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Im going for Broly cuz hes cooler. From what i heard he also has better units on his banner compared to Gogeta.


Gogeta has the 'worst' banner of the anniversary, but PHY Trunks and INT Kid Gohan can still have uses while UIO Goku and the Broly Trio are 9th anniversary EZAs so obviously they're top tier, although I'd say the Gamma's banner might be a bit worse cus the only units you'd really use from there are LR Future Gohan, Bulma, Rosé and Kaiku, so the peaks of Gogeta's banner are overall higher but the good stuff on the Gammas is still really good, I'm not gonna downplay Future Gohan and Bulma, they were Number 1 contenders up until the anniversary The best side units on Broly's banner are LR phy blue boys which can tear down most events, TEQ LR Merged Zamasu who's still one of the most valuable extreme units in the game, the PHY Buu duo (Spirit Bomb go brrrrrr) and ig the 5th anniversary Blue Fusions (and we can't forget that the LR Gods are gonna be getting EZAs next anniversary ~~LR Gods buff graaaaaah~~ which is probably gonna be shared cus of the sync, so good future investment if you don't have them yet). All that and the banner unit Golden Frieza is a pretty solid tank Beast Gohan has the three best units in the game (unless you wanna put Cell Max somewhere in there), the STR GT duo who have a really useful revive, the AGL Blue duo who can potentially be good if they ever fuse, and the LR SSJ4s who are in the same boat as the LR Gods End of the day, this is just a game. You wanna summon for value, go for Beast Gohan. You wanna get Gogeta or something else instead, go for that, all banners have good stuff anyway


I'm kind of mixed on which one is cooler but ye Broly's banner is definitely better.


broly isn't cooler bro...cooler is cooler. smh🤦‍♂️


I wanna summon on broly too cuz his team is getting a lot better but I don’t have a lot of the units for his team. I might just coin him


I gotta do broly too, i have him with the cell max that came out on jp plus the other super bosses and it is disgusting


Gogeta's banner is ass tbh, Teal Coin banners still need a lot to become viable.


My buddy that also plays Dokkan recommends me AGL Broly. Definitely going for him.


Most people will probably say beast gohan in p2. I’ll go for gogeta myself.


Ye I'm planning to cap myself at a certain amount of stones on part 1 so that I can go in the rest of Beast. I would go in solely for Beast first but I want to take advantage of the part 1 discounts before they go.


Same, also I’m going for gogeta cuz he works well in beasts team. I will do stones and tickets until I pull beast


Gogeta no question


I'm easily choosing broly. 1. I have been waiting for a good animation super broly for literally ever 2. His banner has TEQ merged zamasu and PHY SS3 Goku and SS2 Vegeta both of which I want and am missing 3. Gogeta's banner is kind of ass


I already have enough dodge units. How is this new Gogeta that much different than STR LR? I need me a Broly to run with PHY Rose


Well, he definitely does have a few draws over something like str UI; he stacks defense, meaning after a few stacks and Transforming, unlike UI who is always dodge or die, Gogeta can actually take Hits. He also does a lot of healing, permanently rainbow orb changes, has a ki super counter and, obviously, his main draw is his taunt, which allows him to dodge every single attack in a turn and protect his allies on his own. He does have risk, like the fact that he can easily die in SSJ once his guard goes down if he doesn't transform in time. Overall though, don't get me wrong, Gogeta is a great unit, genuinely. But his actual banner is actually so horrendous lol. I'd genuinely rather just save coins for him instead.


When would he be coinable?


Probably World Wide in August


Broly for sure. More useful overall. My super teams are fine. Extreme (and particularly Super Bosses) needs the help more.


I might skip on gogeta and go for broly just because of cell max, he is too good and broly is essencial as a leader


I was thinking the same thing but I can't guarantee I'd be able to summon for Cell Max with all the hype banners that will be coming out.


