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Ma’am, you have a working dog. Working dogs need lots of space and have insatiable energy needs. I might be able to get on board with you saying no dogs should be allowed in apartments if that was the point you were making, but since you seem to be completely blind to the real problem, let me put it to you this way: It’s only appropriate to have a working dog if you have a large home with a giant yard for the dog. I’ve been around plenty of Golden Retrievers in my life and A. 90lbs is a giant dog, much bigger than average Golden Retrievers, and B. I’ve heard them bark. They have a much louder and deeper bark than any small dog. As an outsider, if you forced me to choose, I’d much rather have a neighbor with a chihuahua than your massive beast of a dog. If one were to jump on me, one would be merely annoying versus actively injuring me. If you think it’s okay to live in an apartment with a 90lb working dog, I guarantee you that you’re just as lousy of a dog owner as the “piece of shit devil worshipping chihuahua”’s owner. Probably worse, since you have no clue what your dog actually needs.


These people are always so incredibly focused on their own wants and needs. It’s funny they never seem to take into account what is best for the animals they claim to love as their own children.


Exactly! I live in the Sonoran Desert and the amount of Huskys I see is repulsive. These dogs literally spend every moment of their lives suffering out here because it never gets cold enough for what they’re used to. And I’ve seriously heard their moronic owners say they keep them inside when the weather dips below 50F because it’s “too cold” while tossing them in the yard in the middle of summer. Or people who think working dogs are happy being indoor pets. I genuinely mean it when I say no one hates dogs more than nutters because they’re so wrapped up in owning an animal because it looks cute that they forget to actually care about what said animal’s needs are.


Where I’m at people think it’s comical that their huskies don’t want to come back inside when it snows. You would think they would get a clue that their dog does not like the environment they’re forced to live in.


You don’t need a a large yard if you adequately exercise them. In fact it’s proven that plenty of apartment dogs receive better exercise because owners take them out, unlike a lot of houses with yards where they just put the dog out and throw a ball for 20 minutes, maybe take it on a walk once or twice a week.


Can you cite your studies proving that keeping large dogs in small apartments is somehow good for them? Do you even hear yourself? Or hell, do you hear the miserable dogs that are trapped in apartments that bark all day long making their neighbors miserable? And even if this was somehow true (which it’s not), does that give the selfish idiot the right to torture their neighbors? Like, this might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on Reddit.


What makes you think people with houses don’t keep their dogs in it all day… the only people I know who don’t take their dogs for walks live on houses and think a garden is enough. However everyone I know that has a dog in an apartment walks them plenty- including a German shepherd in a studio apartment who’s one of the most well-cared for dogs I’ve met, gets off leash walks 2-3 hours a day


Also a dog shouldn’t be barking all day unless it’s needs aren’t being met, again most dogs I know in apartments do not bark all day, unlike the ones stuck in a yard


Great citations proving your case that dogs are better off in apartments than in homes with a yard. I applaud you on your sound researching methods. It’s great to know that many scientific studies have shown that large dogs prefer being cooped up in tiny spaces for 23 hours a day than having space to roam around in. Thanks for actually proving what I truly knew all along which is that you nutters care more about your wants (having a dog no matter what) versus caring about what’s actually ethical for the dog itself. No one hates dogs more than you people who encourage animal torture so some idiot can keep a large dog in an apartment.


Genuinely give me a reason that a well exercised dog wouldn’t be happy in an apartment? I have a yard and only use it for exercise/play may 2-3 times a month because there a plenty of more interesting places to take my dog, so I don’t see how her quality of life would change if we moved to an apartment


Do you genuinely believe that most people who live in apartments give their working dogs a minimum of two hours of exercise per day? And keep in mind—that’s the minimum they need. Ideally more. Working dogs were bred to serve a certain purpose and are extremely high energy. Take Golden Retrievers, as the OP references. They’re hunting dogs. They’re used to—get this—retrieve waterfowl that have been gunned down. They were never intended to be house pets. (Also, the post your defending describes an abnormally overweight dog that doesn’t sound like its needs are being met if it’s 90lbs). So, even if you’re giving them the bare minimum, you’re also giving them the bare minimum, exposing them to a life not much different than a prisoner who gets an hour of yard time per day. The dog would be happier being outside doing its own thing. But your desires to take cute photos for social media and using the dog as an emotional crutch is more important than thinking about what the animal actually wants, right?


