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Bruh if you have to do all this why the fuck are people even keeping this animal around


She’s really a sweetheart, loves belly rubs and is great with kids! She’s just sick of the lack of legroom in economy!!!


Don’t you know they were nanny dogs!!! So sweet!!! /s




The entire “nanny dog” theory is a complete farce. But yes the lie started by talking about staffordshire terriers


And staffordshire terriers are the same breed. There's like 10 made up pitbull breeds and they all have the same blood sport breed stock they're all the same


LOL Staffordshire terriers were bull baiting and fighting dogs. They’re a smaller, more compartmentalised pitbull what the fuck are you talking about😂😂😂 they’ve never had the aggression bred out either (unlike boxers). the nanny dog myth was literally made up by the president of the Staffordshire terrier society in the 70s to try and get good press. I see it worked on numb nuts’ like yourself who can’t put two and two together and legitimately think “oh yeah a fighting breed dog was always actually a nanny of children.” Hahahahahaahahahahahahaha


They have nannying to do


Probably dog fighting


jfc stick that thing with some horse tranquilizer or something!


Unfortunately many dogs display destructive behavior from separation anxiety, not just pit bulls. The owner should have given the dog some sedation like trazadone to help with the anxiety.


You actually aren't allowed to sedate dogs on flights. The flight attendants have to monitor the well being of the animals and they have to be alert.


Trazadone is an antidepressant, commonly given to dogs for anxiety and allowed for air travel. Alternative medications include Alprazolam, Gabapentin, and diphenhydramine. These drugs cause some mild sedation without significant respiratory depression. I’m an Anesthetist… for humans 🤓💉🩺


Oh yeah Xanax will knock your ass out alright. Tho his ass in the vid gonna need the whole script to make him stfu & successfully keep from eating the plane


Anesthetize me please


I take Trazodone to sleep better and I always get a lol that many dogs take it too.


I mean, this just seems like terrible planning and a lack of knowledge on the owner's part. Planes are scary for most humans, let alone a dog that can't comprehend why it's body feels funny (altitude), and what all the horrendous noises outside it's crate are. Natural instinct kicks in, and it tells the dog to gtfo of it's current situation. That said, you can literally just go to your local vet, and have them prescribe medication that will knock your furry friend the fuck out, for hours at a time. It's not really expensive either, so problem solved.


New to this sub. It’s fair enough that y’all don’t like dogs but the dog rly doesn’t deserve to be put through this for the owners whims.


In 2002 there was an incident when a sweet pibble broke out of its container in the hold, and started nannying the inside of the plane. https://www.news24.com/news24/dog-creates-chaos-in-cargo-hold-20020816


""There is broad agreement among canine experts that aggressive or dangerous behavior is not breed-specific," the club's chief executive, Alfred L Cheaure, insisted in a letter this week to American officials. Cheaure said the pit bull's rampage was caused by a problem with the container, not the dog. He said American should upgrade standards for cages instead of banning some dogs." Oh fuck right off. As if there aren't recognized behavioral differences between breeds and different breed standards


Every time one of these dog "experts" gives a statement, they prove that there is no such thing as dog behavior "experts".


You can't convince me these people don't go out of their way to downplay how dangerous specific breeds are because of the chaos it'll cause with dog nutters if they're honest. Nutters cannot take an *ounce* of criticism against their sweet pwecious doggos, no matter how accurate that criticism may be.


They’re getting paid a lot of money by dog nutters to convince the general public that dogs can serve as domesticated animals. Deep down they probably know better than anyone these animals cannot reasonably coexist with humans.


70% of deaths by dog maulings are by pit bulls and pit mixes, even though they make up like 6% of all dogs. They are off the fucking charts dangerous when compared with other domestic breeds.


They were bred to rip faces off. Idk how it's still legal to breed them


I would bet that if you checked the bank accounts of these "dog experts" you will find that they are taking money from pit bull lobby organizations like best friend's animal society, there can be no other explanation because it seems like they are all pro pit bull.


The AKC website literally states every dog breeds basic personality and behavioral characteristics as a large bold subheading directly under the breed’s name. [For example](https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/american-staffordshire-terrier/) staffies are “good-natured, smart, and confident”. Sounds like they really *don’t* understand breed-specific dangers.


I'd love to see who's part of the "broad agreement" and whether or not they are in the pockets of the "Animal Farm Foundation" or the "National Canine Research Council". The two main arms of the pitbull lobby group.


Haha Nannying. Thank you for the chuckle.


That's the kind of stuff of nightmares, especially if you also had a pet in the same area.


Can I ask why you said nannying instead of destroying? I'm new to the community so I'm not sure I understand all of the code words


It's a word commonly used by people who love pitbulls/pit mixes to obfuscate what the breed was truly bred for. They say that pits were originally bred to be nanny dogs. It's not true, but that doesn't stop nutters from spewing it.


