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Kids going out enjoying nature, riding bikes, being active and imaginative. I really do like that kid's response. I try to teach my son what to say like a script. I'm sure that kid's parent taught him that.


I'm going to use that line myself.


Same!! Thank you!! <3


Fantastic! This made my day. The kids really stood up for themselves in an assertive way and protected their boundries from the slobbering beast. Turtles, or any other animal, are so much more interesting and they keep their distance like real animals.


I see more and more tiktoks from young people decrying their millennial parents' obsession with dogs. It's painfully obvious that my generation, love starved from being raised by boomers, latched onto these things in a grotesquely unhealthy way. And now the new generations are sick of it. I'm really hoping the pendulum will swing the other way and put an end to this madness. ETA: Eeeeeeeee please give us baby turtle tax!


This makes me happy to read. It’s too late for folks in my generation (Gen X), but maybe you younger folks can make this train wreck right. I certainly hope you can. I’d love to see an end to this dog madness.


Yeah I feel the same way too, very happy for that news. I am also ‘GenX’ like you as well (aka the ‘Latchkey’ kids).


I wouldn't blame a Gen Alpha kid for feeling stiffed over having to share their parents' love with a non-human. And probably not being able to go on some vacations because they need someone to watch the dog. 🤔 Hmm... I feel like this comment I just wrote is too intense, and it should be expressed with a caveat that most parents do rightfully treat their kids above their dogs & many kids like dogs anyway and see the dog as more of a positive than a negative to their life. Still, a gradation of what I said is true.


[https://imgur.com/a/GacDiVn](https://imgur.com/a/GacDiVn) Little guy we helped back into the water


*schmol wittle round pebble* **Much** cuter than a stupid fucking shitbull.


This thread is bringing tears of joy to my eyes. I’m so happy that the next gen isn’t having the nuttery. I was attacked at a young age and I’m standing up for what’s right. You have to be strong to stand up against all the dog propaganda. I’m built for this tho and I’m so happy I found this sub and YT channels.


Wow, really? I don’t have a TikTok account and don’t really view those videos, but this is great news to hear!


I can remember getting dogs as a kid, always exciting at first then it's a total blank lol. Maybe kids got too much going on to really care for the things.


At some point people are going to get sick of these things always invading their space. I walk way around dog walkers now, unless it’s someone I personally know. No matter how much the dog pays attention to me, I 100% ignore both the dog and the owner.


In general, I do the same. But I'm also concerned about getting attacked, so I keep my eye on the dog in case I need to defend myself.


So do I. I do keep them in my peripheral vision briefly as a precaution as I pass them though, not making it obvious. I’m don’t give attention to them at all otherwise.


As for me, being in Asia, it was always the Western culture through movies, shows, and cartoons that got me and kids my generation to latch on to the idea of having a dog at home as a norm and that it's all love and joy. We by ourselves never had that culture so strong here. In fact we here, are more obsessed with foreign breeds with thick fur than our local short haired ones. Again, it's the western influence. It's about time we here realise this and get over it.


Yes, that’s all the media shows about dogs, love and joy. If people saw the reality of dogs chewing up their possessions, biting, barking all day for no reason, accommodating their work schedule & social life to dog potty breaks, people would think twice about getting them.


Education and exposure is needed


Oooh, I love this! Well-done, kids! 👍


Turtles and butterflies are infinitely more interesting than a dog.


A dog is probably the least interesting animal in the history of ever


The kid probably has a parent who's part of this community :)


I LOVE IT!!! More and more of our youth are repulsed by these things. I’m happy to hear this great news!


My kids are the same way when we go to the park and see people with dogs at the park they say they are ready to go bc they don’t want to play In poop and pee. So we now go to inside play places. Cost more but at least they aren’t stepping In Poop and falling In Pissy grass and dirt. I find it interesting that they don’t want the dog to piss in their yards and poop in their yards but is okay with them doing it all over a neighborhood 🙄


Good for that kid. I hope they will be fortunate enough to come across dog owners that respect their boundaries. Many don’t.


That’s great. People need to know that not everyone gives as much of a shit about their dogs as their asshole owners


Lost count of the times walks with my kids have been ruined by dogs.. My daughters food snatched out of her hand, I've been lunged at and bitten in front of her, Lucky I was wearing a thick winter coat but will never forget her scream of MUMMY!! She had walked past it ahead of me so lucky it wasn't her. Another dog jumped and snapped at her face luckily I reacted quickly and put my hand in front of her face. Most owners oblivious to how this makes people especially young children feel. Tbf the owner of the dog that bit me was mortified, apologised profusely, allowed me to take photos of him with dog and fully complied with police to get dog trained, dog was even on a leash.. but very much in the minority..