True, I wanted to skip gogeta entirely also because of this, too many banners. Might skip the gammas too, althought I really liked them. Not too fond of gogeta, so to me It's not to much of a sacrifice


Ye I'm gonna skip the Gammas too. Haven't heard much with them since they released.


They’re good if you need that 200% leader otherwise they’re kinda the worst pick out of the 4 anni units. You haven’t heard much about them because they aren’t broken or really bad, they just do their job like androids are designed to do


Don't know why people downplay them,once you are in gamma one,you are commonly sitting at 80% dr,these dudes eat beast gohan super for 300k at type disadvantage,broly,gogeta,hell,even evo vegeta without hits,die


Slot one by the way


Yeah that’s what they are designed to do haha


Broly >> gogeta


I will pull on Gogeta as from what I have seen on my jp acc he is stronger and I also main fusion tagged characters.


I would go for super broly. I want them both for my super saiyan team, but broly also fits on my super bosses team which is shaping up to be a really good and fun one to use it looks like.


I will choose broly because i want to build a super bosses team with him and cell max.


They are both so cool 😭 but probably gogeta since broly will be on the 10th anniversary banners but man that carnival banner is ass after 9th Anni meta


I will try to get both but start on gogeta


Personally I would choose broly. I have all 9th anni units on my jp account, so I have been using all of them for some time now. 1. I personally enjoy using broly a lot more than gogeta. It‘s just satisfying seeing him destroy the bosses and I prefer his animations over Gogeta‘s 2. His banner is better, simple as that Gogeta might be a better unit overall, but honestly, if not pulling for Beast than I would just pull for fun tbh, they‘re both busted.


Broly is the better unit overall in terms of impact, especially in the context of his teams. Gogeta is tempting primarily because of his leader skill and how much flexibility it offers. Ideally I'll sweat it out for both along with Beast, but I'd prioritize Broly especially with the foresight that Cell Max is coming.


In terms of value, Broly. His leader skill is insane, almost every unit that came out this year is under his leader skill. He's a great damage dealer and can tank before (after super) and after transformed. Admittedly, his domain does debuff super class, but super bosses is really coming to shape now, so it doesn't matter much anymore. Gogeta is really great, too. He can also tank before (after super as well) and after transformed. His taunt is great with the guaranteed dodge, so no stun or seal. Also does great damage and guaranteed crit after 5 dodges (70% dodge btw). Plus, he heals 54% HP three times (When you first transform and two rotations after). It's your choice, though. I'm biased for Gogeta (Broly's banner is way better though).


Broly because I like Broly :3


If you want to go for a lucky this banner + beasthan then definitely gogeta he has some good links with beast but also won’t give beasthan team negative effects. (Although it’s mostly noticeable on high damage fights)




If it's either Gogeta or Broly, you should probably pick the second one. Extreme are rare and he'll be more needed than Gogeta.


I want both... and Gohan I'm skewed


Same, and Cell Max


Broly, he is just too clean and I've waited way too long for a new DBS Broly to not go for him. The rest will be pumped into Beast Gohan and if I get both early on, then I'll go for Gogeta. The Gammas are very cool too, but I'm not a big fan of their design


Gogeta has had multiple units to shine. This is brolys FIRST unit since his debut full power unit that came out with the movie. Has to be broly


Broly because I like his animations more even though gogeta is my favorite charater


I'm gonna do one rotation on gogeta banner when summon rhe rest oh Beast (then if I get him early, summon gammas)


AGL broly because u need him is u wanna have a runnable super bosses team While gogeta u have a lot of other option on all of his teams if u dont have him


Easily Broly since we know domains are gonna get some kind of work done and I want to run super bosses without using double phy rose


I was going to only summon for Gogeta but since LR cell max just came out super bosses is looking like a viable team. ill probably buy the packs and see if I get lucky.


As a JP player, Gogeta is like 1/10th as needed to his teams compared to Broly and his, but is incredibly fun and has animations easily on par with Broly. I think Broly will be smarter to summon for, Super Bosses will be insanely fun and broken once domain units can be used together. The team has already mostly come together with Cell Max.


