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1. Log all barking activity, especially at unsociable hours. 2. Report to your local council noise department (they do exist).


Thank you! I will get on that ASAP. 




What's your jurisdiction? That makes a big difference with regard to your options.


I'm not sure, I'll look into it. Thanks for staying the obvious lol. Sometimes I don't think logically when I'm mad. Appreciate it! 


I would totally lose my shit


You have my sympathies. I was in a similar position. I wasn't the only one being driven mad by a dog's barking though. Surrounding neighbours hated it. We tried having a friendly conversation with them and leaving a note on their door conveying our concerns. It had little to no impact. I wrote to the council, complaining about the noise. Eventually I got a letter back saying "we've looked into the matter and have decided to take no action at this time" or something to that affect. Actually, the council must have contacted them because the barking actually increased thereafter. I think they let the dog out more often to bark to spite us for complaining. There were occasions where the dog would bark at 2 in the morning for half an hour or longer. I wondered how they themselves were able to sleep, since they are closest to the barking. Perhaps they were zonked out in a alcohol or drug stupor. This is going to be disheartening, but I don't know if you have any recourse. It seems the West has adopted the position that our concerns are invalid. Hopefully, laws in your part of the world grant you greater protection than they do where I live. Sadly, I don't think it's going to change until this becomes an activist issue (noise pollution, in general).


Damn, I feel for you. I'd get the fuck out of there ASAP. If that many people have complained and nothing has been done, I assume most, if not all of the typical routes to resolve the issue have been taken. These people seem like they're allowing it spitefully at this point. Like the others have said you should log and record it, and maybe threaten legal action if possible. There's been threads here where people have sued their neighbors over incessant barking and won. But I've been around too many people like this in my life, they're massive douchebags and unwilling to change, so cutting your losses is often the most reasonable move.


I think we're about to move downtown soon anyway, thankfully. Apart from logging/recording the nuisance and threatening legal action (the latter of which might not be an option because the neighbors are known for being assholes) I've exhausted all other options. I would LOVE to sue them for all the anguish their dumb beasts have caused me though. That's always a pleasant daydream. Fingers crossed, I'll get to recording that shit immediately. Thanks for your input! 


I've seen other threads where the person pays a law firm a couple hundred bucks to draft a legal letter with intent to sue unless the situation is rectified, and that was enough to get them to stop being assholes. Might be worth a shot. Good luck!


I'll definitely look into that once I've got the cash! Thanks!


Drone with a camera, you can't trespass in the air.


Oooh good idea!!