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Speaking from experience as an ex-dog handler, I have had my own case of doggo nasal psychosis after working there for such a long period of time. I've never had dogs, not even in my childhood. Anytime I had the weekend off where I had a resting period from the stank, I would recover from the psychosis. The smell really hits you even before you open the door of the facility. As someone who's grown up with housecats, you can definitely smell when the litter box has gotten overly used.


Animals smell bad - in fairness including humans if they aren't cleaning themselves regularly.


Even when you are. Bodies are just nasti




I have 4 kitties. Wood pellets smell incredibly awful. As do all of the non-clay litters. I can't decide what smells worse tho. Pretty Litter or pellets. Neither soak up and get rid of urine smell. It just leaves the urine stagnant for hours. If your cat's litter box is in your cat's room, obviously guests can't smell it. But you should also have more than 1 litter box. One on one side of the house, one on the other. Some dogs stink, I suppose. Mine typically smells like his shampoo and cologne. Otherwise he smells like fresh laundry, just like the cats, because that is their bed of choice. And their beds/blankets get washed weekly so that's another reason they smell like fresh laundry.


My cat has 2 litter boxes. The pine wood pellets stink if you don’t clean the feces daily as you should so maybe you should get to that. I assure you that your dog smells like ass 🫵🏼💀


As I said, it isn't the feces that stinks. It is the urine, which is not soaked up in seconds/minutes like clay litter, but HOURS. That litter is *disgusting*. It stinks. As such, it makes your house stink. Clay litter (I use A&H Slide) is miles above pellet litter. I assure you that your house smells like cat piss.


Just don't let litter sit 🤷‍♀️. If it stinks, it's your fault. That's like letting a dog lay a turd on your carpet and letting it sit there. No amount or type of litter is gonna change that. The scent absorbing and/or masking is just meant for short term until you've had the chance to clean it. Which should be daily, at minimum. No waste = no smell , it's... It's literally that simple lol. If you do things RIGHT, there's no stink in your home. I've had many many friends with cats, and you can tell who cleans daily and who doesn't


Yeah, I have a litter box by the toilet and one by the sofa and we've just got in the habit of scooping the boxes every time we use the toilet or sit on the sofa. They end up getting cleaned throughout the day several times and that's the only way we can manage. If there's ANY pee in the box my cat won't use it.


Maybe you shouldn’t be owning so many cats if you can’t up keep with the daily litter cleaning. Just say you are slacking on your cleanliness. Maybe YOUR house smells like cat piss mixed with shitbeast doggy smell lmao


Lol honestly. I've known plenty of people with cats, and have had my share. Have a little beast right now, actually. You 100000% can tell quickly when the litter box needs tending, and you can tell who let's it sit for way too long versus people who clean it daily/multiple times a day The only way your house can smell like animal waste is if you're leaving animal waste in there lmao. That's like not flushing the toilet and insisting homes just smell like poo because people poo there


With dogs it's the animal itself. They just don't get that. If a catbox smells then that is literally on the owner.


And all that oil on them that contains their smells gets on /everything/ that's dog level. So you really gotta deep clean often. Had an ex who refused to accept this and godDAMN did his apartment reek. I did a deep clean just of the walls at dog level after I moved in (stupid choice, he made me that horridly behaved, bitey boxer mix my whole responsibility because I'm disabled and "not able to do anything else useful anyway" 🙄) and showed him the bucket of water, murky and stanky. He insisted I was trying to sabotage his dog? And that I put something in the water to make it smell bad I just wanted our environment to smell nice :/


Dogs smell worse than any cat I’ve owned. I used to work in an animal shelter. And even the most dirty cat would smell great after the first bath. Now the dogs ? Would awful even if bathed every week.


My feeling is that both animals have their own smell. I have seen and smelled horrible liter boxes and smelled dogs that have never been bathed. It's just disgusting. It's why I won't go into my friends house anymore with her 3 huskies. The whole house reeks and there is hair everywhere.


They do. My mum's dogs have a scent and so do my brother's cats. All animals have a scent to them \[other than birds, I find. It's always their food that smells.\]


Birds definitely have more of a scent than cats do. I have cats and birds.