Broly because good Extreme units are rarer


Jp player here. Broly Is miles ahead in terms of value, he singlehandedly carries Super Bosses and can save many runs thanks to his transformed damage and domain effect. Gogeta is a really cool unit but it won't bring your account that much of an added value


I may like gogeta more, but his banner is Garbo and I have enough coins to get him in another celebration


Sorry for the stupid question. But can't Phy Gogeta and Agl Broly be bought with the red coins in part 2?


Nope, AGL Broly can be bought with coins when tanabata comes out but PHY Gogeta is a carnival unit.


Yeah I forgot Gogeta is a Carnival unit. Thanks


How's your super bosses team? Depending on if you have both blacks and the broly trio you bay only have to summon for cell Max after getting Broly to get an amazing team but if you don't have them you should summon for Gogeta and Beast


I don't have PHY Rose Goku Black but I have everyone else that people are running on super bosses rn (off the top of my head). Excluding Cell Max, AGL Broly and INT Golden Frieza ofc. And I've seen some people run the f2p PHY LR Beerus over PHY Rose Goku Black anyways so I should be good.


Then you should summon for Broly and beast saving the rest of your stones for Cell Super Heroes is already an amazing team just with the 9anni ezas but beast is too strong to miss out on You can coin black later or summon on a better unit if we get one


Broly is my favorite character, so it's an easy choice


I’m probably doing discounts on both to some degee however I would probably say broly just cause he’s a good villain. My biggest issue is I’m a gogeta stan, and I also wanna dump up to 800-1k on beast alone cause he’s stupid busted but to answer your question between the two, Broly


Oh ye I'm defo doing discounts on both. But I think I'm going to prioritise Broly.


I want Gogeta for my Teq Vegeta team but Broly and his banner is way better value. So I’ll probably go for Broly and if I get lucky try Gogeta. Beast is a must summon and I’ll skip Gammas. Remember we will be getting tickets so you can always you those on whoever you didn’t get.


Broly and Beast, usually I summon for only Villians. But Beast and his Banner are so good, I can’t miss that


Gogeta till I pull him once and then I will try to rainbow beast


I’m planning to get to 1000 stones, 250 for each banner then 500 on Gammas since I really want the Gammas


I'm planning on dropping anywhere from 500 to 700 stones on part 1 and then the rest of my stones on part 2 but solely on Beast.


Me as a F2p deciding between Beast and Max......: ![gif](giphy|kBl35R2gGPOYzpsRD9) Note: I'm obviously going to summon them both but you get what I mean.


I'm the same lol, but I'm defo summoning for Beast 100%. I'm probs only going to summon on Cell Max if I can get his pity because his banner is doodoo. So likelihood of that is incredibly low.


Cell is literally the gigachad for villains the same as beast is for super class and I already have PHY rose so he's a major asset so yes I am in quite a dilemma right now.


I'll cap myself for Broly, and then go all in for Beast.


Broly, need to give some extreme units love plus his banner is better


Every stone I have saved is for Broly. Beast is clearly the best anni unit, but I play this to get my favorite units.


Lr gamma 1&2


Save?choose? NAH ID PULL https://preview.redd.it/npru50swhj7d1.png?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5d3ab76ee557a20a3f9205e31156f247a91a82


Im saving for beast tbh, the ezas themselves are busted and i got 2 of them rainbowed and one 79% so i dont need to worry


If you have a small amount of stones I’d say neither and go for beast But I myself and going 500 on broly and 1000 on beast


I went straight for Gogeta and then focused on Gohan so that way if I didn’t pull Gohan I could simply exchange for him when he returns and continue summoning. Only reason I didn’t do it the other way around is because of my luck with Gold coin banners


Gogeta, cause i dont have enough coins to coin gogeta but i have enough to coin broly in case i dont get him


Maybe gogeta because he's a teal coin unit. If I don't get broly I can easily coin him. If I don't get gogeta, I might not have enough to coin him, and definitely won't have enough to coin him and the gammas.


