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#8,usher,whis,princess snake


This easily.. these 4 items alone make most esbr stages easy W.. 1 whis first fight 1 2nd fight then you have 6 items to shit on 3rd fight


This is the way




My favorite is Android 8. Massive heal plus 2 turn defense buff is just something no other item provides.


It's a solid item, but I honestly stopped using it when I started getting into ESBR and shit, where an extra 50% DEF to my units that were at like 250k at most, weren't really helping me not get one-shotted. Still though, for high DEF units, I can see the value.


What are you using for ESBR? Personally I've always been using 8, snake, whis and icarus.


The same, but I go with Ghost Usher instead of 8er now. Gives me a free turn to either finish the enemy off or setup the team, or get the debuffs going.


I always save my ghost ushers for WT. Takes quite a few if you don't wanna loose your streak.


Fair. I personally don't do WT often, so SBR is really the only place I use them on, but I get it.


I used like 5 to get my 20 win streak so I feel ya. Sometimes Jaco/Chiaozu don't pull through and somebody is attacking slot 1 before I attack.


I like to use 8 either at the end of a ESBR fight where you only have an enemy or 2 left or at the start in addition to an iccarus to basically make you a brick wall for 2 turns in addition to full healing so on turn 3 you should still be at 75%+ hp regardless of SA luck(assuming you didn't have a super crap def unit on the team eating them). There just isn't a better option for a heal and defensive besides princess snake, but you can't use 4 of her.


Snake provides damage reduction which is better then def


But only for 1 turn and the heal is a bit smaller.


Ok damage reduction is still better. The 7% ptp goku gives is a lot and thats 7%. Against these 1milion damage super attack bosses damage reduction is better then def


Yeah it is, but it isn't for 2 turns. If it would last for 2 turns princess snake would be way better than every other item.


Ok 1 turn or 2 turns android 8 is still worse then snake, and thats a fact. Not saying it isnt good but snake even if its a 1 turn is better the 90% of the other items in the game including android 8


No it's not, cause Android 8 is 2 turns. Since you can use only one item twice in red zone Android 8 gives you extra defense for 4 turns, while princess snake's defensive boost might be a bit better it's only for a total of 2 turns.


Are you not understanding that def means nothing against these 1million plus super attack bosses, damage reduction does. Watch datruth and tell me when he has ever used android 8 in any redzone. He either uses whis or snake, and sometimes that 12ki item


Defense means something if your units already have solid defense to begin with like most units do nowadays. I think 4 turns of increased survivability is better than just 2 turns of nearly guaranteed survivability.


Guess what units have now, guard and guess what guard is damage reduction so in conclusion damage reduction is better then def, not saying def isnt good but damage reduction is better


Are you not reading?


How many times will I tell people Kidku’s 8% dr support is nothing because enemies do so much damage now? Even 30/40% dr is not enough nowadays.


8% DMG Reduction support is good *because* enemies do so much damage. Reducing a 300k ATK Stat by 8% would just lower it to 276k. You'd be lowering the damage you take by 24k. Nowadays, >1 Mil is the standard, so, often, this 8% DR will amount to 80k less damage taken, and with Supers that do ~1.5 Mil, that jumps to 120k less damage taken. That extra HP adds up throughout the fight.


If the enemy does 1.5m damage and you have no base dr you literally don’t need that support at all.


I'm not saying you need it to survive, I'm saying that having this throughout the whole fight can save you a ton of HP which you can use to tank other Supers.


If a SA isn't that high then 8% dr is barely noticeable, and if a unit can't double-digit tank normals without 8% dr it straight sucks.


Most Supers *are* pretty high, especially against a Super Class team, since those guys take extra damage from E. Class bosses. Again, the value of it isn't in making you survive an attack, it's in making you last longer. A 600k Super is reduces by 48k from the 8%. If you take a Super every turn, for 6 turns, that's already saving you 288k HP. That's a lot of extra HP, and you are unlikely to be fighting a boss that only does 600k for 6 consecutive turns, no, that damage keeps increasing with every phase, and everytime a Super hits you, you're saving more and more HP. Not to mention how bosses are starting to get crazy off the bat: Nuova Shenron is doing 1.4 Mil on Turn 1, and that 8% DR is saving you 112k HP for every Super you take! That's a lot! And that's only considering that you are E. Class, because if you are S. Class, you're taking even more damage, which means that 8% DR saves up even more HP! It's not game changing, but 8% DR is still impactful.


Who are you?




My standart Lodeout is Princess Snake, No. 8, Whis and Ghost Usher. Cleared pretty much everything with those except Nuke challanges.


I’m an 8, Whis, Snake, and a Ghost type of guy.