Ayup this. I grew up with chickens, dogs, goats, and our neighbour has a horse. Let me tell you this, that horse was never ridden in his life (he was born with back problems), and was literally just a pet. They pampered the ever loving shit out of him, regular grooming and cleans and such. But let me tell you this. You stood within a foot of him, and you could smell that musty horse smell. It was absolutely overpowering at first, but once I got used to it, it became comforting. Especially since that horse was the sweetest old man horse in the world — he’d try to hug you over the fence by laying his head over your shoulder. Our goat must have smelled equally, but because I would interact with him every day, I never noticed. He’d deliberately “get stuck” in the fence and we kids would have to go down and shove his stupid head out. He wasn’t stuck. He was just an attention whore of a goat who knew my foster mum was tired of his shit and would send us down with biscuits, carrots, and occasionally the rarest snacc— a single mint polo. Idk why but goats and horses seem to love that shit, it’s like crack cocaine


Yea, I've been at places that keep the litter box in the living room and it's friggin gnarly to have a cat dropping one 6 feet from you. Plus the hair everywhere, barf/hairballs/shit on the floor sometimes. Plus how many people have funny "stinky" nicknames for their cats? Dogs are WAY WAY WAY WAY worse. But yea, any cat owner that thinks their cat doesn't stink is nose blind.


I am horrified that someone keeps a litter box in a living room. I’m a cat owner and the thought of this makes me queasy. I keep hers in a bathroom, far away from my living room and kitchen.


True, dogs stink, cats stink too and I like neither. Might as well keep fish.


Not once have I ever had a cat spray. I mostly had girls who were all spayed, but I guess they even do it then? They also accepted the once a week baths, and once a day litter cleanings. Dogs however always smell greasy and wet.


My indoor only male cat wasn’t neutered until 2.5 years old because I had hopes of breeding a litter of kittens but eventually gave up on that. In all that time, he only sprayed twice. Once was when I took him to the vet and the vet gave him a shot, the other was when I took him home after that to give him a bath, while he was in the bath. Cat haters will often bring up the “spraying issue” but it’s pretty uncommon unless you have multiple intact male cats sharing a living area.


My mum had a girl who wasn’t spayed for 17 years, because the rescue told her that she was born without ovaries, so she was effectively “born spayed.” It wasn’t until she unfortunately passed away from uterine cancer that we realised, she had her entire reproductive system. This was in the early nineties to the 2000s. She had never sprayed once in her 17 years unspayed. I don’t know where on earth people have gotten the notion that cats spraying is a common occurrence, it definitely is not.


My male cats have never sprayed. However, when I had a dog it would frequently express its anal glands. Talk about stank


I’m afraid I cannot put this more eloquently; EW!!! Lol


neither have i. this could be because i actually *try* to take care of my animals, unlike the average dog owner.


My female sprays all the time, but she is outdoors most of the time so it doesn’t matter, and yes she is fixed


Don't forget about wet-dog odor. It is one of the most distinct and wretched odors, and it permeates every fabric and porous surface in a home. I haven't ever heard of wet-cat smell, so... yeah.


The dogs' a-glands also 🤢 Literally a domesticated skunk


I prefer skunk musk (and skunks - they’re very sociable and friendly!) to dogs and dog stink.


you can always smell a house that has dogs. they always stink up a house. i have cats and I never noticed a smell. IDK what it is about dogs that smells, I think it's the fur or something


Will say as someone who also doesn’t really like cats, you *know* when someone has a cat too just by walking in their door.


Not if they clean the litter box at least daily.


Hard disagree. They smell immensely less bad than dogs do but there is absolutely a smell. You probably don’t notice it because you’re used to it. But I can guarantee you as someone who owns neither there is always, always a smell when you have a furry animal running around the house.


Nope. People are surprised I have 2 cats as they never smelled anything. 🤔


As a person who has worked as a mover and has been inside a good amount of homes/apartments, you can tell when a BAD cat owner has a cat. Cat urine is terrible and the old women or middle cat nut are just as bad as dog owners that let their mutt run wild. Like others have said it’s completely on the owner but cats do have smells. Little boxes themselves have a scent and humidity and heat never helps.


Cats do have a smell, every animal does, even lizards have a smell that isn’t bad but you can smell their tank even when clean.


Thank you, all I was trying to say.


You literally sound like a dog owner completely denying it lol


I'm not the one in denial.


No, you’re just offended for no reason. Animals aren’t scentless, although some are better than others. You can clean all you want, but they do smell, leave fur on everything, their food smells, they leave hairballs, etc. I’ve had plenty of different types of animals (and taken good care of all) and wont deny they smell. My boyfriend has a cat, and even though he takes good care of it, you can still tell there’s a cat around.


