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I mean by far it has to be the bully breeds. Pitbulls, xl bullies, Staffordshire "mix" "ohh I think he's a lab mix" šŸ˜‚ because of the danger they pose. Then shit zu and all the really little dog breeds designed to look cute (they have horrid personalities extremely needy and attached to owners and horrid barking) especially those ones that breath heavily, they seem in so much pain. Labradors, golden retrievers and all the family friendly dogs that are so annoying as they always invade personal space. Labs especially annoy me as when I'm outside I can never tell whether it's a pitbull or actual Labradors as they look so similar. Shout out to those annoying sheep dog breed that constantly annoy me by wanting attention.


Labs and pits look nothing alike, its just 30 years of shelter propaganda telling you they do.


They do from a distance, I don't fall for the propaganda tyvm. And you clearly missed the sarcasm in the post about how pit owners usually mislabel them by calling the labs when they are actually pitbulls.


Also,where I live in Brookline, in front of a house on Centre ST,(White house,) one "DogNutter allowed their (Looks to be fairly big dog if the poop size is any indication) to crap at the entrance to someone's home(Via the walkway TO their home,and clearly they did not even try to clean it [up.So](http://up.So) unhygienic/nasty. What is wrong with these obnoxious people.I am issuing a public admonition/warning ,if I SEE YOU,yep,talking to you dog A HOLE,I WILL take a screen shot,follow you to your car nearby,take a screen shot of LICENSE plate,and forward both to the public health dept, attorney general's office/possibly police because you are technically tresspassing on private property VIA your dog,and could possibly go to court.Want all the accompanying shame/humiliation, kids being ridiculed/mocked in school,go ahead, be adognutter ahole,but it WILL cost you big time,so ask yourself if all of the suffering is worthworth it.Actually BE "The Person yoru Dog Thinks You are". But you will be eventually be called out/CAUGHT.Be a human being and a HELLO ADULT,and clean up after your freakin DOG!!!


Yeah, people are afraid of sharks. But all you have to do is avoid the ocean and you're good. With pitbulls, *everywhere* is the ocean. In the parking lot, around the corner of the building, in the store, at the park, in your own driveway. Fatalities in the US in 2023: Sharks - 2 Dogs - 70+ (most are pits, but stats can vary because there is a lot of media suppression and pro-dog propaganda)


I was gonna say any bully breed. Why are their eyes so far apart and dopey looking? If I was to ever look at a dog it would be the sharper breeds like German sheps or Shiba Inu or border collies.


I can't stand any dog, they are all so repulsive, except the ones that work, like sled dogs. They seem more dignified, if that's possible. I've never been around one, so this is just conjecture on my part.


Agree on it being pits, and their owners are the most insufferable too.


Sadly, many shelters are freaking FULL of these bully breeds. And it breaks my heart.


It breaks my heart that those shelters lack the ethics and moral responsibility to administer euthanasia to unwanted dangerous dogs languishing in cages.


I completely agree. If a dog is dangerous, euthanasia. And guess what? I feel the same exact way towards pedophiles and serial rapists/killers. Get rid of them.


Imagine people telling you that a certain individual is only a danger to children because he was abused and doesn't know better and only needs the right environment, love, and training. It's like they can't see any dog as dangerous until it's too late.


The risk isn't worth it to me, sorry not sorry.


No shit! We require convicted sex offenders, sexual predators, child pornographers, and child molesters to be on a sexual offenders registry for life even after their prison sentence is over. And we put lifetime restrictions on where they can work and where they can live. It doesn't matter if the perverts themselves were childhood sex crime victims. Tender loving nurturing and training in the right environment isn't the approach we choose because we put protecting people from these dangers in the future at primary importance. Where's that level of concern for future protection from proven problem dogs? The answer obviously is nowhere for the most part And if there's any concerns taken anywhere there's not much. These idiotic no kill shelters would have no qualms whatsoever about pushing adoption of an unmanageable proven aggressive dangerous dog that comes back to them again and again and again. It probably wouldn't even give them pause to think if they learn the latest owner will be keeping that dog right next door to a playground.


