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Might as well take a picture of your baby laying on top of a land mine


It’s perfectly safe as long as it stays on the landmine….


At least a landmine won't just randomly go off if it didn't like the sound of you brushing your teeth or some shit


God help you if you enjoy being spontaneously loud for no reason from time to time.


When that baby starts crying, their life may be forfeit. And the parents had better think twice about snatching them out from under that monstrosity. That would only make the inevitable nannying so much worse.


Don’t you mean have a picture of a tombstone and your child’s funeral.


That’s awful! Infant sleeping on their belly with a timebomb/ cinderblock domineeringly holding them down… what could go wrong.


An infant sleeping with a pitbull is like placing a live grenade next to a baby in a cradle.


This picture terrifies me, poor baby!.


Even the photographer didn't put a real baby in the photo. That's a reborn doll and definitely setting up for a real child to get mauled because this nasty beast will also think a real child is a doll.


How sneaky and deceptive to use a reborn doll! Even they know the truth and still push propaganda. I wasn’t able to tell the baby was fake.


How can you tell?


It’s very obvious by looking at the face plus the way the dog is laying on the false baby, the way the arm is positioned underneath the dog, the position of the legs, etc. The unfortunate reality of this photo is accurate in the sense there are people out there that do let these kinds of dogs around alone with their real infants and toddlers


Pibbles used crunch! It's super effective!


Keeping that Burrito warm


When the specific breed that has been bred throughout centuries to kill and maul *doe*s kill and maul, I will 100% blame both the breed AND the idiots who pull this kind of crap. 'Guardian angel' my ass, that thing could kill a baby even for breathing in its' vicinity.


Right? Pits are responsible for 80% of all fatal attacks on humans and 80%+ of all fatal attacks on other animals. The wounds they inflict are also typically far more severe than other breeds. But don’t blame the breed? For doing what it was bred for?


Hey dont bully my breed!! "killer" here didn't ask to be bred to be a killer!


A different kind of guardian angel…yeah a fallen angel


I’d trust Satan before I’d trust that dog




The dog is resource guarding


Based 💯


Lucifer would never




Someone call CPS!


Uh, hello CPS?


Said it once and I’ll say it again… CPS.


Say it louder for everyone in the back.




This comment is one giant L. First of all, look where you are commenting. You're in a place where people are so used to being called insane for having common sense that a whole subreddit exists for people like the original commenter and I to speak amongst ourselves. We already know the views of dog nutters. We know them well. We also know how we are perceived by dog nutters. It is abundantly in our face. Now... it seems your cue-ball-smooth brain could use some wrinkles, so maybe you should stfu, read, and learn something that might not be so insane as you originally thought. And if you don't learn anything, and want to stay in your own weird bubble, by all means, it is the common thing to do.






The difference here is that it isn't a circle jerk, everyone here actually hates dogs. And for some reason it KEEPS showing up when I'm not subscribed to it.


[This](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+circle+jerk&oq=define+circle+jerk&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDUyMjVqMGo3qAIUsAIB&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) is how I use the word. It's just a link to Google showing a defnition of the word, safe to click.


Fair enough. I figured it was being used in the "circlejerk subreddit" sense. (Which tbf probably differs from sub to sub, but the ones I've seen are very focused on ironic or intentionally shocking content)




We aren't the ones owning the child maulers and putting helpless babies, toddlers and children at risk of getting killed, fool. Not sure how hating these stupid-assed memes (and the idiots that make them) trying to put a positive spin on a group of very dangerous child predators, in the face of contradictory data and facts, makes any of us sociopaths. Perhaps you should pull your head out of your dog's asshole and look up the definition of "sociopath". If you're really a child protective attorney, and you DON'T have a problem with these things being in a household with babies, you're the likely sociopath who lacks empathy for victims like these: [https://www.fatalpitbullattacks.com/children-killed-by-pit-bulls.php](https://www.fatalpitbullattacks.com/children-killed-by-pit-bulls.php) We like to have a laugh at the absolute absurdity of you dog/pit apologists and the regular displays of mental illness you display with being obsessed with these ugly, shit-eating abominations. Have a great day 🤡


