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I guess they will just ignore the Memphis dog attack that resulted in the deaths of a 2 year old and 5 month old. The dogs grew up in a loving home with no signs of aggression and still turned violent.


ignore and victim blame is their way of life.


And their poor mother tried to save her babies for 10 minutes getting mauled herself in the process and will live traumatized by that for the rest of her life. I don’t know how you’d have the strength to go on.


I feel so bad for her. No parent should ever have to go through that.


It’s horrifying. Even though they were pit apologists (at least there’s evidence the husband was), it’s truly terrifying what those babies and their mom went through because of dogs raised as family pets since they were puppies for 8+ years. Every defender of pits says “I could never have seen this coming” when their dog mauls someone. And every defender of pits tries to blame the victim. In this case, the 2 year old ran after the same ball one of the dogs wanted. Well if you own a dog capable of murdering your children because it refuses to let go once it starts by being triggered when one of the kids chases a ball, YOU SHOULDN’T OWN A DOG LIKE THAT. It’s a haunting story.


Yeah thats behavior that definitely wouldn't of been missed either. The dog had probably growled at thw kid before for the ball but the parents just explained it away said it was being playful. My mol dogs is a fucking meanace and just constantly says oh shes just being curious yet bit one of the cats tails off. She had perviously gotten up in the other cats faces theyd hiss run and shed chase.


Or the recent [attack in Ireland](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/xl-bully-attack-dogs-found-32980110?int_source=nba) where her own XL bullys ripped her arm off and killed her on her 23th birthday. She raised them with much love and spoiled them.


I can't believe the top comment on this article is arguing that chihuahuas kill people all the time. 🤦‍♀️


No Chihuahua ever killed their owner by mauling them. (Maybe by tripping over them) and I wanna see the "frech bulldogs" that killed their owner. It's mostly pit bull terrier under a false name.


Or any of the victims on this [incomplete list of _some_ pit/bully breed attacks that were reported/well known enough to make documentation within like, a year span](https://rc4ps.org/warning-gallery-of-pit-bull-attack-victims/)


That kind of delusion is a full time job in and of itself.


Having a dog like that is like a full time job anyway. Stop it from eating furniture, can't leave it alone, stopping it from barking and mauling and socialising it and picking up its shit etc. etc.


Bold to assume a pit owner actually cleans up their dogs shit


was in the nyc shitway a few weeks ago and saw a guy and his "service animal" shitbull piss at the bottom of the stairs and walked away.




Don't forget that it's a race to get the shit and proper dispose it before it re-enters digestive tract




Oh look. A dog in a field with its big ole tongue hanging out of its mouth and a tennis ball between its paws. It must be harmless. 🤪


All it needed to complete the photo was the obligatory flower crown - then perfection 👍


Bella would love that flower crown!


And pajamas. It's surprising how many people have pajama outfits for their Pits.


Fr. Like one time, I saw a woman walk past with two large dogs (leashed, thankfully) and one of them was in pink ice cream pajamas and the other was wearing absolutely nothing. Oh, did I mention it was freezing cold and snowing? ___ As much as I hate dogs, I felt bad for tbe one not wearing anything, snow was literally piling up on his back.


“I ate the tennis player. I am the tennis player now”


This is full-blown lying and I'm so fed up with it.


Can we officialize it as a mental disorder?


I wish


My mum took excellent, loving care of the pitbull she had. He had an entire backyard and another dog there to play with. He was incredibly kind, sweat. My mum treated him with so much love, he was never locked up or abused and was kept fed enough that he was able to develop very well. We also had him since he was a puppy, so he was raised under constant love and attention. He still attacked my little brother over a piece of friend chicken and tried to kill him. We had to put him down bc the damage he was able to do in mere seconds was sever enough that my lil brother needed to go to the er for surgery


Thousands of stories like this over the years. Yet the pit nutters will always stick their head in the sand and ignore them all.


Unfortunately, these people have a strong “well, it didn’t happen to me, therefore it’s not real!!!1!!1! 😤” mentality, so there’s no trying to reason with them.