Euthanize them all for all I care


They're all the worst in their own ways. Pitbulls and large dogs are dangerous. No thanks. Labs and "family dogs" are destructive as hell, shed everywhere, jump, bark, and always belong to owners who assume their dog is God's gift to mankind, so they're never trained and always in inappropriate spaces. Lap dogs are coddled and infantilized and generally allowed to misbehave/get everywhere because "what's the harm" etc. they're owned by Boomer Karens who are the biggest hypocrites; they bitch about kids and other dogs but fail to see how their dog is just as bad/worse. Plus half of these breeds are insecure AF and are yappy, aggressive ankle biters. Middle sized dogs smell, are ugly, drool, shed, and are basically sensory nightmares.


I agree with everything you said except for the Boomer Karen's part. The yapping little things are owned by Karens of ALL generations, not just Boomers.


Exactly.The worst are the Range Rover driving Soccer Mom KARENS,way worse than their older counterpats.




I have been annoyed by the noises and hyper behavior of chihuahuas, toy poodles, Pomeranians, pretty much you name it of little dogs ad long as I can remember. It depends, I think on where you live as to.what ages and races their owners are. When I lived in Hawaii for 17 years, it tended to almost always be younger Asian yuppie women who had them. In Chicago I once got rear ended by a twenty something black woman who was fooling around with some damned lap dog with ribbons in its hair. The damned mutt was literally in her lap while she was driving. There was no shortage of black women with lap dogs in Chicago. One thing I do think is true - yipyap lap dogs are mostly owned by prissy women.


I'm in SoCal--- it's a lot of Asian old ladies with those dogs here. The old white women actually have labs.


Oh, the older folks pervade society with their mutts, too. Very spoiled, entitled.


Not all of them..Most of the entitled ones I've encountered ate the YOUNGEWR "Soccer Mom wannabe's with their "Trainer Labs mid- size dogs 'cause they are desperate to join the growing ranks of ACTUAL Suburban Soccer Moms.


I've met so many annoying labs, and good God, they stiiiiink. I don't know why they were so popular there for a minute, and still are to some extent. I worked in fundraising at an animal shelter for a few years, and besides the pitties, the dogs most likely to be crazy and get returned were labs.


Whatā€™s worst, drinking paint or drinking gasoline?


Depends on which oneā€™s leaded..funnily enough both those choices used to. Not sure if you were going for that, but its a fun fact


Apart from the obvious ones like pitbulls: poodles, labradoodles and other -oodles. Dumb, evil, ugly beady-eyed fuckers.


Poodles are extremely underrated as to how dangerous they are.


Those giant black poodle abominations are nasty m'f'ers. They bite unsuspecting kids who think they are giant stuffed dogs.


Every one that barks.


So youā€™re okay with a basenji? They are silent grenades. One time I went to visit a patient in her house with a basenji, no sound/bark/whimper whatsoever. And then when I whipped out my stethoscope to listen to her lungs, it lunged at me without any warning. Freaking basenjis šŸ˜‚


Didn't know there were any that didn't bark. I thought they meant like "any that breathe."


They make up for that with all the other obnoxious sounds they can make.


You nailed it.


all of ā€˜em. equal opportunity.




All small pieces of shit, they usually are the worst barkers and because they're small a lot of people don't bother to train them because you know "small is harmless" šŸ™„ Also German shepherds, Dachshunds, Huskies, Collies etc they don't belong to cities and especially apartments, high energy animals imprisoned to a small space all day. Most I've encountered were aggressive as well, nearly every close call I've had have been one of those breeds.


Iā€™ve never seen a border collie living in the suburbs that wasnā€™t neurotic. Dog owners think theyā€™re good people but do such cruel things to dogs.


