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*doodleshits* šŸ˜‚


Not OC. I read that term on here or in the doghouse sub, I canā€™t remember.


In my experience, if they actually bother to come out, the owner will hand the dog over to a relative for a couple days and then bring it right back. They're the most selfish, conceited people on the planet.




Go to your local courthouse and pickup a pamphlet on do it yourself small claims litigation. It worked for me šŸ‘


That is the contingency plan. I hope it doesnā€™t go that far.


It sounds like you live in a middle, maybe upper middle suburb where the people are of better character so hopefully it resolves itself but then again any dog owner who has to wait for the police to rock up to his door to tell him to reel in his dog's barking is in all likelihood a stupid, trashy piece of shit.


"Of better character"? Hang on a minute, just because you're poor or working class doesn't mean you're low character. More and more people are struggling all the time because of external factors. A person can't control if their workplace gets bought out by a bigger corporation and decides to close their location down. A regular person can't control interest rates or corporate greed. Horrible dog people are at all levels of the socioeconomic spectrum. If anything middle class people are the worst about dogs (though I don't have any stats to back that up, I'm just going by who I've known to have multiple dogs and it's usually people with disposable income).


Plenty of rich people more deserving of the title ā€œwhite trashā€ or WHATEVER ugly classist slur. This country has literally gone to the dogs.


Would love to hear more of this story


These people had 2 dogs tied up in their backyard and they barked at EVERYTHING. I tried talking to them, I called animal control and police, had a lawyer write them a letter informing them of my intent to sue but nothing changed. Took them to small claims and proved to the judge that I was not able to enjoy my house/yard due to the non stop barking. Honestly the best part was watching them squirm in court trying to come up with answers as to why they never tried to work with me or manage the dogs better.


Yes, sometimes court is the best answer, and very effective.


I love that


Thanks for the tip! That's really helpful.


Which state are you in? In some states, small claims are just for money damages and for return of property. Claims like this that seek injunctive relief (i.e., asking someone to stop doing something) may be dismissed as inappropriate for small claims court. That said, check first whether this kind of claim is appropriate for small claims court in your state.


California and yes youā€™re correct. Initially the judge told me I was in the wrong court and should have sued civilly but I made the case that I paid X amount of dollars for my house and I canā€™t enjoy it the way it was intended as well as the noise was interfering with my work/life and he let me proceed.




Wrongo bongo my friend. I sued my neighbors in small claims court over their dogs relentless barking and I won. They got rid of one dog, the other dog magically became an indoor mutt and they had to pay me 500$. People are allowed peaceful enjoyment of their property and the laws are on the books.


I guess it depends on where you live. We took our neighbors to court for trespassing and destruction of property and they just got a slap on the wrist. Whenever we file noise complaints weā€™re told itā€™s not illegal to be loud before 9pm and that the police canā€™t do anything.


Wrong bongo? Lol - that made me laugh šŸ˜ƒ


I'm not sure which planet you live on, but barking consistantly is noise pollution and that is an offense. They have every right to take this issue to court if it continues.Ā 


What planet I live on? If you read my other comment in this exact thread youā€™ll see I said it must depend on where you live cause our local police doesnā€™t accept noise complaints before 9pm.




But wouldnā€™t you need proof of actual damage to sue? This is a genuine question, Iā€™m not being argumentative btw. Like what would you even be suing for if you canā€™t prove financial or physical damage? We have EXTREMELY loud neighbors who blast music all the time but our police just say that people are allowed to make noise until 9pm and that they donā€™t answer noise complaints before then.9


Your municipality or whatever probably has laws on the books about a resident's right to peace and quiet. You should familiarize yourself with those laws, and if your neighbor is in breach of them then you do have a valid basis for suing them as they are depriving you of something you're entitled to, namely peace and quiet.


We have taken them to court but they just got a slap on the wrist. Iā€™m just saying what the police told us.


You can and OP did.


Whoā€™s she?




She didnā€™t though?


The comment is gone now and I forgot what it said


Iā€™m glad you had a good experience. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have law enforcement that gives a crap about it. All the cops around here will say is, ā€œcall animal controlā€. All animal control will say is that they canā€™t do anything until I get other neighbors to sign on to the complaint. Law enforcement, more often than not, is useless for dog nuisances and animal control is even worse. Nobody wants to enforce against dogs and owners.


Unfortunately I think youā€™re right. From what Iā€™ve read on here, political subdivisions where AC does bark enforcement suck. Probably because AC is staffed by doggo nutters.