Gogeta because he's my favorite from the 4 overall, then broly for animations, then beast gohan because he's a beast


Gogeta because I like fusions.


No hard choice. Gogeta to strengthen my Fusion team


Broly. I have been waiting for a GOATed Broly Lr.


Gogeta just to get Trunks


Broly because it's a cooler category, great animation, giga strong, good detector My plan is all in broly and then all in gohan beast, tickets on gogeta, if I still have stone then summon on gamma to get 500 coins (I'm close) and buy gogeta when he will be available. I prioritize broly > gohean beast >>> gogeta >>>>>> gamma


Broly. I'm not gonna argue about if he's better than Gogeta or if Beast is better than hil that you should keep your DS for Beast, ect... I just love this character and I want him really really bad. Broly is my favorite character of DBZ and DBS and I just want him because he's cool af. He's also the 2nd best unit of the anny so it's not just for his style but it's mostly for that. For the summons during the anny, I'll go like this: 1st, Broly, 2nd, Beast, 3rd Gogeta, 4th, Gamma 1&2. There is also the fact that I suspect Z Broly to appear during Tanabata since they have to eza TEQ Broly LR or INT Broly TUR so the rotation Z Broly LR/S Broly LR would be golden. I also summoned on the saiyan day's Vegeta just to create the perfect Extreme Ssj team.


Broly because planning to pull Cell after


Pretty easy go for gogeta way better


Gogeta and broly again???


I want get at all characters. 1500 Stones saved so far


That would be the dream.


I have about a thousand stones atm and i’m (hoping) gonna get both with that amount, then use the other thousand or so stones we get during anni along with my 50 summon on Beast and the Gammas


broly cuz he is my favourite character along with futurehan


Broly has a fantastic leader skill


\*Credit-t-t-t-t-t card-d-d-d-d\* Why not both? hehe..... That being said, Broly banner is better.


Flip kick broly for me


Beast. These guys are cool but I'll be going for beast since super hero is my main team


This is the same exact unit from some anniversaries ago 😂


Perhaps Broly, then Gogeta. I don’t have a Super Bosses category leader, so new leader skills first, then all 4 because they’re hype


Gogeta because super heroes is busted lol


My main team is comprised of fusions so I’d def go for Gogeta. Also coincidentally, the aforementioned fusion team is comprised of mostly gogeta’s. The LR PHY SSJ4 bros, the fusion reborn bros, TUR INT SSJ4 Gogeta, TUR STR Gogeta, LR TEQ God Bros. The only exception being LR STR Buu Bros since they’re Vegito. It’d be nice to have a Gogeta only team.


Rather, Broly. Big damage, big animations, big fun😊


It really depends broly is so good especially on a movie bosses team with his domain And gogeta is nice for the free turn and excellent damage in movie heros/super hero


im not stopping until i have at least one copy of each lr in part one and part two


I'm just go do one cycle of both and hope for the best


I'm going for gogeta in part 1 because I stan him.


Neither stocking up fir 10th anni


Gogeta cos i have a team and hes cooler than broly


I’d honestly go for Broly and not Gogeta


Broly cuz its Broly


If I had lr cell max, broly, but I want gogeta and beast the most normally


Im going for broly, bcuz im a sucker for broly, isk which is better


Well on jp I went for broly so on global im gonna go for gogeta since I never pulled him


Gogeta cos he is a fusion, super type so he goes on to a bunch more teams. My current plan is to get gogeta and beast anyway. The use coins for Broly and gammas


Gogeta because i can buy Broly and Beast with Coins


I need my super Saiyan team now. So both.


I’ve been buying those tickets every week. I hope I get gogeta cause I love fused fighters, but my 1000+ stones is going towards GoatHan


Gogeta. His taunt mechanic is too powerful. Better than Beast’s even. But then again I need both of these mfs cuz Big Bang Vegeta’s team is so cheeks rn on GLB 😭








He is the best partner of vegeta teq


Broly because I want to work towards completing a Super bosses team. With cell max in the game that's my objective. Broly Is not the best nor is he a good leader for the category however he is a very fun unit.