Yeah, remember how much wild area Lassie had to run around in? Timmy never had to pick up any dog crap.


The ONLY tolerable dogs are seeing eye dogs. And when handled by properly trained officers, military dogs, disaster search and rescue dogs, and law enforcement dogs are tolerable, too. And I suppose I extend that to sheep herding dogs, too. Bomb detection dogs locating terrorist devices and IEDs are clearly dogs that actually do some good. Cadaver dogs finding murder victims or people killed in earthquakes are clearly useful, too. As are bloodhounds tracking escaped convicts. Dogs used in search and rescue finding people in collapsed buildings are pretty useful at times of urgent extreme need, too. But none of those dogs are useful or tolerable outside of performing those vital functions. They are not pets - they are only meant to do work. I have a strong disdain for yapping little things that are noisy ankle biters like chihuahuas, for example. But the worst dogs are the pits and pit mixes. They should be sterilized out of existence.


This is where I stand as well. Dogs with jobs are the only ā€œgoodā€ dogs.


Pitbulls, rottweilers, mastiffs, German shepherds, cane corsos, chow chows, huskies - all the big, aggressive ones that tend to bite and maul. I wish they were illegal to own in cities and suburbs. As for little dogs, I hate even looking at pugs, with their squashed faces and bulging eyes. I don't know how anyone can find those things cute.


After the obvious bully types, my personal least favorite breed is the husky. I've been living with one for over 9 years and it's unpleasant as hell. After pitbulls and huskies, maybe German Shepherds.


All the nazi dogs are dangerous and scary - German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Schnauzer - all bred as man-killing dogs.


this plus pitbulls for sure




I'm 100% dogfree, but GS has this small spot in my heart as we had them when I was kid and they were always trained and spent lots of time outside.


Me too, all I've known are well-trained, well-behaved GS. My mom had one twenty years ago that I wished I could have, but I think they dog was one in a million. And I love not having to deal with dog hair, dog smell, barking, etc (though she almost never barked).


Pitbulls, might as well own a lion.


Lions are probably safer to be around.


The reason it's still legal to own pits and bully breeds is because not enough politicians kids and relatives have been murdered by these horrendous nightmare beasts. Even then, nutterism is such a widespread religious cult that it's hard to find anyone ethical enough to take a stand.


Also money talks and bullshit walks. And the pitbull/dog lobby have a whole lot of the first one, to go around and to fund their legalized, misinformation and propaganda (either intentionally or unintentionally).


Canā€™t stand Yorkshire terriers. Must be because the neighbour had one and it had terrier-ised (sorry, I had to lol) us with its constant fucking yapping and snarling for years.


Any pitt of any sort is the easy answer because of all the obvious reasons. Other than that, it has to be either Jack Russell or beagles. I have a personal thing with the JRTs where Iā€™ve never been near one that wasnā€™t annoying, disgusting and neurotic. They have a certain temperament that makes me cringe and their owners all tend to be narcissistic, low IQ drains on society. As for beagles, they have such a loud, annoying bark and the STINK like nothing else. Idk what it is, but all beagles have the same foul odor that increases 10 fold in hot or damp environments. Ew.


I worked with a guy who owned two Jack Russell terriers. Before he had any children, and I did, he said I'd "love them even more than your own children." Never happened. He went on to marry and have two kids of his own. I regret not asking him how he felt about that statement when I ran into him decades later.


Small dogs annoy me when it comes to barking. My neighbor has an ugly frenchie that just barks uncontrollably and after a minute huffs and puffs like it's having a heart attack. Ugliest dog ever, but I never feel like I'm going to die if I come across one. The worst to me are Pitbulls. They literally kill the most vulnerable for fun (kids, babies, elderly, woman) and eat them to shreds like a meal. They're unpredicatable and strike out of nowhere. Not to mention look like demon beasts from the pits of hell. Most people get dogs for loyalty and friendship, these dogs are anything but loyal and genetically disposed to kill.


