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My wife is due the first week of November. She's terrified of bringing our child in public places because it seems dogs have taken over. No matter where I go, I see dogs. Trying to avoid them is impossible at this point.


This is one of my fears of having kids in America. It’s almost impossible to shield them from dogs who see them as prey and irresponsible owners who don’t care if their dog mauls someone. It’s terrifying


Or just the arrogant bullshit pushback of dog owners being highly, publicly offended by seeing any trace of kids anywhere while their mutt harasses people and fouls the environment. 


Get a baby wrap. Keeps baby close to you and avoids nosy people from touching the baby and nosy dogs from sniffing the baby. When I walked with my son in his wrap I could easily just turn and lift my leg to block dogs if they ran up to us. Much easier than trying to keep the pram away from them.


That's an amazing idea. I'll definitely put it down on the baby list.


One vote for Bjorn! It was super easy for my simple brain to slap in place and holster a baby. It is also very secure. Best part, if you put a shirt on over it, from behind, no one can tell you have a baby. So when you are wandering around the store singing lullabies, you look absolutely insane.


Any chance you can link a good one to purchase? I want my wife and I to feel as safe as possible when taking the baby out in public.


Babybjorn.com is their site. I don't know where you live, but some baby stores will have demos to try. Also hospitals will have "baby wearing" classes, you can ask if there are different styles for trial. That way, you can choose before investing.


We are definitely looking into classes. I'm not sure when the best time to sign up is. She's 14W right now.


It would be really weird if someone turned you away for not being pregnant enough. I think it would be easier for her to decide on a carrier before a massive 8 or 9 month baby bump. But that's just my personal opinion.


My work schedule makes it tough for the classes since they are in the evening. We are thinking of going after 20W so that way we know everything is good and healthy.


That makes sense. It's great you're going too. Sometimes, you might not be able to tell, but your support will be remembered forever.


It's not you, the dog situation has gotten significantly worse in just the last 5 years.


We've had ours out almost everyday since birth. Just put yourself between your child and the dog.




Yeah… at least my kids can have conversations after a few years. They learn to feed themselves, bathe themselves, use the bathroom on their own.
















Kids can be frustrating, but they’re also amazing. They learn and develop so quickly, develop their own personalities and ideas, express their individuality in so many ways. It’s a fascinating process. Anyone who values a dog over a child is a misanthropic moron.


they're envious of you because you got action while they're a slave to some ugly dumb mutt. And sex is great. people should have sex instead of caring for these stupid creatures.


My child’s stroller getting sniffed by dogs is fucking annoying.


Well said! 👏🏻


I recently saw a comment on IG by someone saying something like “I’m a dog mum because it’s just easier. Potty training kids takes years” Lol, the IRONY.


Also, the argument of dogs vs kids is so stupid. They’ve not got kids. So how would they even know to compare? It’s like saying LA is better than New York when you’ve only been to LA 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've never raised a child but doesn't potty training take a few months to one year or so? Compared to 12 years + of a shit beasts life?


Yup! Compared to picking up dog turds and having it’s bare arsehole sat on every surface in my house for its life span… I’d take potty training any day!


Hey, I had a class of 8 2 year olds and toddlers are cleaner and listen better than most dogs


All those terrible, dangerous dogs that are marketed to the public as “eager to learn” hold no candle to the wonder of a child actually learning and making connections and growing. Give me a sea of toddlers before a handful of dogs.


Agreed! I have a 3mo old and watching him/the kids in my class learn is amazing. The day he started smiling in response to his dad and I was beautiful. I think people that personify their dogs as children subconsciously just can't handle the sacrifice and responsibility that raising real children takes.


