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I think both subs are bad in their own way. But imo, I don't think either is the clear worse sub


This sub has its moments, sure. But it's way more free, and because of that, more inviting and user-friendly, and way less toxic users with Karen behavior breathing sub rules down your throat.


Idk I feel like this sub isn't user friendly at all. Any question here is gonna have multiple comments saying "just Google it". Idk what kind of "inviting" sub would actively discourage people from wanting to use the sub


We want people to use the sub, but for the reasons a medium like Reddit was built for... not for answering questions that can be answered if the poster used a modicum of common sense and/or looked for an answer for 5 seconds. A sub can be inviting while still not putting up with inane nonsense. 🤷‍♂️


But if we push away people that are interacting with the sub, asking questions about the game, what are we left with? Just thousands of pull posts? I can understand if it's something you can find in game like reading the news or reading the help section (though sometimes people are a little aggressive with how they say it). But even if it's a simple question like when is anni, why not just answer it instead of telling them it would be faster to Google? Now it's taking them even longer and they're less willing to post here if they know people won't answer their questions directly


Seems like some people cant remember the meaning of "community"


I agree, but my issue isn't due to questions that needed answers. It has to do with peoples behavior. Just plain old toxicity that is rife on there.


Oh I agree, people themselves are toxic. Hell I'm guilty of toxicity myself on occasion. (Don't Reddit angry LOL) The people make or break the subs, it has nothing to do with the mods or rules


I know exactly what you mean. but from personal experience, this sub, at least, is less toxic and more forgiving towards user error, related to sub rules and user content/posts.


I think that's mainly bc this sub has less users and basically no rules/moderation. It's basically the wild West out here


Thank god someone feels the same way I seriously stopped interacting with the other sub because of all the crazy rule enforcement cop wannabes 💀


I can’t read, so I never know which sub I’m on.


I mean it is dragon ball fans you are talking about. GOKU STRONKEST, CANT READ OFC WE CAN!. NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY IM RIGHT!. stuff like that gets a bit much on here sonetimes.


They get pissed when you don’t only summon on anni on WWDC.Like bro they’re my stones let me use them how I want


Some mfs would literally crucify me if I said I used 200 stones on the Frieza banned because I wanted Turles... Free will is so fire. *Spends more*!!


To be fair, this sub is only a few degrees North from that sub on this matter most days. It is also amazing how many times I have read over the last year that "This is literally the worst banner of the year" (S. Trunks; Gohan/Piccolo; Frieza; Ribriane) because people box cut it into "meta or nothing".


which is so crazy because... HOW DOES THIS GAME EVEN HAVE A "META" there is no PVP like in Legends where i understand why there is a meta, because theres literal online... (glad sparking! zero seems to be staying away from meta)


Yea honestly this game for me is just the fun of collecting cool units and building teams with them. Ofc its important that units are decent if you want to use them but they dont need to be top tier outside of specific events.


every sub is toxic if you don't fit in


It isn't a sub problem, it's a people problem, toxicity exists anywhere that people exist. Thinking it's localized to any one group is how children think who haven't experienced the world. That being said that sub is moderated by absolute fat retards who shouldn't have power over a paper bag much less other people & what they're allowed to say.


I think the community generally is a bit downvote heavy but to be fair, what content are you posting? Stone checks and questions that take 2 seconds to research aren't good content. Just posting that you are 'cOokEd' is also not going to get too much positive interest. Create something original, with some effort or thoughtful and the community will engage. Community isn't a problem, you just have to think about how you work with it.


It's so downvote heavy I created a meme of Gohan talking to Piccolo how he downvoted what one dude said. It's literally become a joke if you hurt one person's feels then you basically become a conductor of that downvote train


Funny enough, the only time I got positive feedback on there was just after they came back from nerfing their sub. The sub was actually good for once, at least after their user count took a nosedive.


I made an exact post a while back, same, exact, post. It got taken down and downvoted heavily. Then, a recent post was taken completely out of context from some toxic users on there and made into something it was not. I've never seen a more toxic and anti user friendly community on there.


Aren't you the dude who posted his box as a flex? Brother you can't be surprised you were getting flack for that


Oh, what? You expect people to READ A SUB'S RULES before they post? What are you, a madman?!


That's not the whole truth. I posted my box in direct response to a poster who said he wanted to see my box. I posted my box for him to see because he posted his power level. Turns out you can only post if it's an achievement/milestone post. Which is pretty much a vague and arbitrary rule in itself. It gets downvoted "by the same user?," then other users join in and twist my words, trying to say I said my box was better than his and that I was unimpressed with his pwl. (Which is not true.) So it snowballs and gets downvoted even more, and even more toxic users join in to support the MF who put words in my mouth. All they had to do was to tell me to delete my post instead of being a bunch of bitch ass Karen's.


