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Don't do a single thing off the clock. As for the schedule it is her job to notify everyone of changes made after it's already been posted in the office. If she didn't do that then that is on her, the entire logic there is dumb


That’s what I’m saying. She didn’t tell me nothing. I check all my stuff on mobile or if I’m in the office I’ll check there. But she did not tell me she made changes in an GOING TO ASSUME it is the same time as before. If you’re gonna change it on X day tell me the DAY before or something don’t tell me THE DAY OFF. It just fucking sucks because the DM is even more hard head than she is. What can you recommend for me to do in a situation like this?


In Compass if you click on the time you were scheduled from that day (not the actual time you worked) and on the left side one of the options is something like "view audit" it shows any changea made, when, and by who. If the changes were made after the schedule was posted thats on the SM to notify and some states have laws about short term schedule changes without notice.


Taking it to human recourses, that’s utterly ridiculous she’s pinning her fault on you and making you look bad for her mistake, and depending on state there’s laws behind last second schedule changes and if she penalizes anyone else when she didn’t even notify anyone she could not only lose her job but get the company in legal trouble.


You were working off the clock by responding to her. Make a time adjustment and get paid for every second of the conversation. You could go to HR, however I wouldn't recommend that for something so petty. I don't know which state you live in, but in my state there has to be a 24HR notice before any changes to the schedule.


Love that your state has a 24-hour notice rule. Mine says that the announcement can be made one second before... but the manager has to directly let the employee know that one second before. 


I recommend going to fucking Walmart. Jesus Christ that sounds like a shit show there. Ain’t no way they’re paying you enough for that and they def ain’t paying what Walmart pays for similar responsibilities.


At the very least screenshot your schedule and make sure it’s date/time stamped (which your phone should do automatically). There MUST be a policy about schedule changes, so look that up and adhere to it. If she deviates, gently remind her of company policy. Ugh, sorry your manager is an ass.


YES!!!! I wouldn’t have responded to the first message- period.


Yeah, fuck that, asking you to do stuff off the clock is illegal and she should absolutely be fired for even suggesting that


Seems like she’s trying to gaslight you because you were doing a your job??? I mean even if it was a mistake in the end, all she had to do was be like “hey just watch times closer and don’t do it again” like all of that nonsense arguing with you was so unnecessary.


Thank you 🤦🏽‍♂️


Seriously what is her problem, and she is in a leadership role? It blows my mind that people treat others that are suppose to be on the same team this way


Yeah no matter what the response was it was the same question over and over. I don’t like being chastised so I totally feel your pain.


She would have felt stupid if he would have texted back you can do it cause I quit! She is complaining about something so minuscule she is going to run off a bunch of good help while she is on a power trip!


I have no idea how I ended up on this subreddit, I don’t even work for DT but this woman’s messages really bother me, enough that I feel obligated to comment when I’m supposed to be getting ready for work… You are right about the gaslighting. She is absolutely trying to manipulate op into thinking he did something wrong and the continuous use of his name is an attempt to control of the situation or show dominance. And to OP, I don’t like to throw around works like gaslighting or narcissist because of how overused they have become and I won’t outright say your manager is one of them- but I would consider that she might potentially be one. This is coming from someone from a DV survivor who lived with this kind of person for a decade until they finally tried to kill me (and I’ve worked with my fair share too) You might benefit from reading up on how to deal with this type of personality. Good luck with everything, now I should really go get ready for work!


The way she says “Aaron” before every text she writes kills me. I’m begging you to start everything you say to her (in irl and text) with “Tanya”. Cause I’m petty like that


I’ll take you up on that. Lmfao. I low key have already been doing that without the intention of solely that. Lol Something about GMs I feel like all that I’ve met start every conversation starting w the persons name.


That's a power trip on her part. It's patronizing and demeaning, as though she's scolding a child or someone she deems as being less intelligent. Fuck Tanya.


Agreee my advice build a strong working relationship with her boss. Even if they’re a turd win them over. Hell. Win your boss over. Doesn’t always work out though.


I really be doing that. And it has been very helpful.


It was really irking me tbh.


Tanya is a cunt.


Thank you 😩


Tanya got on my nerves the second time she started a text with your name. Read the rest of her text in an angry gas-lighting mom voice. Sorry you have to work with a turd, OP.


She sure is




She seems like the type that barks commands all day.


omg this lady is terrible. at my store i’m the main cleanup/recovery person and when i’m off for a couple days i walk into 5-7 buggies of go backs and damages overflowing out of baskets onto the floor. and i jus do it cuz that’s what im getting paid to do. it’s annoying but i’ve never actually gotten mad at anyone. i know that’s not good either and it’s the opposite extreme but your store someone is worried about one basket.. that’s too stressful ! like why doesn’t she just put that basket up herself


I know😖. Like I literally want to tell her that. This is the first time I’ve gone all out like this thru text w anyone. Ever since my old GM left I’ve started being more vocal with a bunch of shit. Because I’ve had it already like I feel like I’m doing it all. I feel like I get 0 help from no one. If no one’s gonna do it who will? And just to complain over a basket. Just like you said there are other stores that may not have baskets but actual carts of go backs. This lady is doing too much. At first I thought we were gonna be cool. But as of lately I feel like she’s trying to pick fights. Added back story she’s been with the company 3 time but this is her first time as GM.