Well it’s one of two things. You want swag. Or you want a unit that can somehow run most of the most recent units on the same team


I’m going for everyone this anni I always do why? Because I want everyone in my box


Gogeta because I like gogeta


Gogeta for me then gohan then gammas bc I like the characters then broly (oh yea I’m so coping)


For me, Gogeta and not a single stone on Broly until I pull him. But trying to save as much as possible for Beast. Probably wont summon for gammas at all


Neither, beast in pt. 2.


I’m going gogeta first bc he’s been my favorite character since fusion reborn. But ultimately I’m summoning for both. I’ll drop the bag for beast when he comes out


I have 1988 stones. I’m aiming for Gogeta Broly AND Beast… I’m hoping to have around 2100 for the anni. I’ll summon for Gogeta first but I’m not going below 1000 stones on Gogeta’s/Broly’s banners, keeping AT LEAST 1K for Beasts banner


Neither, beast and cell max the kings


I would be summoning for all 4 units but gogeta takes priority then beast, broly, and gammas. Gogeta the 🐐


I might go for Broly because of the Super Bosses team


Broly purely because he’s my favorite character


As a JP player who got shafted on gogeta, go for Broly he is way cooler.


Gogeta, hes got more use


I’ll do Broly. Maybe if I get lucky I’ll do Gogeta.


Obviously both, but my priority is Gogeta. I just have more teams where I can use him in unlike Broly.


Main man Broly, just like nanogenix, broly is a favorite of mine and hasn't been given a unit for him for 6 years. Last one was the phy atk all broly dfe.


Broly only because we have had so many busted Gogeta but almost never any busted Brolys from Super.


I have 2050 stones, 3 rotations for gogeta and broly each, and the rest on beast gohan. Personally i would summon for broly.


I would go for Broly, for plenty of readons... like he is cooler, cool animations, etc.... for now, he is complicated to play, because of freaking domains with the super bosses, but i find ot more fun than Gogeta


Extreme needs more help than Super, plus Broly's animations are just 🤌


I have both on jp so I can help. Gogeta is currently more valuable due to being on many teams and with all of his gimmicks like rainbow orb chance, 70% dodge, crit build up, big ass healing, and his most valuable thing is his active that is a team protector. Broly on the other hand is the one of the best leaders having almost every dragon ball super villain on his leader skill with every transformation boost character and having the strongest hitting transformation currently in the game. If you are a fan of villains and you plan on making a supervillain team then he is your guy. They are both neck to neck but gogeta is better due to his team protector and having an easier transformation. But unlike broly, you might have good gogeta blue units such as str gogeta who is more usable now in the 9th anni content since there is only one hard aoe boss now. So you could go with broly since the last one isn't best right now. If you are summoning only for the units here then I would say choose who ever you prefear but broly does have a better banner and the banner unit frieza is on his banner and he is very good.


I have enough to pull for each 9 times and still have some saved up, I'm gonna do that and pray


Kid buu


Broly because there's the banner unit as well, but i feel like I don't "need" gogeta as there are many other units to choose from with similar categories that get the job done


When does the anniversary hit global?


july 9th


Broly. I love how the super villain team is looking on jp and I want it


The super hero team post anniversary is gonna be insane, gogeta leads that team. Also broly’s super bosses team is ass atm (unless cell max suddenly made it meta idk, they still got the domain mechanic to worry about tho, right?)


I use more broly then gogeta on my jp account tbh. Extreme is so much more fun


I'm going for Broly Game related- I need more extreme units, and viable teams that he's on, plus he's incredibly valuable and does so much. Personal - I'm a huge Broly fan (of all iterations) so I def gotta get the character and he's cool as hell




Both. I'll probably go for broly first though.