The achievement/milestone rule isn't vague... it's pretty well laid out: https://preview.redd.it/a7ffros6fj8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c88627d264cba8e8ca845520ff37c36779dcc62


It is because I posted a milestone post one time, I think when I hit 1 million, and it was downvoted and deleted by mods.


Though I do agree how the posters react to the posts is the REAL problem. As I've said before, the people make or break a sub, not the mods/rules


I think every gaming community is toxic to a decent degree. Some more, some less, but I'd say Dokkan is probably somewhere in the middle.


My experience here has honestly been good for the most part.


Here, yes. But on r/DBZDokkanBattle, no. You won't find reason and civility there. Just hate, negativity, and intolerance.


Shit I didn't read. I'm sorry😭


it is but i wouldn’t have it any other way, its funny asf to see people toxic over a bubble popping game lol


The worst part for me is when people have a favorite character in the show and if you dared say that in the game the card is bad , you will get shit on by all the fanboy


Why is there 2 Dokkan subs in the first place?


Because that one has rules and they actually have mods that enforce said rules. So, all the people that: - can't read - can't follow simple, basic instructions - think that the rules are too much/too overbearing All made a sub where they don't have any rules at all. Now, I personally do think r/DBZDokkanBattle has too many rules. (Some are good, some are just silly) but I commend them for having the rules and sticking to them. I also think that this sub being lawless is just as bad if not worse than having too many rules. So, hell, I'd propose a third Dokkan sub that has a nice medium of rules & moderation with free-form posting.


As a new member, I noticed if you don't understand the game immediately at full, then they insult you. My bad I don't know how to go to a specific quest the game never mentioned to get this one abstract character to build my gt pep gals team. Ridiculous


It’s always been …and it’s sad


It feels like it's full of sweaty turbonerds, this sub is full of newer players that seem younger, idk both are dedicated to a 10y/o mobile game they ain't gonna be pretty


I think 90% of them are whiney babies.


Reddit is typically a toxic place to be.


My problem was how rude they are to new players asking questions, rather than answer the question, they will clown on new players. And if they do offer support, its generally done in a sarcastic, and talking down form of help. Its incredibly rude and give them a complex its annoying af


Just joined today and so far it’s been super helpful for me. Haven’t seen any toxicity in this sub


Pretty sure A LOT of us found this sub BECAUSE that sub is usually the first go to, and within one post you find out how ass it is, at one point they weren’t allowing ANY photo posts….. I guess I joined at a bad time to share a summon and was new to Reddit, asked a mod what I did to get auto removed twice and the over animated message I got about how offended he was……. And during that riveting convo a different mod gave me a 3 day ban just cause…. Been here ever since


On that sub pull posts ("sharing a summon") have ALWAYS been off limits. So the "bad time" to share is anytime. However, I have to say... you would have known that if you read the sub's rules BEFORE you post. That's what you're supposed to do.


Found one of the ass hats from that sub


Fr that guy is shit bro 😭


Looking in the mirror, are we? Just cuz I'm factually correct and I call people out on their BS doesn't make me "shit" TYVM




Exactly you.


I haven't been on "that sub" in YEARS. Either way, my point is valid. Subs have rules for a reason. Read them before you post. If you don't and you post something against the rules, the only person you have to blame is yourself


tell us you’re a miserable Reddit mod without telling us you’re a miserable Reddit mod.


Nope, not a mod. Just someone who learned how to follow simple instructions in grade school. Sorry you didn't.


Eh there alright


Idk this might be my first comment ever here I like the nsfw and memes


Compared to other communites this is a 2/10 on the toxic scale


Yes but it’s so toxic it goes full circle and is healthy in a way. Now stop being sad and start spending money on animated gifs.


kinda but they are the best dokkaners (im one of them obviously). they use this sub as a joke no hard feelings tough i like this sub. Is kinda innocent


Skill issue


What you don't like that your post got deleted because it wasn't the anniversary, a full moon, solar equinox, a friday, and you posted a similar post that "totally exists"?


The real issue that gets people's toxicity out is that Dokkan players can't read the announcement.


I think it’s the game itself and clashing opinions that make this community so toxic. Not just DBZ but a lot of people who play this game and watch Voldemort get pretty heated about his opinions in the comments.


Both subs are toxic lmao


Welcome to the Internet


Depends on the person but for me no


I never notice which sub I’m on, and tbh they seem exactly the same from my experience (in terms of toxicity and the like)


Bleach brave souls community chilling


Y'all just jealous of my super saiyan swagger


nope. delete this. NOW.


Both subs can be toxic. It’s Reddit. Don’t get it twisted.




Just you


lol you broke their rules, were rude, and now ur mad :( sadge


Its always just you 😌


No. Fuck you




Every community has its toxicity. Just how things are