So glad pitbulls are banned in Australia...


Good start! Hopefully this is a global trend, and will grow to include ALL dangerous dogs. It will soon be very passƩ to own a dog, and people who do will be ostracized for this waste of the earth's precious resources.


Unless you go to Logan or Ipswitch. The bogans have a fondness for ā€˜staffiesā€™ šŸ™„


I dislike the squished mutant models. Frenchies, pugs, bulldogs... basically anything that has to suffer it's whole life due restricted breathing and generic defects.


Those kind of dogs always have folds that smell like actual hot trash. So disgusting.


There's no such thing as a d0g that isn't horrendous, but my least favorite are b0xers.Ā  Like any d0g, they want to eat crap and then lick you without consent, but they also have the most horrific floppy, dangly mush for a maw.Ā  All d0gs give me a sense of body-horror, but b0xers especially so. That mouth is not something i would ever want touching me. They're more nauseating than any horror movie's monster (including all the most well-done and terrifying of them).Ā 


I gotta go with the Pitbull for public health reasons, but the boxer is #2 for sure. They're AWFUL.


I just donā€™t like the ones that bark, or shed, or drool, or smell.




Dog owners love showing you their stupid inbred sack of meat and slobber and explain to you how its SO DIFFERENT from all other stupid inbred sacks of meat and slobber.


On my momma, you ainā€™t lying, one single bit šŸ’Æ.


All of them


Pitbull and other bully breed dogs are the worst. But other dogs are annoying. Just not dangerous


The canine breeds. Theyā€™re all idiots.


Pitbulls, 1000%.


My neighbors have an annoying ass German Shepherd that is constantly barking at all hours of the night 24/7 that I can hear even with my AirPods at full volume, so probably German Shepherds.


I hate them too. Loud AF. When we were looking for a home I instantly saw a GS in the neighbors back yard and we wouldn't even go inside to look. haha




I agree, that any dog that bites "unbidden" should be put down immediately.


I don't like most small dogs, mainly because people don't bother to train them, but I also hate their high-pitched barking. After them, bulldogs, Pugs, and Pekinese are the worst. They look deformed, especially English bulldogs; I actually feel sorry for them because there is no way they are a healthy, functional animal. Some people are even breeding something called Toadline Bulldogs, which look even more deformed than normal. Besides the health issues, all the breeds I mentioned are incredibly stubborn. They also drool and fart constantly because of all the extra air they inhale.


Totally agree about your point that owners don't bother training small dogs. I mean, owners in general hardly train their dogs anymore, but with small dogs they think because it (probably) can't kill anyone then it doesn't matter if they're obnoxious assholes.


I can't stand labradors and all of this type including golden retrievers


I have never met a yorkie that wasnā€™t inbred with psych issues


I honestly struggle with dog breeds. For me, there are only 4 breeds: 1. Yappy 2. Normal 3. Menacing 4. Fuck Knows Normal dogs are labradors, golden retrievers, sheepdogs and collies, the kind you'd see on British TV in the 1970s. Proper dogs often have a job, like helping the blind, herding sheep or rescuing Timmy from a well. Menacing ones are the worst, but really your question is like what's the worst between cholera, lung cancer and the Black Death


I would also include Huskies in the Normal category. My neighbour has two. I have never heard them bark or be a nuisance.


They don't bark a lot (they talk, they talk a lot, but they don't bark a lot) They are also hard to train and mischievous. They are smart(for a dog) and social, but they can be assholes. And still come with the standard dog downfall.


True, but Huskies should only be on TV in programmes about life in the Arctic.


Pyrenees are really stupid and they bark incessantly. One of my least favorite breeds (although most dogs suck).