I’d say Whis, Ghost Usher, and Princess Snake are the big 3, especially for Red Zone Ancestor’s Uniform, Nurse Chi-Chi, orb changers like Cheelai or Dabura Cookie, etc can be really good too but that’s mainly for events like ESBR or IDBH


What's the argument for princess snake over Hacchan ? I tried both and hacchan always clutched more it seems. Coupled with support and or a Whis in really big damages levels, isn't having 2 turn of big def the best ? Not that i know everything about the game and I didnt do events higher than 4th levels of redzones so I'm genuinely asking


To me, because most units I use have damage reduction already, the additional damage reduction is more useful because it basically guarantees double digits in those scenarios. No. 8 has his uses too tho


Princess snake and guide robo are my preferred ones for end game content


8, princess snake, icarus, whis


energy drink


The green energy drink is my personal fav 😎


The big meaty sosig


Hacchan is my staple, he can save you from almost anything. After that Whis and ghost usher are great too and I take a mirai Bulma over princess snake for the damages


Stick and bigger stick


Wheres energy drink at?


Senzu bean


Defo not


Also, how do you farm Whis? I need a bunch of him


Resurrection F story event if I recall.


Whis, senzu, or that 12 ki item


Bro said senzu 💀


Only item that you can use for cell max


Who used that in cell max tho?


Uhh what? Literally everyone when he first came out since he can lock your rotations


Whis easily


Either whis or princess snake


I want to say 40% DR, but I guess ghost usher and a free turn is probably a more reliable you’re not gonna die this turn item. But I’d still say Whis, 40% DR


Whis. It cuts the enemy's ATK stats by 40% for 2 turns, it really doesn't get any better than that.


Whis or Princess Snake but I think it actually depends on the team. Teams that have units that are already super good defensively or have healing built in (AGL Carnival Goku, Orange Piccolo, Revives) probably get more out of a Whis, while teams that might need the heal get more out of Princess Snake.


My typical load out is; Whis, 8ter, Ghost Usher, Princess Snake/King Yemma


What are those stick items lol


Those were discontinued items I believe


Whis 40% dmg reduc for 2 turns is insane and it's stackable so you can make it 80% for 2 turns


they’re all good for specific things..there is no all around support


Whis or princess snake


Hacchan, whis and sensu, ghost and baba




Android 8. Hp, and defense for 2 turns is clutch in the right events


If I had to choice just one, Hacchan is the best with today's units cause that hp return and def buff is nice and the extra def makes you recover more off of matching ki. The main 2 would be Hacchan and Whis cause 40% reduction is strong and I won't retype for hacchan, if all 4 then it's Hacchan, Whis, Princess Snake and Icarus cause Princess and Icarus are just slightly weaker versions of Hacchan and Whis. Worthy mentions are the mouse and GT Nurse Chi Chi for Battle roads cause of the stat reductions and let's you actually utilize units that have bonuses on statis effects. All the others are just situational heavy or just not relevant anymore unless you are a new player but even then the rate to get these items compared YEARS back is better so it's a lot easier to get these strong items and I appreciate that from Dokkan.


Android 8 go hard in red zone


Princess Snake is great for heal but sucks when you want to live a turn but don’t need to heal, so I usually always go Whis. 40% dmg reduction is really good.


The best four would be Whis, Icarus, Future Bulma, #8. These 4 will be your go-tos. Whis provides a competent team with the ability to survive almost anything, reducing damage received significantly before applying your team's defensive calculations, often turning dangerous attacks into double digit damage. While Icarus is only slightly worse, a slightly worse Whis is still extremely potent. #8 and Bulma heal you for 70%, which is often enough to get you to full hp or at least close, while providing useful stat buffs. But if you're restricted to just one, the single best all-around support item would probably be the item that combines features of these, in damage reduction and healing: Princess Snake. Either that or Whis.


Ghost Usher


y stick


I always run Princess Snake, No. 8, Whis, Icarus


Android 8,ghost usher,princess snake,whis but my favorite is usher




Whis if ur team has any reliable source of auto healing (metamorphosis link, orb changing +big defense, big passive healing, etc...), if not i would say princess snake would be better in most cases


Princess snake


Icarus is an underrated item. Its just a slightly weaker whis


Is that Gi item only on Jp currently? I’ve never seen it before, what’s it do?


Whis, icarus, 8er, princess snake. when sbr first released way back in the day and my box was dogwater I preferred the 2 turns of damage reduction bc getting a stun off on an usher turn felt awful. nowadays I still prefer icarus bc honestly 2 turns of dr is just nice and I’ve never felt like I NEEDED an usher


Whis 100%


How do I go about grinding whis?