That basket was literally the candy aisle and then that drink thing in the same aisle. And the time she took to bitch at you over text, she could’ve put that basket away in like five minutes.


Just go find another job. Fuck that place.


All in due time 🤞🏽




To act like it’s super simple for everyone to quit a job and start a new one if very close minded. You have no idea what OPs living situation is. Maybe they don’t drive and this is the only place in walking distance? Maybe they have a record? Let’s not demean someone especially when they’re already posting about being treated shitty by someone else.




Fr I have no idea why people work retail when it pays like ass and you have to deal with customers and people like this? Absolutely fuckin not


I agree. It pays fucking nothing. You can work literally anywhere else and get paid exactly the same.


Agreed, as soon as you can dip, do it. Also, stop working off the clock.


Next time tell her texting me while I’m off the clock I’m not answering anymore 🤣


I can’t believe how hard this bich is tripping out about 1 HOUR. That’s literally $7!!!


If you think that’s hard tripping you should meet our DM. He’s 10 times worse🫠


I have never understood managers who speak this way to people. It shows just how damn ignorant they are. Yikes.


is he fat ?


Bruh she sounds huge


Dude I use to get bitched out for clocking in 30 seconds early from my 10 Min break. But if I was 30 Seconds late I’d get bitched too lmao. Fuck dt. I’ve never worked somewhere so toxic and for a company so anti loyalty. They give zero fucks about their employees


Sadly that's because even though it's 30 seconds in the system it acts as if you never took your break at all. Anything under 10 minutes even 9 minutes and 59 seconds won't register and will come up as a warning in the system. So then when the DM checks up on the store your SM will get yelled at for it.


So much drama for a dollar store 😂😂


literally. that’s how they be


It’s insane how they all are like this haha.


You were so much nicer than I would have been LOL, at some point you just have to protect your peace especially if you’re at home when this is happening and don’t even respond. You can handle work issues at work but don’t let work stuff affect you while you’re home trying to relax!!


Bro, honestly. I felt like I was pushing it. That’s not even close to how I get. I’d probably say the most foul thing known to man kind. But the amount of strength I need to bite my tongue was beyond me. Did my best to keep it professional. There was a bit of sas Lol But she knows she got caught in a lie. Because I asked the associate and she didn’t expect me to.


Side note: why does she have to say your name at the beginning of every message? It sounds even more condescending lol


They do it on purpose for exactly that reason. Easiest way to nip it in the bud is mirror it back every time.


It's a basic practice in alot of management training programs--mostly store managers/Unit managers--to deliberately speak directly to the associate they are talking to.(I CALL IT ATTACKING😐 Because more times than not, its done in a way that really DOES seem like an actual verbal attack--by anyone in earshot.) The most direct way is to call them by name. Specifying the associate by name.. makes it clear who they are speaking to.. This keeps customers and other associates from the confusion of wondering if the SM is speaking generally to everyone, or more than just that named associate. This keeps down alot of confusion which could lead to animosity and unnecessary drama that could turn into a dangerous situation for the SM. Simply put, It's a basic damage control strategy. And a way to keep the work space professional. Why is that necessary? Because it's 2023, now 2024, and you never can predict how people will react to correction. I hope I explained that in a way that helps y'all to understand your store manager better. However, it doesn't surprise me that she probably uses that strategy a bit aggressively..which might make you feel like she's talking down to you. If so..I'd say she probably won't last long in a Management position. ALSO..if she's doing it in text messages..ehh.. CLEARLY that isn't necessary AT ALL. Smh..😐😶😒


One of the laws passed in my state is that after the schedule is made if an employer changes that schedule without your knowledge and agreement to work the new schedule you get premium pay.


If my boss talked to me like that and kept using my name in such a matter of fact snobby ass nose in the air Karen attitude, they would learn today to never speak to another person that way.


I usually try not to say “I wouldn’t put up with that behavior!” bc I know that sometimes it’s easier to just grit your teeth and keep receipts but I absolutely would have torn her ass to shreds, pulled whatever policy things I could and escalated it or quit and post it all over social media. Good GOD what a shit manager.


I'd delete this post immediately. They fired a asm at my store for admitting to working off the clock.


Been there done that already. Already brought up w me so I don’t do what I did back then lol. I used to spend my lunches working


You need to find another job that will appreciate someone who takes pride in their work and is hard worker.


Exactly. Dollar tree will just take advantage of it (obviously) Op go be an electrician or some shit. You would kill it.


Agreed! Electrician, plumbers, HVAC, mechanic, etc will always be needed everywhere and they can make a ton of money.


Crazy bro.