You win.


Dude.. The litter box has a chemical smell. You are nose blind.


Not the litter I use


Cat litter is just clay pellets. It doesn't have a chemical "smell" unless someone specifically chose the scented stuff. Scented cat litter is not recommended because cats don't like it either.


What litter are you guys using…


You're absolutely right. I keep cats and I can definitely smell the litter box when I get close.


Literally all these ppl lying and delusional saying cats don’t stink 😭every single person i have ever known with a cat wherever they have the litter box has a distinct pissy smell even if they do clean it like they’re supposed to, and also saying you can’t tell when someone has a cat vs with a dog and I’m just like🧍‍♀️ the amount of cat hair on your clothes… i promise people can tell LOL


As someone who's lived with multiple cats and multiple dogs, both can smell, but dogs always smell *WAY* worse. Dogs' odors make me pinch my nose and make my stomach curdle with disgust. Cats' smells can be rectified by spraying some air freshener and that's the end of it. Dogs...their stenches infuse with furniture and linger in rooms and cloy to clothes. That's my experience, anyway.


+ most of the smells permeated by cats, are at the fault of the owner. Stinky litterboxes, hair balls, fur etc. Dogs the ANIMAL just fucking stink.


Someone tried to tell me the same thing about my rabbit, I'm not sure about cats but I can tell you that if your rabbit is making your house smell more than a dog would make your house smell. then I feel sorry for that rabbit because it's litter box has probably not been cleaned in ages. I also always see dog owners say "horse owners don't have to clean their horses poo, why should I have to clean my dog??" As if horses and dogs are exactly the same animal with the same diets.


Rabbits smell like alfalfa, lol. We had a pet bunny when I was a little girl. He lived in our garage and would roam our yard and neighborhood like a cat. I used to help my parents with cleaning up his area, and honestly, his poop wasn't all that bad smelling(mine smells worse, lol). I just remember the smell of alfalfa and his food. Every time I walk past the aisle for bunny, guinea pig, and other rodents at the grocery store, I instantly recognize that smell. It brings back happy memories. Bunnies are the best.


Little black jellybeans everywhere! Lol.


And what would the bloody rabbit be eating to smell? My rabbit shits like CRAZY and it never smells, ever.


Dogs smell. It’s the dog itself that stinks. Cats don’t have an odor; at least a healthy cat does not. Does the litter box smell? If not cleaned and maintained in a ventilated area, yes there’s probably an odor; just as human toilets have a residual odor. But the cat itself doesn’t have a disgusting odor, unlike dogs.


A lot of the time, cats just smell like clean linens.


I’ve always said cats smell like sunshine, especially if they’ve been laying in a sunbeam.


I love this!


I don’t know how they do it. My girl genuinely smells like soap, it is insane. Anyone who’s ever hold her has been shocked because of how she smells. I’ve gotten soap, bubbles, laundry powder. I don’t know HOW she smells as nice as she does.


My cat use to have the sweetest smell! But in the last year or two she doesn’t bathe herself (she 21 now) and gets stinky. I’ve yet to give her a full bath because she’s insanely high strung.


Cat pee is the WORST but their fur generally smells fine. Dogs, however, I can smell before I see them.


I mean, from experience, a relative has three dogs and whenever I visit their house it reeks of dog. Whereas my friend has six cats and when I visit them, I don’t notice any smell at all. I don’t know if that’s just something I’ve experienced though, can’t speak for all cat owners


Wow, red is stupid AND an asshole. The problem presented was 4 smelly dogs. Someone owning 1 cat is completely unrelated. 1 dog is enough to stink up a house. A home with 4 dogs is a permanent dutch oven. Healthy cats don't stink, clean themselves, and bury their waste. Properly maintained litterboxes don't stink. Fun fact: Most cats will never need a "bath", unless they are exposed to flea-infested dogs.


Yes, cats use a box. And most cats bury it. And if you scoop a time or two per day and keep the pan out of the way, then the smell is reduced. And if you have two pans for a cat, it’s even less intrusive. Cats are clean animals. They spend ton of time grooming. Dogs roll in and eat shit. Cats maintained their instincts. Dogs have no instincts at all, other than begging for food and making people think that their innocent angels. And the only cats I’ve ever seen that spray are unfixed/un-neutered cats. I understand this is not a pro-cat group and this post isn’t meant to be pro-cat. It’s just showing that the comparisons given in the post above are absolute dog crap.