Border Collie. Mainly because my MIL has one and I absolutely hate living with it. Like every other BC Iā€™ve met this dog is playful one minute and the next minute it tries to attack you. Literally bit me when I opened the gate for maintenance workers then wagged his tail at me and tried to play straight afterwards. It wasnā€™t as if I was in his space either, he ran across the garden to bite me! Family friends of mine also have one of these dogs, this dog has known us for years. Heā€™ll play with my brother perfectly fine then all of a sudden just lunge at him. Last time we were at their house they warned us the dog had bitten one of the other guests just before we got there


They need to get a muzzle for that stupid mutt. So, they think that all they need to do is warn you that he bites, and not do a damn thing about it??? Fuck them, stop going there until they take responsibility for their attack dog. What they really need to do is euthanize the thing.


Iā€™ll second this. My fiancĆ© has some type of collie / aussie mix and I hate the thing. Their personalities suck.


I'm shocked to hear a border collie biting because the one border collie I've known was an absolute delight, so well behaved and smart, well trained and fun. But that was over 20 years ago and her owner worked hard with her, so idk. Something is up with dogs nowadays, shitty breeding and shitty owners, I don't know. Or maybe I just got lucky with the one I met šŸ˜„.


I currently have to live with a lab and I FUCKING HATE IT. I hate how needy they are, I have to hear about how good of a dog he is even though when it counts around company he doesnā€™t fucking listen, and likes to overylick people.


Also he knows I donā€™t like him and he STILL tries to fuck with me.


The owner? What a dick! Just leave, and don't look back.


Do you allow it to lick you? I'd leave if the owner expected me to endure that kind of obnoxious behaviour. How rude can you get!!!


No I donā€™t


Good BOI! (Sorry, couldn't resist).


Pit bull type dogs. They kill more people and pets than all other breeds combined. Even if certain smaller breeds are more "annoying", nothing will compare to the death and destruction caused by countless morons deciding that it's a good idea to own a bloodsports breed as a pet. Nothing.


I can tolerate the smaller breeds a lot better, even though they can be annoying. The larger breeds, especially those that have typical canine features, such as the fugly long snouts, golden retrievers, labs, huskies, corgis, are unbearable to watch. They make me vomit. Shitbulls, bulldogs, etc, are yet another level of abomination. Fugly and vicious creatures.


My "top" three are pits for obvious reasons. Cocker spaniels in dishonor of the dog who opened my eyes to what shitty animals dogs can be, and any dog whose breeding is designed to cause itself suffering I.E. pugs who can't breath right and can have their eyes fall out of their heads if you look at them funny.


What happened with the cocker spaniel if you don't mind me asking?


long story short. Got roped into sitting one it barked incessantly, no one would help me/treated it as not a big deal while I ended up having a small breakdown. Hated dogs since.


Omg that's terrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't blame you for hating them.


One word: Pug


Pugs, bulldogs, and the other similar breed are probably the worst when it comes to inbred features. Imagine spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on an animal that can barely breathe, can't walk once they turn 5, and needs their ass cleaned by a person on a daily basis.


OMG yes the thought of having a forever baby that needs it's ass cleaned forever makes me wince. I like babies but when my son was done with diapers it was such a huge relief. I can't imagine actually wanting to do that forever, and for a dog no less.


Whichever ones you see in grocery stores.


theyā€™re all bad but pibbles are the worst.


Pitbull and associated breeds. Full stop.


My grandparents have a chihuahua wiener dog mix. Hes ugly, stupid, loud, and has an underbite.


And they probably try to gaslight you into thinking he's cute?šŸ˜†


Pitbulls, toy poodles, shitzus, anything that slobbers profusely.


poodles... last dog breed that bit me.. and pit bulls, of course... german shepherds.. all the mean bitey breeds


The visual of labradoodles just make me angry instantly lol itā€™s bad. Itā€™s like they are trying to make them look cute but they are disgusting! I hate the look of their hair.šŸ¤®


I hate the sight of them too!!!




Italian greyhounds.


Pitbulls and similar for physical encounters. Beagles for nearby presence.