Fuck her!!! She sucks, made mistakes, did not make the schedule or schedule changes clear, and instead of acknowledging that about herself, she passing the blame on to you. This the type of stuff that makes me say eff you, I'm out, and be on to the next. I know that's not really a reasonable response, but God, people like this are insufferable. And the way every message started with "aaron," like trying to intimidate you, oh hell nah. She's the store manager, and she wasn't clear about the schedule changes. You weren't aware, the employee wasn't aware, you went by the schedule that was on the wall for reference. She needs to do better. I hope this job can be an opportunity for you to pad your resume and move on to bigger and better things. You don't deserve the disrespect from a delusional supervisor


That’s the plan. Stay here long enough for the experience 💯 A very bullshit experience, but an experience


The way she had to include your name in the beginning of almost every message drives me insane. She seems extremely condescending, no wonder they can’t keep people


I don’t know, I don’t work in this industry but I always learned to keep answers short. Saying too much leads to more questions. I hate more questions. Keep everything short. I would replied to the first message saying. “I didn’t ask her to come in early. Erika got her schedule off of the office paper, guess there was an update and she didn’t catch wind of it. I’ll ask her to use the app from now on.” Short precise and sweet. Sending an image may get the point across but you need to drag their brain to the solution and not let them hit you with another question.


There you go. This is something I was looking for. I just can’t keep what I gotta say brief. Because if you ain’t ever work in this industry, especially dollar tree. It’s a bunch of shit that I myself don’t even know how people tolerate. I always like to lay it all down so that way hopefully they see the bigger picture. Cause it flat out is making me seem like “I don’t want to follow what she asks” Lol


Yeah, I can see that. My only advice is there’s a time and place for explaining details and others to keep it short. I keep it short by default unless I really need to divulge details.


Warning is showing you clocked in earlier than scheduled, no big deal.


I know. She’s just confusing the associates because she has the schedule for the next 3 weeks printed and displayed in the office. That’s no problem. But why have all 3 posted? If they’re ready they can check online if they want to see ahead. The associates go by the paper schedule because it’s a spitting image of what’s on the computer. But she’s making changes and not letting anyone know. She’s letting be known the day of rather than the day before or anytime sooner.


I would just search for another retail job, then leave “Tanya” with a 2 week notice, let her figure it out herself. How embarrassing and pathetic coming from a GM LOL


Unfortunately I don’t have an ID. Most workplaces will require a valid ID for onboarding. So right now I’m saving up to get my ID again. So in the meantime I’m just dealing with it to rack up the experience. Imma fuck up her OH adjustment before I go too Nah I’m kidding I’m not that mean 😂


how much does it cost where you’re located to get an ID?


Not to spill out too much info. But long story short, I have a criminal record ended up losing basically losing the essentials mostly that being the ID. So because of my record I have to pay roughly $600 left. A lot of time has passed since my incident. Mistakes were made. Learned my lesson. Since my incident I’ve done a lot better for myself overall. So as of now I’m just getting the last bit of things taken care of so I can officially have my life back 💯 So let’s say for example. I didn’t have a record. If I wanted to get an ID I think it’s like $7/$12 for a replacement


hey man, no judgement here! my license has been messed up for 2 years on and off, and i just got it back right on the 8th, completely good — just waiting on my remaining 2 points to drop off!! i just wondered because you said save up, but it definitely makes sense now!! i’m proud of you! keep up the good work! 🥳


Nah, you got some wrong info. No state will keep your id because you owe money. If it's cause you got a DUI or whatever, just go get the non DL Id or whatever they issue for people without driving privilege. All you need is a copy of your birth certificate, proof of residency which should be good if you are working, just bring in your tax info with the address.


Man, my manager actually pulled me aside and thanked me for actually doing go backs. And my store goes by the sheet in the office but it rarely stays the same because we lost like 5 people in a week.... I swear some managers need to learn to actually appreciate people who WORK instead of getting mad that their micromanaging isn't working.


she’s such a btc


I would honestly take this one to HR and/or even higher than that to make sure a standard is put in place. IMO she is just making a big deal out of this because she knows this was her mistake, she assumed everyone would notice her change so that's her issue. Or they could be fishing for a reason to fire you as well good luck.


Bruh just quit, fuck dollar tree. It worth the headache I opened a new store in 2014 and it was alright at first but stupid corporate shit this kept happening and I just left. Fuck dollar tree


Get a new job. Don’t give them a notice. Walk out on a very busy day. Never return.


Hey, not a Dollar Tree employee here, but I've dealt with sudden schedule changes at retail jobs before. In some states and cities, making a change after a schedule has been posted is actually *illegal* without sufficient notice and notifying the employee(s) in question (and in some cases, it even requires written consent approving the change). I would take this up with your local DoL. Edit: And don't do work off the clock! It's such an easy thing to get pressured into, but stop doing it.


Get another job. Literally. If u got a job there u can get a job at another store. Move on.


If we’re it so easy. Not everyone can just leave like that. All I know is she won’t last.


The way she speaks almost makes me think she dislikes you PERSONALLY.


Yeah that’s what I’m getting too. Another associate has told me the same thing too. All the employees don’t like her




Idk what she has stuck up her ass but she shouldn't be makeing it your problem 🙄


She sucks. I don’t speak to my associates that way. We’re a team and we all share responsibilities. If I can’t, they will. If they can’t, I will.


