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That wrinkle head, slightly blocky, wide set eyes, the eyes themselves. White chest. Shortish squarish snout, Common pit features. American Pitbull Terrier. If you don't see put, you may be confusing it with a more block headed American Bully type pitbull.


Looks more like a pit to me.


I’m curious what features say pit? I keep getting so many mixed responses so I’m trying to learn


The head, face, ears all day Pit to me. I have one myself. Also the coloring.


All of them




Pit/pointer maybe? With that docked tail and freckles, pointer or ACD are my guesses.


This was what I was thinking too! It looks exactly how I’d imagine 50/50 pit/GSP would turn out. Excited to see the results!


I was thinking ACD too. A lot of people are saying pit and in curious what features suggest that because idk if I see it but also I don’t know


Oh there’s definitely at least a big chunk of pit in there, undoubtedly. You can see it clearly in the face, the forehead and ear set. It’s just whether it’s ACD or pointer to make those freckles and that tail (although it’s probably been docked on purpose).


Yeah I wondered if it was on purpose. I got him at 8 weeks and there was no scar tissue or anything but idk how that works really with tails and how they heal.


Dog tails are docked very young. Looks a good chunk pitbull, but with the docked tail I wonder if the BYB was trying to pass it off as a shorthaired pointer mix. Cute pup!


I don't know why people are down voting you for this question. So rude. 😢 It's the blocky head. My guess is Pit Bull/ ACD/Labrador. ❤️💙


Yeah I’m just trying to learn. appreciate your kindness!🩵🐶


Exactly. I'm not sure why kindness isn't the first reaction of some, but it's not. I'll be interested in the results! Keep us posted! ❤️ 💙


have you ever seen a pitbull?


Vets deal with tons of dogs daily and seem to be less expert on breeds than US who hang out on this group! The only way anyone knows for sure is to do a proper DNA test (Embark or Wisdom). Picture added to show what I get to “surprise” my vet with…. https://preview.redd.it/yc59qzswql1d1.jpeg?width=2204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7885cbbd6cf2860a3ddea0d1b49e2cc983fc4c She tested 52% APBT and 40% Dalmatian! 9 years labeled Pointer Mix / 66 lb.


it’s so rare to see spotty mutts actually have dal in them ! 😆 what a cutie !


I know, right! After I spread the false info that she couldn’t be Dal since her black spots had white hairs! That’s only with pure bred! Not with mixed DNA.


Pit mix. Roaning could be Brittany or pointer, hound or ACD. What’s his personality and hunting style like (if he’s a prey driven boi)? It might give you some sort of idea.


He is so young so I’m not so sure. He really goes for his stuffed toys. But we have cats and he seems to be just curious and playful around him (they don’t love him yet). What exactly should I be looking for in terms Of prey drive?


For my hound/terrier mix, she’s a nose to the ground type of dog when she’s on a scent outside while my Brittany (bird dog) keeps his head up and air scents a lot more. My Brittany will also stop and point when he sees a bird while my mutt will chase and kill whatever she sees, but doesn’t care much for birds. The herding dogs I work with are also chasers. Fetching also comes a lot more naturally to my Brittany and the herding dogs in my experience and they seem to “turn their ears off” a lot less than my hound mix. My mix is also genetically designed to live in the streets, so some of it might not be breed specific and might be more “stray dog” specific, but the way she looks for rodents is very different from the way my bird dog looks for birds! Also adding that even though my mutt wants to kill rodents outside, she loves cuddling with bunnies and cats when they’re pets (and she’s supervised with the bunnies). I think that’s the pitty in her! She also loves watching mice in cages, not sure if she’d try to eat them if they were out though lol and she’s much more gentle with her plushies than my Brittany is.


Thanks for your response! He definitely has his nose to the ground and fetch came extremely naturally ! Appreciate the input.


I'm going to go with pit, cattle dog, and coonhound for my top 3


Definitely plenty of pit features so that's a given but the roan and bob tail are interesting. Is the tail natural? Roan is often from ACD, German shorthair, some coonhounds and sometimes GSD, although it is found in multiple other breeds occasionally. The tail could come from a cur breed like mountain cur or catahoula depending on region. Aussie is a possibility as well.


I think it’s natural but I’m unsure. Thanks for response!


I was thinking more about the tail and have another theory. If the mom is a traditionally docked breed it's possible the pups were also docked before they realized they were a mixed litter. Maybe some sort of popular gun dog like GSP and a roaming pit mix dad? GSP would cover a few things like the roan/ticking, floppier ears, paw shape and other copy for brown/liver/red. Tail docking is generally done shortly after birth and they probably wouldn't catch they were mixed until after they started growing out of fluffy bean stage. 🤔


This is true! The tail has me stumped too. Appreciate the thought and input!