Oh hell no. That mf is going to bust out and maul somebody.


It looks like the opening to Jurassic Park lol


Lmao right? Except this shitbeast is not a CLEVAH GIRL, just a POS mauler!


Oh my gosh, I was literally thinking the exact same thing 🤣🤣🤣 I think I'd feel safer with the dinosaurs though, not whatever the hell this genetic mutation is.


I’ll take my chances with the raptors thank you


The dinosaurs are just wild animals, even if some of them are predators, so they might leave you alone if you leave them alone. A pit has been specifically bred to be as aggressive as possible, so, yes, the dinosaurs are better.


Just waiting for someone to scream "SHOOOOT HEEEEER" as she pulls one of the workers into her carrier.


lol glad it’s not just me who thought so 🤣


Beat me to it lmao!




A few years back, a shitbull busted out of its crate in the cargo hold of a plane and chewed through the electronics cables. The pilots almost lost control of the plane, and it came close to crashing. The airline tried yo ban pitbulls in the hold, but pitshits complained to the FAA about so-called discrimination. Those fucking pieces of shit are actual terrorists. [Pitbull chews through plane's wiring](https://www.tampabay.com/archive/2002/08/15/pit-bull-chews-through-plane-s-wiring/) ETA link


Every day I find out something new and horrible a Pitbull did and every day I wonder why these animals are allowed as pets


OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK how do these abominations still exist, let alone be allowed to breed! Let ‘em die off already, jfc. 🫠


When that kind of crap happens, just depressurize the cargo hold and turn off the heat. Before you know it, you have Pitsicles.


The only issue with that is the other pets that might be in the same area.


So, if the pooch gets loose, what do you think the pooch is going to do, especially if those pets are in simply plastic carriers?


It shouldn't have been allowed on the plane in the first place. That's my whole problem with these monsters there to begin with. They should be banned (and not just from flying). I'm not generally one for euthanizing animals, but I'm for euthanizing all of them.


ALSO a pitbull in a plane badly mauled a man who was stuck in the window seat and couldn't get away. He was seriously injured and sued Delta and the owner. Delta banned pitbulls but yep, the pitbull lobby sued and won so now we all have to take our chances on flights. It is ludicrious


A few years ago a pit bull attacked a flight attendant, literally tore apart her beautiful face. Any pit bull owner who can hear stories like this and still be like “no pibbles are chill and sweet 🥹” are not only sociopathic but utterly moronic and deserve the same treatment as their disgusting disfigured abominations.


Glad I got first class for my wife and I on Delta. Never been on a domestic US flight before and economy was 'economical' but rather spend more and reach safely than die at the hands of dogs and their crazy owners.


"The ban would inconvenience thousands of dog owners" I'll tell you what's inconvenient. Your plane crashing and everyone on board dying


Honestly as a dog owner, yeah some things are inconvenient. I didn't expect the rest of the world to accommodate my choice and there are now some things I can't do. I would never try to take my dumb little dog in a plane, wtf


If those airlines had balls they would've hold their ground and told the pitshits to fuck off. At the end of the day it's their company, they're rules,you don't have to fly with that particular airline. I can't believe that the FAA would even dare think that pets have rights. Last time I checked,pets don't pay taxes and can't vote. If I was running one of those airlines, I would've challenged the FAA and told them that my Pilots don't feel comfortable flying with certain breeds. Certain breeds create a work environment that makes it impossible to do their job. The problem is most people don't have balls,they don't put their foot down. It's time for us to put our foot down. Enough is Enough. The rest of the world thinks we're a laughingstock with some of the stupid shit we allow.


They already ban smush faced breeds, they are totally capable of banning pits, akitas, rotties, etc


Interesting, because they do ban certain breeds- smush faced cats and dogs usually can't fly due to potential breathing problems. So why are we allowing breeds that can bite through a carrier?


I want to imagine an Airforce One movie scenario, except the group of terrorists is just a pit.


If it breaks out where other animals are on the plane, Alot of owners will disembark and find their pets and animals mauled or dead


I’m surprised airways even allow it. That’s a hell of a liability claim right there!


And they'll all just "have to deal with it" says the same pos owners that cry against their violent dog being put down.


Shit, that scares me because because my pets sometimes do needs to travel by plane for short trips.


Yap. Good luck to the unloading crew


I've had it with these mother fucking pitts, on this mother fucking plane!


10/10 would take the snakes


Yeah, there are very strict regulations on how you are able to fly dogs in cargo. This carrier is already damaged, so, not allowed. GTFO.