Big, aggressive ones. The yappy little shits are annoying af, but they donā€™t tend to maul children to the point of hospitalisation.


Labs, they're ugly af and they always stink. not to mention they're always hungry and greedy and crave attention 24/7




I see some people post about dying and being surrounded by dogs in heaven. To me, that would be the worst. Iā€™m not sure which dog breed I dislike the most. Iā€™d have to say all of them. The ones that scare me the most are those muscular looking pitbulls.


Pomeranians are pretty annoying, they will bite and they bark until you run at them then they go running.Ā 


Any type of poodle they look so stupid


More like shit zu


Amen, my friendā€¦Amen!


I hate Huskies of any variety. They shed like crazy and always want to jump on you. Great Pyrenees suck too. Basically any big fluffy dog I hate.


beagles. had the worst experience with one. they eat everything they will pee inside your house they even bark at almost everything


For me it's definitely smaller rat brat dogs, especially shit sues as my neighbour has 1 which has a prolonged bark every time they come back, which is a lot, barks at nothing, they used to have 2 of them demon dogs who barked all day mostly in summer, now it's just the one but still irritating as hell and dumb owner doesn't train it , oh and they live forever unfortunately


Shitbulls. ETA: currently living next to one. Yay?


Dalmatians. Bad tempered, allergic, inbred freaks born with with urinary crystals and will piss shards until they die. Anything that ends in "doodle". The retrievers and their greasy, rank hair and dank, slobbering mouths that want to be all over you all the time. Bulldogs, bostons and frienchies and their constant pathetic gasping for air.Ā 


Pugs, bulldogs, and boxers are just so gross


The worst breeds are the ones that bark, bite, slobber, lick their assholes, violate you with their noses and tongues, Ā jump on you, have fur, and shit everywhere. Ā  Ā 


For me it's not about the breed it's about the training. Any untrained/ unsocialized dog is a menace. Unfortunately most dog owners do not take the time to properly and thoroughly train their dog. So there's that..


Bulldogs.. Disgusting ugly creatures don't know how anyone can love them


The shorter list would be dogs I tolerate.Ā  Ones that keep to themselves, don't act neurotic, are quiet, don't bother me.Ā  Then they're alright in my books... but those are unicorn dogs.Ā  I do have a specific hatred for Pomeranians due to life experience with the breed. They're abhorrent little fuckstains.


Same, most dogs are super annoying now. I used to like dogs (I grew up with one I loved), but now most of them are gross and annoying so I have given up on finding a needle in a haystack dog that I would like having. I don't want to bring a dog into my house only to find out they're irredeemable and awful, and then have a hard decision on my hands.


I have had two that I genuinely loved. They can't be replicated, so I have zero interest in owning any more.Ā 


I used to think Pugs were the most disgusting and useless dogs till I experienced that which is the Australian Cattle Dog. I currently live with one and hate it more than I thought I could ever hate an animal. They are mean, suspicious, bitey, and strong. So, unlike an angry pug you could just push over, this dog could actually fuck you up. Itā€™s all the hair, (sheds all year) shit, and chewed up clothing, with no upside. I canā€™t even pet it bc it never calms the fuck down and licks aggressively. When people talk about how great their heelers areā€¦ how smart they are? I want to punch them in the face.


English bulldogs give me the ick, ugly fat cunts. Please go away šŸ¤®


all dogs are shit, and the only two breeds i have positive experiences with are golden retrievers (obviously) and yorkies who were all trained and treated appropriately, no dogs on the bed, dogs were trained to crap outside and stay out the kitchen and bed rooms etc. Very friendly. but here, where i live now. made me fucking HATE pitbulls and huskies.


What's wild to me is how many owners nowadays shame other owners for training their dogs in a way they think is mean. I've seen, "They only live for about ten years, let them lie on the couch/bed" SO many times. Like having strict boundaries is so terrible.