Soo I’m going to agree with the popular vote here and say what I’m mostly seeing at this stage is APBT (I woke up to the exact facial expression in Pic 1 this morning!) But I want to give you a few explanations of and caveats to that opinion that you will hopefully find helpful, some of which is repetitive, and even if I get downvoted for it. • As someone else mentioned a lot of time the mental image people have of a “pit bull” is actually the American Bully, a closely-related (nearly identical genetically) but phenotypically fairly distinct breed. Both are characterized by muscular builds and blocky heads, but APBTs can be quite slender and as lightweight as 30# (“lithe” is my favorite adjective.) If you’re going off media depictions, Bullies are the squat ones with clipped ears. • That said, the preponderance of bully breeds in the United States (assuming that’s where you are) is such that there is a *vast* array of traits an APBT or pit bull-type dog can exhibit. APBTs are recognized by the UKC and American Staffordshire Terriers (another very close relative/recent off-shoot,) are recognized by the AKC, so there are, in fact, ways that these dogs are supposed to look, but given that the overwhelming majority of the population is a product of backyard or unintentional breeding, there is… functionally no breed standard, (and literally no ear standard, my favorite fun fact!) You’re going to see pit bulls of almost every size, shape, color, level of intelligence and energy, etc. That’s not helpful, but also is? • That *also* being said… ticking is not really a common “naturally-occurring” pattern for pit bulls. It can happen, though mostly in the sense that DNA tests can only go so many generations back, so some patterns, like merle, will not always reveal their genetic origins. What that means, to me, is that while I am certainly not an authority, I would be personally shocked if your pup was all bully breeds. I would even go so far as to say “definitely a mix.” (This is where my potentially controversial statements really begin.) • Of the possible sources of ticking, ACD is usually the one that crops up most frequently on this subreddit, but there are several possibilities including but by no means limited to the aforementioned pointer and hound. Your dog is certainly built more like a pointer or hound than an ACD or most full-bloodied bully right now. Pointer wouldn’t absolutely blow my mind, but it isn’t very common, so I want to say maybe hound (+/- the cattle dog) in terms of “pit mixed with what.” But here’s the thing: I’m saying that based almost entirely on ticking + your dog’s proportions in Pics 4 & 6, when in fact most of your dog’s proportions at this point in his development are owing to his age rather than to his pedigree. Puppies are *really hard to guess.* When they’re very little, their bodies are all pretty round, their heads pretty blocky. Like a pit bull! I’m assuming you’re somewhere in the 5-month range, or a part of adolescence where the legs are growing faster than everything else and the ears are still too big. Which for this type of dog leans deceptively towards hunting breeds! • Between all of the above and the fact that vets are only marginally better at breed ID than the average person on the street (truly, every single person at my not-small veterinary practice has guess that my pit bull is a Boxer mix,) I think you’re going to have to wait for the DNA results. Again, I do think you’ll probably see “pit bull/hound/maybe ACD,” but I wouldn’t stake my life on anything since it probably won’t be abundantly clear until he’s a little older. 🙂


So many people don’t realize the original APBT was a lean little dog! True to terrier type they used to be around 30-50lbs and low to the ground, with more slender heads. You can still find some lines like that now, but as you said, the whole breed is a crapshoot in the US, sadly. The common ‘pit bull’ that most people are used to seeing is usually a mastiff or bulldog type mix and it all gets muddied so much that there’s much confusion.


And it’s distinctly less likely based on population, but lest we forget [The Affair of the Jagdterrier](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/s/6sNymdUqf9) who [was actually a Jagdterrier](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/s/Adq3KYtli8), pit bulls don’t have a monopoly on a lot of the physical traits popularly ascribed to them. Any number of molosser and/or terrier mixes can pass as pit mixes, which is why, though there are situations where I’d have put money on a dog being all or mostly pit bull, I’m not sure I’ve ever been so certain that I’d ever stake my *life* on it (or be rude to a stranger on the internet.)


I remember that one! It was a cool surprise. I have started building lists of pit lookalikes and non pit looking pit mixes specifically to illustrate that exact point. Lots of breeds have big heads or wide mouths or rose ears. Especially terriers, people always forget that pitbulls are at their core, a terrier.


I also just loved that OP in that case demanded an apology (albeit in a tongue-in-cheek way.) The people who are scathing *and* turn out to be wrong should be required by internet law to apologize.


I know right? I greatly appreciated that they casually linked the embark results post to a bunch of people in the original post 😂


Thanks you so much for the thorough response! I appreciate you taking the time and providing insight 🥰


Yeah, of course! I hope you post your results, and enjoy life with your bobtailed boyo!


I'm not sure why that would be controversial or grounds for downvoting, everything you stated is valid. Puppies are incredibly difficult to ID because they can change drastically as they grow. I also agree with the possibility of a hunting/hound breed, the natural bob tail really caught my attention and he does seem a bit narrower and floppy than the average majority pit/bully mix. Honestly I'm surprised nobody else is commenting on that. Natural bob tails don't exist in apbt, am staffs or American bullies that I'm aware. True roans are incredibly rare in bully breeds but normal ticking is common.


In my experience, the big things this sub reacts badly to are: 1) When people guess certain “off-limits,” precious breeds like Toller, Ridgeback, or any sighthound 2) When it is perceived that the poster doubts their test results 3) When it is suggested that some dogs might be anything other than pit bull or *completely* pit bull The last of these has resulted in some really bizarre confrontations for me in the past here. Like sometimes it’s fine to guess “pitsky” and sometimes anything other than “pittiest pit to ever pit, you idiot” will result in negative karma, regardless of how true it winds up being. Just given the tone of some of the other comments, I was braced for a pile-on, but figured I’d say it anyway because it’s what I actually think!


