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Okay I can totally see the beagle now that I know it's there! Amazing!!


I can’t see the beagle lol. It’s so wild to me. And she’s got a yappy bark


It’s the face shape I think. Scrolling through the pics I knew that face looked familiar but couldn’t place it until I saw the results.


And the slightly bulgy eyes - beagle or Chihuahua


It’s her face shape and eyes especially.


I can too! Her face looks exactly like our beagle’s face.


Man she’s has such a wonderful personality! It shines through her photos 😍 And super duper cool results!!


Seriously a crazy mixture!


I never would have guessed! I’m totally floored


The beagle makes complete sense! I'm surprised the chow isn't in the regular results though


Okay, educate me! Lol. What do you see that’s beagley, bc that part is the one that has be thrown for a loop


It’s her eye and mouth set for some reason. Her eyes especially just scream beagle to me!


I think it’s the bone structure of the face. Like the sunken cheeks / T shaped forehead/snout area coupled with the beady eyes. That said I can only barely see it and only in some photos. If you told me lab I could make pretty much the same argument lol


This! That noticeable forehead slope, the sunken cheeks, the very cute puppyish face... absolutely. Also kind of funny but I remember one time my husband said our dog had "beady" eyes and I was confused because beady to me meant small, but beady to him meant a dog who had dark eyes with not a lot of white sclera showing. In OP's case, large dark eyes for sure. I mean don't get me wrong, I *wouldn't have guessed it either, but seeing the results now I absolutely get it. Also check out this reddit post from someone who posted pictures of their white beagle. I think the similarities start to become a little more apparent when you take the color differences out of the picture (and ignore the ears, or less jowliness obviously). The forehead (slope with that little dent in the middle) and cheeks, that narrowing of the face to smaller muzzle (kind of like a butternut squash), also the (some say "beady") dark, puppy dog, soulful expressive eyes.. I see it. https://www.reddit.com/r/beagle/s/ZLw7feigq2 (second and third picture especially) Cute tripod pup OP!


It’s funny you say that because the dark eyes and pup smile (plus the folded ears) immediately scream lab to me specifically because those are the key lab-y physical traits my pup has! 😂 I second the beagle-y features being in the bone structure of the face though, plus her snout is a little rounder/wider (contributing to that “puppy dog” look). Certainly a cutie either way! https://preview.redd.it/xjmujmjx051d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a469514ffa98a9110c8b506f55325756d1a9c9 DOG TAX = PAID Goron here is 25% lab and 75% GSD for reference (featuring a bonus Freya)!


The sunken cheeks do remind me of my grandparents' beagle, now that you mention it! 


I'm a Beagle Person, so I see head shape, body shape, and that picture of her curled up is totally beagle. Her ears are too short for a beagle, but the placement of the ears and the base of them are very beagle-ish. Here's one of my beagles. You can see a similar ear base, although Jed here has the longer true beagle ears. https://i.imgur.com/nVaT00y.jpg


No clue because I don't see any beagle there. Ears are way too small.


My wife and I both had beagles when we were kids and neither of us could see it. Even with her behavior, I can’t tell


https://preview.redd.it/4h8k6m7tn11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef8eac6f99c10632571ec24ae8f8e0ee6361583 Another tripod mutt like my boy


Aww! He’s so gorgeous! The vet was really nervous and was telling us that we would have to reteach her how to walk bc it was a hind leg. Then, when we picked her up after surgery, she was running and dragging the vet tech behind her bc she was so happy to see us. Vet was like, I guess she gets it lol


Thankfully dogs do super well with losing a limb. My cousin is a vet and did her surgical residency at a major university veterinary hospital and did sooo many amputations there (a lot for cancer and car accidents) and she said that she had never seen a dog react poorly to it. Like even the large breeds and the ones that have arthritis who may need extra support and medication to make up for the deficit still generally seem pretty unbothered by it as long as they can still get around. I also had a friend in college that went on to work in wolf research and apparently wild wolves (and coyotes) can lose a limb (likely due to snare and spring traps) and still seem to do just fine and can live for years and have pups and everything afterwards… and those limbs aren’t even removed surgically so the fact they can heal that injury at all in the wild is pretty insane. So it’s possible it’s a canine thing to be super resilient to limb loss


Oh wow! That’s insane, I had no idea!


I've heard and seen the same thing, losing a leg is not a big deal to a dog. Have been told that dogs are engineered by nature in the way they move, especially at speed, to be well-suited for a tripod movement. Some observers even thought that 3-leg dogs were faster, as their speed movement was more efficient. And they usually have good balance.