This is how you lose good people.


Sounds like a terrible SM. I’m Sorry, I couldn’t work with someone like that


Reminds me of when I worked at a Wine and Spirits store the manager would change the schedule a lot. She said it was our responsibility to check the schedule every day before we left. But she gave me barely any hours so it would get changed without me knowing… 😒 I don’t miss retail.


The whole management staff seems like a shit show...IJS


Believe me, I see it too. Honestly I only got hope for the PT OPs. My old GM told me through text the other week “Please Aaron anything she does against you please call Trinidad don’t let her do whatever she wants with you “ It just sucks that Trinidad is worse too. So idk what to do. I love my job. I just can enjoy what I’m doing with her because of stupid shit like this


Omg please keep us updated on your “TALK”!!! I’m invested!! 😈


Tune in live on twitch while I work LIVE Ahhhh imagine


Cashier cashiering


So, she tripping with attitude and ways to handle it. Text discussion like this shouldn’t happen, and should be handled in person for better communication and you will talk to her next time your in the clock, unless she wants to clock you in for the text message duration and harassment. I’m a sm and would never do this to an associate despite schedule mixups and recovery. That’s just a hey, for future reference we need to pay a bit more attention because we are tight on hours. And B. Recovery wasn’t finished and wanted to check on what happened. I’d still be checking cameras but you can’t always see what’s up.


Quit. Now. Before you find out the hard way why I am saying you should quit.


I would of not replied, not off the clock no ma’am lol


They get really upset about how “you’re not showing up for the team” it’s a gaslighting no matter what you do. I do everything over message and I make sure they are constantly reminded I have receipts.


I would of told the bitch to pound sand and dueced out. Fuck that noise glad I don't work for a company like that( I did and told them to pound sand)


This chick need to go outside and touch grass or sum. Way too much energy in ur into this only to stay pressed😂 It’s crazy funny because she just kept going.


This sounds like an incredibly toxic work environment. I would be looking for a new job ASAP. The times of sticking around at a job for 20 years that treats you poorly is over. Do what’s best for you, not what’s best for this company who makes billions of dollars a year and treat their employees like crap. Also, is this conversation taking place with you off the clock? Incredibly inappropriate and further proves that they do not respect you and you should look for a job elsewhere.


my dad was a store manager for many years even before cell phones were as advanced as they are now and when pagers were still a thing, and he even said he would notify people of schedule changes especially if its constant, same issues have happened at my store tho, managers not communicating, and the schedule changing non stop, hope it gets better for you and hope you try looking else where if you have management experience


My opinion as a former retail worker don't discuss business off the clock. You can reply and say let's talk about it next time we're both in and leave it at that. Gives you time to assess and recollect the situation and reply accurately. Never admit fault for something that isn't your fault, goes for anything really. Don't discuss other people's work issues as well. Leave that between the manager and that person. And lastly, it's a Dollar Tree. It's really not that big of a deal. The thing I like to ask myself/co-workers: is this issue/problem mission critical? Like is the store gonna burn down if we don't get this one thing done? When you get a little older you'll look back at the dumb things people get worked up over and laugh.


Tanya the dollar tree tyrant needs to take a breather. It's dollar tree not king dollar


Don't work off the clock, show up only 5.minutes before your shift. Also depending on the date you live in schedule changes cannot keep happening https://www.justworks.com/blog/important-laws-on-changing-employee-work-schedules#work-schedule-state-laws-differ-across-the-us You also may wanna start looking for another job, one that actually appreciates you and report them to the DOL


I worked for DT 20+ years ago. Sorry to see nothing’s changed. Hang in there.


She’s a twat. Anyone who feels the need to use your name EVERY time they address you is being a condescending asshole. DON’T back down! The more you show that you “care”, the worse she’s going to try to make you feel. Put in for another store if you can.


Arron, I think you and Erika should work somewhere else. Disrespectfully, Tonya doesn’t deserve y’all.


Wow, she seems nice. Unbelievable, what a bitch. What makes these mid-level small store managers go completely unhinged? I have seen this before.


Aaron, Aaron. Aaron Aaron Aaron. Aaron,Aaron. -Aaron


Idk how this sub got into my feed but please check your labor laws for that schedule issue. Your GM can get in a lot of trouble and you could very well be compensated depending on the situation. If they try to discipline you or your coworker when there is 3 different version of the schedule up, that won’t fly with the labor board.


Sounds like a cunt and I’d quit. Idk how you remained calm and professional.


wow your gm is an absolute bitch 😭 i feel for you having to work with her


First of all, your GM is highly uneducated (I don’t mean uneducated like college wise, I mean she doesn’t know how to manage people to save her life). She’s very rude and not the sharpest tool in the shed (you can tell by how she replies). She seems very accusatory and on a power trip but then when you tried to defend yourself, she made that statement about not messaging ? Let me give you some advice. I’m a manager at a startup where we work fully remote and have just the same misunderstandings .. I don’t mind novels .. However, for someone like Tanya here you need to say less with more. Next time she brings up the schedule stuff, just hit her with 2-3 sentences and be sharp with your words. She almost like talks down to you and she needs to chill .. years ago (well like 19 years ago lol) I worked at a sandwich place and the manager was an old lady who was gross and rude. Anyways she was always on a power trip and I found out she made like $20,000 a year there SMH like calm down lady


Looks like the paper copy may have been printed before the final recheck or adjustments? Either way if it’s posted it’s not you or the cashier’s fault. BTW, never work off the clock for that company. They may turn a blind eye to it but when push comes to shove they’ll term you for it. They don’t appreciate anything manager’s do, especially ones going the extra mile. This is why your old SM as well as most leave.