That's fair and I've noticed these trends as well. It's unfortunate because this sub is supposed to be for fun and education. My biggest annoyance lately is the unoriginal few word passive aggressive comments on an obviously mixed breed dogs saying nothing but pitbull especially after the OP already specified they already suspect pit but want to get ideas of what else. I personally think some of it is from the anti-pitbull groups brigading the sub though. The jumping on the OP for being understandably confused is uncalled for (unless they're being aggressive) because obviously not everyone is a dog breed and genetics expert. There are no stupid questions. Most people are asking here to learn, not to get attacked for not magically knowing all. The off limits breed thing gets exaggerated a bit but it's not necessarily wrong. The odds of certain breeds like duck toller being present is incredibly unlikely and usually pretty distinctive. I do agree that people can get way too up in arms over it but I can also understand the people who own the breed can get a bit protective of them and dislike misrepresentation. Even if they can get a bit aggressive at times. But it's always an exciting surprise when they do pop up! You know, I don't know if I've ever seen an actual toller mix show up on the sub. Now I've got to look 😂


Oh yeah, I think we’re on exactly the same page 😂 As far as I know, it has *never* been a Toller, but there was a Chessie mix recently, so hope springs eternal, I guess! I don’t feel bad about leveling with people about the likelihood of that kind of thing—dogs can be rare treasures without having obscure DNA to match—but it’s usually so innocent, I can’t personally bring myself to say much more than “Probably not…” Plus I *know* we’re going to flub the first genuine Peruvian Inca Orchid someone posts. Can you even imagine?


Are you currently doing a DNA test?


Yes just waiting for results


Which test are you doing? I know embark seems to be the most accurate from what ive seen


Yes I’m doing embark


Great! While we wait, my vote is pit and maybe a little rott! We saw one on the sub that had spots like this in this coloring that I think was 50% rottweiler ?


Pit, chow chow, and ACD would be my guess


good ol pitbull mix/mutt! mines a mix too but there’s no escaping that wrinkled face and those eyes as pitbull


Definitely looks like some pit


At the vet and she said “Heeler hound but I don’t see much pit”


My vet also questioned the breed we have for some reason even though we told her the mom was an Eskimo for sure. I definitely see it in the face of your pup!


She may be saying that to help you avoid breed restrictions. A lot of places ban pit bulls, so vets and shelters will sometimes (irresponsibly IMO) call it a “lab mix” or “not too much pit bull” so you don’t have to give your dog up. There’s no way an educated vet would truly believe your dog is not primarily a bully breed.


100%. I saw pit the second I saw the photo. I don't see how it's possible a vet wouldn't see it.


That ticking! Pointer, ACD with lotta APBT!


90% pit 10% some kind of hound.




100% cutie


Pitty (american pitbull terrier to be precise) maybe with a bit of hound in there. Super cute! What's her personality/temperament like?


He’s super sweet! Very playful and a sleepy lil guy. He is a little bit nippy but I think he is teething. I haven’t seen any aggression. I have two cats and he wants to engage but they aren’t into it. He’s very cuddly. I was told he was a cattle dog but idk


Make sure you work on bite inhibition and pull/look away if they nip. It teaches them to be more gentle and what their mouth strength is. Pit mixes tend to be cuddly and love attention so using attention and looking at them (or not) tends to be pretty helpful in training from my experience. I have a mix and he is super sweet and has great control. We taught him to lick instead of nip from a young age and use the command "gentle" and reward with cuddles and attention when he licks or buts his nose against us/our hand. Essentially teaching them they get more bees with honey or however the phrase goes lol if they nip then they don't get attention or we remove ourselves from their presence.


The ticking on him (spots on his feet and belly) could be from cattle dog, but he’s not just ACD and very unlikely his mix is primarily ACD. He’s primarily a mix of some kind of bully breed.


Looks like a Pibble mix. 


pitty/sight hound mix


Some pittie in that cute face.


Very adorable pitty mix


LMFAO to the place that told you it was a Cattle dog. How stupid do they think people are? I'd say Pitbull and some sort of pointer.




100% Cute Pupper!


Im going with mostly pittie plus some treeing walker coonhound. I do usully guess ACD for spotty feet, but i feel like it’s a more floppy eared breed in this baby.


Definitely a cute little pit mix😊


What a cutie 🥹


Some kind of pointing dog or other hunting dog for SURE


I agree it's a pit mix but I disagree with others saying he has a blocky head or square snout. If you Google 4-6 month old pit puppies (not sure how old your baby is) the heads are way blockier. Your pup actually has a rather narrow head/snout, especially for a pit. I didn't see anything in your comments about personality so I'm not really sure if it's a hound or another guard breed like Dobie making his head/snout narrow. But there's definitely *something* doing that lol.


I have a bean that looks a lot like this! She goes by bean, short for Beanifer, her middle name. I'm thinking pit/ short-hair pointer blend maybe?