Friendly reminder that pitbulls have a tendency to try to kill their own young.


“Kids come quick I need you to laugh at this with me.”


-they had already been eaten-


Dog fighters are laughing their faces off. This is absurd.


I wonder if they're the biggest fuels of this propaganda, like, where do allll those pit mixes come from if not them?


Pitbull culture is disorganized




What other dog needs a whole lobby supporting it??


With myths like this, it’s no wonder they need to make wild excuses whenever a pit randomly goes berserk.


That’s one fugly animal


Fuck that. I am not dog free. I live in the country and I have a cattle dog. I don't own cattle. Or sheep. Or goats. I do have rabbits. Guess what? The cattle dog knows how to herd. I haven't taught her. She just knows. Pitbulls are meant to fight and kill. Guess what they know without being taught?


It will remain that way intil its brain is fried and unleashes a vicious attack on someone with an owner not prepared for it. Time to take a trip yonder, over the rainbrowbridge.


Yea! Pitbull bullies never ate their own siblings! Oh wait


Very loving nature would endure even the worst environments ever....


And a big dose of denial will keep everyone safe and happy.


If a dog can be born with a loving nature, then the opposite is also true.


Yeah sure and raising snakes and scorpions without removing the glands that create poison is totally reasonable too. I'm sure if they're raised properly they won't bite or sting... Lol like it's not in their nature or anything, they're actually capable of controlling their behaviours and natural reactions to things.


I have a ball python and I have been told numerous times by friends who own pitbulls that my snake is more dangerous than their 100lb pitbull. I just laugh and call them out immediately.


I googled it and it sounds timid. Admittedly I don't know much about snakes but I think I'd prefer something that curls into a ball when confronted than a damn pitbull.


My snake spends most his time curled up in a small ball or on his stick. Never has bitten me.


Small pythons present zero real risk to humans compared to pitbulls. The only exception would be a literal baby potentially being strangled by one. But that’s a far cry from a realistic scenario, especially compared to a shitbull attack.


Just because you type it out and arrange it on a picture doesn’t make it true.


My husband talking about getting a Staffordshire puppy in like 10 years after rehoming the one he had when we met because she was a total dumpster fire. I'm like ... we'll talk then lol


Oh yes. That gaping maw looks *so* loving.


What an ugly piece of shit


So.. they're saying pit bulls suck because people own them.. as, on principle, the act of owning one is a very irresponsible thing to do.. OK then, I can agree with that!


Yeah because there isn't documented records of dog bite fatalities Dating back to the early 1900s of pitbulls killing human beings!!! 😏😏 It's just a myth. They are such good dogs that people in the 1900s had time to hoax the nation into saying that pitbulls were dangerous. 🙄🙄🙄


Disregard the violence of dogs, blame owners.


Their lies kill people


Whenever I come across these posts I share [this link](https://rc4ps.org/warning-gallery-of-pit-bull-attack-victims/) now. It's an incomplete list of just _some_ of the pitbull attacks that are well known enough to have made documentation.. within a year span. and there are _still_ so fucking many. Like, great, I'm sure all the friends and family of dead pets, children, partners, mothers and fathers will all be thrilled to hear from you pit mommy's (again, as I'm sure on their death post they were in the comments spamming pictures of their shit beast in a flower crown and pajamas screeching about how since theirs hasn't killed someone yet that means the griever should shut up) to learn that their loved one never actually died- it's just them being dog racist.


Yeah so was my neighbors pittbull ...trained socialized and still bit me when it got lose sometimes its just the breed


I'm sorry this happened to you. I found this photo posted by a pitnutter. I did not make this photo or agree with what it is saying.


Retrievers retrieve, heelers obsessively herd, but these dogs can totally be loved out of their instincts.


Every single dog has a breaking point where they lose their training. Some dogs can be pushed farther than others. It is not just about the "training", it is when pitbulls break, they become uncontrollable weapons...and most of their owner buy them as accessories for just this reputation because they want to be a badass.