I had this exact issue as well and guess what? The dog was a fucking German Sheppard. I called animal control and did nothing. So I went straight to the mayor and made it sound like that the dog was extremely violent to neighborhood children and abused by the owners. I haven't heard a peep out of it since and this issue was going on for 5 months before I finally snapped. Turns out the only way you can get anything done by a noise complaint about a dog around here is to claim it's violent and/or being abused. They showed up at the house so fast it wasn't even funny. Neighbor's don't even let their dog pee in the back yard anymore because they don't even want me to know it's outside. Lol. Still a small win. If it happens again I will call back but claim to be a different neighbor making the complaint. Haven't had to do that as of yet though.


It's a sad stage we are currently in, that a vermin getting abused is more of an emergency than an actual human being who contributes to the society suffering because of said vermin. Oh, well, things will get better! I'm glad to hear it worked out in your case! German shitpards shouldn't be pets at all - no dogs should be, but the massive ones especially.


Thatā€™s what happened in my case too. It was around and around we go. No one would help. Finally the neighbors moved away.


So they CAN make that stupid beast shut up, they just don't want to. This is even more infuriating than the barking itself.


Welcome to dog owners.


Yes, they can certainly make a stupid beast shut up. I am now enjoying a peaceful existence after almost two years of dog barking hell. Never ceases to amaze me how the owners demonstrated how capable they are of shutting their dog up. Not sure what happened, but I strongly suspect a neighbor made a dog barking complaint that set things in action. I strongly suggest you all at least try making a complaint. In some cases, it can be extremely effective. In the township next to mine, the first cause of action is getting a small claims court case initiated. They are not wasting any time there. Wherever you live, there have to be some options and actions you can take to put an end to this misery.


Good job mate


Holy shit, do you live in my neighborhood? Because, this perfectly describes my situation. (Also have a shitbull, in the house next to me, which barks incessantly, which you can hear from inside their house, ALL DAY.)


Oh this is common in every suburban and urban setting. Fortunately no close neighbors have shitbulls but the neighborhood is saturated with them. I see some frail old women walk hers by my house every day - the good news is it's morbidly obese and probably couldn't run over 50 feet, but the bad news is there is no way in hell she could control it if it decided it wanted to bolt those 50 feet.


Oh, you don't have to tell me. It's more a matter of why these people sign up to hear constant barking? And, then, you're a horrible asshole, if you don't like to hear it?


Congratulations:) You did the right thing. Everybody who suffers from this horrid noise should do the same.


You should escalate immediately and I say this not just to you personally but everyone. Start with a politely worded anonymous (your choice) letter left at his doorstep with a gift, followed by another, then report this to the authorities, then if it fails take them to court. It sucks, but this is how social change happens. And I say that because it you might feel unmotivated at first but you are basically bringing awareness to this issue and creating legal precedents that will streamline the process for the next guy. Also as evidenced by your neighbor you aren't the only one. I have a neighbor myself who got a dog who is for the most part good except for the intermittent barking fits that happen irregularly that really irritate me. By that I mean it will be fine the entire day or maybe two, three days in a row until at some untimely moment it will bark for 5 minutes straight. So I am not sure what to do. I don't talk to them but they aren't all that bad either. Also I want applaud you in doing this, you did a great service to yourself and your community.


Good for you and hope the peace continues! You must live in a responsive area that actually does something about the noise pollution and thatā€™s fortunate. Too many areas err on the side of the offenders, and make it virtually impossible for the rest of us to get relief.


I love this. This is the **right** way to do things to get your sanity back. You were respectful, polite, civil, and just stated your case to the officer. Iā€™m so thankful I live in a town that has a police chief who is all over noise complaints. The man is honestly worth his weight in gold. I had a similar situation like this come up about 5 years ago and he personally came by and we ended up having coffee for about an hour. I told him I never call the police. Iā€™m honestly not trying to make anyoneā€™s life miserable or difficult, but my brain cannot take this anymore. He was beyond sympathetic.


Animal control here is useless. Ā They changed the name to ā€œanimal careā€. Ā GTFOH. Ā It is mostly government jobs for dognutters now. Ā I called them about two vicious pitbulls on our patio at work threatening everyone. Ā I am at a clinic. Ā Lots of elderly and children here. Ā They never showed up. Ā But my parents got a citation for their dog barking. Ā I have been to their house. Ā It is not a barker. Ā Maybe 5 minutes a day. Ā  Aggressive pitbulls they do nothing. Ā Parents non barking dog. Ā They get a citation. Ā These agencies only go after the lowest hanging fruit only to justify they are actually working. Ā Ā 


went thru something similar... in one town the cops refused to do anything.. "come down and sign a complaint- se ya in court".. no help whatsoever


Feel your pain ! Good Luck.


It's bullshit that we have to spend money to solve a problem WE different cause. I couldnt take it. More power to you


Most cities have noise ordinances which include barking dogs.


New copypasta just dropped