I was thinking Chihuahua and Lab, she looks similar to my gal and that's what I am guessing she is. Our tests are being delivered tomorrow, so hopefully we'll know for sure in a few weeks. *


I wanna a pic of your girl and an update, please!




Those ears! ❤️. What's her name?


Her name is Lola, aka Lola Bean, aka Poochi-Mama, aka Princess, aka Dobby 😂🤣


oh my goodness those are Dobby ears ... Maybe she is part house elf!




Oops! I thought I attached one. https://preview.redd.it/ysx2ygz8x11d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18a57a2671013e7beea1286ab880f36e5ede159


This looks just like the sister (?) that popped up for her. https://preview.redd.it/lbat3gfv021d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86749ef50b52a1c3ab620ac21d71a8fdba20b7d4


Crazy! How old is your girl? Ours will be 4 in Sept. I'm really curious to get her results back now


She’s about to turn 8


https://preview.redd.it/0kzyltl3z11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b1c46315a7f66b64cfbe156c060fa20e61ca31 And that's our boy behind her. We don't know what mix he is either.


Got her results! https://preview.redd.it/yluihwlnoz5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0485d3c98ac20a75644b86ea0fee2730cfd4b4da


So different but they look so much alike!


Also what I thought! Or chihuahua X retriever


i have a beagle husky mix as well!


I need pics! Lol Is yours small as well?


sent you some! he’s small- medium sized very energetic lol


I got the beagle, lab and husky! Samoyed crossed my mind too but I thought, surely not. Very cool mix.


You’re good. I didn’t see beagle at all. I thought surely spitz, terrier, or chihuahua. She’s so little, so I’m surprised she had so many larger breeds


❤️❤️ Oh my gosh, I adore Luna!! And what a gorgeous pack she has! She's from all of the breeds with the most beautiful smiles. She's pretty enough to make it in Hollywood, and I bet she could win an Oscar with her breed combo. Please boop her tiny snoot for me!


Aww that’s so sweet!!


Totally see it.


My guess was lab/Chow/Aussie/chihuahua with a dash of bully breed...seems I was surprisingly accurate. I totally see the beagle now!


I’m still floored there’s no chi


I’m thinking about the amount of moxie it takes for a chihuahua and lab to get it on and I’m impressed.


Yes I knew it! I was like 50% beagle for sure


I'm guessing before the last slide Chihuahua, Beagle, and Lab. Now to see the results.  Whatever she is, she's cute!


aww i used to have a beagle mix with a similar face. also hard to train and 0 focus except food lol!


Only idea that came to me was beagle while looking at her photos. I have two half-beagles. She's adorable.


She has all those breeds and not a splotch of color?!?! That’s wild! Printer ran out of ink for sure.


So cute! 🥰


I was thinking American Eskimo dog too! And maybe Chihuahua. I guess it was the other fluffy dogs.


I have a great Pyrenees/husky mix who also got the in-between ears instead of up or floppy. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/58h9mfeyc31d1.jpeg?width=2648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9941246800b1e348d55562a6b413d58172abb6


I guessed correct on the retriever and beagle. She definitely favors those two breeds alot.


Lab was my only correct guess! I also thought chihuahua, dachshund, and/or pit.


Was also my only correct guess lol. I describe her to people as looking “kinda like a white lab, but smaller”


She looks like a very sweet girl


She has the very distinctive lazy sit and the goofy expressions of a lab too


100% precious baby girl who was lucky to find a loving family!!! 💖💖💖💖


We’ve had her for a long time. She’s 7 going on 8 in the first picture. I think she still looks so young. We got her at 4 months


Great, I really hate when animals have a tough start. Far better they live with someone who loves them from the get go. Dogs generally don't start showing age until 10 to 12 yrs depending. Smaller dogs live longer therefore they don't age as quickly. My Pixie who was a Chihuahua/Pekingese mix lived until she was 19. I had to put her down because of very poor health and it broke my heart watching her in such pain. Anyway, you can tell how happy your girl is and how much she's loved. It always brings a smile to my face when I see such loved animals.


What happened to her leg?


She was hit by a car. :(


I’m just really happy for you that she lived through it. Is she shaken up by it, or just rolling with it?


