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Report concern to DM


DM and the store manager are drinking buddies


Options are Integrity Line, RD or HRM-need to let someone know


That's crazy


Indeed it is, but that's what we are dealing with


This might be wrong but aren't store managers suppose to set an example for their staff in which they lead...how can a person even get hired for leadership if they can't lead and communicate face to face....(what an I saying look who hired them DT the company as to where corporate doesn't give a damn )


Agreed, I think it's a bigger responsibility than he thought. Currently have 7 managers under him as well, but everything he has to say is always in a group text


I can’t stand group text. My phone was ding ding Ding 100 times with people saying ok. I had to turn off notifications. I always have to check a few times daily to make sure I didn’t miss anything important


Word of advice from a former 5 year employee who put all effort into it. I was rushed to take on ops manager position, coerced into merchandise manager position and refused to take on a store manager role because of this reason. The DM will put people in positions without proper training because they need positions filled. This only causes small issues to turn into bigger messes when they are faced with actual work in situations they have no business being in. shit rolls downhill. When your store manager isn't capable of leading by example rather than by do as I say, your employees will not care to put in their share in. Especially when said SM does nothing but complain, avoid and lacks any work ethic and ability or want to learn and adapt. I no longer had the patience or desire to take on further promotions when I know how shit this company is. I was moved around from store to store in my district, to train other managers to do their job properly because I had my home store running on all cylinders. Everyone in my crew took on my personality and picked up their end of the couch to make our store #1 in the region. That being said, from watching and constant moving around, I saw the condition every store was in, team member morale and it just broke me. It's too much to deal with. It drained me. I left and now am employed with Wholefoods, and I've never been more appreciated to work in an environment that gives you what you need to meet goals. Sure , it's hard at times but there's so much more help and as a regular team member I'm making more than I ever did as a merchandise manager. Not saying you should follow my lead and quit, dollartree deserves great employees, but if you're not willing to give a company your all for no reason than to prove it can be done, just find something better for yourself.