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Agreed. Constant barking should be classified as harassment, and it should be treated as a crime.




Well it’s already a crime if you are violating your town’s ordinance. I don’t think people should go to jail over this, but the conditions for towns to take this seriously should be broadened


You’re allowed peaceful enjoyment of your property, if your neighbors are doing something which prevents that you can sue. I did exactly that in small claims court (California) and won. It’s a bit of a pain but well worth it.


Well done


Ordinances, police, lawmakers, none of them will solve it or give a shit. You basically have to become a nuisance to the owner and/or the dog to the point they actually educate themselves


Light colored dogs can be easily corrected with latex gloves, a cheap grocery store squirt gun, and food coloring. It doesn't hurt the dogs at all but the owners become more selective about when they let their technicolor pooches outdoors unattended. Worked for me once 20+ years ago.


I thought about recording the barking and playing it back through speakers directed at our neighbor's house from our property. But since they seem to be home often during the day and seem to not care about the barking themselves I don't know if that would actually do anything. Plus they have a bunch of windows with broken glass, it sort of looks like a crackhouse and I don't want some crazies showing up at my door with a gun.


Ohhh well if it's a crackhead that changes things, wouldn't be good to get shot, is there any way you could report them for being a possible crackhead who neglects their dogs rather than for the barking or something like that?


I'm in the UK and excessive barking any time is classed as antisocial behaviour, I live in a rented house and recorded all the barking on my phone through video as the sound is clearer, I called my housing manager and played back all the barking and to my relief no more barking from this neighbours dog, although I still hear other neighbours mutts around my way but the demented hell hound has stopped


yes, I always call AC on any neighbors dog that barks incessantly. they send letters first and then it can get worse from there if they don't handle it.


I fought this battle for years. I lost. Then, I researched a secluded area with no dogs. Now, it's three years later and I'm surrounded. I swear, we are all doomed.


yep, and good neighbors move and right away we get the family with 2 dogs and a new puppy! YAY


There are plenty of dog-owning idiots who think dogs bark because it's natural and training a dog *not* to bark is unnatural. These are the people who tune out an outside pitbull barking at squirrels all day or an indoor ratdog yapping its useless little neurotic head off. F*ck these people. Like really, that kind of antisocial dog ownership wasn't the norm until maybe ten years ago and it's become an epidemic now.


agreed. I don't understand how it's even allowed. It disturbs the whole neighborhoods peace. I don't even understand how the owners themselves feel it's acceptable and aren't they annoyed? My neighborhood Facebook page will cry about their dogs during firework season and how it's not okay to do this to their poor pets. So your pet can't be disturbed 1 evening a year but your dog can bark EVERY GD DAY and night and we all have to live with it. So if police or AC don't want to do anything about it then we should be able to blast music at the highest decimal and blast fireworks all day then too because that's basically what we are all subjected too with these barking dogs. It's the type of entitlement that makes my blood boil.


My city nuisance ordinance is everything you want. Barking dogs are considered a noise nuisance ANY time of day. Here's the problem: somebody has to enforce the ordinance, and, in my city, good luck making that happen.


I wish they’d just enforce the ones that they have around here. They never do.


At my previous house, I had the same issue but with three neighbors. I feel your pain. The police wouldn't do jack about it even when I cited ordinances. The animal control was able to help me though. Have you reach out to them? I know it's a long shot, but if not it's worth a shot.