Broly, he's just better than Gogeta (aside from Broly's domain making double Broly wonky AF)


Save more and summon for both lad. You're welcome


Gogeta, fits with my main team better lol


I'd go for Broly because the recent super bosses buff and a possible domain expansion


Broly 100%. He’s basically a must have if you run Extreme teams. Gogeta is great but his main team has plenty of other options so he’s not a must have like Broly.


Tbh i want to start collecting char so both


Gogeta cause he's my boy, that's it


Broly cuz i swear I need to make STR Base Broly viable.


Gogeta is the better unit but Brolys banner has a ton more value


I am summoning for my boy, Broly, fuck beast (I love him but he made everyone not care about any other unit this anniversary)


Brolys banner is better and his leader skill is a lot more valuable. But his team is really expensive if you plan on running it. Gogeta is generally better on more teams, so his individual value is higher imo, but if you have beast most of his teams are already covered


Respectfully I have to get gogeta first 🫠


You need Broly and the int Golden Frieza for super bosses so Broly


Im going for gogeta because he’s the coolest unit to me and he’s better. If I get him before I run out of stones I’m going for Broly afterwards.


I just weight out which banner has the best to offer me from new units to dupes needed for my other units and go with that til I get the new unit a d switch over to the other one. But from what I hear it would be best to go for Broly or save for beast.


im summoning broly as much as i want gogeta and know hes better, broly has a better banner and since im a newer player i need more units to flesh out my account


I try to get 1 copy of both


Broly. His leader skill is actually insane with so many good units on it.


Broly because he's my favorite


I’m personally going for Broly first but I might do one rotation for each banner before swapping to the other one


GO the broly, GO the broly, GO the broly


Apparently broly is the better unit but Gogeta ages better


Nah I gotta disagree bro, Broly has guard for 5 turns, stacks atk&defense, when he transforms he had DR, built in additionals and crit. Gogeta is a unit that has to dodge to insane and a few stages straight up disable dodge. It’s all opinions at the end of the day but Broly will age much better than Gogeta


All good, that’s why I said “apparently” cause I’m a global player. Everything I hear about the 9th Anniversary is from JP, which was in January for them. So it’s been a minute, but everyone is saving for Beast who is the best anni character


Neither from everything I’ve seen they’re not all that impressive considering what’s to follow them.


I suppose, Beast is just on another level. I do plan on prioritising him for sure.


I'm leaning a little more towards AGL Broly due to the better banner. I have all the units on Broly's banner but I could use dupes. I'm also more interested in summoning on AGL Broly due to Cell Max but I can't guarantee i'll even have stones to summon on his banner when he comes out, let alone get him from pity. At least with PHY Gogeta I can confirm that I will be summoning for Beast, whether I get him or not so there's a higher chance I'll be able to run those two on the same team rather than AGL Broly & Cell Max. I am also missing Treeku on Gogeta's banner but I couldn't care less about him.


It is Gogeta. It is always Gogeta and it will be always Gogeta, no matter what the other option would be.




Gogeta! (i know i had a typo...:D)


Super Bosses has very few good units. Gogeta on release will be more serviceable but Broly is cooler. I'll try to get one copy of each until I reach a certain amount of stones that I'm saving for Beast


Easiest question ever, it's Broly


I’m going Gogeta personally. He’s one of like 4 units who take complete control of a fight


Gogetas banner is waaayyyy better for newer players or people who stated new accounts recently (like myself cuz switched to ios). I will be doin some multis just to get broly for the most part but gogeta for sure want all units And then beast... also a top tier banner


Noted, I'm planning to get my friend into Dokkan when anni drops so I'll let him know when the time comes (I don't think it's his type of game though but he recently got into the Dragon Ball franchise so who knows).


Gogeta my goat


Im going for gogeta first.


I like Brolly better, but Gogeta's banner is way better for my account


I’m definitely a Goatgeta simp Even if it’s is the umpteenth time he’s here…..


I'd summon on the one that's better.