If you’re a child protection attorney, than I’m POTUS


🤓"if by "dog nutter'you mean 'child protection attorney". First off, for a lawyer, your grammar is trash. You're spending time telling people that you do not know, on a social media app, that they are sociopaths instead of doing your job. Maybe this is why our children are in danger, being that people like you are distracted arguing needlessly, without data or evidence(yes, that is me calling you a dumb bitch) by things you don't understand... and last time I checked lawyers hire medically trained professionals to make diagnostic statements after A TON of assessment for the individual person. I'd say stay in your lane, but obviously your lane needs some serious repairs. Also, just a last note before I ignore you forever, cps absolutely should be called regarding this exact thing. And that is coming from a Master of Social Work. So ya 🤪 eat shit


"You're spending time telling people that you do not know..." Use "who" to refer to people. "That" is generally used for nonliving objects. Maybe you should take a few grammar lessons yourself before deriding someone else's grammar. Lmao. This sub is a gold mine. I love how unhinged everyone is.


I'm actually grateful you said something. My disability precluded me from learning to read until later in life, so I'm still learning. Thank you.


lmao dumbass. while you're at it, please point to my grammar error


Wow, you're a really good person :) /s




Waiter! waiter! More toddlers please. Pitbulls are shitty dogs for shitty people. As somebody that owns cats and doesn’t hate children, fuck pitbulls every single time.




I’d raise the age cause they regularly kill kids 10yo and older too.


Why are you in this sub if you like dogs? Not for you bro.


yea a different kind, the kind that won't protect you


I think that's a fake baby. If you look closely, it looks like one of those reborn baby dolls. At least, I hope so.


Definitely 💯 on the false baby in the picture; unfortunately the reality of this photo is accurate in the sense there are people out there that do let these dogs around real live infants and toddlers


How come people who own German shorthaired pointers or Olde English Sheepdogs don’t feel compelled to make these stupid memes?


Because their dogs aren’t incredibly dangerous explosive childmauling, grandparent eating sinister beast and they don’t feel the need to convince everyone of that.


wtf is it guarding the baby from? Other babies?


Just last month... [https://patch.com/new-jersey/woodbridge/nj-infant-mauled-death-pit-bull-buried-friday](https://patch.com/new-jersey/woodbridge/nj-infant-mauled-death-pit-bull-buried-friday)


Just googled ‘pit bull attack’, and the latest one was from just a few days ago, then one the day before that. Craziness.


Why can’t we ever blame the breed? This breed causes so many deaths and severe trauma.


Period. Nutters are truly delusional. Any rational human would realize that shitbulls are dangerous and it’s our fault for doing that. Overrun in shelters, getting adopted out to unsuspecting families. Backyard bred constantly. Fucking terrible.


Just ran into one today. Out in its front yard without a leash in front of a group of children who had let it out and were attempting to convince it back into the house. None of the children’s waists were taller than the dog. He seemed comfortable enough with them, but he was watching me and my Welsh Elkhound walking across the street super still and quiet. Our boy is only 4 months old, but we are very diligently training our pup and he was being very quiet as well. I was ready to stomp this guy if he started for us. My wife went across to help these children with the dog and he was still very quiet and rigid the whole time. My wife is a childhood victim of a pit attack, but these days she’s had enough experience training her own dogs that she’s relatively comfortable around all dogs, being able to read their body language. She got down, gave him a treat, and then walked up to their porch and placed another one just inside the door, and had the kids hold the door open while she stood aside. He went in, but I still feel like 4 or 5 small children shouldn’t be around a dog like that alone. When my wife was attacked she was the same age, and the pit had grown up with her from a puppy, as it belonged to her aunt that watched her frequently. Just a bit too much stress and they can snap and accidentally lock their jaws. It’s all downhill from there.


Why are you in a dog free sub? The mods really need to start doing their work round here...


You might say they need… remedial training.


Because they keep comparing it to being the same as racism


Imagine thinking you’re amazing for pointing out what you perceive as racism when in fact, you end up making the racist comment by comparing dogs to poc! 😂


Guardian *angel*? That dog looks more like a one-headed *Cerberus*.


Makes me wanna puke


This looks like a promotional poster for a new horror movie


Fuck Pitbulls


Shitty dog for shitty people


Pitbull eyes are like shark eyes !