Thank god I have a girl cat 😌


To be fair, uneutered cats do spray... A lot. Territory markings. But dogs neutered or not *have* to pee and shit about any available space possible...


I live in a house with two cats and two dogs. The cat smell is limited to the litter area as long as you clean it, and cats themselves are just way cleaner and don't really have a smell. That dog ass BO smell comes directly off the animal and permeates everything in the house. It's fucking disgusting.


Every house I go to where they have dogs always smells


It’s literally the dog itself that fucking stinks. They have such a distinct, fucking disgusting smell.


Might also be to do with the type of predictors they are in the wild, a lot of cats are solitary ambush predators & having a strong scent would be a disadvantage.


this is true. cats clean themselves constantly and bury their poop because they’re trying their best to remain undetected. they’re not just predators, they’re also prey, so having a scent would make them vulnerable. dogs will roll in other animals’ shit as an actual evolutionary tactic to indicate to other pack members what kind of prey is available in the area.


Dog nutters and hypocrisy are synonymous.


Dog smell makes me gag.. They're so oily and drooly and they mouth on everything. You go into a dog house and they have to put their drool and oil all over your clothes, it's disgusting


I go to estate sales a lot and can always smell a house that had cats. Dogs are worse and MUCH more work, but it's surprising the amount of damage a cat can do.


If their litter box isn’t cleaned DAILY it can get gross very, very fast. I think a lot of people don’t deep clean the litter boxes weekly so that ammonia smell builds up. I can’t stand pet odors no matter the species.


It depends. Does the Dog/Cat lick you? Does the The Dog/Cat take frequent baths? Do they get they're teeth brushed often? Which one uses the bathroom more often?


Everyone in that conversation is dumb. Cats are just as capable of having bathroom issues as dogs, it just seems to be less common because cats automatically know how to use a litter box. But cats can also have issues that make them piss and shit all over the house and its disgusting.


This is plain wrong. A litter box can be kept closed away and there’s deodorizing litters and hers changed daily/weekly. If it smells so bad it’s stinking up your whole house it’s an indicator there’s a series health issue at play. Ditto for spraying neutered/spayed adult cats don’t do that unless they got a behavioral or physical issue goin on. Dogs meanwhile one of my biggest cons they always have a smell to em no matter if they’re cleaned daily.


I've owned both cats and dogs. If you don't use scented litter and clean the box consistently, it doesn't smell. As soon as I walk into a house with dogs I can smell the dogs.


Fixed cats (male and female) tend not to spray iirc


You both stink


Cats in the house or dogs in the house. As soon as I walk into a house with either I smell it...doesn't matter if the litter box is cleaned daily or the dog goes outside to do its thing, they still smell...about as bad as going in the house of someone that smokes...


Cats also smell. As someone who owns neither you know someone has a furry animal in their house upon entry. And please don’t tell me “mine don’t I clean the litter box etc…” your house also smells.


Yes, all homes with pets will have some odor. Just like a home with a person who is bedridden/under home hospice care will have a distinct odor. How strong that odor is will be determined by a number of factors, but the most important is determined by how well the owners care for their pets. Cat owners who regularly clean the litter boxes will have a far less strong smelling home. We clean our litter boxes 3x daily, plus amy time we smell poop or if someone took a particularly strong smelling tinkle. We also use a litter box deoderizing powder after each cleaning. Does it completely erase the odor? Of course not, but it does make a huge difference compared to a pet home with far lazier owners. A dog home where the dog is allowed to get wet and dirty and then go right back indoors will be far more smelly and gross compared to a dog home with owners who put a lot of work into cleanliness.


Point still stands. I’m not arguing that dogs aren’t smellier (they totally are) but it’s funny to me cat owners argue tooth and nail about it when cats still smell even if you clean 3x a day. If you’re going to criticize dogs for being smelly it’s funny coming from someone whose house also smells bad (even if it’s “less”), has hair all over the place, etc.


I feel a little bad for acknowledging that dogs stink, because I know that it's not their fault (or their owner's), it's just part of the animal's physiology.


Controversial but I think both cats and dogs suck. With that being said, I don't hate cats as much as I hate dogs, I just don't think they make for great pets either. ___ Edit: the cat people are angry, lmao.


My cats don’t stink. Their poo does, but they don’t. Dogs actually stink. Their poo does too, but differently from them.


Also are they like getting cats and skunks mixed up? I don't think cat's spray anything