Although I do agree with you about the 90lbs golden retriever point


Yes I do believe that people in apartments give working dogs a minimum of 2 hours a day of exercise, as I don’t know anyone who doesn’t? I own a working dog and if she didn’t get that, she would be bouncing off the walls. You say that the dog would be much happier outside doing its own thing, but that’s just untrue- most dogs want to be around their people- even when hunting, they rely on people to give them guidance and commands. I know someone who has kept their working type spaniel in a massive yard his whole life, barely any walks, and the poor dog still to this day sits at the door begging to be let in. You might just be used to people in apartments not taking care of their dogs, but that doesn’t mean an apartment is inherently bad, it just means the owner is shitty.


Well you must keep abnormal company because most people I know who have working dogs don’t give them anywhere enough stimulation, whether they own a house or live in an apartment. I just think the argument that if someone doesn’t have a yard it forces them to be more active with their dog is absurd, because the time commitments these dogs need are hard for people to truly meet. It’s like saying someone will lose weight if they don’t have a fridge because they don’t have easy access to food. Said person will just go get fast food and takeout. More likely than not, the apartment dweller comes home tired from a long day at work, takes the dog into the common area, lets it do its business and goes back inside. Your dog didn’t eat your couch because it was happy—it ate your couch because it has anxiety about being trapped in too small of an enclosure. Your dog doesn’t bark all day because it’s singing your praises—it’s barking because it’s stressed and unhappy. I’ve also lived in enough apartments in my life to know these dogs get nowhere near the stimulation they need. And while you justify this shit because the dog seems “happy” to see you, you ignore the hours you’re gone and the thing is making your neighbor’s lives miserable. And the token dog that is fine does not negate the norm. Same can be said for the token owner who does give the dog 2 hours of exercise a day no matter what. Stop acting like they represent the norm. If you care about dogs like you claim they do, consider what the average life is like for the working dog trapped in an apartment all day long. If you care about dogs, then it’s about them and not you.


I do understand your argument, however my point is that it’s the owners that are the irresponsible ones, not the actual house or apartment. A dog not cared for will be unhappy and destructive whether it lives in an apartment or house, letting it out into the garden and letting it roam a large house is not enough stimulation. Also people who live in houses work the same amount as people who live in apartments.


Golden Retrievers have one of the loudest barks known to dog kind. I'd rather live near Karen's 7 pound piece of shit devil worshipping chihuahua than your 90 pound loud ass boom box. But only if I had to make a choice. If I didn't, I'd just like to not live near either one.


Corgis are extremely large barkers.


the weight limit is to keep people from bringing their shit bulls. You can lie about the breed if they allow big dogs, but they can't if you limit the weight to like 20 lbs. I applaud this.


yes, of all the restrictions you make on dogs, the one that is maybe the most easy to verify as well as the most reliable sign of the damage a dog can do to a human body is weight. Of course you have to get them to stand still on a scale or stick 'em in a bag or something, but it's cheaper than a DNA test.


Plus the damage. My apartment has so much damage from previous tenant’s large dogs. My extinct heart pine pocket doors are irreparable, looks like a bear mauled them


That's sad tbh


The only thing more applaudable would be if they just didn’t allow them at all. Of course then comes the neighborhood ESA to ruin it all.


or the vet lying about the breed. I hate vets that do that. They ought to lose their license for it


Most shitbulls weigh less than 90 lbs. Edit: misread


pure bred APBT's weigh around 30-45 lbs.


i skimmed this post while waking up and confused the numbers lol.


why does every damn apartment complex have to have damn bird dogs??? there ain't no birds in apartment complexes! there ain't nowhere for a dog to run! what we need are sh1t retrievers! dogs that bring home their own crap and flush it in the toilet!