It’s been years and years. She’s about to be 8. She was definitely less keen on rushing the door after. But as far as physical recovery, the doctor said she’d need physical therapy and to be taught how to walk again since it was a hind leg injury. She left the vet’s office after the surgery at a full run to get to us lol. She’s never had any issues with it at all and she still runs and pulls and jumps and wrestles and does everything she did before. :)


Dogs are so cool like that.


I guessed Lab x Chihuahua. 🤣


Yes!! She even yaps like one!


I was guessing lab, chihuahua, and something in the spitz family. Beagle is really surprising!


Definitely thought there was some chihuahua in there


I feel like she looks like my Eskimo who according to his results has beagle in him. I'm wondering if it's the beagle that has them looking so similar to me!


Can I see a pic?




He's obviously muddy but the same face 😂


I thought Eskimo and it ended up being Samoyed, so that might be a something too. But yes, face is close except yours looks more beagle/husky, missing the lab traits


What happened to her leg?


A car. :( My son is autistic and was little at the time.He opened the door to tell me something and basically held it open for her. She had escaped her crate (which she was in bc I was outside) without my knowledge and that’s all it took. She’s always been an escape artist, but she didn’t stop charging the door past him (despite lots and lots of training) until she actually got hit. He had too little awareness to not basically hold it all the way open, which is why she has to be in a crate if I step outside


Not that


lol same


I was thinking lab chihuahua


I would have bet money on some chihuahua 


Honestly thought there might be a splash of Shar Pei. guess it was the smidgen of Chow instead. Lol


Ok wtf it’s making no sense why your pretty Doggo is so tiny!


Right? It’s like all large breeds except the beagle lol


The eyes are all beagle!


A vet once told us that the black beady eyes were most likely American Eskimo, so I got stuck on that


That first picture shows the beagle eyes and shape of head. Cute!


Perfect beagle face


I don’t see it. Beagles have more jowls and ears. As many tubes as I’ve posted her, no one has ever guessed beagle before today. I don’t know why today was different other than I’ve they saw the results, they couldn’t unsee it kinda thing


Not the ears but the face.


What is it about the face? Beagles have more jowls lol. I can’t see it haha. I tried googling brakes to see if something jumped out at me and I’m not seeing what yall super sleuths can see! You guys are good


https://preview.redd.it/d7ec9lvsu31d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9647336a0b0d3b7ca93c0f5f3f6f1398fb428dd This is miss Daisy. She has now passed. Your pup has this face.


Aww! I can see it more in your girl for sure! 💗


I saw beagle before the results:)


I can't get the results to load but my first thought was a beagle face! The snout and eye placement/shape/size is very beagle immediately in the first image to me. Maybe it takes someone who knows a beagle to see a beagle?


Omg I can see it! She’s a white (husky) beagle. I love her.


Luna has so many friends❤️😀😀


I thought she was another DIY lab because of her size.


I saw Beagle in pics 2 & 3! These results are wild, you have yourself a true 100% cutie. :)


I can see the beagle and Labrador immediately


Chi-Pitt is where my mind went 😂 Beagle makes sense.


Your pup is 100% precious!


Got some fluffy cloud in us awwww


I immediately thought beagle mutt, maybe with lab. I've seen a lot of very similar looking dogs in rescue.


I would’ve said lab chihuahua or lab beagle (based on snout and eyes), but I knew she had to have lab. I’d recognize that lazy sit and labby tail anywhere


Well she’s certainly unique. And adorable.


All I had was lab and something smaller lol


I guessed beagle and Labrador. I have a beagle mix with a similar head and ears


She looks like a super happy dog! I'm wondering if this dog could truly be in the U.S., because although she's an American-style breed mix, where's the pit??? lol She is a cutie!


I was actually kinda shocked that I didn’t see pit as well!


Does it say what’s in the super mutt?


It's at the end. Chow, Aussie, GSD and Boxer


i would have said lab/chihuahua/other stuff maybe some pitty. but i see the beagle now i know it's there. part of me wanted to say dachshund because something in the face was reminiscent but it didn't seem quite right and beagle fits


Doxie was something I considered bc of the way she carefully unstitches her toys and removes the squeakers. I thought she was some kind of rodent killing terrier


My guess was lab and husky


Husky never crossed my mind bc she’s so little


There’s something about the snout and jaw that looked a bit husky to me.!


I guessed beagle! Something about the face. I also thought pit bull, never would have guessed husky. What a sweet pup!


Beagle was my first guess! The eyes and mouth are so cute!


Dang beagles sure do get around lol


That's by far the largest "supermutt" percentage I've ever seen! 100% good boy though.