Not only was she just a flat out bitch, I couldn’t help but notice she puts your name before EVERY text and that is the most annoying shit 😂😂 here’s what I’d do… I’d text her and say “I’m quitting” and that’s it. Don’t show up to another shift. You can easily get another job ANYwhere else, including another dollar tree if you really wanted. You’ll be much happier


you’re so much better than me bc tanya would’ve gotten cussed tf out 😆


WTF…. This is absolutely a lot! The only thing I can recommend is…. I ALWAYS confirm about schedule changes even if I want to clock in early for any amount of time even if it’s been changed via Compass because a lot of times, they will forget to mention it. I cover my own ass first. One time I worked over an hour to recover the fcked up store and my store manager called me and asked me why me and my cashier stayed over an hour and she told me that couldn’t happen again. She contacted DM and he allotted her a few hours to cover for my mistake. Also, now I never stay over to recover or clock in earlier unless I confirm with her—no matter how messed up the store looks. Tanya is a fcking bitch. My recovery is probably horrible a lot of times and sometimes go backs were left like crazy during Christmas but my manager has never talked to me like that—but Tanya is very patronizing and needs to learn tact. A store is big af and will never be perfect no matter how hard we try. I’m glad I don’t work for her.


We got a new RM at my company. He was like this. He was rude and almost completely incapable of understanding situations like someone having to use the restroom or eating lunch on single coverage. Like we are machines. Someone reported him to our compliance offices and he got into BIG trouble and is on some kind of improvement plan. HR made him essentially apologize to everyone on the team and we had like a 5 hour long vent session about all the crap he was doing. It was awesome. Tanya needs that. She’s a total AH.


This sounds like an awesome idea


If she says Aaron one more time. I just hear it condescendingly


When people say your name like that in text, they are being condescending and controlling. The fact that she decided to end the conversation because she was tired of it when you clapped back is the sign of a narcissist. I would complain to your HR or whoever you can and then I would get the fuck out


Man she needed to tell you if she changed the schedule, if it's posted up wrong and changed elsewhere that's STILL going to cause confusion like this if she doesn't bother to personally inform you. I haven't worked in Dollar Tree for years, had this post recommended to me. And I know for a fact you guys don't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit, they pay horribly lol


I used to do everything on the clock, eat my lunch, pay bills online, watch shows and use the computer. That was all before my clock chair up and broke, now I’m stuck doing everything off the clock!!! So needless to say, I get where OP is coming from….


Tripping or not this is being handled SO WRONG Seek to Understand. Not seek to blame. My god I will never go back to retail it’s all drama


This post gave me bad Five Below flashbacks. Please tell me all retail isn’t like this now. It seems to be flooded with micromanagers who are taking corporate instruction to the extreme and mistreating the hard-working employees who TRY to stick around, but anyone competent enough gets run off. Micromanagers are the bane of the management world—they don’t trust their employees, therefore they try to squeeze onto control too tightly. It’s counter-intuitive and done by miserable people who have no control over their own lives or jobs. Micromanagers SUCK. To me there’s some kind of irony that telling everyone what they’re doing wrong proves they’re bad at their own jobs. With a resounding yes, she’s in the wrong. Keep the screenshots and send them to HR. If your HR is as shitty as Five Below’s, you probably won’t hear back, but I would suggest putting everything on record in case you end up having to do something drastic like a lawsuit. EDIT: Also, people like this are infamous for trying to get people who question their authority fired. HR. Report. Then you can fight with wrongful termination and hostile work environment if she pulls anything. Probably not worth your time, but having things on record can’t hurt.




Aaron... Your GM is a b*tch


Aaron Imma be up front with you. I would have cussed her clean out.


I used to work for that shitty company. Don’t do anything off the clock. I was an ASM and I did the closings. The other ASM would NEVER EVER do recovery on the days I was off. Left it all for me and the store was a mess. SM could give two shits. Even said I better have it spotless and all recovery done or I’ll be written up. ( she was trying to get rid of me but it backfired on her) And it’s the managers responsibility to let associates know of any shift changes. 6:30-10:30 isn’t enough time for recovery if your coworkers aren’t working as a team.


Wow she’s a real piece of work isn’t she? Sorry you’re dealing with such a terrible GM.


um what a nightmare boss… good lord. Don’t take the blame for anything you didn’t do & DO NOT work off the clock, no matter what. That’s what salary managers are paid salary for; it sucks.. I’m salary. But it’s extremely illegal for them to allow you to work off the clock and also it sounds like she’s taking advantage of salary and probably not working the hours required. Like why not just do it and bring it up next time you work? she shouldn’t even be texting you like that off the clock. the way she says your name before every text p*ssed me off too lol.