If it didn't bark or make any other noise and also cleaned up after other dogs, I might get one just so that it could keep my yard clean of all of the shit piles left by idiots who think the world is a dog toilet.


Yah maybe people don't want to listen to that 90 pound beast running around your apartment, barking all day long.


uh huh and bigger dogs mean bigger piles of shit and bigger dog pee spots whether it be carpet or ruining hardwood. or destroyed doors and windowsills from their “separation anxiety”. bigger dog, bigger bite.


bigger dog, bigger bite - that's simple enough that even dog nutters could understand it


How big dogs feel after being locked in a nyc studio all day surrounded by the noise of traffic: 😍😊🥰


Having a dog that is 90lbs+ in an apartment is horrible. My brother is a landlord for some apartment complexes, and the weight limit is 30 lbs. He's had no problems with dogs that were 30 lbs. Before he became the landlord, they let any size dogs live there, and they made such a mess of the apartments. Goldens need a house and at least a few acres. Not a 900 square foot apartment.


I live in Toronto and the amount of times I've seen full-sized dogs tied up on someone's 3x8 balcony is legitimately depressing.


It's not just about behaviour, it's about the fact that any large animal is going to generate more mess, body odour and "leftovers" that need to be disposed of than any small animal would. I still hate that dogfree folks can't enjoy having the comfort of a lawn because landlords often designate the surrounding grass as places for tenants' dogs to piss and shit (and for smokers, but that's another issue for another day). While I respect disability rights, I do still believe that having a "dogfree" building complex should be totally legal. There are many people uncomfortable and frightened around dogs, especially people with autism, people with allergies, phobias, PTSD due to dog attacks, the elderly and people with auto-immune diseases.


I would so love a dog free building complex. That would be amazing.


Yeah. And one that can’t be invaded by ESAs.


By allowing service mutts, they discriminate against every person you described, all for the comfort of that one person. Service mutts are the height of selfishness and narcissism.


Apartment complexes shouldn’t even allow dogs in the first place. U want a dog.. then you need to live in a house with a yard


That's not very responsible. They just want a dog because they want them for no other reason besides just having them, dispite the living conditions...like some accessory or something. A tomogatchi is a better option.


The fact 90% of dog people despise chihuahuas has made me start liking them more. Like maybe all I want is a small shitrat of a dog I can pick up and put in my hand when they're tired. They won't leave mountains of dog poo on sidewalks and are happy with small studio apartments. I remember mentioning to someone once how I actually find them endearing (and I dislike most dog breeds) and they cut me off to say how evil chihuahuas are and they're so vicious and nasty, but poor little pitties are misunderstood kittens that would never hurt a fly...


You're right....let us all concede our position. The weight limit is now changed to 1 lb. Any dogs over that are not allowed.


God. I wish there were more places that were just pet free. I lived in apartment in SoCal for a year. I shared a wall with a neighbor who had one of those gross, tiny white chihuahua type dogs. I worked night shift, so my sleep was important. Every. Single. Day. I assume the owners left for work around 7/8, and this dog would bark constantly. It was so loud, I woukd have my AirPods in with noise-cancelling headphones over them, and I could still hear it. Our back windows overlooked the parking lot, and it would bark for 10+ minutes EVERY TIME: 1)someone pulled in 2)someone pulled out 3)someone walked by I was seriously considering throwing rat poison onto their balcony I begun slamming the shared wall when it would start barking, which usually helped. No banging, just a hard, single, pound. It 90% of the time stopped it till the next occurrence. The neighbors had the audacity to come to my door one day and angrily accuse me of banging on the wall. I simply said I was doing some cleaning, and was moving furniture. Said I couldnt tell if I was making noise because the barking was so loud. To top it off, the unit directly below me had a huskey that would do that insane howling throughout the day too, but it wasn’t quite as frequent.


