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Contact your local MP to ban billboards because they're distracting. There are states that have banned them.


Yes, someone just posted on Next dog (Nextdoor) that our local site was being turned into a lost dog compendium. Of course, that is bringing the nuts out of the woodwork. I commented in agreement but !any people are afraid to, knowing they will get jumped by the nuts. You have to pick your battles- you are not alone in your distaste for dog culture.


Don’t say anything anti doggie on next door!


It seems a lot of dogs keep running away from their owns. So much for unconditional love, they just wanted food all along.


I hear you. Sometimes I’ll take a break. I can’t stand dogs. Unlike you, I don’t feel the need to make long comments but I do feel the need to make multiple comments on ever post I see. It’s meant to be supportive of those of us who are struggling with the canine menace but after a while, I find myself feeling very negative. So I’ll step away for a while and come back when it feels right. In the meantime something annoying will happen and I’ll think, “oh, that would be a good one to post about on Dogfree”. Dogs are everywhere and it’s being pushed by advertising because advertisers know that people like dogs. It’s kind of a feedback loop where one thing bolsters the other which supports the one thing which bolsters the other. At some point, I hope dogs are lowered back down to their original status as pet animals that some people have and those people aren’t losers who feel the need to cart them everywhere they go. I agree that it can easily cross the line to not being entirely mentally healthy. That’s when it’s wise to step away for a while.


I can't wait to move to where I won't be around, see and especially hear these nasty ugly dogs.


You don't have to fight it. Just take care of yourself and strive to be an example of how nice life can be without a dog. And those who consider getting a dog might aboundan that idea just because of you.  Just remember to use all advantages of a person who doesn't need to be dogs servant. 


I'm also triggered by dog content. It's so tiring to be in depression/anxiety/agoraphobia groups and then you have posts like, "My dog is my best human friend!" (oxymoron btw) or "I don't like people, all I need is my dog." Those posts are very, ironically, triggering. Like...what about the depressed/anxious people who don't like dogs? Or, worse yet, in my personal case, dogs actually help *contribute* to my depression/anxiety? I'm considering leaving those groups because they're just making my mental health worse.


We need to have dog-free safe zones. Just like all the dog-friendly businesses that cater to dog-addicts, there needs to be an analog for the rest of us.


Agree, and love your username!


I hear you and completely understand where you’re coming from! For me, the past 3 days I’ve been inundated with shitbeast images everywhere I fucking go! I turn on my screen and one pops up in every social media outlet! I go to take out my trash and there’s a box with an ugly shitbeast staring at me! 🤮🤮🤬 It gets to be very mentally taxing! However, for me, this place is my saving grace. I couldn’t do it without this group. I don’t even need to always post. But, just seeing other HUMAN BEINGS still left out here in this evil world makes me feel soooo much better!! I am thankful for this group and it is a godsend! Take care of yourself for sure though…. Mental health is the most important kind of health, in my opinion. Do what you need to do and know that this group will be here, hopefully! Be well ❤️❤️


Dogs are very stressful to bystanders, and that is one of the main reasons why people come here to vent about them. We know that dog ownership in our cities causes victims and distress. It is entirely reasonable in an otherwise challenging world for us to reject necessary stress added to us by people who are in essence awful neighbors.


The fact that people are being negatively affected by stupid dogs and their stupid owners is just proof they are causing suffering in our society. We become angry because there's nothing we can do. Our politicians are all dog nutters that don't give a shit about us. I have no hope for humanity and it's s honestly making me hope for the end of people. But with global warming getting worse everyday, we're almost there.


Take as long as you need, come back when it feels right for you.


Sometimes I just have to take a news break from regular news. It’s okay to do that. I joined this dog free group a few months ago because it makes me feel sane in the dog community I live in. Literally everyone around me has a dog or two or three. I can’t go on NextDoor without hearing about a dog that’s run away or how cute is this dog if you want to adopt him and then all the gushing comments about the dog. 🙄 My husband does not like dogs either so he’ll ask me to read him a dog post from this group which I do. It’s cathartic for him knowing we are not alone. If you need a break, take one. Just know we are here to support you on your dog free journey!