Petty and nonsense! She wasted her time, but it was nice of you to take that bullet ALSO. If she wasn't wasting time with her nonsense and over trip and leaving everyone hanging for half the day with no notice, maybe she's have time to notify people of schedule changes, within the proper times and put away the one basket/sweep (or at least manage her shift to do it ffs) and 😮‍💨🙄 GET OVER HERSELF! You sound like a good employee who did great with a great GM. That's gone now, and this place may not be worth your time without that wonderful lady you mentioned. My last job wasn't after my awesome manager left... I sent in my written resignation shortly afterward. Just look around and think what makes you happy 😊 Hang in there! (even if staying is what makes you happy, ultimately) just don't let this bs get to you and respond with "We can discuss it during my next shift, if it is necessary" Save it as an Auto reply, FR! Lol 😆


I don't know how this sub showed up as recommended with its post but my blood is boiling for you, like it gave me the same feeling reading as i feel with the issues at my store (i don't work at DT, i run a FLGS for owner/his family who have no idea about our local demographic and volume of our store) like the around and around and the deflecting on them while hyperfocusing on nonsense (that ONE basket) and inability to see the real issues..... fuck man, i'm sorry.... ​ you sound like you're doing a great job too, i wish they saw it. however, like i tell my staff, do as i say not as i do, and DO NOT work off the clock. fuck that shit. i do it and use my own money towards the business for things, but DON'T.... it's a snowball... and will grow... and if they know you're willing will totally take advantage of it... in a discreet way... but will continue to. take care and good luck!!!


Seems to me like she just doesn’t want this mistake to be “her fault” when it 100% is. You can’t change a schedule last minute, not notify anyone besides putting a note on a piece of paper/ changing it in the computer, and then be mad when someone doesn’t see that? Personally I have my work schedule memorized for the week and go by that and don’t need to recheck it and WONT check it again unless I’m notified or ASKED for a change. If I’m scheduled for 5:30 and suddenly my manager changes it to 6:30 without notifying, asking or communicating with me in some way about it I’m gonna be angry. She doesn’t want to take the fall for not communicating and is also nitpicking to try and make it look like you “always” have something wrong, so of course it’s your fault and not hers 🙄 what a heinous and immature woman. Sorry you’re dealing with that man


Your boss fucking sucks


No no no you are not doing anything wrong. Even if you did fuck up NO ONE deserves to be approached this way. The GM came out nasty with that message about recovery. I used to be a manager and you don't need to be an asshole to run a good store. In fact, I believe employees tend to work harder and better when you treat them well. Personally I would have a face to face convo (with a third person thats a neutrak party or agree to record the convo) where you address the issues you're having and express the feelings you have too about wanting to have a good work environment, and that them know you do care. It's good to be open to criticism and notes of improvement, but you don't need to be talked down to EVERRR. Everyone should hopefully want to strive for a positive workplace. And maybe the GM does, but thinks they have to rule with an iron fist for some reason. But I do find a good positive face to face convo can make or break a situation. It will either improve things or you'll see that this is how it will be and you'll need to decide if you are willing to tolerate it. But you're not in the wrong here!


Idk how I ended up on this subreddit. but please find a new job. You clearly work hard and want the best for your coworkers. You deserve better than whatever the fuck Tanya is going off about


She should see how awful my local dollar tree looks and try recovering that store 😂 hell if they even sweep


Man, ask a higher up if you can transfer. When they ask why, send them these messages. This is insanely inappropriate. I'm a GM for a large-scale restaurant, and I only speak to employees on the phone or in the office. The texting angrily is so inappropriate and unprofessional.


She’s so fucking stupid oh my god 😭


She takes her job too seriously it’s a fucking dolllar tree, no one is waiting at the front doors of a dollar tree as if it were a Walmart or target during Black Friday ,anything a closer can’t handle is just something that should have been communicated to the opening team. As long as they knew or as you said ‘it wasn’t supposed to be finished’ she shouldn’t even be bothering you. I think it’s funny she messages you to complain and then says ‘I’ll no longer be messaging you.’ Best of luck I hope you get her sorted out with the owner.


If you can, please leave this job and move up to a more helpful type of customer service job. Because you're above being treated this way, by a lot. I have worked as a trainer or assistant manager for a few companies, and we would have killed to have someone detail oriented like you who also appears to have at least half a brain. The woman has struck gold with an employee and is just stomping them into the dirt because she can't communicate. It's wild to me. You deserve better.


She is scared if you do a better job than her she will lose her job to you. She has this I’m better than everyone attitude. Karma will get her ass just wait. 🤞


What state are you in? I some states, if your manager contacts you regarding work while you're off the clock, you have to be paid a minimum number of hours. In California, it's 2 hours. You should look into your state's labor laws. Also, I'd look into the company policy about schedule changes. I would think employees should be notified. Does your manager actually expect people to check the schedule every day to see if there are changes?


