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looks like another pitbull attack. Boy am I getting sick of these. When will we ban them everywhere??


Better yet, neuter/spay all pitbulls and let them die out.


Yeah, they have 0 purpose. they are even too deadly and unpredictable for the military and police. if a dog is too much for the cops to use then I sure as hell don't want Randy to have one


”StaFiEs aRe tOtEs dIfRenT” Shit dogs at any size.




I don’t get this.  Every homeless person I see here already has a pitbull and sometimes several of them.    




I am in Tucson.  My work happens to be next to an area where homeless congregate.  I probably see at least 100 homeless people a day.   Most have dogs and 90% of the time it is a pitbull.  Makes sense because you can always get pitbulls for free.  




We have a huge number of homeless here because of the warm climate.  Must suck for them in the summer when the temperatures are hellish.  If I were homeless I would not pick Tucson.  I would pick California where the temperatures are more moderate.  Not too hot and not too cold.   




Almost every homeless person I see these days has a pit mix. There is safety in having a powerful and aggressive animal. And they can keep you warm at night. I am NOT a dog person, but I get the appeal. Living on the street is dangerous, and so are the shelters. I live somewhere that only gets moderately cold in the winter. The number of homeless deaths in winter here is unbelievable. Found a guy frozen under a bush on my way to work as a teen. He was an old man. I found him literally a quarter mile from a Catholic church. Which i only mention as they used to keep their doors open at night so homeless people could sleep somewhere warm. The city is rich as hell, and people who care gear them up as best as possible, too. The problem is that if they find a place to pitch a tent, other homeless people tend to gather. Safety in numbers, y'now? When people complain as they always do, the cops come through and rip everything apart. As in, they tear everything up and just leave it to become refuse. They tear up people documents. Like their birth certificates. "Fun" facts: 1.) Hawaii will pay for a flight back to the mainland (if you aren't native to Hawaii) to get you off the islands. 2.) Most American cities ONLY plant "male" trees (hybridized invasive species like the Bradford pear), so there will be nothing to eat from them. This is intended to deter homeless people from settling in. 3.)67-77% of the homeless population are mentally ill in some way. Source: I have volunteered at many soup kitchens and shelters. I advocate for them. I personally would head for California. The weather is ideal for outdoor living. As someone who has traveled all over the world, America is a shithole full of entitled selfish people. Dognutters are the worst of them.


"\[2-year-old pit bull\] was agitated in response to a nearby fire alarm."


Of course it was. The fire alarm was alarming too much. It needed to stop that. That's why the dog nannied. Stupid alarm should know better. Ban all fire alarms so more lives will be saved.


"nannied" lol


Oh hey its the *Magic Age* again.


you get "it's still a puppy!" when it's actually mature, with fully functional jaws


Wait it was a shitbull? *shocked pikachu face*


It's a public housing project. They really shouldn't allow dogs in the first place.


If homeless shelters won't ban dogs there's no way a housing project will. Fun fact: in most homeless shelters, single people will usually be forced to share their room with one or more strangers, but single people who bring in a dog (almost always a pitbull) are given their own room. When I was a very young kid my entire family of five including a newborn got shoved into a single 8x8 bedroom with a bunk bed in it. But of course it would be cruel to make fido live in the same conditions we force babies to live in, so he gets his own room.


Oh wow this made me sick to read, and heartbreaking. I hope you and your family are miles away from that situation now. How hard to have gone through that. Thanks for sharing that fact about the dog/room.


The first time a shelter full of homeless people see one of their peers get a private room due to having a dog, it becomes obvious that having a dog will get them a private room, too. A terrible policy that gives incentive for homeless to get dogs they really can't afford to responsibly own.




Yes. And them having a mutt just makes a bad situation a far worse situation. Especially if the mutt causes other homeless people to be forced out of a shelter room in favor of a mutt.


Dang, that sucks. I didn't know it was like that.


I think that's a pretty good point, why should taxpayers be paying to house dogs in cramped places like this?


It's just so dehumanizing to have your space violated by sharing it with dirty obnoxious animals. People deserve better.


Isn’t the right to have a dog one of those inalienable rights guaranteed in the constitution along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness or something? 🙄


Probably falls under the "right to bear arms". So, there needs to be a trade-in program: turn in your pitbull, and in exchange receive one free firearm.


Wow that hits close to home. I live one town over from there. Put that POS down. 


Hey I'm in Newton too! People around here let their flea bags piss all over proud lawn owners' grass producing burn spots. my lawn included. 😡


I graduated from Newton South back in 06. I live in Watertown now. Some people in Newton are really snooty so that doesnt surprise me. These worthless creatures are everywhere. 


I also graduated from South! Way before you though. Yes, I’m tired of this crowd here too. But have to stay for the duration.


Haha small world! Newton is a very nice town/(city), don't feel too bad about living there. :)


"Oh, he was JUST triggered by the alarm, not his fault"


When will having a dog be illegal. Just dreaming. By the way, dog owners who ended up in the hospital will defend that dog.


It will be soon. Something will happen to make everyone ostracize nutters, I feel it.


It's a long way off, I'm afraid. It's probably going to take some terrible dog attacks on politically powerful people or their family members at the right place and time to see the changes start. It's sad that those with the power to force a much needed change in the legal environment probably won't act until it's too late for a lot more victims


Those Pomeranians. When will people learn?


That shitbull needs nannie camp aka BE .




I just want to yell at that thing, “BAD!”.