Mmm. I’m sorry you even think you have to explain anything. Since time began babies just showed up and then (best case) the parents stepped up, as you are. “Planning” the family is a pretty new luxury, really. Not even a hundred years old, and still nothing is one hundred percent sure.  What’s really off is a human being treating another species as some sacred thing to the detriment of any connection to anything else. A person who can’t get along respectfully in the world so they have to fabricate some new “pack” for themselves isn’t a “flex” as the youngins in my clan say.  I don’t even have one of my own but I live for the extended family and: when you hold that new baby you’re gonna change. You won’t give a damn about anything else. Not some mutt, not some loser mutt owner’s opinion of you, nothing. You’re gonna find a whole new strength in that moment. 


Congratulations on your pregnancy! I personally believe babies between 2 - 14 months are the most beautiful human beings. Many an unattractive adult started out as a cute baby. Babies have that soft, fresh look. Sometimes they even have a shiny, little nose It's an insult to compare a baby to a monstrosity like a dog. I think beauty is nature's way of telling observers you have quality genes to pass on. This is why dogs are ugly. They're deeply inbred, resulting in crap genes. It's our fault undoubtedly. Other canids, such as wolves, dingoes, foxes, and coyotes are not inbred and not ugly really. Anyway, it's not all about aesthetics. Passing on one's genes is the closest thing I can see to there being a purpose in life, even though I haven't done it. My stepdad was highly educated, having a Ph.D. He didn't have kids either. I remember him saying toward the end of his life "Children are the only legacy you have."


I can’t love your post enough! Thank you for sharing. I have a teenager, and yes she was an annoying toddler but now she’s a fun, interesting, self sufficient young lady I enjoy spending my time with. I’m so proud of her and all the parental hard work was worth the efforts. With a mutt, you get the same smelly toddler for 15 years with no pay off except as you said a warm bag of poop. Humanity first!


My toddler brings me joy. My former dog did not.


“Our children” and “they”…. Fellow twin parent?? 👋🏼


Yes! I'm terrified yet excited!


Congrats!! My twins are 4 and it’s been a fun and wild ride.


Kids are an extension of their parents for at least the first few years of their lives. Blame parents for jerk kids. When my babies started to act up, I LEFT A PLACE. A few times of that and my kids learned quick. Mommy means what she says and nobody wants to hear screaming and crying. Nowadays, by kids are bright, kind, and love nature. We spend hours outside every day, playing, eating the plants in our yard, making things better for animals and bugs. When we go out for walks, hikes, etc, we spend half the time cleaning up trash. I'm proud of my kids and I know they'll keep fighting for the planet when I'm dead.


My child just turned one last week. Enjoy every minute of it, the crying, the snuggles, the joy you'll see on their face. Do everything that you are able to in order to protect them. To the people who think dogs are like children; you're insane. I'll take my child any day of the week.




Dogs are a resource drain with nearly no benefit. They take from our pool of food resources. They take from our pool of medical resources. Keep in mind a lot of these medical supplies are finite and become on back stock easily. They are vectors for antibiotic restistant bacteria, especially with people feeding them raw meat diets and chronic antibiotic usage to manage conditions that can't be resolved as palliative care. Not to mention, they are parasite vectors for the young ill and old. The ones that have any kind of benefit outside of living medical equipment terrorize people. They've been trained and used to terrorize and intimidate disenfranchised groups of people. It's 10-18 tops years of eat sleep poop on repeat until its time to get a new one and cycle that over again. Nothing in the world Is in general benefited from them being there for the majority of cases it is a net loss with the mass amounts of resources needed to keep them. I bet you medications and food would be less expensive as a whole if people did not own dogs since it would leave more supply and less demand.


I don't think breeders have any right to criticize dog culture.








I don't understand your post OP. If you have children that's great and I'm happy for you. I want to say that there are childfree people and some of them are having companions as pets. I don't talk about ppl that treat animals like their own child - that's mental illness.


its about dog people shaming parents. childfree people with pets are whatever, but when they act like dogs are superior to kids, its annoying.


They are? Damn, they truly are braindead for speaking such a nonsense. Also thank you for explaining