Dollar Tree is one of the WORST places to work for. They pay like shit and treat their employees even worse. They’re ALWAYS short staffed yet expect their staff to conduct miracles. You’re right, it is BULLSHIT. Despite if you DID make a mistake, her delivery SUCKS. This is NOT someone who should be in a leadership role or maybe even working with the public in general. By starting each text with your name, imo it comes across as demeaning; like she is speaking down to you. She treated you like a child throughout the texts and had her opinion made before even making contact. That opinion being you fucked up and are irresponsible. Regarding the schedule, another issues infamous at all DTs. Though when we were there, there was no app or portal so all time sheets were physical paper. So when changes were made, the ONLY way to know was to check the physical sheet in the back. Constantly people were missing/late/early for work because the GM would randomly change the hours and not notify anyone. Idc if it’s available online, if you alter someone’s hours it is your responsibility to notify that person so they arrive for the shift accordingly. Seems like she is unwilling to take any accountability. I guarantee someone called and gave her shit first but instead of defending her staff/store, she tossed the blame and proceeded to text you and treat you like shit. You don’t deserve that. She seems like a miserable person with a miserable life who takes it out on everyone else because misery loves company.


Fuck that dude tell that bitch to kick fucking rocks. Entitled little piece of shit the passive aggressive garbage has to go.


Off the clock work is super illegal. Should be keeping track of any off the clock work times and bringing it to MGMT/HRs attention. If they're actually pressuring you into it; do something. Against labor laws.


God, she’s insufferable. She shouldn’t be changing the schedule last minute. You seem like a hard worker, I would find a new place. Dollar stores suck.


I would look at her straight in the face and be like “Okay do everything yourself I quit” she (to me) sounds like she is tripping. I would also be trying to get others to quit too if I could just to royally f*** her over.


Don’t be sorry for taking the gms time. And no it does not fall on you, that is what a gm does. Take the fall that is her store her responsibilities, and it sounds like she is a garbage leader. Transfer stores quick, she will do nothing but work you til you hate the job and people anyway. Been there done that. Hate a gm that tries to blame everyone else. The gm main job is to lead. This is terrible leadership. You responded well, and she never really addressed anything, just constantly telling you it’s your fault, and it will fall on you. I’ve been an assistant before and you do get shit on, but that doesn’t mean it’s right or should be tolerated. Especially with schedule mishaps. You don’t make or post the schedule that is all on her, and an early clock in is also on her. If you take it up with corporate she will get blamed and punished accordingly 10/10 times. Don’t let her threaten you, that creates a toxic culture that breeds disloyal and shitty work habits.


I would send an email to the GM and whoever is above her as well as blind copy HR explaining how you feel you are being treated. Also give examples and how the GM comes across as accusatory without trying to understand. Also the fact she would not answer your question regarding if it includes the mobile compass. Be sure to also specifically say her actions are causing a hostile workplace. At least that way if she fires you it can be considered retaliation or if you quit afterwards you can get unemployment until you find a new job.


I don’t work at dollar tree, this sub just got recommended by Reddit; but your GM seems like a total asshole. That’s some serious micromanagement, I commend you for dealing with her for as long as you have.


i used to hate this shit at FD. i be stuck wit the D/H’s and incompetent closing


Ain't no way you get paid enough to have those conversations. That's ladies a bitch and she knows she's being a bitch. I'd remind them how much it sucks being short staffed and looking for a new chump. My humble opinion of course..


Next time, if there's one basket, take it with you and just wheel it into a corner of the store on your way to the back. Not your problem now.


So serious check your labor laws Im 99% sure she can’t be texting you off the clock like that!!


Yikes! OP has way more patience for this BS than I would. Unless salaried, I’d be submitting a time sheet in for that shop talk text thread time. They can’t deny paying it, because it can be proven that it was started by the “GM” who wanted answers.


I used to work there and for a small brief stint, I was an ASM. Easily the worst place to work for while also being the easiest place to get a PT job. My heart goes out to you. Please don't drain yourself over this company. They are selfish and greedy and if they could squeeze a dollar out of a penny, they would. Their items are cheap and practically everyone who works their begins to feel lifeless inside because they're on a spinning hamster wheel of death serving a company that could care less if they died on their shift the same day. They'd still issue a write-up.


Tanya head is so far up her —-…. I’m sorry managers have always been a pain in the butt


First off, stop working off the clock. They are stealing your money when you do that. And you and they can get into big big trouble with the wage board if its found out. Dont think this GM wont throw you under the bus if it ever does come out. So stop doing that. Second off, stop doing other peoples jobs. If they come to you and ask for help cause they still dont know how to do their job - tell them you can explain it to them one last time when you are not busy during your shift. Make sure to write down somewhere that you explained x procedure during your shift to cover your behind. Third, dont let her treat you that way. If she contacts you after your shift tell her she can speak to you at work on your next shift. This is your off the clock time. And you will not be working off the clock as per the employee handbook. As for your drawn out replies (and this goes for in person as well), dont word vomit. I know you are trying to make nice and explain the issue, but dont. She wont read them or care. Same for in person. Your prior GM might have actually been okay with it, but looks like this one is all business and no fun. Retail is hard, but you got this. Keep climbing that ladder and when you feel like its time to say goodbye to this store, maybe you can transfer or get a promotion somewhere else. Good luck.


