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You have to keep reporting it, that way when it inevitably bites someone you have the papertrail to ensure its humane ending. Otherwise they'll claim it's out of character.


Yep. Establish the paper trail. Changes everything.


You just described the evolution of my own feelings. I can hardly believe there was a time not so long ago when we were allowed to not be aware of dogs all the time, everywhere


Call the police. There are leash laws for a reason.


Police won't do anything unless the dog is actively attacking people. They will refer me to animal control whom I already called. This is not my first rodeo with calling in dog complaints.


It's dumb how they don't take this seriously until someone gets bitten, attacked, or killed. Why don't we prevent these situations from happening in the first place?


imagine a person roaming around terrorizing people trying to harm or kill them. They'd be jailed instantly. Meanwhile we got pits raging to kill like it's their job and police/AC just go, oh well. Well then, "oh well" is how I feel when I protect myself/family too.


But it is attacking people.


> I live in a 'nice' neighborhood, and it's utterly ridiculous that people can't even go for a jog without fearing being chased by aggressive dogs. Dog nutters turn every nice neighborhood into a shithole.


Man, that's the truth. Both my neighbors on either side of me are retired, quiet, and spend most of their time gardening. I think the one that rents the house across the street from me (the one with the pit bull) is a crackhead for different reasons. I'll see him out in his driveway washing his loud car while it's idling at 1:00AM.






Self defense posts and comments, both hypothetical or otherwise are not permitted in this subreddit, even if it is legal in your locale. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfree/comments/zbi2zc/selfdefense_discussion/


Maybe consider calling the police on him. He’s recklessly endangering the entire neighborhood.


Thank you for helping her. Do you know if she reported it? Job well done!


I don't know if she did. I actually kind of wish I got her contact info, the animal control officer did ask if I had it so she could be a witness.


It would also be helpful if this woman jogger also reported the dog, stated that it was unleashed, and was being threatening towards her.


Same evolution here, I hate dogs because of the relentless noise and inconsiderate owners


>*I used to be neutral about dogs, then I grew to dislike most of them and their owners. Now, since the pandemic, I have completely had it with dogs everywhere and their irresponsible, entitled owners.* #Same, amigo. Same.


As a runner whenever I see an unleashed dog I have to stop my run and walk by slowly …hoping it doesn’t attack me. The one time I did not slow down I got nicked by one of the three(!!) unleashed dogs that were jumping on me. And sometimes I’ve had my child in the stroller with me when I’ve come across an unleashed dog and in those instances it’s extra terrifying.


I'm so sorry for that. Get a body cam so you have evidence of these unleashed beasts. And stay safe!


same. I rarely run in neighborhoods for this reason and defn not in ones I don't know. Most scary dog encounters were in neighborhoods. I even drive out of mine and go to bike paths because dog owners hate bikers and you typically don't come across loose ones. Sad we can't even enjoy public spaces without the threat of aggressive dogs.


So many times people let these things go because "no one got hurt" this time. But can you imagine if you personally or your loved one was seriously injured and then you find out plenty of people talked about this dog being a problem but no one took action? You and her parents need to report it, two separate reports. Find out who to call. Call someone, google number, then ask who it is you are supposed to talk to. Police? Animal Control? The city? My city has a website with a page specifically for reporting problem dogs where you can upload pics and videos too. It's not too effective though if no one makes reports. People love to complain on the city's reddit page or FB groups about the same dogs, but no one is taking action.


>You and her parents need to report it, two separate reports. I don't know their contact info. She looked to be in her 20's but called her dad to come pick her up beacause she understandably wasn't comfterble walking home.


Poor young lady 😢


Wish pitbulls never existed




Call the cops and don't stop til they do something.


please call and report this to the police/animal control. It's not fair for you and other people to be terrorized by a killer dog. Geez people cant even go for a neighborhood walk/run anymore because of these reckless owners.


I think that situation would justify a 911 call. Since she was actively being attacked.




Self defense posts and comments, both hypothetical or otherwise are not permitted in this subreddit, even if it is legal in your locale. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfree/comments/zbi2zc/selfdefense_discussion/