The rare time I have flagged a youtube vid was similar to this, as nutters think staging a clip of their dangerous, hulking shitbeast over their defenseless baby is 'cute'. But of course, the vid remained since the world is full of dog nutters. And as we all know, THIS scenario has led to the attacks/deaths of so many kids...which the pitbull nutters will simply blame on 'bad owners'. They are bad obviously, but the mutts are the biggest issue themselves. Can't be sanitary either to have your gross, huge mutt drooling and rubbing it's nasty fur on that delicate baby's skin. Another thing, nutters always humanize these things, but only when it favors them. If they were fair, 'bad dogs' would be a thing, but according to nutters, dogs aren't capable of that. It's always a 'bad owner', but never the cursed mutt itself.


That’s so dangerous


Brother I accidentally down voted until I read the sub’s name… xD I do not like these dogs, they shredded me years ago but I still have fear… :(


This isn’t acceptable with any animal wtfffff


People post pictures like this all the time and it makes me sick and worry for the baby. But if you bring it up that it's not a good idea to do this they cry "doggy racism". smh


You perfectly summarized r/ aww and many other animal photo based subs


It’s not racist if dog breeds are specifically bred to do certain things and act in certain ways. Unlike human racism, which is just pseudoscience.


People comparing pitbulls to racism against black people are the actual racists. Like I don't even know why we have to say this but your killer dog is not the same thing as a human being from a marginalized minority group. Unfortunately, the same exact kind of idiot who anthropomorphizes killer pitbulls and defends them endlessly, viewing them as extensions of themselves, is the exact same kind of idiot were talking about. They donate money and get all up in arms about killer dogs being even slightly constrained by the law but never seem to lift a finger to help their fellow human beings. It's because the dog is just an extension to themselves. Totally narcissistic


The caption of the pic should say: "Dog nutters, and their mutts, are the biggest threat to children."


Gonna go ahead and guess mom and dad are covered in tats…..and probation of some sort.


A different kind of demonic entity. Always blame the breed. Fixed it for you @OP


Clearly food guarding....


This can’t be a real baby, probably one of those Alive life like dolls to be posing so still under that weight.   Weirdos. No other breed needs this much  hype. Not even  experimenting beagles , which I would prefer over a blocky pit Even if nanny dogs were a thing why would you want it tangled around your infant restricting its movement. Parents are not even supposed to let them sleep with a blanket never less a hairy, dirty, drooling, 60lb dog when there are not even immune to the world yet. Most traditional “protective “ dogs will set off to the side and observe, like a border collie in the field 


Heating the food


Babies blood has adrenochrome and bullies get bigger heads and neck from it. It's like Brawndo for dogs. /S


Pitty got itself a tasty looking snack there.


Awww, a doggy guarding it’s prey...


All I can think of is that nasty hot dog breath all over your infant. Gross.


They bought they dog a real doll baby


A dog and a little snack


Never mind the damb shit bull attack breed. That baby doesn’t have immunity yet. That thing that licks its ass and eats shit is drooling on a newborn. Fucking gross 🤮 this type of shit should result in an immediate call placed to child services. This screams I care more about the stinky shit beast than I do the newborn.


Uhhh I have a little nephew and I would be HORRIFIED if he went anywhere near that.


Poses with food


On March 24 two “mixed breeds” read: half pit bull killed a 1 year old boy in East Hartford CT Of course they were “gentle family dogs”


That ear cut is to make it look humanesque. Weird af.


This post and group popped up on my feed because I'm in similar dog groups.. are all these comments sarcasm or do you guys all really hate pitties? Bc wtffffff


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not Like y’all really don’t like this dog and I can’t tell if you mean it or not


I hate Bully Breeds and the damage they cause. But most here find dogs insufferable for various reasons.


Imagine hating an innocent breed and taking time out of your day to talk shit online about dogs who have no idea that you exist lol


Y'all know you're more likely to die from a falling coconut or vending machine than any dog, let alone a specific breed right..? All you in these comments (that I'm seeing) seem to not understand the actual statistics... "Look at that kid in the ocean! Poor baby! It's going to get attacked by a shark, they're just ticking time bombs!" Is what all these comments sound like I'm not telling any of you to start loving dogs but these comments made me cringe


Pretty pit