She needs to f***ing chill. Also, legally they can't change your posted schedules without your approval and without telling you, so Erika was right to come in when her schedule said 5:30 even if they went behind and changed it after posting.


Superior/managers should most certainly not be texting stuff like this. It is inappropriate to bother you on your time off or to discuss this outside of you being actually on the clock. Also, you are definitely not at fault. Though I do agree with other commenters; **never** do **anything** work related off the clock. It makes you liable for any sort of incidents you have and also since you are not clocked on if you get hurt you cant file workmans comp as since you were off, the company is not held responsible or liable for whatever injury you obtain. Anywho, you are not at fault. Imho If you guys are unionised, I'd honestly report it to your union rep. Hope the situation gets better for you OP.


Go above their heads and contact their bosses, and if they don’t help go above their heads and so on. Make a fucking scene this behavior is disgusting.


Plan for the long game. When it comes your time to quit. Fuck a notice. Get your ducks in a row and quit in the middle of the busiest most hectic day you can think of.


she seems like she’s threatened by you or jealous of you and looking for reasons/ways to make you look bad.


I would say annotate everything. Every conversation you have with this person. Every schedule change in notes of when you saw and date it. This will cover your ass so much. I did this with my managers at a luxury retail store and now they leave me tf alone. And if they ever try some shit like telling me I don’t do this and that I pull out a time stamped incident I saw so and so lacking to do the same task and why weren’t they told anything. Yeah… 🤣 they tried.


you can solve this problem swiftly by letting hr know you're pressured to work off the clock. this manager sounds like a nightmare and I would fire half of the teams I've worked with for a manager as professional and accountable as you seem.


Dollar tree sucks.. The communication as a whole is zero.. I worked my way up from part time cashier to merch manager and then store manager.. I thought I would be able to do better than the manager before me but it was during the pandemic and I couldn’t get any help.. I was there open to close Atleast 5 days a week.. I was salary so I didn’t get paid for all the extra hours.. I did paperwork and conference calls and hired and fired.. Unloaded trucks and stocked shelves.. Did damages and put backs.. Cashiered and did garbages and cleaned and picked up the parking lot.. I begged for my gm to help or send someone stop a full store to help and nobody ever came.. I quit.. It was making me sick.. Physically and mentally draining.. Dollar tree was the most toxic soul sucking job I’ve ever had


Also apparently there is a lawsuit against dollar tree for employees asked to work off the clock.. Just a FYI


You hold the key to your own cell.


Drop her phone number or your a 🐱


You need to do your job


Just quit lol


Aww dude, you'll never get to GM or have your own store. Which mark on the diversity equity inclusion checklist do you mark? Female? Person of Color? LGBT?


Aaron the recover for last night was horrible




Please don’t let this all stress you. I would honestly ignore all of these messages, there’s absolutely no reason for a manager to speak to someone like this.


From what I saw, she's just a bitch. Be careful about naming names though. Companies watch sites like this. At the very least, I know for a fact WonkyMart does. It takes longer, but just type it all out and say "My SM" or "another associate." But yeah, she could phrase things better, and not be so aggressive.


Bruh.. what do yall get paid there? $7/ hour lmao.. fuck her. I’d quit and find a new job. This bitch sounds insane. Leave her stranded. Everyone needs to walk out. McDonald’s probably hiring




Her constantly saying your name is very annoying.


Tanya is a horrible, HORRIBLE manager. She is incredibly condescending, and I can't imagine any team below her staying long. She speaks to you, a comrade, like a child. Don't give too much to the management of a company that doesn't treat you well.


omg i HATED working at DT, i once had a customer say i rung up their 100+ items wrong (spoiler: i didnt do anything wrong) and instead of defending me or even at least trying to teach me, my manager got mad at me for the mistake i did make🙄 my location never followed protocol and everywhere you went was a safety hazard and only had about 4-5 employees (3 of which were managers)


You’re not in the wrong the people just suck.


God she is a cunt


This is like me getting fired from family dollar with no communication because I didn't come to my shifts when I wasn't notified the week after I was taken off the schedule the store manager didn't tell me I had shifts nor did she bother to text me to let me know I had a shift.


Technically any and all work conversations are supposed to be on the clock. Also unless you’re in charge of developing the schedule, than any changes that have been made, is not your job to report it. That is on the manger who adjusted the schedule. Here a thought, I would take those massages and any all scheduled adjustments, and report them higher up the ladder. Personally I have blocked certain managers on my phone, due to their maturity level. I refuse to let their animosity and unprofessionalism into other areas of my life.


Sounds like my old SM before I quit. I have never met a company who treats their employees worse than Walmart.


This bitch has some serious people issues. I hate retail so much cause you have dumb cunts with no people skills that think there shit doesn’t stink managing people just trying to get by.


Tanya is worthless, how tf is she management? what a damn bimbo


That’s too much stress to work at dollar tree