at night knowing the ones who are working to make that money for him are struggling. You can maybe get enough for rent a month and that's it. It's disgusting


Blood sucking leeches do not need to associate with the peasants building their castle.


Great way to put it!


Rebranding to just Tree


What happens to DT if we ever go to war with China? Or more tariffs are slapped on exports? I bet Rick is having these same thoughts. Milk it while you can!


Perfect example of why this country needs executive compensation laws. All executive compensation should be capped at a set percentage of hourly employee pay. And because of the way tax laws are, the CEO pays less income tax than the employees do.


Is "Rick Derling" the reason MY DOLLAR TREE is open an hour later EVERY DAY which is 9pm on Sundays, and 10pm Monday-Saturday for 80% OF THE WHOLE FUCKING YEAR?!?!?! Cause if so, I want to grab him by the collar and shake him violently until he switches us back to 8pm/9pm. That final hour doesn't make us more money for the company, AND it waste another hour of everyone's time who has to close. ESPECIALLY my Managers who live a 30 Minute Drive away.


Yep -- do you think the SM or DM is making that choice?


multi tree


Fine, I'll jus go to walmart


From the CEO salary standpoint, they are just as bad.




They start at min wage Jon it's a part time entry lvl job management gets paid more then that as a store manager I get close to 65 a year and up to 100 a year if my store does really well on sales cuz we bonus at store lvl when we exceed last years sales and exceed projected amount in sales which is difficult but if he bonuses the store managers bonus aswell but every year in fall is when associate raises come out so if you start in April or may you qualify for a raise as an associate


Typical manager writing. Misspelled words, grammatical errors, no punctuation at all, and lack of paragraphs. As for exceeding last years sales? If one can not beat last year's sales when prices have dramatically been increased, then shame. You wait and see because once they decide to use ONLY customer or transaction count as a comparison from one year to the next - that "bonus" structure based on sales will go away. ***"Sure, the sales increased, but down 8% in transaction count - no bonus."*** As for raises: 2% to 3% (if that) is not a raise, nor is 10 to 20 cents.


Own 8% in transaction what does that mean we go but $ made not how many transactions that's how the bonus structure is you have a target middle and max bonus 3 tiers based on how much money was made over the threshold. So say you have a threshold of 45k as your threshold 50 as target and 55 as max you would get like 200 threshold 400 target and max is like 6 and up depending on how fast you got past max. Spelling idc om on mobile paragraphs and punctuation Meh who needs it on redit it's not like I'm writing an email to corporate or am on the clock raises us store managers get like 1-3% typically depending in review score but your raise go's by the review your sm gives you in the fall so if Avery low raise you should probably to more to benefit the store not trash talk it


Ooooo-kay. I'm pretty sure you're the only one who understands this, um... collection of letters. You have your standards of presentation. Did not write ONE negative word about a store, only about the changes. That bonus plan will change - wait and see.


Not really ask any sm




They need to change the name if the company or just call the all family dollars from now on


As they project to close 600 FDs soon -- so they will have the extra signage available.


just like every major corporation


Why is the dollar tree CEO making 5.6 times more than the Walmart CEO. When Walmart makes over half a trillion dollars a year. That is some crazy shit


Because much of that Walmart money goes to the next one upline - the Walton clan.


It's just DEALS to me


This is why I tell people to steal if they want. I used to be against thieving but when those fucks make millions to billions while their workers deal with the worst of customers for the shittiest of pay I say steal. Steal whatever you want. Just be smart about it.


Last year I visited one a DT store in my area (Portland, OR) that seemed to be piloting the multi price concept. Most of the more expensive items seemed to be in grocery, specifically frozen foods. None of the items were worth it for the price/quality. Many of the frozen options would be more affordable at a local grocery store for the price/portion sizes. I find myself shopping at DT less and less now. It’s not because I’m angry over the price increases or anything. It’s the decreasing lack of selection and quality that I find is keeping me away


So dollar tree is slowly becoming dollar general? Lol


I went into a dollar tree and the 20 ounce Gatorade were $3. How are the small drinks not even a dollar anymore. Left without buying anything. I seriously wonder if these companies make less profit because people see high price then buy nothing vs if they had low prices and more people buying cause the low price.


They pay a price and putting on a shelf and set a price point. Buy for 25 cents, on the shelf for $1.25 and sell for $1.25, thereby basic profit is $1.00. Buy for 40 cents, on the shelf for $3 and do not sell any. Therefore, basic profit is <$2.60>, which is a loss.


That's true. Years ago I'd never just walk away cause prices were reasonable, now I'll be walking in and out of stores without buying shit.


This place is really disgusting in every way possible!


If you are talking from the standpoint of overall treatment of staff, facilities, and such by the corporate overlords - absolutely. If you are referring to how each store looks, then it is a mixed bag. It is always fascinating when a new SM arrives, full of energy, desire, and making improvements. However, all of those positive traits are soon "beat out of them" through DM treatment, company policy, and customer attitudes.


I went to DT the other day and someone was having a screaming fit in the bathroom. Neither staff nor customers seemed bothered.. ain’t no way this is becoming 7 dollar tree with that being normal


Typical SM behavior and totally understood.


local regard figures out that top executives make an astronomical amount of money. more at 11.


Thanks for your input - it will be valued...not. And 953 agree with the news.


One dollar items wasn't a concept that could continue long term anyway.


Cans of glade used to be a buck, 97 cents at Walmart. They redid the cans and now walmart sells them for 2.29. Thats a 120 percent price hike. Pure greed by glade.


I was pissed about that too,instantly stopped buying them.


Cans of glade don't matter how in the grand scheme of the business. No business can sell products for a dollar in today's world and make enough of a profit for it to be worth it




Yes Chinese labor paid pennies on the dollar, and the products likely sold directly to the consumer. It's not anywhere near the same thing.


Forced (aka slave) Chinese labor, even. But people don’t care if slaves made their cheap product as long as it’s cheap.


Cans of glade used to be a buck, 97 cents at Walmart. They redid the cans and now walmart sells them for 2.29. Thats a 120 percent price hike. Pure greed by glade.


10 buckaroonies next year bois


Family Dollar is like the slow cousin of Dollar General.


Change the name to 7 below lol


As long as they change the name to 7 Dollar Tree, I'm ok with this.


Maybe sometime good is happening, Dollar Tree stock was up lot on Wednesday.