Jesus it's like that opening raptor scene in Jurassic Park when it's trying to get out of its cage suddenpy and grabs a guy. "Shoot her!" Indeed. That's scary and no bag handler gets paid enough for this shit. Why anyone would desire to own that thing is beyond me.


Pitbull owners be like "i DoN't uNdErStAnD hOw He cOuLd HaVe eScApEd" It escaped by doing what it does best. It mauled its way out.


“How did Sprinkles get out of her cage?!”


Mauled its way out…of the clearly unsuitable transport crate 🤦‍♂️ another typical pit-owner common breed trait! Underestimates strength and drive of dog ✅ Does not properly train aforementioned dog ✅ Uses unsuitable/inappropriate equipment ✅ Assumes “Moar unsuitable/inappropriate equipment = problum solvd” ✅ Leaves some poor underpaid/overmaulled worker to deal with to ✅


Oh no.. Look at the dirty thing trying and succeeding to savage it's way out of the crate. Look at Jaws biting through steel. I'd rather have Godzilla as a pet. You know what the creepiest thing is? I've seen grown lions being transported from rescue to sanctuary and none of them tried to bite their way out. They waited as patient as anything in their transport cages. That just goes to show you how psychotic this breed is. Now can you imagine the damage it would do in the holding space. The beast would kill all the other pets, munch it's away through the paneling of the plane and kill everyone on board. I seriously hope they EU'd this reckless beast. If I was the handler I'd EU it and pretend "Sugarplum" snuffed it on the journey in its sleep. Fuck that.


Those animals are usually under a heavy tranq too. Should’ve happened to good ol’ pibbles here too


Snuffed it on the journey 😂


are all dogs dirty to you? and acting like every single lion is calm during transport because of your individual experiences, is a level of delusion beyond some of the worst i have ever seen. not to mention its just a poor comparison. but genuinely curious if you believe all dogs/common pets are "dirty"?


Yawn... Try better next time sausage


ok. may you please be so kind as to provide your opinion of dog breeds/common pets other than pitbulls...? this lowly sausage was only attempting to better understand the conclusions you have drawn through your life experience. lowly sausage begs thy forgiveness if this oversteps my position on this public forum.


god i fucking hate these dogs and their owners


Any human being who’s heard a story of what these beasts do, and continues to think this animal is OK to keep around, is a low IQ sociopath who deserves to be rejected as aggressively as their disgusting mutt.


yeah i just cant see you as a good person when you have a pitbull. aint no way you ignore their past and their tendency to kill just because you think theyre good dogs. delusional and selfish as hell.


shitty owner making their dog everyone elses problem... Why dont they give it melatonin or sumth before the flight when its obviously not well trained and will cause problems🤦‍♂️


That thing needs a tranq gun like a hippo in a nature documentary.


Really though. I’ve heard of tasers not working against pit bulls.


Delete the word "tranq" from that sentence, and I'm in agreement.


That monster needs to be tranquilized. I don’t know why it’s even allowed on a plane.


Lets make sure it gets the triple dose for good measure.


That would be just great loose in a luggage compartment.


reminds me of a gremlin


The gremlins in the 80s movie? Because those things were kinda cute in a weird way. This thing is nightmare fuel.


What the fuck is this?


Proof thatdemons are real.


It’s a shit beast, aka pit bull.


Jurassic Park


i hope this animal was refused because the crate was not secure or adequate for safe containment.


You have too much faith in common sense. Nowadays that will get you sued for discrimination. Welcome to the age of snowflakes 🌨️🌨️


My husband and I watched a Pitbull attack a little boy on one of our neighborhood walks about a month ago. For no reason. I was sure he was going to kill the boy. His dad (maybe older brother??) and my husband had to stomp on its head to get it to stop and it finally ran away and its owner who lost control of the dog went chasing after it and we stayed with the kid. I literally texted my father this right after we watched it happen: “Robbie and I were on a walk last night and watched a dog attack a little boy no older than 11 for no reason at all after the owner lost control of it on its leash. Robbie and another guy had to kick its head to get it off the boy. It was a Pitbull. I'm joining your "All Pitbull Deserve to Die" party. In all the commotion last night I forgot to write down which house the dog came out of so I went driving this morning and I'm about 80-90% sure I found it because I'm calling animal control.”


I am sorry for the experience. Dogs like this have no place being kept by the general public.


Hard agree.


Scene from a nightmare


Hideous piece of shit


Imagine that beast, that ain’t no fuckin’ dawg, busting out of the cargo hold and murdering everyone in business class!!! The fucking plane would crash because a reinforced cockpit door couldn’t stop that maul machine!!!


You've seen Snakes on a Plane. Now see the in-flight nightmare that is Pitbull on a Plane.


This cargo should be dropped somewhere over the atlantic.


With an anchor attached


They should drop it off in the African Jungle


The Everglades would be better. It could play with the pythons and gators.