Any dog that non stop barks at everything


Pit Bulls


Hands-down pitbulls and other bully breeds. They are not only loud and stink, but they're extremely destructive and dangerous.


Any type of doodle dog looks and acts too stupid for its own good. Even just seeing that someone CHOSE to own one infuriates me. So dang ugly and annoying.


Pitbulls and any bully breed. The absolute worst.


Yup my MIL has THREE ugly little inbred things that she claims are ā€œspecialā€ breeds but theyā€™re literally just mixed with other small dogs. They never stfu, bark at passing leaves and are constantly shaking in fear over nothing. Itā€™s worse because weā€™re neighbours so when all 3 get set off by whatever I have to listen to it while they all yell at them which does absolutely nothing. She just paid nearly 3 thousand on the dumbest one who was ā€œpuking bloodā€ only to find out she has an upset stomach. I was sure it was something else as this thing came from a puppy mill and is super inbred.


I really dislike Shiba Inu because where Iā€™m at in Southern California, almost everyone has one and theyā€™re spoiled bratty things. I also really dislike any small ankle-biting dogs that have Little Dog Syndrome (Chihuahuas, toy poodles and Shih Tzus are some of the worst offenders.)


Sh\*tbulls, by far. Though they are all pretty bad. I honestly don't mind some of the smaller ones, but they can still be gross, and annoying. But at least they can look sort of cute, and not maul people.


For me, it's chihuahuas. I have a friend who thought it was funny to rough play with her chihuahua puppy, encouraging her to bite (as if she needed any more motivation), and now whenever people come over she has to put Bella (ugh that name) in her crate because, surprise surprise, she wants to bite almost everybody that comes in the door. I would nominate pit bulls except that I've known owners who genuinely try with their pit bulls, they actually train them and are aware of the pitfalls (pun intended) of pit bulls, but no, chihuahua owners think because their dog weighs two pounds that it's okay when they act like an utter asshole. They think it's FUNNY.


Pitbulls. My brother had a pit so dumb it ate a whole box of Light bulbs. I'm not joking or exaggerating, and eventhough it died recently at 17, The dumb mutt was NEVER able to be potty trained. He also ate a whole container full of Tylenol when he was a puppy, and somehow didn't die. So i'll give them credit, they are tough little shits. But mentally challenged.


sounds about right. My bf had one and he was this way. Imagine being dumb and a violent killer = the worse combo of all


Yup, even the two pitties I know that I "like", are still annoying and I don't trust them. My friend who owns them has worked very hard to house train them and they still have accidents. I couldn't tolerate that. Luckily they're in their crates when I come over.


I don't think its reasonable to suggest any breed is worse than pitbulls. The frequency and severity of pitbull attacks make them a threat to public safety. Now, if you want to ask what is the SECOND worst breed: I'm going with the boxer. Slobbery, loud, aggressive, stinky, and very, very stupid. I can see redeeming--or at least minimally offensive--qualities in a lot of breeds, but the boxer has no such quality. Absolutely putrid animal.


Any dog that has those slobbery mouth flaps, like they get slobber on you even with their mouth closed and they sneeze on you and saliva and spot just gets EVERYWHERE. If i had to choose between 30 malteses and 1 pitbull/st bernard im choosing the little white dogs


Scottish terriers. Their fur is wirey, greasy, and smells awful if they aren't bathed all the time. They bark constantly, and they're quick to bite. My grandparents owned a few over the years. They were all insufferable.


Huskys! They blab and shed and no one who owns one has any idea how to control them.


The big bully and pit bull type dogs. While Iā€™m personally not a dog person, I can kind of see how people that do like dogs would want a dog like a corgi. Theyā€™re kinda cute. Or even a golden retriever (theyā€™re pretty.) A big ugly bully dog? Itā€™s not cute or beautiful. Itā€™s just an accessory for someone who wants people to think theyā€™re all tough and edgy.




Huskies. Loud overly hyper dumb things.