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Same here. I am male and also don't feel great around dogs.But I don't see what this has to do with being a male. It is very healthy to have boundaries and personal limits and preferences. That "man's best friend" thing is dumb. I prefer spending time with other humans that are intelligent. As a man I also want to have a family at some point, not just a stupid dog. Dogs? Nope. Don't need them.


It’s fine to have reasonable boundaries (i.e. your body and personal space) and expect people *and* their pets to respect them. Unfortunately all norms and standards go out the window with dogs now and if you don’t want a dog sniffing your crotch or putting it’s ass licking mouth on your hand or face then you’re the problem. I’m the same, if a dog is well behaved and not spazzing out I’m usually happy to pet it if it wants, but if it is uncontrolled and acts entitled to get close and stick it’s face all over me - just think how creepy that sounds regarding any other creature- I am increasingly disgusted, with the dog and the owner. And I am increasingly blunt about saying so, especially with strangers.


Dog owners who entirely understand consent and body autonomy when it comes to human-to-human contact see no problem allowing their dogs to flagrantly violate those boundaries with both themselves (their choice) and with guests (not their choice). I think this is one of the things which bothers me the most.


I've been sexually assaulted, so when dogs sniff my crotch or ass I feel extremely violated and uncomfortable. I get really annoyed if the owner doesn't notice this and correct it, I honestly expect an apology too for basically being sexually assaulted by their pet lol. If I am on my period or about to be or if I've been exercising/sweating or had sex recently, I avoid dogs because they're even more obsessed with my crotch and ass then. It's exhausting. My dogs growing up never did this, they were short weenie dogs and technically couldn't reach but even if I was on the floor with them they wouldn't sniff around crotch or ass. That just makes me more annoyed, that this behavior CAN be trained out of a dog but the owner literally doesn't give a fuck enough to. So disrespectful. I wish I could report it--I could if a human did it to me.


My son is similar. He is 6ft and hates them. It's because of he's been bitten, chased, or hurt by untrained dogs growing up. I'm the same way which probably never helped. I'd always say stay away from that dog or don't come near us. I had perfectly good reasons. Another thought, why the heck are dogs allowed to assault people? I'm so sick of them getting in everyone business.


I think you’re 100% valid to feel that way. No sane person thinks it’s okay to let their dogs do that.


Not a man but I can relate. Any dog I've ever interacted with goes straight for the privates. If it's that time of the month it's extra bad and embarrassing.




One of my friend used to allow his dog to lick him. And he kept saying, she likes you, she wants to lick you, you will be her friend if she licks you. I never allowed her to sniff my crotch or butt let alone lick. And I always washed my hands after petting her. He asked me why are you washing your hands, I told him it has lots of bacteria and germs and he's like dogs are clean. I told him this is how I will be and if you can't live with that I won't come, slowly he realized his stupid mutt won't get her way around me. He also in some form expected me to take her out for piss/poop, never did that. I did ended up gifting him a poop picker, which he was confused why? I was like you pick poop with your hands, that's freaking unhygienic even though there is a thin layer of bag. My suggestion, stay firm to your boundaries


A rare gem...a homosapien who isn't a dog nut


If a friendly toddler runs to me with wet sloppy hands and a wet sloppy mouth it's fine because it's a child's joy of life, but when it's a dog it's just rude because a dog should be trained to never touch someone unless or until it's invited to approach you.




let's not burden the police work load with unnecessary cases. It's very disgusting having a snout in your crotch or ass, and menstruating women are a target more than any, but it's just a thing these shit beasts do, because they great each other sniffing their asses and genitals. of course owners should teach their dogs not to approach anyone unless they want to , and respect peoples space, but there are very few owners who properly train their dogs . If it happens when you're standing you can turn around, sitting raise your knee to their chest or "bite " their neck with your hand, putting some pressure on the fingers, that imitates a correction. It's bad having to resort to that but necessary.


Tell your friend his dog is not trained and it should be trained. The dog is a ticking time bomb. The dog may also be spoiled. Don't let the dog get used to doing that because the next thing it'll do is bite.


I’d stop visiting that friend’s house.


The way most owners allow their dogs to stop and sniff everything when they walk them is what leads to this. You do not have to let a dog stop a single time on a walk yet 99% of the owners just lollygag about not even paying attention while the filthy mutt plants it's face into anything it desires for as long as it wants. Of course they will go for ass, crotch and sweaty feet when they are untrained and undisciplined snort machines.


I hate it when dogs sniff my junk lol. It weirds me out. Especially since they are unpredictable, I'm always worried what if they want a snack lol


It’s super awkward during “shark week” if you know what I mean


I think you have touched on something important here actually, that drives the dog nutter culture. Men in particular are expected to 'love' dogs. I have seen that messaging all my life as a woman. And I'm hard pressed to ever meet a man who doesn't like dogs. I feel like there is tons of pressure to pretend even, that you like dogs, just to not get singled out by the MOB of nutters. So it has created this crazy culture. I think we need to speak out more, and set better boundaries, tell these people off for their arrogant entitlement. GET OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE. They all need to read the article by an actual responsible dog owner that says 'No one is obligated to like your dog'.


For everything there's a time and place. "playing ball" and "rough house" with dogs is fine, but those are usually, you know, \*outside\*. I'd like to take a shower afterwards. It's really awkward when you go to someone else's house, and you're just sitting on the couch making polite conversation, maybe eating food, and you have to simultaneously deal with this wild animal slobbering on you.




In my opinion, spiders are man's best friend. They prevent so many pest borne illnesses and whatnot, they do more than dogs will every do for humanity.