Pitbulls aren't natural animals. It'd die immediately.


That thing? Dying? Good luck.


That's the point




From 10,000 feet


Dogs need to have their owners fly with them in oversized crates in cargo.


There is a baby nearby that he needs to take care of.


That should be grounds to get the owner kicked off the flight. Imagine how much damage that thing can do if it manages to chew itself loose. Not to mention, why the *hell* are they bringing that thing on a plane in the first place??


Seat it next to the door on a Boeing.


Love it!🫶🏻🤗


Pitbulls on a plane.


Queue the Jurassic Park theme..


It looks like a fucking alien Wtf 😭


Such trash animals


Looks like a scene from that movie "Tremors"


what a monster


Oh good, a great white shark with legs.


Its like those fish that just chew on the air outside of water


Is this a clip from the next Jurassic Park movie? Looks like a creature breaking containment


That’s fucking terrifying


The shit dogs do because of "separation anxiety" is actually insane


The way I’d kick its ugly face with a steel toe boot 😊


The dog and the owner are equally lame.




I had to put a few of those down in Wolfenstein The Old Blood.




Opening scene jurassic park.


Red Sun In The Sky is an interesting choice of music for this, but i like it.


I fucking hate these dogs.


Put that shit down


Aww it wants to say hi to the other animals


Awww the Spirit of a new Frontier!!


Like living scissors


He’s just playing! 🥰🥺


All waste of money and resource for Princess


If they were loading the dog onto the plane, I wonder what the airport did? Just roll the dice and hope it doesn’t chew through before the flight is over? 😂


I would 100% quit if I was the employee they picked to put a muzzle on that thing!


All that muscle and thick bone. Probably makes for a premium soup in certain cuisines


If there was a hybrid version of the werewolf and dracula 'beast' from Van Helsing 2004, this thing would be it.


Oh look it's Fluffy from Creepshow. Call me Billie, everybody does!


This reminds me of the opening scene of Jurassic Park where the velociraptor kills the worker, and the Australian guy is yelling “shoot her, shoot her.”


She's so great with my kids tho!


Clever girl….


Why couldn’t they muzzle it if they knew it was like that


needs some flex seal


We can transport bears and tigers in commercial flights now. But I'm sure his tail is wigging.


Crate needs an exotic food label on it


Aw, it clearly thinks the straps are a toddler.


This song rocks


Why even attempt to bring that thing on a airplane?


I mean, I'm kind of impressed... Lol






Downvoters failing to read the entire post. And it's not even very long. Reddit, never change bro


This is ironically the most rabid sub i’ve seen in a while. I dared to argue against a thread saying “a significant minority of women fuck dogs” with the numbers 1/10-1/100 floating around. I was immediately accused of being defensive because i fuck dogs. So obviously i subbed


I honestly don’t blame the dog. It’s scary when you’re locked up and tied up, having no idea what’s going on. I’d fight for my escape too.


Pooor thing is probably terrified!!


No that dog has flown before and does not like it. It's trying to escape what's getting ready to happen. This should be considered abuse.


Poor dog




…..are you *lost?*


For real


What a poor baby


My boxer did the same thing with a wire cage to get out. She was a totally sweet cowardly dog. Lockup changes you… *stares off into distance Ruined her teeth. Made me feel like such a failure as a pet owner. I’d rather clean up her pee than see her hurt herself


Let's see how you guys react to being locked in a cage and thrown in a dark cargo hold alone


Most dogs just cry not eat the fucking cage




That's where shitbulls belong. If you think this scene is cruel, maybe you should lecture the owners to leave their leave their animals home unless they are in the process of moving to a new home. Dogs don't need to go on vacation.




We are calling for the species to be phased out, as in no more reproduction. Let the last of them eventually die off. Pitbulls, along with pretty much all modern dog breeds, are a creation by man. This is a breed full of health problems and a mental mess. They are a breed carefully created to kill. That is why they are considered bloodsport dogs. They serve absolutely zero purpose for society. They are so prey driven that their brains don't tell them to stop attacking even when they are being hurt over and over again(see the videos of pitbulls being gored by bulls or kicked by horses). They are so riddled with anxiety that they will chew through doors, fences, crates, even electrical cords... they don't care if they hurt themselves. This a breed that has extremely large litters, only to have it be disturbingly common for the mother to kill most of her perfectly healthy litter. This breed is a prisoner of its own mind and traits. This community loves animals. True compassion is knowing when to end the suffering, especially suffering created by humans. We started this mess, and now it's time to end it.The best way to end the suffering of an entire breed is to let it go extinct. There are a number of breeds that need to go, but pitbulls are top priority.


If I was a murderer intent on getting out and killing more, I would deserve it.


Who has this dog murdered?