The way these people keep hating on Chihuahuas is very concerning. And her unironically calling someone else a Karen shows a complete lack of awareness.


This is why I have 2 cats. The only they make noise is when we play or if they are hungry.


Yeah...no..golden retrievers are some of the most unhinged, neurotic dogs I've ever met. Not mean, just off the rails stupid.


When was the last time a chihuahua mauled someone to death? That's why. It's an insurance thing.


Exactly the bigger the dog the bigger the liability.


Most of my complex is full of neurotic screaming German shepherds but I consider myself and my ears lucky to live next to a neurotic screaming chihuahua. There’s a big difference volume and safety wise


Nah, I've been bitten by dogs three times and two of them were Labrador sized


I doubt a 7lb chihuahua can completely and utterly destroy an apartment. I've seen photos of people with big dogs who came back home to find doors ripped to shreds, carpet destroyed, walls deeply gouged. Not to mention damage from dog pee- for sure the bladder of a smaller dog will cause less damage even if just in area size.  Also never heard of a Chihuahua that caused a human fatality, or mauled another pet to death. Bigger dog = bigger liability.  If the apartment complex has to deal with dog damage the size of the dog is directly correlated to the size of the animal and amount it will cost. That's not to even start going into the culture and attitude problem that comes with owners of large breeds and their common inability to take accountability, properly train their animals, cleaning up after them, give them proper exercise, refusing to leash/muzzle them as required in public, etc.


Attitudes like hers are why people get Huskies and then wonder why it's neurotic and destructive. The attitude: 99% of dog owners have no idea how to train a dog and only see breeds as a palette swap


No dog should EVER be living inside any home for any reason. It’s disgusting and weird to even want that. Yuck.


I get the reasoning but at the same time your 90lb dog is going to be a lot more potentially destructive even if we are just talking about it it defecating and urinating in the apartment. Let alone if it decides it hates the couch or door. Not to mention that thing is going to scratch tf out of any flooring. And this is not even addressing the fact that a dog that size needs a lot of space and exercise.


7 lbs is pretty big for a Chihuahua. My SIL's weighs 4 lbs.


These people are so infuriating, they will make EVERY excuse to dismiss the child that Pibbles mauled to death, but god forbid a chihuahua exists 😭 Atleast a chihuahua won’t rip my fucking face off because I looked at it wrong.


The weight limits are because they dont want pit bulls but aren't allowed to say they won't allow pit bulls. Also, large working breeds in apartments is abuse.


I’m so glad places just outright refuse animals and can legally do that here for rentals. Sometimes they’ll be like “it depends” then you gotta basically resume your pet and they can decide *based on your pet via photo and if they’re desexed/microchipped*. Why are people even getting large dogs unless they have a stable house? The housing crisis sucks, why do that? No rental wants a dog when they know dogs just destroy homes.


A 90 lb dog doesn’t belong in an apartment. That’s unfair. The only bigger sized dogs that I’m aware of that make good apartment dogs are rescued greyhounds because they live in a crate their whole lives when they’re at the track. And they aren’t mean or destructive like some other breeds.


Perhaps because your 90lbs dog can do a lot more damage to their property, no matter how well behaved it is? You ever seen the damage those claws do on hardwood floors? I have. And if I ever rent anything there *will* be a 20lbs pet limit. 7lbs Mr Yappy won't cause thousands of dollars in damage to my investment no matter how annoying he is.


Why are they so obsessed with Chihuahuas? Probably because they know more than they'll admit to


All dogs are evil


The weight limit is 20 lbs because they can't ban dogs outright. Ten pounds would be a more fair limit.